• Reference
  • Title
    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Aranjuez to Fritz (Frederick), Whitehall [no.27]:
  • Date free text
    May 1779
  • Production date
    From: 1779 To: 1779
  • Scope and Content
    Received his no. 30. Appreciates his constancy. Missing cloth [red and blue]; Diego remembers giving it to the Captain of a Spanish ship called Sa. Xavier. Messrs. Duff and Welsh writing for information from the owners. Scheme for new Post Chaise, possibilities for it’s use. Must be plain. Send Swinburne’s book if sending any books. Draper pleased with it and is sending the passage about Grimaldi’s and their house. Waddilove handsomely spoken of in preface. Little girl [niece Parker’s] picture. If it arrives Carlos will copy it and the boy [nephew’s] for a lorgnette. Engraving of Me. Ramel’s, puzzled Fritz, thought he would guess whose it was. She has sent two pieces of Indian ink, one in a Chinese box in a satin case. Fritz’s thoughts on Grantham’s engraving. Quotation about Lord Sandwich is admirable. Dined well at Valdecarzana/Valdecazana’s. Dined at Morino’s today. Monmorin on horseback looked in the window this morning. Princess of Asturias rides in the Calle. Visited the Arcos’. Dining with La Riccia tomorrow. He enters upon his Guard today. So does Portugal. Latter married by now. On the way to Aranjuez with his wife using it as “bridegrooms do Salt Hill and Maidenhead”. Grantham thinks he wants to get his wife from her sister [the Paulina] as soon as he can. His equipages and horses have arrived. Can’t remember whether he brought Priego’s before Fritz left. Monmorin’s are the best there, cost 100 guineas each. Masin is bringing an english set. Priego’s cause is about to be finally determined. Ornaments in the Chapel are too big for it which du reste is rich. Walking and riding on alternate days. Reading Fritz’ letters. Drawing every afternoon. Swinburne wrote, will be in England in the summer. Leaves his Family at Naples. Fine spring weather. Writing to the little boy [nephew Parker] on his birthday, hopes little girl will be pleased with [Grantham’s letter] to her in “Print hands”. 1 May 1779. Portugal’s arrival with his wife the talk of the day. Grantham invited to supper. They were married at seven o’clock, she cried for part of it and slept the rest. He was dressed as usual, “stared, picked his lips and seemed neither pleased or displeased”. Describes their activities for the rest of the day. Grantham pessimistic about their marriage and feeling pity for Portugal now having laughed at him in the past. Ridicule “grows into Slander, Indecency and Malevolence”. Dined with De La Riccia. Magnificently and cleanly served. Mr Ramel proud of Grantham walking with no one but him since Fritz left. Well bred and good company. May have to give up the relationship when Levetzou arrives, he sticks close to Ramel etc.. Wilbraham wrote to Waddilove that he thinks Robinson should never return to Spain. Conway has been at Lisbon often and is a great Walpolist. Mentioned that none of the Navy were placed with Sir J. H. Colt eventually could bear Munro no more. He and Conway found new acquaintances at Madrid. Chatham didn’t go with them. May be “in possession of a most precious Jewel”. Fritz will see him. Will send a note to him via Fritz of qualities required in Portugal’s new Coach. Expecting Masin, may go to Town depending on Masin’s stay there. Delapierre must go to settle Grantham’s spring wardrobe. Has not got a white quilted waistcoat or a new frock this season. Rode this morning. Kaunitz breakfasted. May have a Pick Nick someday in the Lawn under the Colenade Tower. (? Spanish ending). Dispatches enclosed [not present], to be delivered by Fritz. Don Antonio Palafore [?] and another Priest friend of Waddilove’s visited this morning. Also Fabre. Letter for Fritz for Waddilove also enclosed [not present]. Thoughts upon possible Dinners. Expecting music tonight, a fiddler who has accompanied him before at Sn. Ildefonso and he Escurial has arrived. Munro expected. Sn. Jago has taken a fairly new house at the Sitio, odd as he cannot go to Court. Concludes as Munro and Waddilove have come in the room for some Tea. Love to Nanny and the Parkers. Glad Fritz will have Tom [Pelham] in Town. Harry [Pelham’s] popularity at Lewes may bring him in for that place and Tom for the County. May have answers to his of the third ulto. tomorrow. 3 May 1779. [Sic].
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