• Reference
  • Title
    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Madrid to Fritz (Frederick) [no.11]:
  • Date free text
    Feb/Mar 1779
  • Production date
    From: 1779 To: 1779
  • Scope and Content
    Received no. 11, arrived sooner than expected. Had music last night. El Marques de Burgos is a player. Good lad, very quiet, well behaved, “preserves his old measured way of speaking very ridiculously”. Met Waddilove on way home from the Pardo, wanted Grantham to see some pictures for sale, thinks he has brought one. There is a fine Murillo, believed original, price; 12000 RI, thinks they will accept 8000, Grantham has no thoughts of buying it, too expensive. It is a Virgin and very lively Child. Velasquez copy for Grantham to be the proportion of his others. "Mr Powell is the thing", hopes Fritz will secure a copy of Sir Joshua [Reynold's] picture of the dear Children [niece and nephew Parker]. Portrait at Carlisle's of a Spanish painter with bushy hair and bright yellow background, notion upon a faint recollection of it being the Slave's own. Fritz does not say how he liked Govr. Johnstone. Contrive through Eden to let him know that the letters he first received from Lisbon were sent him by Grantham and that he has taken every step thought proper for their Exchange. Dinner at Bellgiviso's was a great mixture. Who is M. Cavaille? Lord S. did right to make himself known to Fritz. Not greatly concerned about the coolness between Lord S. and Mr P. Grantham used to suppose he would make "a push" at Fritz. Mr Brown sending several parcels. Grantham to ask for a passport that the case will not be opened on the road. Supposes Mrs Waller of Twickenham is Mrs Waller of Beaconsfield. Approves Fritz's resolution about old Ladies. Glad the Houghton Collection is not out of England yet. Paid 4526 RIs. for the Inkstand, approximately £50. Hopes the Irish will pay arrears if they do not give debentures. Grazola/Gazola getting up for a while daily, no fever, still coughing much. Sent to England for kitchen utensils to be sent to Placentria[?]. Owes the Cardinal a letter, putting it off until letter from Dr Achmuty/Achmet received, especially requires shipping, direction and disburses. 27 February 1779. Waddilove has bought both pictures. 1000 Reals [? each or both]. One is an Annunciation by Bartolome Perez, pretty and good. The her was good but is much retouched, representing St. Anne teaching the Virgin to read. Requests Fritz takes particular notice of two pictures in England. First one over the entrance door of the Levee Room representing an Infant, includes a dog. Palomino's description of a picture of the Prince of Asturia is; a child about eight years old, his hat is a feather upon a stool to the left, right hand resting on red chair in which there is a little dog. Secondly, a picture of the Admiral Pareja as a Cavallero de St Jago signed Didacus Velasquez F__[?]. Philip IV a cubriula[?] ejen que[?] Printo is anno 1639. At Bedford House. Contrive to view it whether he visits the Duchess or not. Inkstand; has shown it to Gazola, who thinks it one of the handsomest he ever saw etc.. Case worth 3-400 RIs alone. Approves of the alterations. Gazola still coughing, no fever, spirits and presence of mind extraordinary. Fore glass of Grantham's Chariot broken on previous evening by some "wanton fellows who threw a stone at it while standing at Ramel's door". Madame Ramel not well, resembled Lady Tavistock in her illness. Sunday [28 February 1779]. Letters from Cadiz inform him the young Johnstones have been politely released by the French Commodore. Has acquainted their Father. Messrs Hardy and Duff much pleased with Grantham's present of Irish provisions which arrived in Lent time. Letter enclosed [not present] from Waddilove to Lort. Dinner imminent will write more afterwards but will see a Conversion of People at the Angel. The Princess is expected at that Promenade. Has been at the Rio, swallowed much dust. Went to Gazola's who admired the binding of the Oxford books. Inkstand originally cost 6000 RIs, 17 RIs per ounce. Grantham disputes it was made in Paris, makers name on it [not given] and he is connected with Arnal and capable of designing it himself. Gratitude for Fritz's being the most constant Correspondent in the world. Surprised not to have had answers to his D's [Dispatches] of 20th January. Impatient to hear of K__l's Trial [Keppel's]. Wrote to Masin for a plain spring suit and cane head for Unicorn cane. Also a puce tricot for Fritz's buttons. Masin is taking his old house at Aranjuez. The Ramels are not taking a house there at all. The French Embassador stays in his own new one. Doesn't think he will take Medina Sidonia's which has wretched offices and stables. Galvez lives in the Duque de Hijar's nearby. Dining with him tomorrow. Waddilove is at Bayer's. Love to Nanny and the Parker's. 1 March [1779].
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