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    From 2nd Baron Grantham, Aranjuez to Frederick:
  • Date free text
    May 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
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    Will acquaint the Masseranas of the Queen's great attention. Aware of that she showed to Frederick. Grantham thought his answers at Levees and Drawing Rooms very smart. Lady Harrington is the Benevente of London etc... Thinks Smyth's Match strange. Glad to hear Lady Pembroke is so handsome, hopes she enquired after him [Grantham]. Odd that Charles Fox grows so fat on starving. Frederick's comment at not having walked beyond Stratton Street yet. Accounts of the Aislabies's are as expected. Didn't doubt of Tom [Pelham's] continuing affection for them etc... New chair for Nanny. Banter about Grantham's forgetfulness. Asks for a description of Sir J's [Joshua Reynolds] picture of the little Spencers. Pass on Grantham's letter to D. Warren and have a talk with him. Mention of seeing Wilbraham. Update on correspondence sent and received between them. Selwyn is an old woman, a wet nurse. Be in no hurry about Ranelagh and did he like the Opera? Read his and Nanny's letters in the Garden of the Island, rode to Campo Flamenco to explain Telescope. Played base. 15 May 1778. Yesterday's routine. Dined at Morino's, avoided Bull Feast, walked from Embacador to end of the Soto. Played with Canales, Old Magnifico gone to Toledo. Monmorin, the Nuncio and Kauntiz go Wednesday. Santa Marias down for the day. She has a fine pair of eyes. She was daughter to the Old counsellor of Castile, who died recently. Sister to the handsome Cadet they've seen about. Finished the Georgic, must get a delphic Virgil. Not ashamed to admit he did not know some of the English words, but is to say the language construction is difficult. Two observations occurred during this pursuit; merit and simplicity of representations in statues and bas reliefs of the Antique and, the Landscapes of Cloud were constantly in his mind. His long disuse of any cultivation of the classics, enjoying them at present as never before etc... Update on post sent and expected. Lauzun mentioned. At Court today. Frederick enquired after in the Prince's apartments. The Benevente has arrived. Heard Venice holds his bank at undue hours, he will never see Grantham there. The King said he would shoot Grantham a buck. Has thought of giving Peñafuente a dinner. Dined at Musquiz' by invitation, to eat cream etc... "Finished Dr. Beattie's 'Truth and Poetry', remains "Laughter and Classis". Walking and weather. Draws between 3.30 and 5.30 pm, hoping to complete Aranjuez collection before Sitio ends. May drop in at Penafuentes'. Masin to Madrid tomorrow. Has written by Common Post via France. 18 May 1778. Update on letters sent and received. Sir J. Lambert mentioned. Discussion about horses. Uncle's [Worsley's] commission to be covered separately. His affairs now in Frederick and Draper's hands, order them as they please. Owes the Joyes' nothing. No debts besides Frederick's Box and Currency of this month. Difficult to have plans in his uncertain future. Frederick to decide how to furnish the house. Glad Nanny pleased with his Alhajas. Describe Mr. Parker's coffee pot to him. Has no thoughts on his Ewer. Mr. Drais from Paris mentioned. The Nuncio has given Grantham some Perricata. Glad Tom [Pelham's] sore throat was only slight. English women handsome, enquiries about their eyes as "little George" did. Mr. Sneyd "donnait a manger, if Mr. Tullerton's name begins with an F., supposes is was the Secretary of Embassy. Mr. Forth's name was in the Papers for that Employment". He will never be sent to Spain. Glad Frederick is as well and happy as their separation will allow. Went to Penfuentes last night. Won four medals etc... 19 May [1778]. Intended to give himself a Holyday today, but has become bored. Has been at the Promenade where M. De Glimes, Juacito Larrea and himself always seem to be. Still reading Virgil, the Aenid. Had forgotten it all since first time of reading, not sure if this due to poor memory or his usual carelessness with his studies. Is going to forget Dr. Beattie too. Frederick made a great figure in the Dutch Gazette, was said to have arrived in London 27 March, which was the day Shadwell arrived. Had letter from the latter, not replied as yet "no occasion that he should brag of Correspondence with me". Waddilove rides with him often, obliged for his good spirits. Prefers to walk alone cane lean on no arm but Frederick's. 20 May [1778]. Update on letters sent. Impatient for answers to his dispatches, happy when Almodóvar sets out. Slow disarmament at Cadiz a good sign. Report of Messenger from Madrid arriving there and causing the dispatch of a small vessel, thought to have been sent out to slacken the progress of the French Fleet. Unsubstantiated, so won't mention to the Office. Letter from Mr. Marsh says that Frederick and Shadwell were to dine at Mr. Erscott's uncle in the City on 23 April. Is this true? Panels for Masin's Coach to be sent to Genoa. Coach of four places. Gilt girilochée ground, running border. 21 May [1778].
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