Scope and Content
Summary accounts and annual balance sheets for each year comprising:
Lists of Boys entering and leaving, with their numbers (to 410);
Receipts from Church Collections from different places;
Donations towards new buildings;
Subscriptions and Donations - names and amounts;
Building accounts (including new church);
Bank Interest and Commission;
Building and Furnishing account.
Under 1880. "The Adrian Foundation" copy of deed of gift written by Frances Catherine Sarah Wyatt Edgell on 27 August 1875 - £1,000.
Sum applied to purchase of freehold property in North Street, Shefford
Under 1881. "The Blanquet Foundation. £300 on death of Mrs Ann Lewington to support one boy to commemorate Mr Isaac Philip Blanquet". Later note by H E King, January 1894 " Mrs Lewington died in 1892, interest having been paid to her as above till her death.
I have been unable to trace the principal: probably it was spent in the building of the Home".
Under 1881 "Diocese of Northampton. Church of St George and St Francis and St Francis Orphanage and Seminary, Shefford, Bedfordshire" note of gift of £40 from Miss Elizabeth Mary Smith, died 1884.
Note under 1882 of wish for masses for Eyston family.
Under 1884 " Mrs Lyne Stephens died September 2nd 1894 and left by will £2,000 to St Francis' Home" as foundation for three boys. Mass is said once a month for the repose f her soul, and once a month for Eyston family.
"to keep in memory of two most noble Benefactors."
The Building account of St Francis Home commenced with its foundation in 1869.
It comprised the repairs of the old buildings, already existing, and also some slight additions made for the opening of the Home in 1870. Other small additions were made from time to time, to accommodate the boys received in the first years of the Home.
At the close of the year 1873 it was determined to commence the rebuilding of the Home. This great work was brought to a close, by the end of the year 1884.
As I do not think it necessary to publish in the Report for 1884 a building account balance sheet, I here draw attention on a preceding page in which it will be seen that the debt of £1,128..3s..3d shewn in the Balance sheet of 1883, together with a further expenditure, not previously accounted for of £645..9s..2d was paid by the united offerings of Mrs Lyne Stephens and of the late John Eyston.
I venture to express a hope, that all future Managers of St Francis' Home, will be reminded by this record to keep in memory these two most noble benefactors, Yolande Marie Louise Lyne Stephens and John Eyston, and that daily prayers for them, and commemorations in the Communions of the boys; may be continued as long as the Home exists. William Collis. Manager of the Home, from its foundation in 1869. April 1885".
Under 1891 "For the perpetuation of the Memory of our Benefactors"
Following the example of my revered predecessor Canon Collis, I have thought well to record in this place certain noble benefactions which entitle the donors to a perpetual remembrance amongst the inmates of St Francis' Home.
In 1892 John Henry Fanning, esquire, of View Mount, Waterford, Ireland, and Shefford, gave the sum of £100 to St Francis' Home; in 1894 £150; and on March 5th 1896, the first anniversary of the death of the above esteemed and charitable gentleman, Mrs fanning, in pursuance of a wish expressed by her late husband, handed me the sum of £1,000 (one thousand pounds) to use as I might think best in the work of maintaining and educating orphan boys in St Francis' Home, and expressly to be a relief to me in the worry and anxiety necessarily resultant on the extreme difficulty (in these days) of collecting sufficient money to carry on the above work. In gratitude for the above very great charity and generosity, I undertake to say one Mass every month for the repose of the soul of the late John Henry Fanning, and one Mass every month for Mrs Fanning during her life: and after her death (should I survive) I will say one Mass every month for the repose of the souls of both, as long as I live, or am able to say Mass … I will endeavour to secure their anniversaries be solemnly kept and an annual Mass celebrated for them in perpetuity. Henry Ernest King.
April 10th 1896. Director of St Francis' Home
October 22nd 1897. I received from Miss Linford, of Priory House, Shefford, the sum of £50 for the use of St Francis' Home, on condition of providing for the funeral expenses of the same Miss Linford at her death, if required, and of saying some Masses for the eternal repose of her soul … Miss Linford directs the funeral expenses be moderate, and the the Manager of the Home will say for her as many Masses as his charity and gratitude will dictate. Henry E King.
Adrian Foundation. A sum of £1,000 was given by the Honourable Frances Catherine Sarah Veryey Cave, in religion Sister Mary Christopher, with the intention of supporting two orphan boys in St Francis' Orphanage. In the year this money was received (1881) the Orphanage was without infirmary or other accommodation for sick boys should an epidemic break out, and as the Manager then suffered great fear on this account, he purchased two houses in North Bridge Street, Shefford; one on the right hand, and the other on the left of the property already conveyed to the Mission of Shefford on the death of Mr and Mrs Neale. These two houses were provided with yard, and gardens; and they remain the property of the Orphanage. Two boys - to cover the interest of the £1,000 - have been supported in the Orphanage since the date of this foundation.[names from 1881-1894].
Miss Chapon's Foundation. This lady in the year 1883 left property to the value of £700 for the support of St Francis' Orphanage. This money in 1884 was applied to the purchase of a house (now St Thomas Aquinas' Seminary) adjoining that inhabited by Mr Balding, and the rent applied to the support of a boy in St Francis' Orphanage. [names from 1885-1894].
Mgr. Davies. The house adjoining the Seminary, was in 1893 made over to the Davidson Trust, in lieu of part purchase money for the adjoining property (two houses and land). £1,000 given by Mgr. Davies of Costessey was also invested in this property. Part of the land thus purchased was added to the boys' cricket-field, and part of it made into a burial ground. Interest at 5 per cent has to be paid to Mgr. Davies during his life. The rent of the two houses above mentioned is £42 per annum. … Consequently this foundation at present yields no revenue. September 1893 H.E.K.
Arthur Young's Foundation. Mr Thomas Arthur Young left a piece of land in Middle Rasen, Lincolnshire, the rent of which was to be applied to the support of a boy from Lincolnshire … Mr Young supposed that the land could produce £18 per annum, but the rent has become so much reduced that in 1891 £11..8s..6d was all that was received. [names and histories of boys].
Mr Henry Lewington's Foundation. Mr Henry Lewington left to me, William Collis, a small property in Polehanger Lane, Shefford, in 1877 … the rents to be applied to the support of an orphan boy … At this time the property was let at £12 per annum, but after the tenant left the cottages being thoroughly and altogether out of repair, tenants could not be found. Since which it has been occupied by Mr Mahoney, the shoemaker of St Francis Orphanage. Though the money received is inadequate, a boy has been supported on this foundation [names and dates] [later hand]. This property was sold by Canon Collis to Mr A Inskip in (?) 1892. Though there is now nothing whatever from this foundation for the support of a boy, a boy is kept on the general funds of the Home in discharge of the obligation incurred when the property was received. H.E.K. 1894.
Young Gentlemen's Foundation. This association of Young Gentlemen was founded in 1875 by Lady Amabel Kerr, with the assistance of other ladies, for the purpose of assisting St Francis' Orphanage, Shefford. The young gentlemen subscribe 2s..6d per annum, and their united subscriptions was first applied to the Building Fund … but since 1879 ... in support of orphan boys … Mass is said once a month for the Associates [names and dates].
The Stafford Charity. The trustees of the Dowager Lady Stafford's will … give annually to St Francis' Orphanage, Shefford, the sum of £40 conditionally that an orphan boy from the diocese of Middlesborough be supported [names and dates].
List of Young Gentlemen: subscribers to the Ciborium
List of boys supported without payment.
Under 1892 "The Balance Sheet for 1892 showed a deficit of £399..6s..10d, but as there were a number of outstanding accounts … the debts … amounted to very much more that that. On the 21st April 1893 … our beloved and revered founder, Canon Collis, died. It was then found that the Home was in debt to the extent of about £900 … By … the report for 1893 … the Bishop, with the aid of £500 generously given by Mrs Lyne Stephens, had paid off the whole … with the exception of some £60.
In 1894 the new Lavatory for the larger boys was completed, with water supply to each basin … In the month of August the chiming clock overlooking the boys' playground was erected with three bells in small turret, at a total cost of £73.
Note on Mahoney's Wages from 1894 to 1907, and deductions.
Statement of properties insured.
1884 Purchase of house in High Street money paid Mr Balding borrowed of Davidson's Trust, Diocese of Northampton. Paid Mr Wheatley for new wall to divide Seminary garden from Yard.
Various Foundations' accounts.
Interleaved: X627/13a., b., c. 3 copies of prospectus.
tempore Henry E King