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    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Aranjuez to Frederick:
  • Date free text
    Jun 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
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    Happy at satisfactory account of his conference with Dr. Warren. Which Mr. Walpole dined with him at Weltje's. Pleased with the account of the Birthday, grateful for the King's great goodness to them on so crowded an occasion. Glad for some account of the Duke of Montau's Royal pupils. Lord Weymouth did right to invite Frederick to dinner, wishes him joy of his Ribbend. Frederick does right "not to press an impracticable Pretension at this moment. The time however will come, when I shall....hold out no longer". Tom [Pelham] did not do right to avoid dancing. Grantham finds his Count is riotous. Glad Lady Payne remembers him. Is Lady Holland ill or in bad circumstances? Richard has been speaking. The King's speech is very good. Kaunitz, Fernanunez and his wife listened to Grantham's music at his window last night. At Court today. Gave Mr. Gregory [Consult at Barcelona] a haunch of venison. Queen of Portugal is better, the Varabineers are to be reviewed, expecting to go to Madrid first of next month. Doubts the poor little Infanta grows worse. Hears Siere is delighted with english children. Dining with Venice and Kaunitxz next week, expects to melt at both places, going very hot. Received letters from both Captain Abercrombie in Scotland and the Bishop of Chester in Colchester. Latter has sent Frederick a poem, "the project from me". Brown writes to Waddilove of Diego and a case arriving soon. Rechteren/Rechtern? has talked about "S", has often seen him, one night he was at supper at Aubry's "in a sad flight". Rechteren little regarded there, has only the Villamayor and Maltese Embassador who will talk to him. Zenoveiff's feast; the butchers and bakers have a bad job for he has lost much money. Grantham spoke to the Company leaving Portugal's last night. There had been seven banks and more than £1000 in ready money on the table. Morino's dinner and Zenovieff/Zenoweiff's ball tomorrow, may not write. Seldom thinks of him without emotion, "involuntary tear" on last page. Expresses his love. 19 June [1778]. Detailed description of Zenovieff's ball. Tonight Abigails etc... have the same féte. Young Spanish nobility particularly struck etc... Mr. Durchof[?], a Walloon Officer attended with his family, they have brought one of poor Curtoy's daughters, whom they have kindly taken care of. Too dirty to walk this morning. Large Congregation; Munro, Gregoyr, Hughes, his servant and little Haslemere. Dined at Venice's, lost five medals. Company quitted Bank to go to Hughes' performance. He recovered the credit he'd lost with the populace etc...one of the fair horses he rode was one of Munro's. Returned home, played base with Canales. Mr. Gregory going in a day or two. Describes him. Comparison with Mr. Hunter when first at Madrid. An Officer, a friend of Waddilove's wants to be promoted, Grantham believes his application would do him more harm than good. Captain Rouge has removed his Solicitations. Grantham will attend to it. Pohl has sent a flaming Memorial for Rula against Ricardo for not paying for copies of his parent's pictures. Venice has paid him, makes a sad figure, lost 15 medals a pistole at a time borrowed from the bank, at his own house. Princes indisposed but recovered. The Infanta not lively to recover. Queen of Portugal in fresh pain. Removal to Madrid still uncertain therefore. 21 June [1778]. Gave a dinner. Treated them to a bird mimicker. Weather enabled walking, Canales called in the afternoon. Leave given for two more bull feasts. Expecting to stay another fortnight. The Queen of Portugal and Infanta are not better. Dining at Kaunitz' tomorrow and supping at Venice's. Masserano goes into Waiting[?] next week. Grantham really afraid for him and knows he is afraid himself but won't admit it. Wishes he had Regiment for he has no strength on horseback although he is galloping all day. Letter from America to Lisbon promise little success to the Commissioners. Would not change places with the Earl at present etc.. Waddilove met the Llaguno's at the Queen's Garden, has asked for various seeds etc...talks of them for Topcliffe, but checks himself as to mentioning when. Grantham wishes him to be at liberty "can conceive not wanting to marry, but under an Engagement, I cannot conceive putting it off"./ Had thoughts himself of marriage at dinner yesterday etc... Hasn't been at Penafuentes a long while, hates Pasales and Don Ramon etc... Old Villan______[?] is a great treat, gone to Madrid to see his aunts, cat and to have his wig dressed. 23 [June 1778]. Turned his deaf ear [left] to the noise last night. Sitio draws to an end. Carabiniers to be reviewed on the 3rd. Parejas planned for tomorrow. Has sent to Messrs. Gregory and Dillon, as they were anxious to see them. Lost five medals at Kauntiz'. Saw the eclipse after dinner. Air darkened and chilled by it. Dining at Venice's. He is selling all manner of things, may be furniture or items bought on credit to sell for ready money. River dirty, may not swim. 24 [June 1778]. Lost five medals at Venice's last night. Messrs. Dillon and Gregory arrived. Sent them to Arissa's with Waddilove. Walked in garden, went up to Count etc... Perejas like the 24 he's already seen. Went through little Infanta's room, poor little girl, sitting up in bed. Don Gabriel asked to see Grantham's drawings. Intending to write Office letter, go to Mr. Hughes', play on base then bed. May have a regular Packet established at St. Andro, not settled and not to be spoken of yet. Sir J. Hart writes that Grantham's second Chintz is procured. Cardinal Valerin is made Legate of Racvenna, the post he wishes for. Heard nothing of his Desert. Enquiring at Madrid about his Marbles, will decorate a chimney piece before they are put on a table etc. 25 [June 1778].
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