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    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Aranjuez to Frederick:
  • Date free text
    Jun 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
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    Nanny's assurance of Frederick's well being, soon to see Dr. Warren, expected to prescribe the country for him. Frederick's plans for the summer. Thanks Tom [Pelham] for his letter [he and Frederick's commonest rendezvous in Ranelagh L 30/15/54/50]. Lord Pelham never writes, leaves the task to Lady Pelham and Tom, assumes he is not less in his affections than ever etc... Sir T Frankland is lucky in getting rid of his daughters so fast. Never thought he would have got Molsey out of Dock. Dined at Lozada's, won four medals. Won none at Penafuentes' at night. Masin dined today, came to learn how to take off the two coloured impressions. Talbot Dillon a Traveller, dined, recommended by Mr. Walpole to Munro. Has a shattered frame, resembles Don Lewis, assumes he is a Catholic. [Knows Mr. Sneyd and lives in Warwickshire see L 30/15/54/50]. Walking in early morning, has also resumed drawings. Ox suckling a calf; hasn't yet seen spectacle, knows others who have etc... Queen of Portugal very ill. No Parajas before Corpus Day. Will not leave Aranjuez until next month. Comparison with Madrid. Dreads St. Ildefonso. 12 June [1778]. Dined at Morino's as usual. The King drove out his finest set of horses. Paid Court to him en passant in the Calle. The Prince complains the do not trot fast enough. The Princess' set is not handsome, the whole begins to look shabby. The Prince was very smart in his Bull Feast. Kaunitz mobbed it, which was not taken amiss etc... Grantham thought he did wrong. St. Saphorin's affair is very scandalous, likely to reach the ears of the Court. Deep play every afternoon at Zenowieff's. Bank won 300 medals. Grantham will not get involved. Those attending go at 4 pm and stay very late. The Benevente goes and not one of the Corpos is ever seen now at the Promenade. Grantham's music improving. Manuel serenaded last night under the window. He collected all the Ciego's who played admirably etc.... Writing to them alternately through France and together through Portugal. Has sent for another Chintz. Little Veso[?] thought to be in a bad way. Sa.Cruz going to Paris. If he loses his son, thinks he will marry Madame Béyer. She is not at Aranjuez this season. Ww.[widow?] Masserano will be his neighbour in Town, she has taken the rambling, haunted house near the College of the Bobles. Fabré has gone with the poor Intendant of Cataline, who will not recover. The Grandas[?] are done but Grantham hasn't done with dinners, shall not invite Pegg. They go to Zenowieff's. His poor little wife is thought under the Controule and Dominion of Marcoff[?], in bad hands indeed; neither he nor Rechteren "have a rain of that philosophical Coquettry which know how to respect and could have pleased any woman in the World". 13 [June 1778]. The Joyes' dined with Don Patricio Curtis. Da Rosa resembles something between Made. Macdonald and Mrs. Welsh. Surprized to see Mr. Dillon attend Prayers, his branch of the Family are Protestants. Doesn't yet know his past employment, but he was attached to the Court of Vienna. A plain, well informed reasonable man. Mr. Hughes' servant also joined the Congregation, in a riding jacket. Munro's prayer book goes home after Church, reads the Psalms of the day after Faro at night. Lives in Grantham's old apartment in Masin's house and the Almodoóvar's occupied Waddiloves and Shadwell's. Wilkie and Dillon will be in England by the end of August. Former directed to call at Saltram. Requests a good reception for him. 14 [June 1778]. Received his no. 21. Relieved he is not intending to experiment with Champaign again. Negretti wants a Common Architectonic Tect______[?] for about ten pounds. Every word of Frederick's about the dear children [niece and nephew Parker] makes him want to see them more. Writing to the Aislabies to thank them for their attentions to Frederick. Will bespeak their wines. [Invited F. to Hendon for a few days, think of G. Under the great Cedar - L 30/15/54/50]. "Lord Bar_____n's giving was extraordinary. Glad justice to be done to Dunning's abilities. Frederick's account of his future would make her very perfect. Such an One I shall never find and if I do I repeat what I have often said, I cannot do her Justice, I cannot give her all". Frederick will do well to go to Stanmer soon, be within call. Yesterday's routine included, drove out to Torre de Colmenar and drew it. Lost five medals at Penafuentes. Went to Court, did not go to the second Conversion. Lost five meals at the Nuncio. Saw Hughes ride well before a numerous Circle. M. Llano, Aranda and Mejerada at the Nuncio's. The Mejorada so perfumed as to be intolerable. Dining at Portugal's Thursday. Venice's Sunday. Latter makes love to Steppa. Court removing immediately. Zenowiff's Fete on Saturday. M. Bejar at Feranunz's last night from twelve to one. Princes Masserano has not taken the horse he spoke of. She walks in the Calle and looks more like a Benedictine Monk than a Princess. The Coadjuteur is a Cardinal, so is Pastorote, Cape doesn't improve him. Wrote to Azara [?] and Bejie[?]. Latter to send things if possible. 16 [June 1778]. Mr. Gregory arrived. Describes him. Commandeur Valenti mentioned. Waddilove * Munro to assist in taking care of him. Hughes did not ride long enough, disappointed the Vulgars. Took 10,000Rls. Great deal for one performance. Riding until dark on Sunday. Dined at Arcos'. Drove to the Torre de Colmenor. Most striking rock. Returned to music and writing. Joking reference to Champaign. 17 [June 1778]. Mr. Gregory breakfasted there. Carried him to the Palace. Resembles Carlisle. The Corps dined at Portugal's, lost five medals. Ate good cold cucumbers. Half oval table frames, carved and gilt; is it worthwhile to have them done there? Crotelat/twelve Apostles. Selina's Print of Charles 5th for Sepulveda's History is very fine. Goya, a painter, has etched some "beggary Philosopher" after Velasquez, extremely well". Pons brought them for Grantham to see. The King is having all the pictures in the Palace engraved. Grantham to have Velasquez' own head done out of the great picture. Also his own catalogue if possible. Better work than Cruz'. Latter gone to the Peñon, offered to do some drawing of Cameo's at the cabinet, accepted. Caso arrived from Buenos Ayres, enquired after Frederick before Grantham himself. In Cypher - "I think we have thrown away the intended offer of mediation foolishly". Frederick's summer plans. Mr. Parker and Tom [Pelham] mentioned. Mr. Gregory came through France, put Grantham out of patience but also made him laugh with the ignorance of the French. Brought a letter from Sir J. Lambert, harping on about his old wish [not specified]. Grantham does not agree and has only one wish [presumably to return to England etc...]. Affectionate ending. 18 [June 1778].
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