Scope and Content
ia) William Cater, Kempston, esquire
ib) Thomas Parson, Kempston Hardwick, gentleman
ic) Thomas Carter, Kempston, gentleman
id) Thomas Yarvey, Kempston, gentleman
ie) William Badles, Kempston, gentleman
if) John Browne, Kempston, gentleman
ig) John Amps, Kempston, yeoman
ih) Robert Denys, Kempston, yeoman
ik) William Denys, Kempston, yeoman
il) Thomas Smith, Kempston, yeoman
im) Thomas Parson, late Kempston, now Stanbridge, yeoman
in) William Whyte, Kempston, yeoman
io) William Crowley, Kempston, yeoman
iia) George Cater, son and heir apparent of ia)
iib) John Parson, eldest son of ib)
iic) William Cater, eldest son of ic)
iid) William Yarvey, eldest son of id)
iie) Matthew Bedles, eldest son of ie)
iif) John Browne, eldest son of if)
iig) John Amps, eldest son of ig)
iih) Matthew Denys, eldest son of ih)
iik) William Denys, eldest son of ik)
iil) Thomas Pearson, eldest son of im)
iim) George Whyte, eldest son of in)
iin) John Crowley, eldest son of io)
… parcels of ground called
… the Great Flagges
… the Little Flagges
… the foot causeway leading from the East End of Kempston into the spinney near the church
… the parcel of ground wherein the said William Cater has a passage into the Earles Home for a yearly rent of 12d
Containing by estimation in all 5 acres, bounded by the Owse river NE., the highway there SW., and now in tenure of Henry Samon
… parcel of land lying by the riverside adjoining the Churchyard of Kempston containing by estimate 1 rood, now in the occupation of Henry Randoll, clerk
… a spinney of elms at the west end of the town-house containing by estimate ½ rood, and a piece of ground at the south end of the said spinney, on which a cottage is now erected, in the occupation of William Dickens at 12d per annum rent
… a spinney in the Church End in Kempston containing ½ rood together with all the timber trees, woods, underwoods, commons etc.
"to the intent and purpose that the said meadowe grownd and Spinneys and other the premisses maye bee bestowed and imployed for the good and benefitt of the towne of Kempston aforesaid in relieveinge the poore people thereof, in easinge the taxacion, defrayeinge Common Charges as the same hath heretofore been imployed and bestowed and in such manner and forme as shall thereafter bee thought most meete and expedient by the greatest number of the better sorte of the inhabitauntes of the said towne of Kempston …."
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Signed: Matthew Bedell junior; William Yarwaye, John Browne junior; George White, mark of Thomas Pearson junior
Witnessed: William Crowley, William Bensonn, George Spenser, Thomas Spenser, Raphe Forman.