Glass negatives taken by Alfred John Burns. The negatives are the work of Alfred John Burns (circa 1869-1936) who was bursar and secretary at Bedford Modern School from 1892 to 1932. The negative, mostly undated and unidentified portraits of people in the Bedford/Kempston are date from circa 1895-1907
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Production date
From: 1895 To: 1907
Admin/biog history
Brief history of A J Burns:
1876-1879 Pupil at Bedford Modern School
1891-1901 Secretary to Kempston Gas Company Limited
c.1892 Appointed Bursar and Secretary to the Bedford Modern School by the Headmaster Dr Poole
c.1895-1904 Lived at "Rose Villa" 168 Bedford Road, Bedford
the negatives date from this period, although there is an early view of Harpur Street (X678/11/42) which is pre 1883
c.1905 Moved to 23 Kempston Road, Bedford
c.1911 Moved to 87 Goldington Road, Bedford
1923-1934 Secretary to the Bunyan Meeting, Bedford
1932 August , Retired as Secretary of the Bedford Modern School
1936 September 3, Died at 87 Goldington Road
[for portrait sketch see "The Eagle" March 1932 (Ref: X390/18 facing p.489)]
Archival history
Boxes of glass negative donated to Bedford County Records Office by Lady Hardie, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, via Bedford Museum. 31 October 1985
[For further negatives by A J Burns see catalogue X678]
Level of description