• Reference
  • Title
    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Aranjuez to Fritz (Frederick), Whitehall [no. 30]:
  • Date free text
    May 1779
  • Production date
    From: 1779 To: 1779
  • Scope and Content
    Received his nos. 32 and 33 and his few lines of the 27th. Portugal has found a set of Dressing Plate, halt the commission in England. Mr Webber wrote about his Iron Chest, no possibility of disposal of it there. Thanks for the account of Mr Hackman and Fritz’s “touching application of the last lines of our Favourite Dorote’a”. Nesbitt wrote of the death of his Uncle. Grantham hopes there’s no objection to continuing to use him in the management of his Irish and foreign concerns. Eden’s giving dinners to fine folks. Grantham thinks he has played his cards with more success than his contemporaries. Supposes Sir Hugh will defend himself upon the plea of disability, his disobedience is very direct. Longs to see Mr Parsons if Fritz thinks he would find similarity between his quips and jokes and theirs. Fritz impudent about “the grand order of the cream pot, which is now changed (as Sn Jago was for the immaculate Concepcion) into the order of the Vase, for the Etching is presented to the few”. Sabbatini, Bayer, Carlos etc. have received them. Zenowieff’s Plateau finished in Rome, transport and payment to be made by Agaza. Dining at Morino’s. Has cut out Court to enter letters and write to Fritz. Goes sometimes to Portugal’s, finding Company and Faro [?card game]. Lost two medals recently. The Penafuente will be very jealous of the house if it takes away a single punter from hers. Two Portuguese, two Valdecarzana/Valdecazana, Lozada, Pacheco, Nuncio, Kaunitz, Ramel and Munro dined on Tuesday. Tresille afterwards. Portugal continues his Siesta, she [the wife] refused to go home with him on Tuesday so he stayed, fretted and yawned until five o’clock. Dined at Masserano’s on Thursday with Ramel, Be_ssy, Munro and Levetzou. Yesterday waited on Madame to the bull feast at Portugal’s request. Good one, no mischief done. Heard Gomez’s leg must be cut off, wounded at first feast this year. Has done two of his six Views in Bister [or Bistre, brown pigment made from soot - O.E.D.] a little deepened with Indian Ink. Destroying former copies much to Waddilove’s regret. Expecting Masin within a week; thinks he will make a point of being here by Morino’s dinner. The Penafuente has left Cienpozuelos, but is very ill. Madame Bejar has arrived at Lisbon. Perico Sylva attended her, saw a great deal and returned. New groom took care of horse in Perico’s absence. Latter at Casa de la Monta, has ten Reals a day and about a Medal a month. Goes to the Embocador each evening, very beautiful. Is under Articles to make a drawing for Ramel in return for the Indian Ink. Composes what Frtiz says of Mr Burrel’s politeness with the only fault Grantham can find in Ramel, otherwise likes his manner of thinking very much. Comte d’Albon looks like an Englishman, has travelled much but few french judge well of other countries. 15 May 1779. Received letters on Saturday by Spanish Courier. Fritz’s 38 and 39 came this morning. May have a convenient opportunity of writing soon. Castrillo is in Portugal and intended to go to England but couldn’t obtain his Father’s leave. Didn’t know Vicuna was green. Thinks Mr Gibbons may be agreeable. Zemise in the arms of an ugly Conjurer, if so, understands Fritz. Sorry about remaining symptoms of Fritz’s gout. Scold Carlisle for not writing. Fritz’s account to be balanced next month in his box. The steel buttons will soon be paid for. Fritz’s no. 39 agrees with Grantham’s by Mr Savory. No more can be said now. Tolerable Tertullia beginning to establish itself at Portugal’s. Dined at the Nuncio’s, lost five Medals. Has never been at the Benevente’s “quite Hell... full of black Legs”. Describes plans for organising his time. Writing to Mr J. Nesbitt under cover of Fritz or Draper. Mr Wilkie’s being in Scotland means he won’t bring the little girl [niece Parker’s] picture. [In Cypher] your letter is of use but I answer for nothing if all is off. Saw Antonio (D. Alva’s groom) on the horse Medina Sidoni sent Grantham. Glad he didn’t accept. Not yet hot enough to leave off demi cloth clothes. Venice has the gout and hobbles sadly. Grantham free of it despite cream every day. Business “heavy” just now, not a good moment to dwell on it. Thanks for accounts of their friends in Sackville Street. 17 May [1779].
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