- ReferenceL30/14/333/285
- TitleFrom Fritz, Whitehall to 2nd Baron Grantham [Newby Park]:
- Date free text2 Jul 1784
- Production dateFrom: 1784 To: 1784
- Scope and ContentGave Nanny the lightest blue Vicuna. George Berkley & Miss Lenox are not gone off. Joseph's match, how do they settle about their faith? etc... Lady Robinson has had a cold and tooth drawn. Admonishes Grantham for allowing Waddilove to read Fritz's letter to Grantham, called him `unaccommodating' in one. Mr. Pitt's budget well received. Resistance to Coal Tax. Tom Pelham's Committee over, Stanmer together tomorrow. Worried that opposition to taxes etc.. may delay getting to Yorkshire. Waddilove's Cypher is on his Couvert etc.. Cheeses off in waggon this evening. Met Soame Jenyns in the Park in a round hat, bob wig & laced frock. Tom [Pelham?] a bit unreliable. Has written to Munro. Maby's Review, nothing of interest. Gloomy and cold weather, fires still in use. Lord Boringdon will be a grand contributor to Horse Tax.
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