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    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Madrid to Fritz [Frederick]:
  • Date free text
    Nov 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
  • Scope and Content
    Received his no.61. Feeling quite well. Happy the fire at Saltram was soon over. Can't account for some of last month's letters not arriving. His No.61 had been opened, hopes this will soon cease upon their vigilance not being gratified. Resuming journal form to letters now he is well. Munro just left. Two Gibralter Officers in Town, seeing them tomorrow. Impatient for Fritz's responses to the letters of yesterday. 24 November 1778. Received the English Officer and the Duke of Braganza. Visited Portugal, Madame Bejar, the Masserano's, Gazola. Played base and wrote. No pain or fatigue. The Officers are Mr. Da Curcy, thought to be of the Kingale family, and a Baron Low [? - spelt Loff in next letter] in the Hanoverian Service. They dine tomorrow, Ball at the Benevente's tomorrow night. Madame Meneses left this morning, no loss. Fabré visited, pleased at Grantham's good spirits and looks. Olivade's [Olivade] sentence [for heresy], sending an account which he heard from a spectator, Gazola's Officer, it may be shown, especially to Ossory, who was curious about the subject [see later]. Poor Hughes ill used at Murcia by a rapacious Alquant. Grantham will complain of it as case requires it. Spinola has resigned his Exempit Staff, coming to Madrid as Minister for Genoa with good pay. Lazara in great danger, very ill, bad constitution. Inconvenient for Grantham to lose him for he has nobody that could supply his place as he did Michels. Would not like to take a real Confections. Marian____[?] is engaged else he would do. Looks at the Desert often, kept in drawers made by Brown under the Buffet Table in the Eating room. Madame Bejar dines on Sunday. 25 [November 1778]. Presented his Officers at the Beneventes', the German danced with the black eyed Sa Maria. Grantham considered improved by all who saw him. The women's heads were insufferable, the Torrecillas has a Man of War upon hers and Portugal talked nonsense about the Navy "incomprehensible until I saw the Cause of it". The Marble man promises most of the Commissions for tomorrow sennight when there will be a grant display of the three pieces. Visited the duchess of Alberquerque. The Officers dined and aired round the Altos. Expecting Canales tonight. Health improves beyond expectations making Grantham an exception to Dr. Johnson's severe reflection upon people at a mature time of life. Bull Procession today. The Officers were at the Escurial yesterday, gave them a letter to Campo and Waddilove one to Pa. Nunez. The German is the most agreeable of the two; draws flowers and miniature[s]. Mr. De Courcy is a great Musician. The former was as much surprized as the tall Dane Levetzow, at meeting in Spain, they were at school together. Letter going by Mr. Walpole's man who arrived on 25th with dispatches from Lisbon. Update on letters sent and received. Assurance of his well being. Continuing with the Asses milk and his baths. Fabré and Sobral agree on his case; severe fit of Gravel and Cholic after fever etc.... 28 November [1778]. Duchess of Bejar, Pss [Princess] Dn Masserano, Duque Infantado, Colona, Lanti and Vergasa dined. The two end pieces of the Desert were used and admired. Played base after they had gone, writing now, then will finish with Coloma's Translation of Tacitus. Set out some chairs with Waddilove, made out the enclosed paper [present - see later] upon which Fritz is to make and send his observations. Waddilove's sickness of the morning how passed. Lazara is mended, if he recovers Fabré has saved him. Last night Puig said to send for him at 8am this morning if Lazaro was not dead etc... Duque of Infantado was to go to the Academy this afternoon, but finding himself in good company preferred Grantham's fireside. The English Officers go on Thursday having seen everything worth seeing in Madrid and the whole Garrison on duty on Wednesday. 29 November [1778]. Received Fritz's no.63. Nothing more to add to that send by Heslop. General thoughts on their position. Waddilove has a fit of Gravel. Fabré attends him, blames water at St. Ildefonso. Delapierre’s [illness] was a high fever arising from accumulated obstructions[?], removed and recovering. Called at Gazola's but he dined at Larriccia's, no excuse for not dining with Grantham. The new Italian Exempti are the two whose Twin in the Corpors it was to be preferred. The Officer's dined at Levetzow's and Grantham alone. Went out, and played [music] with Canales. Waddilove suggested, whilst talking of Liberty, of Grantham meeting Fritz in South of France and taking a Tour. Grantham heartily agrees and embellishes plan etc... Kaunitz, Salazar, Giusti, Munro, the Officers, Mocrhettoi [Marchetti] and Fabré dined yesterday. Grantham well. 1 December [1778]. Waddilove better. The Officers dined, also Don Felipe. Visited Bayer, who said he could help Grantham "to a Sallust or two". One for Storer, one for Bishop of Chester [Beilby Porteous] or Christ College Library or perhaps he should prefer the Bishop. Put off Princess Masserano's visit in order to have a little music, suspended on Waddilove's account. The Court has arrived. Mention of Mr. Fairer [a messenger] and contents of his Packet; bad, unfinished notion of the Plateau done when Grantham ill, to be burnt. 2 December [1778]. Update on letters received. Waddilove better but exceedingly impatient "and quite forgetful how much worse a fit of the same disorder he has lately been witness of". Messrs. Nesbitt write that there is no immediate prospect of payment of the arrears from Ireland, but that the Government there offers detentions in lieu of them, bearing four per cent Interest. They now sell at five per sent discount. Due to Grantham on Christmas next is two and three quarter years [corrected to two years in L 30/15/54/105] i.e. 3740. If he takes the debentures to keep them he will receive nearly 150 ___? Intst. If he takes them and parts with them gets 3555 which he cannot dispose of with an Addition to pay Mr. Ashby or buy at the present state of three per cent C____? 4780, which will yield above 140£ per cent Int. In either case gets the money from Ireland and is less liable to the changes and alarms of that Kingdom. Fritz to examine the matter with Draper. Played music with Mr. De Courcy, who plays fiddle very well, and Canales. Manuel mentioned. 4 [December 1778]. Detailed account of the passing of the sentence for Heresy against Olavide: The Autillos de Fé are still celebrated at the Tribunal of the Inquisition with more or less publicity according to the impression intended to be made. Many people of all Ranks imitate the Familiars of the Inquisition; Abrantes, Mora and others attended as servants without hats or swords. Expressions, inattentions to and about Images, together with every particular of his Birth Life etc... Concluded with conviction of Heresy at which point he fainted. Proceedings against Olavide consisted of more than a hundred articles; free books, loose pictures, letter of commendation from Voltaire, neglets [sic] of external duties, hasty Sentenced to deprivation of all his Offices, incapacity of ever holding any ____ for or receiving any Royal favour, confiscation of all his property, banishment to twenty Leagues from Madrid, all Royal Sitios, Seville, the Nueva Poblacion and Lima, the place of his birth. Prohibition of ever riding on horseback or wearing gold, silver or silk and lastly eight years Monastic Discipline in a Convent. Our of respect to Sn. Jago his Cross was not mentioned and the wearing a San Benito esc_____ Recanted his errors and acknowledged his belief in the Romish Faith. Four priests came in with Wands in their hands, laid over his shoulders. Miserare sung. They all left. The Prelate who brings the Patriarch's Cap has arrived; nephew to the late Pope. The Patriarch is supposed to have been told from high Authority to receive him well accounting the for the valuable presents he's already given him: A Coach, six mules, service of Plate for twelve, diamond ring, gold box, silver ingots etc...worth almost £3,000. They have seen the Monsignorina once, he does not appear so lively as his predecessor Gue___rro etc... The Nuncio married Castromonte's son to Abrantes' daughter and gave presents of Italian flowers, some Agnus Deis, Reliques and six dozen find, thin gloves. [Not dated]. Note of Furniture requisite for Drawing Rooms at Whitehall and at Newby [Park, Yorkshire]; details of items he already has and those required. Contents listed of the Great Tapestry Room, Little Tapestry Room and Little Drawing Room below, at Whitehall. Thinking of bespeaking four Encoegnous, i.e. Slates from Malaga and perhaps two or four Serrio Elliptic Tables from Granada or Valencia from whence Waddilove daily expects specimens. Doesn't think any room in either of the houses requires any Furniture to be thought of ahead/abroad? Being chiefly intended to be wainscot or Stucco. [29 November 1778].
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