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  • Title
    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Madrid to Fritz [Frederick] (no. 46, no.1):
  • Date free text
    Jan 1779
  • Production date
    From: 1779 To: 1779
  • Scope and Content
    Received his no.70, his feelings about the content of Fritz's letters. His Uncle's death. Will write to Aunt Stainforth on this occasion "I dare say she felt much upon it, tho' many Circumstances had for a long Time rendered the Friendship between [them] liable to be gradually worn out". Fritz should not be afraid to complain to Grantham of his solitude etc... Lozada pleased with Fritz's account of Madame Almodovar. Much satisfied with his account of the Speakers. Mr. Erskine's history is very curious. Poor I/Jam's drowning, left his wife needing to offer her services as a Nurse. If they dined alone would certainly talk to Delapierre about Whitehall as Fritz does to Siere about Madrid. Vicuna frocks; how did Fritz get his, Grantham confesses to one of his own. Response to Fritz's earnest wish to be with him. They must see the separation out. Hopes it won't come to Fritz returning to Spain etc... Thanks Martin for an elegant Almanack. Parcel of Garlic Truffles just arrived from Masin. Arrived just in time for tomorrow, may make Bruneir amends for not sending for any from France. Has attended Court, dined at home, walked on the Prao for the first time. 1 January 1779. His Company yesterday were, Morino, Lozada, the Benevente, Kaunitz, Nuncio, Munro, Lacy, Campo, Yriarte, Rockena Zenowieff, Bournonville, Salajar and Venice. Didn't give them the Truffles but sent some to Morino today. Lost a Medal. Benevente's in the evening with a Counsellor's wife and Madame Dos from Granada, she sang very well, afraid of the Nuncio "he did his Cross and she sand Sequidillas delightfully"/ The young Spilleta sang well but boldly, the Penafil and Perella boldly but badly. Vast Faro Table futile. Dined at Kauntiz's today. Madame Arcos and Benevenot were the Ladies. Munro has given him an Eolian Hapr, will give to Bayer when he's tired of it, who will he supposes give it to the Infant. Eldest Prince of Naples has died, about five years old. Fears the Princess may go to the Pardo. Masserano's silversmith impressed at the condition of the Plate. He is imitating Fritz's buckles for Orcasitas. The Torrecillas sells Portugal's presents. Don Rodrigo "grows so important and so desirous of pleasing that he will be mobbed in other countries". D. Braganza highly pleased with Gibralter and his reception there. General Elliot's fort is pleasing foreigners etc... Had the Truffles today, Don Felipe dined. Dueque of Infantado sent some stones, has given some to Waddilove, keeping a large cone from the Cave of Montesinos which look as though they will polish finely. Has also given Waddilove one of the two marbles for laying upon papers. Very cold, Glass lower than Waddilove ever remembers. Dreading tomorrow when they dine at St. Mar____. Good dinner today, Waddilove's comments on the amounts he eats. Grantham never eats to excess. Negri and another [unnamed] are made Exempts. Spinola quits but his mother will not let him come [to Madrid] Minister from Genoa, "She must be a fool". Bournonville rumoured to marry. Envied him last year when they met in the Retiro, he with his companion. Now he envies his retreat. Constant in his enquiries after Fritz as are many others. Naria is back from Buenos Ayeres, is to marry a niece of the Duque del Parque's. Yriarte thought to have one of the daughters, a bad match. Arnat [?] also to disappoint his nephews in the same way as he means to marry a niece of his. Writing to Lady Robinson and Aunt Stainforth. Account of Madame Zenowieff from Lacy; poor, neglected and in bad hands. Harris liked and happy. The Swedes are expected, Grantham indifferent. Longing to hear from England. Sir J. Hart wrote to W[Waddilove] that he hopes Fritz will not be the worse for his sudden jaunt to Spain. Accounts of Heslop in papers presumably gave rise to this. Incredible to what extent W[Waddilove's] queries for information reach. "Somebody in England wants particulars of Mengs' Life and is translating his Letter, which W. is for, being as he dropped the other day, the only think he ever meant to publish himself". Cevallos is dead at Cordova. Abrantes is recovered. Madame Fernanunez reconciled to Lisbon having been at an English Ball. Portugal's Concert to which none of them were invited. Portugal sad and shameful afterwards. Love to Nany and Parkers etc... 4 [January 1779].
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