• Reference
  • Title
    Title of the Mannors of Hawnes and St Macute in County of Bedford
  • Date free text
    Abstract made c.1700
  • Production date
    From: 1622 To: 1705
  • Scope and Content
    1) Copy of a deed inrolled in the Common Pleas dated 3 April 20 James I [1622]. Between Robert Nudigate, esquire, sonne and heire of Sir Robert Nudigate, Sir Martin Stutvile and William Hide, esquire and Dame Grissell his wife, mother of the said Sir Robert Nudigate of the 1st part; Sir Oliver Luke of the 2nd part; and the Lord St John and Lord Russell of the 3rd part; in consideration of £10,000 paid by the said Sir Oliver Luke, the said Sir Robert Nudigate, Sir Martin Stutvile, William Hide and Dame Grissell, grant, alien, bargaine, sell, enfeoffe, release and confirme to Sir Oliver Luke, the Manor of Hawnes with the appurtenances in the County of Bedford and severall lands therein particularly exprest lyeing in Hawnes, Houghton Conquest, Clophill and Wilshamsted in the County of Bedford. To have and to hold unto the said Sir Oliver Luke, his heires, and also for ever with a covenant to leavy a Fine before the end of Easter Terme following, unto Sir Oliver Luke and his heires. 2) The Copy of the said Fine, Easter Terme, 20 James I [1622] 3) By Indentures of Lease and Release dated the 15th and 16th of January 18 Charles II [1666/7]. Between Sir Samuel Luke who was the sonne and heire of Sir Oliver Luke and Dame Elizabeth his wife, Oliver Luke, sonne and heire apparent of the said Sir Samuel Luke and Dame Elizabeth, Sir George Sands and Sir Thomas Soame of the 1st part; William Mountagu the Queenes Atturney General and Sir Thomas Crew of the 2nd part; Henry Moore, Matthew Johnson and Alexander Westlake of the 3rd part; in consideration of £19,000 paid to Sir Samuel Luke and his sonne by the said William Mountagu and Sir Thomas Crew, the said Sir Samuel Luke and his son, Sir George Sands and Sir Thomas Soame convey the Mannor of Hawnes and the rest of the lands and likewise the Chappell and Mannor of St Macute in Hawnes, to William Mountagu and Sir Thomas Crew and their heires with a covenant to leavy a Fine to the said Mountagu and Crew to make them tenants to the precipe for the suffering of a Recovery, wherein Moore and Johnson were to be demandants, which should be to the use of Mountagu and Crew and their heires. 4) An Acquittance for the purchase money being £19,000 from Sir Samuel Luke and Oliver his sonne dated the said 16th January 8 Charles II [1656/7] 5) A Fine accordingly from Sir Samuel Luke and his Lady and Oliver Luke to Mountagu and Crew 6) A Recovery accordingly wherein Oliver Luke the sonne comes in as Vouchee (soe that I suppose the entaile was in him and that Sir Samuel Luke was only tenant for life) 1 May 19 Charles II [1667] The six daughters of Sir Samuel Luke release all their right and interest in the said Mannor and lands to Mountagu and Crew and their heires, and all trusts and summes of money ariseing thereout As to the Chappell and Manor of St Macute in Hawnes. Indenture 1 May 1657. Betweene John Ventris, esquire of the 1st part; Sir Samuel Luke and Oliver Luke his sonne and Robert Lane of the 2nd part; and Thomas Christie of the 3rd part. John Ventris covenants to leavy a Fine to Christie, of the Chappell or Mannor of St Macute in Hawnes in the County of Bedford, which was to be to the use of Christie and his heires. A Fine leavied accordingly By Indentures 5 and 7 of September 1657. Thomas Christie in pursuance of a Trust reposed in him by the direccon of Sir Samuel Luke conveys the Chappell and Mannor of St Macute to Oliver Luke and his heires. An ancient Lease for 99 years of St Macute which was advised to be kept on foot is assigned to Brisband and Westlake in trust 'to attend the inheritance' [struck out, and ;'for the benefitt of the mortgagee of the Manor of Hawnes' added] A mortgage from Mountagu and Crew to Oliver Luke for £9,000 dated 15 June 19 Charles II [1667]. [X520/15] An Assignment of that Mortgage from Luke to George, Duke of Albemarle dated 17 April 21 Charles II [1669]. [Recited in X520/20]. With the Receipt for the money by Luke An Assignment from this Duke of Albemarle and his trustees to James and John Clitherow, dated the 18 July 23 Charles II [1671], with the Duke's Receipt and Sir George Carteret's Bond to perform covenants [Recited in X520/20] A Declaracon from Sir George Carteret, Mr Brisland and others that a former terme of 98 years 11 months and 3 weeks shall attend a terme of 500 years assigned to the Duke of Albemarle, dated 19 April 1669
  • Level of description