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  • Title
    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Aranjuez to Frederick:
  • Date free text
    May/Jun 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
  • Scope and Content
    Nanny's assurances of Frederick's well being at Stanmer. Latter pleased at Hendon. Thinking of them at Stanmer. Dined at Masin's "felt the weight of Chain". Frederick's doing well comforts him. Nanny suspects the Little Girl [niece Parker] is Frederick's favourite. Met Princess Masserano Casada whilst walking to the Embacador. Met others returning from Bull Feast. Small company at Masin's. He goes next month. St. Saphorin moves next week. The Charge d'Affairs likely to become Minister in time. Has brought Grantham a letter from the British Resident at Copenhagen. M. Mejorada does not go out, only appears at the Garden of the Island "preposterously accoutred". St. Saphorin's attempt to get his pictures out Duty Free. 29 May 1778. Sr. Fernando's Day yesterday. Gala in morning. Dined at Morino's. Grantham's books arrived. Little Ball given by the Penafuentes, celebrating her husband's Nameday. Danced a brace of Minuets. Lost two medals. Mr. Wilkie's nephew arrived. On way to England. Dined at home with Arissa St. Emphermia and his wife, Duke of Granada, Arreaga and Valdeparaiso. Thence to the Nuncio's, took leave of the Almodóvars. Won seven medals. Home to re-read Frederick's letters which arrived today. 31 May 1778. Explanation for omission of two days in one weeks letter. Will acknowledge all the issues in Frederick's letters later. Today; attended Court, dined at Kaunitz' with Penafuentes, Fernanunz, Benevente, Stippa etc... Won five medals. Copied out a Cypher letter, duplicate of that sent yesterday through France. Wrote to Nanny and Frederick. Rechteren arrived, he had seen Frederick. Read Laelius, much pleased with it. Wanted a fresh grave book, will read Gray's Life again, it is among Don Rodrigo's. Responses to Frederick's letters; Buckles, Grantham's Desert-Clay's and Heywood's mentioned. Lady Granby is handsome. Hopes he doesn't play deep at Lady Harrington's tho' Lady Crosby is pretty. Approves his purchase of Coach and Harness, Tutenay [?Tutania*] an excellent metal for the purpose. Always longed for Van's house, couldn't afford it. Do as he pleases with the Robinson Plate. Longs to see Hendon, enquires about quality of exterior cement. Grantham pleased at being less responsible for him if he goes into the Army but concerned at his being liable to perpetual application for advancement. Approves Frederick's action. Pleased by Lord Weymouth's behaviour. Party to Stanmer, feelings about it. Possibility of Newby ever being fitted up. Worried at Harry [Pelham's?] situation and unhappiness it may cause his parents. Aunt Stainforth charmed to see Frederick and Tom [Pelham]. Sure of his going well. "It is a strange thing to own in a man near forty, that he has been a great part of his Life without knowing the Importance of the virtue of his Friends... must do myself justice...long proud of the superior Qualities of some of my friends...how shocking it would be if they did not deserve this?". Their cousins the Bastards are great Treats. Singular that Barré should be the Mover for Lord Chatham's funeral honours, after his first speeches in Parliament. Jack Osborne will be well served by Grantham if he comes through Spain. Will send information by private channel, of his business since Frederick left [L 30/15/54/1 and 49]. Almodóvar will make haste etc... His wife will please, much liked by foreigners as well as natives, cousin to the Penafuentes., speaks French and Italian very well. Everything in his no.18 to be confirmed by all Grantham's other letters [not specified]. Afraid of the good which Almodóvar will feel obliged to say. Do not worry about his headache, brief discussion of possible causes. Trusts his cold is gone. Glad Draper pleased about his private affairs, every bill and currency paid until the end of April. Some of May are paid. The June £500 is untouched, owes 30000 Rls. to the box. First plan about horses has failed. Letter sent through the Infantados is no loss. Dinner at Martin's with S. Must have been awkward. If Diego brings anything that is troublesome, let him leave it at a Port and Grantham will send a passport. Send the Marni prints on Waddilove's account. The Bartolozzi are very pretty, but the women's heads are too small. Will not trouble M. Henri. Frederick's vicuna colour must have been handsome. His present to Siere is proper. Account of scandal is dreadful. Suppose "we" batchelors must marry etc... If Grantham's drawings are at M. Swellenberg's Crowned heads will see them. Details of the drawings he has done in Spain. 2 June [1778]. Expecting Masserano's to breakfast as a compliment to the Dowager who cannot get out. Information for Frederick to be carried by Mr. Wilkie, leaving next week [L 30/15/54/1 and 49]. Among Don Rodrigo's books are one of Collins' poems "with sad Milksop Criticisms by Dr. Langhorse, of whose writing I will never read another line". The Masseranos have been. D___ Viuda [?the Dowager] much pleased, she wants the King and Queen to know her sense of their condescension and that she was reminded of England by her dgeuré/dejeuner? [breakfast]. Frederick to repeat former part. Young Princess, frightened and awkward in front of her Mother in Law. Won five medals at Penafuente's etc.. 3 June [1778]. The King's Birthday. Dined at Galvez's with all the Perales family. The Corps dined with the French Embassador. Mention of their [unnamed] great and noisy friend in black. Portugal has taken a trip to Madrid, ill received. People have given up taking notice of him. The new Dane is very tall, handsome, not bright, affected and the most sleepy tone of voice possible. The former Dane [St. Sapharin] is likely to be detained until he has settled a Rape or Seduction charge brought against him. Letter by Mr. Wilkie next week. Coming by Falmouth, has Grantham's directions to see Saltram. Sorry about Masin going next month. Usual affectionate ending. P.S. Send a stock of paper, especially Patent papers for Office letters, if ever a case is sent. Waddilove wants two faces[?], half a guinea each approx. 4 June [1778].
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