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    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Aranjuez to Frederick:
  • Date free text
    Jun/Jul 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
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    Assumes he is well. Nanny writing regularly of him, rarely mentions his health. Expects a few lines through France every week from him. Uncle Worsley has written giving almost a positive order to buy the two horses for him through Duque de Media Sidonia [see '28 June' section of this letter]. Hopes he has no difficulties about Masserano's man who will not easily be spared now he's going into waiting. Shadwell wrote of Frederick's endeavours to help him. Grantham thinks reserve is the best tack to take with him. Requests he be paid £11. 6.0. for Don Rodrigo's books, either by Draper or Frederick. Will add the money to the latter’s Oak box if paid that way. Did he attend Lord Chatham's funeral. Mr. Gregory dined, off to Madrid now with Mr. Dillon to see the Escurial and St. Ildefonso, letters for both and directions from Waddilove. Wanted to send something [to England] by Wilkie or Dillon but didn't know what. Four new drawings, not worth sending. Mr. B_______ mentioned. The King suggested Grantham draw the Parejas. Dining at Nuncio's on Monday with the Cardinal. Little Infanta said to be much better. Frederick will have pleasure seeing the little folks having parted with them [niece and nephew Parker]. 26 June 1778. Dined at Morino's. Walked out to see the Ox, not at home. Grantham the only person in his own house now except Zenovieff. Comments on Gaming. Uncertainty about removal to Madrid. Noises for St. Peter's Vigil beginning. Moorish squalling in the Calle. 27 June [1778]. Saw Mr. Hughes perform for fourth and last time there. Hopes he succeeds at Madrid. Daily Court attendance growing irksome, no compensation now in returning to Frederick Gazola not ill after all. Has nephews he has never acknowledged and wouldn't speak of. Not thought to have taken any measures about his affairs. Mistaken about Vigil last night. Order out to prevent it on account of damage to trees in the Calle. The Moors keep St. John's Day, Don Louis de Aguilar saw it at Algiers on the Expedition. Believes the Mahodetans allow St. John to have been a Prophet. Don Louis always asks after Frederick. Mejorada very ill at Madrid of a Cholick. Masin has seen ten horses chosen for him out of Cavalry by Ricla's Order. None of them fit for a Groom. Grantham will be happy if he succeeds with [Don Antonio] Caravajal's horses [for Uncle Worsley]. Duke of Medina Sidonia's state of indecision and perplexity, relayed by his little French Monk. Duke currently at the Convent of Geranimites. Pons' two volumes of Estrama duca are come out. Very good, especially the second. Grantham would like to see la Valle de Battucas, thought to be inhabitated by savages, cut of from rest of Province by hills. Mr. Dillon has told him of some french views of Switzerland and some views in England very clearly engraved. He has some concerns in the Birmingham Manufactory and is a Baron of the Empire. He is as wild about Don Quixote as Mr. Bowles * means to publish a description of Madrid and the Sitios. Better qualified than most "not likely to fall into the illiberal manner of writing of Twiss or Dalrymple". Has written grantham a handsome letter of thanks for civilites etc... 28 June [1778]. Dined and supped yesterday at the Nuncio's, didn't sup and slept well. Lost his money. Back to position at the start of the Sitio. Indifferent. Received Frederick's nos. 22, 24 and 25. Respons to individual points later. Much enjoyed reading them. Great satisfaction in Dr. Warren's account of his health and the general way that he [G.] and Frederick concur on so many things, e.g. the Irish Donation etc... Advises him to follow Warren's advice. Grantham's gout gone, feet not as they were. No pains in his back after a particularly long walk. Took some Guuva [?Guava fruit] some time ago which was offensive. Sending a passport for Diego and the Case to Bilbao. Wants to see Miss Musgrave but hates Mrs. Tripp, "you are very frisky about beauty". Why is the Duchess of Devonshire glad to be encamped at Winchester, does she go halves with Lady Derby. Copies of Murillo, Pohl or Eugenio will do them, hopes about £25 each. George [Pelham's?] possible dedication the Church. Hackney School thought a milksop school wneh Grantham was young, perhaps anything better than London etc... Glad Federick does not abuse his verses. The new Chintz is very pretty etc... Frederick's excellent idea of the Embriado de Bucare. "How happy are the People with you. Molsey with Sild or wanting to be so". Agreement on Grantham's budget etc... Asks about Vingt Un and Commerce played in England and Frederick's expenses. Hopes Lord Pelham will have no trouble about the Commission of Lunacy. Bracelets, beads without clasps, about 12 guineas very dear. Right to bespeak them. Is Mr. Brand married? Is his connextion with Lady C. Beauclerk gallant? Good account of Stuco; may help to hide cracks at Newby. Who is Mr. Wapole? [Walpole?]. Astonished by account of little boy's [nephew Parker's] punctuality. Finds they eat muffins. Grantham eats in the Palace Yard, great Luxury. Has sent a little drawing. Four other views of the Tagus now in hand. Almodovar; Frederick does righ to see him, but he is awkward, expect little than Aguilar's reception. Account of the Ladies dreadful, Lady Gover wilke the Benevente. £1000 too much for Jening's Dog. Thinking of enquiring after Droz[?]. The Secret of the Crayons is out, Frederick's assurance that they are not like means he doesn't regret their not coming soon. Coguelludo's boy is dead, she is however five months gone with child. Asked Ricla for letters, with many apologies for Gregory, has only just sent them. 30 June [1778]. Parejas tomorrow. Writing to the Office and Sir Stanyer [Porter] afterwards. Has written to Sneyd, Nesbitt, Draper, Mr. Douchez, Mr. Rouge, Mr. Delaval, Duff and Welsh and McIntosh. Dined at home, walked to the Embasador, ate excellent cherries. 1 July [1778]. Attended Parejas, wrote Office letters etc... 2 July [1778].
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