• Reference
  • Title
    Attested copy of lease and release of manors, lands and hereditaments at Kempston, in trust to sell. Frances Cater to Thomas Beaumont and Rev Woolley Leigh Spencer.
  • Date free text
    19 Feb 1796
  • Production date
    From: 1796 To: 1796
  • Scope and Content
    undivided third of and in: -Lordships and manors of Kempston Grays alias Hastingsbury and Kempston Hardwick with the rights, members and appurtenances thereof and all the franchises, privileges, views of frankpledge, courts leets and courts baron, royalties and incidents. - capital messuage and mansion house in Kempston called The Place with outhouses, malthouse, barns stables, orchard and garden and close of pasture belonging - close of pasture called Berry Close - close of pasture called the Warren - close called Church Close - close called Great Dixlands - coppices and woods at Wood End, Kempston, containing 87 acres by estimation - farm in Wood End, Kempston heretofore in the occupation of John Hudson, and all lands, meadow and pasture belonging thereto - close called Stockings in Green End, Kempston, formerly in occupation of John Hudson - arable ground containing 15 acres abutting highway to Bedford and in tenure of James Marriott - 2 closes pasture and 7 acres arable in Box End, Kempston, heretofore in occupation of Thomas Freeman - close of pasture called Colemans Close in Box End, Kempston, heretofore in occupation of Andrew Miller - close called water close in Wood End, Kempston, formerly in occuparion of William Fletcher - 6 acres arable in Ham Field heretofore in occupation of John Barker - close of pasture called Wiled Close on West End Kempston heretofore in occupation of Robert Davison - meadow in Box End, Kempston in occupation of William Allen - close of pasture called Little Betts in the occupation of John Cooper - Leys adjoining Box Meadow containing 1.5 acres heretofore in occupation of Francis Roff - Leys in Marsh Field containing 2 acres by estimation heretofore in occupation of Francis Roff - 18 acres arable dispersed in common fields of Kempston heretofore in occupation of Samuel Cater - farm in Green End, Kempston heretofore in occupation of Thomas Gurney, with lands, meadow and pasture ground belonging, let at the yearly rent of £55 10s - farm at East End Kempston heretofore in occupation of William Negoose and afterwards of John Pierson, with lands, meadow and pasture ground belonging, let at the yearly rent of £30 - farm at East End, Kempston, heretofore in occupation of James Stokes, and afterwards Jeremy Stokes, with lands, meadow and pasture ground belonging, let at the yearly rent of £59 10s - farm at Wood End, Kempston, heretofore in occupation of William Leach alias Betts, and afterwards William Wadmore, with lands, meadow and pasture ground belonging, let at the yearly rent of £29 - farm at Wood End, Kempston, heretofore in occupation of Richard Hide, and afterwards Jacob Cox, with lands, meadow and pasture ground belonging, let at the yearly rent of £17 - meadow ground and leys called the Broid in Ham Field heretofore in occupation of Samuel Marriott - close of pasture called Great Betts, heretofore in occupation of George Jones - arable lands in Box End heretofore in occupation of Henry Shepherd - arable lands and leys heretofore in occupation of John Curtis and afterwards of Samuel Cater - several lands in Nether Ham Field containing by estimation 6 acres in the occupation of Nicholas Cooke junior - parcel of arable in Ham Field containing 1 acre, in the occupation of Michael Houghton - 2 leys in Marsh Field near Hardwicke Bridge heretofore in the occupation of John Pitkin - close of pasture at Wood End heretofore in the occupation of Elizabeth Raddington - 2 stirts next to the river in Kempston heretofore in the occupation of William Allen the elder and afterwards William Allen the younger - messuage or tenement in Wood End, Kempston, heretofore in the occupation of Thomas Woolaston and afterwards in the occupation of Joan Worrall, widow and 5 crofts or closes of pasture belonging, let at yearly rent of £26 - cottage with appurtenances heretofore in the occupation of Elizabeth Dickison, widow - cottage or tenement heretofore in the occupation of Edward Warlow alias Baker - rent of £1 6s 8d from certain lands belonging to James Marriott, which said lands came to Samuel Cater by the death of William Cater, his late half brother - close known as Peartree Close in Box End, Kempston, containing 4 acres by estimation, purchased of John Wilson and heretofore in the occupation of Samuel Cater - tenement called the Dairy House and 2 closes in the occupation of Joan Worrall - close of pasture called Great Ramsey, containing 14 acres by estimation, in the occupation of John Woodard - Close of pasture called Little Ramsey, containing 8 acres by estimation, formerly in the occupation of Thomas Gurney - meadow grounds in Earls Holme, containing 16.5 acres by estimation, in the occupation of Samuel Cater - aftercrop of 80.5 acres in Earls Holme - meadow grounds in Earls Holme, containing 6 acres by estimation, in the occupation of James Marriott - messuage lying near the Mill heretofore in the occupation of John Harvey and close of land belonging - messuage or tenement in Church End, Kempston heretofore in the occupation of Robert Knight, and close belonging - cottage in Kempston heretofore in the occupation of John Bishop - close called Little Dixlands heretofore in the occupation of Samuel Caterand messuage and 2 crofts of pasture adjoining - 4 water mills in Kempston heretofore in the occupation of John Bullman - cottage near the said water mills heretofore in the occupation of John Watts senior - cottage in Green End, Kempston heretofore in the occupation of John Langham - close or pyghtle pasture with appurtenances known as Dixland Pyghtle, containing by estimation 1 acre, heretofore in the occupation of Samuel Cater, purchased of Francis Brace - close of pasture called Hunts Close containing by estimation 3 acres in Box End, Kempston, formerly of Michael Britton and sold by him to Edward Sheppard - messuage or farmhouse with appurtenances in East End, Kempston and cottage or tenement adjoining, formerly in the occupation of Jonathan Wallis, afterwards of Edward Amps; known by name of Mewlings; and close of pasture or homestall belonging, containing by estimation 2 acres - close of pasture in East End, Kempston known as Drakes Close, containing by estimation 3 acres [bounds given] -4 acres (by estimation) meadow lying and divided in East Mead, with messuage and farm belonging - 56 acres 1.5 roods by estimation of arable, leys and sward dispersed in common fields of Kempston usually held with the above messuage and heretofore in the occupation of Edward Amps - all other lands, tenements andhereditaments whcich were heretofoe purchased by the said Samuel Cater of the said Edward Amps - messuage, cottage or tenement in Wood End, Kempston [bounds given] and close or pyghtle of pasture adjoining containing 1.5 acres by estimation [bounds given] - copyhold close heretofore holden by copy of court roll of the said Samuel Cater as of his Manor of Grays alias Hastingsbury, heretofore in the occupation of John Allen, containing 2.5 acres by estimation All of which said messuage, cottage or tenement and closes of pasture were heretofore in the occupation of Thomas Woolaston and purchased by Samuel Cater of Thomas Honor and his wife Elizabeth - close and pasture or inclosed ground in Wood End, Kempston heretofore in the occupation of Benjamin Simpson [bounds given], purchased by John Cater of Henry Buttifaut - messuage or tenement in the occupation of Matthew Barker [bounds given] and 2 closes of pyghtles belonging containing together by estimation 4 acres [bounds given] - several peices of arable land and ley ground containing by estimation 35 acres, dispersed in the fields of Kempston and 1 close of ley in Butts Ley, formerly in the occupation of Matthew Barker and John Rush - 2.5 acres by estimation of meadow ground in East Meadow - all the other lands tenements and hereditaments of which the said John Barker was seised in fee in the parish of Kempston, formerly in the occupation of Matthew Barker, John Brooks and John Rush and were purchased of the said John Rush and Hannah his wife by John Cater - messuage or tenement with appurtenances in Kempston with closes or inclosed pasture grounds adjoining known as Chantry Closes, containing by estimation 5 acres - close of pasture with appurtenances in Kempston called Hill Close, containing by estimation 3 acres, in Up End, Kempston - pieces and parcels of arable land, leys and sward ground lying dispersed in fields of Kempston, containing by estimation 66 acres, 2 roods and 20 poles - 12 acres meadow ground with appurtenances in East Meadow - Piece of meadow with appurtenances in Ham Meadow, containing by estimation 2 acres all which last mentioned premises were heretofore in the occupation of John Brook and formerly purchased John Cater of Joyce Sayer and Henry Marsh and Elizabeth his wife, the sisters and coheirs of Dame Catherine Cater -close of pasture in Wood End, formerly in the occupation of widow Allen and purchased by John Cater of Samuel White - messuage or tenement in Wood End, Kempston and close of pasture adjoining containing by estimation 4 acres - 46 acres land, arable and ley ground in common fields of Kempston - 6 acres meadow in Box Meadow with appurtenances, formerly held of Manor of Kempston Hardwick by copy of Court Roll and formerly in occupation of Thomas Money, Thomas Gurney, Thomas Meys or one of them all of which premises were formerly the estate of Elizabeth White, widow, deceased and afterwards the estate of John Hilton and Elizabeth his wife and formerly surrendered to John Cater by John Gurney - Half acre called Chantry Head Land in West End, Kempston, formerly holden to Manor of Kempston Hardwick and formerly purchased by John Cater of Francis Brace; and messuage and close adjoining, formerly in the occupations of Thomas Gurney - 23.5 acres in the common fields of Kempston and 3 acres meadow called Box Meadow formerly in the occupations of Thomas Gurney and Thomas Mead being formerly the estate of Ann Hilton, daughter and heir of Elizabeth White and formerly surrenderred by Thomas Gurney to the use of John Cater -parcels of arable, ley and meadow in the parish and fields of Kempston, containing together by estimation 13 acres 1 rood - all other lands formerly of John Bullman and purchased by John Cater, deceased. - freehold close of pasture and wood ground called Gosseys, containing by estimation 6 acres, formerly in the occupation of Gilert Tall, afterwards Thomas Gurney - divers copyhold messuages, cottages, closes, lands, leys, meadows, sward ground, tenements and hereditaments held by copy of court roll of the Manors of Kempston Grays alias Hastingsbury and kempston Hardwick and all other messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever which were formerly conveyed or surrenderred to John Cater and his heirs by Charles Butcher, Thomas Battison and Elizabeth Cooke - cottage and 4 acres 1 rood of arablein Ridgeway Field and all the other messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments formerly of John Chalton, holder of the Manor of Kempston Harwick - 7 acres arable and appurtenances in Oak Field and 7 pieces arable on Box Hill, and 3 pieces of land and pasture in Oak Field and Parkers alias Long close; penny land and yard land formerly in thye tenure of John Amps; messuage and yard land with apprutenances; close of pasture whereon a cottage formerly stood and commonly called Balls; all of which were formerly copyhold to the Manor of Kempston Grays alias Hastingsbury and surrenderred to the use of John Cater by John Chalton, Thomas Bedford, and Henry Bellinghay - messuage, tenement or farm with arable, meadow and pasture belonging formerly in the occupation of Judith Maynard at yearly rent of £130 - messuage, tenement or farm with arable, meadow and pasture belonging formerly in the occupation of Thomas White under a yearly rent - closes or parcels of arable land, meadow and pasture ground belonging, formerly in the occupation of John Burr at yearly rent of £20 3s 4d - cottage or late 2 tenements formerly in occupation of William Favell and Susanna Coleman at yearly rent of £1 14s all of which last mentioned messuages, farms, lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises were formerly the estate of Dame Mary Knollys and devised by her last will and testament [3 Feb 1790] to the use of Sophia Cater, Frances Cater and Mary Cater, the 3 daughters of her late cousin John Cater - all and singular manors, massuages, arms, lands, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever of the said Frances Cater
  • Level of description