• Reference
  • Title
  • Date free text
    2 January 1893
  • Production date
    From: 1854 To: 1893
  • Scope and Content
    Parties: (i) Rev Thomas Lingard Green of Sudbury [Suffolk]; (ii) Francis, 10th Duke of Bedford; (iii) William Edward Sackville West, late lieutenant-colonel, Grenadier Guards of Limegrove, Bangor [North Wales]; Sackville Arthur Cecil, esquire, of The Oasthouse, Hayes Common, Bromley [Kent] Reciting: - R6/19/2/7; - conveyance of 26 August 1861 from John Samuel Tanqueray to John Green of Woburn, of all propertry in R6/19/2/7; - R6/19/2/8; - R6/19/2/9; - death of John Green on 4 June 1885 and proof of his will in Northampton DPR 8 July 1885; - description of the property in the three schedules of R6/19/2/7 is in the first three parts of Schedule 1 below and land described in R6/19/2/8 is in fourth part of Schedule 1 below; - a description of all properties with Ordnance Survey numbers is Schedule 2 below - will of Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford of 7 May 1861 devising to trustees his real estate of which (ii) was now tenant for life ; - death of Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford on 14 May 1861 and proof of his will and two codicils in PPR on 31 July 1861; - (iii) were the present trustees of the will of Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford Operative Part: - (iii) by direction of (ii) paid £3,150 to (i); - (i) conveyed all property in Schedule 1 which was the same as that in Schedule 2 Habendum: - to (iii) as trustees Schedule 1 Part 1 (a) messuage wherein John Gregory the elder and younger dwelt no partly in occupation of William Gower at Higher Berry End, Eversholt; (b) two dwellinghouses partly converted from and partly added to (a) by James Smith formerly in the occupation of Richard Large and John Taylor, now John Carr and one unoccupied; (c) dwellinghouse built by James Smith adjoining (b) in occupation of James Major; (d) two dwellinghouses (formerly one) near (a) formerly in occupation of Jacob Allen, then Mary Gregory then Elizabeth Potts, then James Sudbury and Joseph Bettle now unoccupied and James Hudson; (e) old close of pasture of 3 acres, 1 rood, 14 poles formerly called Madder Croft alias Marle Croft and since one of four freehold closes lying near and held with (a) containing together 17 acres, some time since incorporated with two leasehold pightles of 2 acres and 1½ acres comprised in Schedule 3 and forms one close called Dovehouse Close of 6 acres, 3 roods, 14 poles exclusive of The Green and a lane called Marl Croft Lane lately laid to it; (f) small pightle of pasture adjoining (a) comprising 2 roods, 22 poles laid to land in Schedule 2 called Upper Hays Gates; (g) pightle of pasture adjoining (a) called The Green of 1 rood, 26 poles laid to Dovehouse Close; (h) orchard or pasture near (a) of 1 acre, 1 rood, 35 poles exclusive of a former lane or common in Schedule 2; (i) old close of pasture called Barn Close of 5 acres, 2 roods, 30 poles exclusive of a small part of Lower Hays Gates Close and Walls Green in Schedule 2 which had been laid to it and which was formerly two closes called Great Barns Close and Little Barns Close formerly forming two of the four closes of 17 ares noted in (e) (a)-(i) (except the messuage inhabited by Jacob Allen) formerly in the occupation of James Potts, then Samuel Harris, now William Gower Schedule 1 Part 2 (j) allotment of land in Higher Berry End consisting of two old closes some time since belonging to Duke of Bedford, an old inclosure called Walls Green which belonged to the Town Estate trustees and common land formerly used as a lane containing together 7 acres, 3 roods, 18 poles bounded: E by Ridgmont Road; E and NW and N by old inclosures of Dame Elizabeth Monoux ; every other part by inclosures in Schedule 1; Walls Green and part of Lower Hays Gate Close laid to (i) and the former lane laid to (h), remainder including a piece of land called The Pightle also on Schedule 1 now form Upper Hays Gate and Lower Hays Gate; (k) land consisting of old inclosure called Woodcroft which had belonged to John Gregory and containing 4 acres, 3 roods, 25 poles exclusive of right of way along land adjoining Woburn Park Wall, bounded: NW and SW by old inclosure of Duke of Bedford; SE by old inclosure called Little Field; SE and NE by (i) (j)-(k) awarded on 28 July 1808 to Mary Gregory Schedule 1 Part 3 (l) pasture ground of 2 acres abutting: SE on Ridgmont Lane; SW Little Field formerly of Thomas Hillersden, then Brewster in occupation of William Pratt; NE Marle of Madder Croft Lane now laid open to it; (m) former pightle of pasture of 1½ acres next Walls Green North on which a dovehouse formerly stood (l)-(m) some time since laid together with Dovehouse Close Schedule 1 Part 4 (n) piece of arable of 21 poles, part of close at Higher Berry End, Eversholt, the rest being conveyed to trustees of will of Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford Schedule 2 [as shown on included plan] (a) Ordnance Survey No. 10 - 4 acres, 3 roods, 29 poles of arable; (b) OS 13 - 4 acres, 35 poles of arable; (c) OS 15 - buildings, 1 acre 15 poles; (d) OS 11 - 6 acres, 1 rood, 16 poles of pasture; (e) OS 12 - 8 acres, 1 rood, 19 poles of pasture; (f) OS 14 - 3 roods, 25 poles of pasture; (g) 3 acres, 2 roods, 37 poles of pasture Total: 28 acres, 3 roods, 17 poles Witnesses: - Thomas Tacy Wing, Bedford Office; - Patrick Purcell, sergeant instructor of Drill Hall, Sudbury [Suffolk]
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