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  • Title
    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Madrid to Fritz (Frederick) [no. 7]:
  • Date free text
    Feb 1779
  • Production date
    From: 1779 To: 1779
  • Scope and Content
    Received his no.s 4 and 5. Responses to them; care of Tom [Pelham's] knees etc.. Believes Storer's account of Fritz, he should look out for something in return for the book. Sure Eden and Carlisle were glad to see Fritz and that Carlisle was sincere in his enquiries after Grantham, always had a particular attachment to Grantham. Cannot conceive Lady Middleton at all, references to her white frock. Indt. Det. Is charming. Return compliments to Miss Pelham. Pleased Fritz's feet stronger. Buddle/Biddle Day [Briddle Day -Wedding?]. Doesn't wonder at his not liking the life of an idle man in London. Commend on easy remedy about him laying down etc....? Did he and Ed_n [Eden] ever think that Sto_r [Storer] could succeed him [Fritz]. Grantham's inability to send a perspective of the Plateau. Understood his explanations of the Opera at first sigh of it. His Cats at Mrs. Aislabie's were good, but fancies he liked the kittens best. Poor Cedar [blown down at Hendon?]. Happy at safe arrival and approval of the horses. Proud of Ld. Md's [Lord Middleton's] approbation of a Paper of which he has no reply. Remembers a picture of Miss Palmer thoughtful upon reading 'Clarissa'. Thanks for the account of the Royal Pupils - very pleasant about C. Hawkins and Almodovar's four/tour? Often reads over Fritz's former letters. Attended the Pardo on Tuesday, Gala, dined at Bayer's with the Inquisitor General, three Priests, a Mercenario fryer and Pozzi's Antagonist who is not a Priest as he first thought. The Inquisitor had invited himself. Dinner good, all pleased, so was Illus.o.[?] who soon retired to his Siesta [referring to himself?]. Dined at Morino's, the Swede there had been in England and France and had seen Grantham take his seat in the House of Lords. Gazola worse last night, suspension of urine, better today. 6 February 1779. Grantham, Kaunitz, Serbellon, two Messrs. Dupes, Masserano and Giusti, played music together. Masserano's last night to see the Ombres Chinoises, "odd and pretty Contrivance to see once". Remembers them advertised in England, no as good as the Fantuccini Italiane. Gazola better but still in bed. Cavallerijo Major not yet named. The King of Spain means to separate the Shooting Department from it for Marquis, thought it will not be liked on this footing. Lozada has complied with Grantham's recommendation of good Wools, who was there today to thank him. The Galeaga, M. Villamayor's mother, married to Monsieu Badau. Bellmonte has taken the corner of Venice's house. Proud of his buckles, shows them round but hasn't put them on yet. Portugal's Armours go badly, he flatters himself that it is for discretion’s sake he is avoided. One of the Comaristas is married to an old flame, a fussy little woman who first attended the Infant. Succeeded by Madmoiselle Van Stroom, daughter to Priego's adversary. Dining tomorrow at Yrandas. Comments on repetition in his letters and the impending anniversary of Fritz's departure. 7 February [1779]. Dined at Yranda's, mainly the Corpos and their aggregés such as Lacy, Ricardo etc... Gazola free from fever and in good spirits. Sends compliments. Revilla gigedo's commission for two sets of diamond steel buttons for coats, waistcoats and breeches [one set for his brother]. Waddilove thinks a large folio Baskerville's Bible would be acceptable, tell Storer of it, "the sooner it comes, the better Grace will attend it". Priebo has sent some fine Jasper, Grantham to make an obelisk out of it. Approves of taking the debentures and supposes they may be made to accumulate for Mr. Ashby; "as the Embassy Salary may answer and I trust, somewhat outlive the Current Demands". Dn.Fo.Sobral, who Grantham's orders to have a Coach at his service whilst the Court was in Town, only used it for 15 days. Expecting to hear from General Carpenter, will send him the state of his [Grantham's] disbursements. Received 400£ [in Spain] and the King owes him a pound, which he will not draw upon unless there is some article to add to it on Manuel's return. Heard from Duff and Walsh that Mr. Parker's wine left on the 18 December on 'the Betsey' under Convoy of the Pallas. They have heard nothing of the red and blue cloth which Grantham has paid for. They have received a case of linnen (for Joyes) for Achmet and some provisions. No knowledge of the Commissions for the Cardinal or the French Embassador; silver gilt box. Writing to Duff and Welsh to tell them to divide the provisions equally with Mr. Hardy, and not to thank Grantham for them. Ship with cases on board has arrived; so much for his Argosies, will give up after the next Cargo. Reading Shakespeare. French translation much inferior to it yet he likes it, done with good intention not maliciously or narrowly. Voltaire translates him whenever he can. Mentions looking into Corneille and Raiene. Will not pursue cold critic. Love to Nanny, Parkers and Pelhams. Advise him how Fritz is to be reimbursed for the Chair [Sedan for Nanny?]. 8 [February 1779].
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