• Reference
  • Title
    Declaration of uses: i) Vincent Pearse of Wangyard (county Suffolk), D.D. and wife Katherine, Richard Rennyson alias Reynoldson and wife Anne of Houghton Conquest, Elizabeth Taylor of the same, William Newold and wife Elizabeth of Kempston and Robert Odell and wife Elizabeth of the same ii) Martha Hackett of Houghton Conquest iii) Francis Durrant and wife Susan of Kempston iv) Edward Dickons and wife Mary of Kempston v) Thomas Gardner of the same Relates to several small properties in Kempston and Houghton Conquest. One armorial seal
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1652 To: 1652
  • Scope and Content
    Transcript: (as far as possible) "This Indenture ..?.. made the first day of October the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty two Betwene Vincent Pearse of Wangford in the County of Suffolk Doctor of Divinity and Kath(leen?) his wife Richard Rennyson otherwise Reynoldson of Houghton Conquest in the County of Bedford yeoman and Ann his wife and Elizabeth Taylor of Houghton Conquest in the County of Bedford widdow William Newold the elder of Kempston in the County of Bedford yeoman and Elizabeth his wife Robert Odell of Kempston aforesaid labourer and Elizabeth his wife of the first pte Martha Hackett of Houghton Conquest aforesaid (?other) of the second pte ffrancis durrant of Kempston aforesaid laborer and Susan his wife of the third pte Edward dickens of Kempston and Martha Hackett of the fourth pte Thomas Gardner of Kempston aforesaid labourer of the fifte pte Witnesseth that whereas the said Vincent Pearse and Kathren his wife Richard Rennyson otherwise Rennoldson and Ann his wife Elizabeth Taylor widow William Newold and Elizabeth his wife Robert Odell and Elizabeth his wife haue in Trinity Term last past before the date of these p'nts acknowleged and levied one fine upvn the acknowlegmt. of the right (?of as that (?pte) (?unto) the said Martha Hackett ffrancis durrant Edward dickens Thomas Gardner (…?... in ye same fine) of a Messuage Cottage of Tenemt. orchard and garden wth the appurtenances in Kempston aforesaid now in the occupacion of the said ffrancis durrant and one Messuage or Tenemt. wth the appurtenances now or late in the occupacion of ffrancis Hall and a peece of ground wth the appurtenances lately a grove of trees and now stocked upp in the possession of John Reynolds and adjoyneing to the last mentioned Tenemt. in Kempston aforesaid and one Tenement or Tofte wth ?appurt of pasture thereunto adjoyneing ? ? ? one acre (be it more or less) wth appurtenances in Kempston aforesaid now in tenure or occupacion of the said Thomas Gardener and his heires and assignes And ?alsoe of Three acres of land wth the appurtenances in Houghton Conquest aforesaid now in the occupacion of William Risely or his assigns By the ?name or names of Two Messuages One Tofte and Two gardens one orchard ?four acresof land and one acre of pasture wth the appurtenances in Kempston and Houghton Conquest before the Justices of the Comm Bench ?att ?Westend …. …. … upon to be ?had according to the Statute in that case provided Now it is hereby Covenanted concluded granted and agreed upon by and betweene all the ptyes to these pnts and every of them That the said fine for acknowledged and levied (as aforesaid) shal bee and more and shalbee adjudged construed deemed and taken to bee …?... to and for such uses and interests and purposes as hereafter in these p'nts are specified and declared and to non other use intent or purpose (That is to say) as to for and concerning the aforesaid Three acres of land wth the appurtenances in Houghton Conquest to the use and behoofe of the said Martha Hackett her heires and assignes for ever as to for and concerneinge the Messuage Cottage or Tenemt. orchard and garden wth the appurtenances in Kempston aforesaid in the occupacion of ffrancis durrant to the use and behoofe of the said ffrancis durrant and Susan his wife and the heires and assignes of the said ffrancis for ever And as to for and concerneing the said Messuage or Tenemt. now or late in the occupation of ffrancis Hall and the peece of ground late a grove of trees wth the appurtenances in Kempston aforesaid To the use and behoof of the said Edward Dickens and Mary his wife and the heires and assigns of the said Edward for ever And lastly as to for concerneing the Tenemt. or Tofte and pightell of pasture thereunto adjoyneing wth the appurtenances in Kempston aforesaid (being the residue of the land and tenemts. conteyned in the same fine) To the use and behoofe of the said Thomas Gardner and of his heires and assignes for ever. In Witness whereof the ptyes to these present Indentures nither changeably their hands and Seales have sett the daye and yeare first aboue written. Vincent Pearse, Kathr. Pearse, the mark of Ann Renyson the mark of Elizabeth Taylor, the marke of William Newold, the marke of Robert Odell, the marke of Elizabeth Odell, Richard Renyson, Elizabeth Newold, Martha Hackett, the mark of ffrancis Durrant, the marke of Richard Dickens.'
  • Level of description