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  • Title
    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Aranjuez to Fritz (Frederick) [no.26]:
  • Date free text
    Apr 1779
  • Production date
    From: 1779 To: 1779
  • Scope and Content
    Satisfaction at Fritz’s constant correspondence. Received his no. 28.. Grantham’s no. 14 should have been no. 13. Hopes Almodovar’s scheme for a Villa will happen. Cast of Tom [Pelham’s] head to be sent by Mr Savory. Has sent to Brocard for the plaster of Paris. Responses to Fritz’s letter; can’t think of him as a Whist player. Should have more confidence in this opinions on painting. Presumes the figure of the Virgin is in Parmegiano or Barocci[?] style. Annunciation of the latter mentioned where Virgin kneels. Picture engraved, supposes Sir Joshua’s will be, hopes for an early impression. Expects to find reason in the papers for Lord Milford’s giving up his seat. Has a good opinion of Mr Fullarton from Fritz’s mention of him. Fritz’s fear of losing his Spanish. Reads his letter in the Garden of the Island etc.. Lameness gone. Has been riding. Mayerdomo mayer told H.C.M. [His Catholic Majesty] that Tordo [Grantham’s horse] and rider were the best he’d seen. Alternating walking and riding. Read Lalius on walks last year. Reads through Fritz’s letters this year. Reading Sermons of Dr Blair’s in evenings now, recommended by Bishop of Chester [Beilby Porteus]. Has begun to draw again. Took Ramel to see the Bulls tonight, he thinks he will like the Bull feasts, Grantham thinks not etc.. Dr Fabre soliciting a new employment. Grantham has done all he can. The Minister is his friend but Lozada is prejudiced against him. Princes Mo. [?Masserano] shame at her husband’s indecision about the Coach etc... Poor Eril is dead, happened in a few hours yesterday. Two Brigadiers are made out of the Garde du Corps. Irish apprentice of the Puppet Show man ran away six times whilst they were in Madrid. Grantham’s advice requested etc.. Has told Delapierre to tell him that Grantham will be of use to him if gets a place somewhere but not otherwise. 23 April 1779. Rode then dined at Morino’s. Seduced by the Company into going to the Bulls [Feast]. Didn’t like it. Gomez wounded at knee. Romero and Costillares divided the Suffrages of the Public; at the first Feast in Madrid they drew lots por la primere Spada, Romero won it, offered it to Costellares who accepted it pro har vice. Ramel disgusted. Still plagued by Kaunitz’s mad woman under his windows. Wishes Portugal had married her. Detailed circumstances surrounding Portugal’s Courtship of the Martina. Ricardos and the Martina’s family involved, King of Spain and Queen of Portugal mentioned. Also Count Canillas, the Ossuna Family, Prince of Asturias, Mr Re the Mercer and Brondes the Watchmaker and the late Mr Sousa. Marriage will probably be in a week. Portugal gone to Town. 24 [April 1779]. Dined at home yesterday. Left the Holyday Calle for the Cascade and Embocador. Narrow gravel road raised through the open grove. This morning rode over both bridges and back by the Casa del Monto. Monsr. Ramel “asked for soup and that he might come in a Frock”. Beeches sadly deformed by much lopping and topping. [In Cypher] I grow impatient for the answer thinking this a most critical period of negotiation. Responses to Fritz’s no. 27; hopes he will have Tom [Pelham] in Town after the Holydays. Send the numbers of the Englishman, surprised no extracts in the papers. Understands his joke about Cross buns. Sorry he gives up his man. Remembers the Eton boys wearing their hair like the Harrow scholars described. Longs to see little boy [nephew Parker] before “first polish of home is rubbed off”. Regrets missing his and his sister’s growing up. Is Mrs Sheridan really handsome enough to sit for a Madona [sic]? [Sir Joshua Reynold’s picture]. Grantham’s comments on Sir Joshua and others belief in the existence of Ideal beauty. Altar piece of the Pajes Church is a copy by Ferri[?] of the Pasmo. That for the Chapel by Mengs is not arrived. Grantham unable to comment on the former as hasn’t seen it in the light. Pasmo cannot be seen for the want of light. Florida blanca means to plant next year from the Pajes to the Sitio. Details of other planting and the loss of one beautiful tree due to repairs. King of Spain wishes to cover the bareness of hills nearest the Sitio. Olives and vines being tried. Writing to Joyes tonight. Sending Munro a draft to pay all his balance. No debt left in Spain except half of Fritz’s (other half being english). April Currency and about a hundred Pistoles arrears; the box being brimful etc... The Nuncio is gone to Town to take leave of Monsignor Serlussi, a smart gentile little Prelate. Fernanunez’ letter to Portugal upon his obtaining leave to shave the Martina’s whiskers etc... Love to Nanny, the Parkers and the Pelhams. Tell his Aunt that her picture hangs between Fritz’s and Tom [Pelham’s] and goes to all the Sitios. 26 April 1779.
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