- ReferenceL30/15/54/152
- TitleFrom 2nd Baron Grantham, Madrid to Fritz (Frederick):
- Date free textJun/Jul 1779
- Production dateFrom: 1779 To: 1779
- Scope and ContentNot much on politics here reserving it for more secure occasion of writing or when they meet. Orders for the Fleet at Cadix to come down into harbour were given in consequence of the resolution taken on 14 May, [originally] taken at end of March when the Ultimatus was sent, and upon being rejected began to take place. Fleet at Ferrol sailed due to orders given about that time. Nobody there convinced that a hostile stance had been taken. Total reserve of Spanish Minister alerted Grantham to the situation. Moriño's illness delayed confirmation for a week, he then withdrew mediation and dispatched a Courier with notice of it without informing Grantham. This action, since repeated, may had been disadvantageous to Grantham as his advices were of course late. Letters from ye Coruna arrived 18th Ins., intelligence between French and Spanish Commanders was clear, no doubts about their intentions of joining. Attended Court that day with Masin (a Friday) to see him open his cases. Opened letters at his house, saw Katencamp's. Showed it to Munro. No doubt of crisis. Dined at the Minister's the next day. Recommended to him a poor Englishman in Cadix jail and Felix's preferment, promised to secure it. Didn't deny news from Ferrol, mentioned Almodovar recalled. Grantham assisted at Parejas. Decided to send Messengers off immediately and asked for passports. Official notice of Almodovar's recall from H.C.M. [His Catholic Majesty] came on Sunday. Decided not to go to Cout. Dispatched Renard for London through France on Monday and Miguel for Lisbon. Wrote to Consults etc... (had already put them on their guard on 4th Inst.). Universal surprize at news from Ferrol, discontent also, more of this another time. Civilities and marks of regret shown to Grantham by all ranks, has been greatly affected. Has written to Fritz by all the opportunities mentioned above. Having received an Office letter on Tuesday went to see Morino, long conference, much temper, but too late "the Dye was cast". Masin, Ramel and Munro dined with Grantham who was sick from pears the night before. 26 June 1779. Finished getting things together on Wednesday 23rd. Masin etc... passed whole day with him. Masin taking his house at Aranjez with hangings, writing table, great bet. Latter does to Madame Garow's new husband if it doesn't suit Masin. Valedarzana's Matre hotel takes the Staffordshire Ware. French Embassador's Maitre hotel takes the Glass at the London and San Ildefonso price, also the french plate, bottle pairs, Monteith's and all the Matrasses. Ordered Coach at the Doce[?] Calles, walked to it to avoid Gallego, washerwoman and children being present at his setting out [from Aranjuez]. Walked last seven miles to Madrid, wheel box worn and burnt. Waddilove fatigued, Grantham not. St. John's Day on 24th. Spent day collecting trunks and cases etc... Shilling packing wine and plate, De la Pierre Wardrobe and linen, Waddilove books and prints, the Gilder does the pictures, Alhajuis and papers reserved for Grantham. No servant to go out without orders. Carrying Damask and chairs himself. French China may be left at Lb's[?] "primi cart not else". Sunday visitors. Pozzi overcome, couldn't speak for quarter of an house. Saw Gazola, much hurt. His cousin is a "great beast". Madame Ramel "afflicted with the Niobetis". Further plans for transport of belongings. Prince de la Riccia, Joyes mentioned. Torremanzanal bids fairest for the Coach. Grantham still not sure if travelling over land or by sea. Details of clothes bringing home and those given to De la Pierre. Wanted to secure Dieogo/Diego's preferment at Galvez before he left. Galvez has given fine promises but not undertaken to do it directly. Waddilove has proposed taking him [back to England]. Diogo going also. In Yorkshire he will go to W Church. In London he may go to Chapel. Other servants paid until the end of June, to be given a good character and gratuity. Tordo [horse] well sold, the Biscayan taking him at 30 pistoles, however Torrecillas has given him 40, placed to Fritz's account. Leaving turbares [?] up and gilt borders etc... Kaunitz buys a bureau and Creighton's table also the writing table. Giuste an armed chair. Giving presents as follows; plated candlesticks to Sancha, Telescope to Marchett, Epaminondus and Bayer[?] to Pons. Carlos, Mrs. Crew, Prieto, Agrippina. Vrilier has the Physick box. Thinks Masin or France may buy the chrystal bowls with gilt borders. France of Valdecarzana take the kitchen furniture. Dined with Madame Ramel on Saturday. Munro sold his second chariot for 200£ to Sasyo[?], twice it's value. Grantham asking 12000 Rl for his. Munro very active, people helping him off, his will sell for possibly £2000. Dined at Masin's [Sunday]. Monday [28 June 1779]. Letter from Nanny; the bobby went to school to vote for Tomity Popps who lost his Election. Fritz revisiting Cambridge, charming the Council on Trinity. Dined today at Kaunitz's. Giuste wants the long glass over Fritz's table in his bedchamber. Cases to be nailed down tomorrow. Salcedo[?] is a purchaser of many things. France taking the wines not being sent. Negotiation over Coach continues. Munro working like an Auctioneer etc. Delapierre very active. Grantham's momentary regret at letting Brunier go. "Doubts Waddilove's Sensibility upon that Subject does not go so far". Peñafuente cruelly altered "but one Great Remedy can cure her and she will not submitt[sic]". Kaunitz goes on as usual and "lives in her Stuffy Room with the D______s". 29 [June 1779]. Dined at Ramel's yesterday, Masin's today. Packing finished, sale of goods going on briskly. Chariot has been taxed over and over nobody allowing it to be worth 9000, sold it to Neri, an Exempt for 10,000. Finds that he and Fritz paid dear for everything at first and that Beylie's were bad bargains etc.. Almodovar waiting at Paris for further orders. Grantham expecting his hourly. Feelings upon leaving, no anxiety etc... "I reckon the Day will come next winter, when I may have a good deal to say, and shall be forced up. Vaya, Salga loque saliere". Prospect of an "Arrangement" thought to be indicated by Almodovar's staying at Paris by Orders. Grantham thinks not. "Other powers must interfere amicably or Naval victories must decide the Question". Fears he may be put in a similar position to Almodovar in a neighbouring Kingdom. Wants to be home for good. Court in Town, no difference to Grantham, has only been at Gazola's and the Puerta Sn. Barbara. Hasn't seen progress of Palace Wing or benches on the Prado. Marble Ornaments cost 1800 Rls., not dear. Zenowieff's Desert ready. Has taken £500 from Messrs. Joyes for the month as usual. Hopefully won't need an Extraordinary unless he finds he can secure £500 for the two debts etc... May increase Fritz's balance by sale of his microscope and clothes. It. Dn. Gl [Infant Don Gabriel] may take it. Bible pleased "the person who received it". He will send his books when published, to Storer and has given Grantham a Sallust to be kept at Newby. The Infant's Embassadorial gift to be kept in Town. The Duchess of Devonshire/Cavendish, Georgiana? is charming "she writes the Graces of Parmegiano to the Merit of a Portrait". Waist rather thin, but fine overall. Martin's Engravings, many pretty, drawing faulty. Sessions papers, magazines and Swinburne being kept for the Road. Has favoured the Ramels, at their request, with a shade of himself, taken off by Me. [Madame Ramel]. Features in common with Grantham etc.. Giving Pons, Epaminondas and Bayer, Marchetti the painting box. Prieto the Agrippina, Michel the two black Urns, Villanveva a framed landscape, Esteves another, Pereysa one for rolling up the great pictures. Carlos, Mrs. Crew, Vrillier, the Physick box. Carrying hom Wolf and Pe_____. D and Duchess of Buccleugh and Angelica and Medora. 1 July [1779]. Received his no.s 50 and 51. Has decided to go through France, facilities and attention shown to M.A_______[Almodovar] have secured reciprocation to Grantham. Details of plans for journey. Waddilove, Munro, Delapierre, Diego, Brunier and Joly mentioned. Shilling will return home, may attend Grantham's baggage. General talk about leaving. Landing place will be Dover. 3 July [1779]. Dined with Masin today. Gazola tomorrow, then setting out. Has sold Coach for 40,000 to Portugal. Arrangements for Coach bespoken in England now not to be sent. Lord Chatham involved. Venice takes the Coach Lord Chatham bespoke. Everything done. Expects to arrive before first October. Arms coming down tomorrow. Spots on paper are Orjeat not tears. 5 July [1779].
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