• Reference
  • Title
    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Madrid to Fritz (Frederick) [no.35]:
  • Date free text
    19 Oct 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
  • Scope and Content
    Assurance of his recovery from the Gravel. Details of the symptoms and treatment by Fabré, attentions from Waddilove, Diego, Shilling etc.... Not going to a Ball at the Penafiel's tonight, thinks "I should make a figure of it". Update on letters sent and received. Response to various subjects in Fritz's; shrubberies at Newby, Shadwell's misfortune. Mr. Anscott's and Mr. Parker's commissions [not specified]. Duff and Welch to draw upon his at once. Remembers Captain Chapeau. Nothing heard from Masin, he left a general order with his Secretary to call on each of them [members of the Corpos Diplomatique] occasionally. The pattern Tom Pelham spoke of for the border of the Plateau was more Classical than the Graper[?] but they are very handsome. The three pieces together are exactly five feel long and suit the longish table etc... Meant to have used the two Ends when the Masserano's dined, but event cancelled due to his illness. Vicuna cloth being sent for Fritz via Manner. The Benevenute has paid for the handkerchief, at least Escalada has in her name. Hopes Fritz's Turtle didn't make him sick. Mr. Kerr is there, from Cadiz, improved. [Later], wiring to Fritz by him. Portugal has lost his wife, [later], a great loss, her fortune goes to his Children, he is very dependent on them and will, Grantham supposes be on all fours to Don Rodrigo. The Nuncio came on Sunday night and was a bit to loud, tell Lady Pelham she will hardly believe it. Venice fell from his horse at the Battue etc... Has written to the Pelhams. Waiting again by Portugal to her. Approves of the Match [Fanny Pelham and Lord Middleton]. Congratulations. Amusing himself with the Desert, much talk of it with Waddilove. Will settle about the little bronze feet for the Sarcophagi. The middle piece ingeniously contrived, the bronze corner goes round it when it is to be served along and slips out when it is used with others.
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