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    From Fritz, Whitehall to 2nd Baron Grantham, Madrid:
  • Date free text
    8 May 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
  • Scope and Content
    Has received letter by Lawzun and all those via Lisbon to 10 April. Missing only those that went through hands of Infantados. Regrets Grantham not sending information he'd hoped for about situation in Spain. Feels ignorant of current public affairs. Has seen Sir Stanier Porten, as old and slow as ever. Went with Lord Pelham to Lord North's Levee. King & Queen return from Petworth today. Met Lord Ossory, grown very fat. Richard expected daily. Mr. Ackland and Lady Harriet just arrived, former quite lame. Sir Thomas in town, Mr. Hugh wishes to be remembered. Dr Warren's two sons drowned in a sailing boat accident, vessel overturned. Sir Charles Whitworth's son also present. Lady Carlisle dangerously ill, better now. Ladies in England generally very handsome. Tom Pelham visiting Mr. Brand’s for a few days, hopes to see him at dinner at Harry Pelhams in Argylle Street when dining with the Hardinges. Attended assembly at Mrs. Hardinge’s, saw Mrs. Caleb. Lady Robinson at Bath. Has dined with the Aislabies, he is very weak. Niece of Bishop of Oxford lives with them. Going to Hendon with Mrs. Aislabie on Saturday. Invited to Yorkshire also but intends to stay in Sussex and Devonshire this summer. Mr. Parker still in Devon, returning after Regiment reviewed. Has taken precautions about his children being under Fritz and Grantham’s care, will write to Grantham on subject. The little boy [John Parker junior] learns his exercise from Sergeant Tap, so do Lucy & Emily etc...asks for exact size of the oval of the little boy by Angelica [Kauffman]. Mr. Potter who was Charge d'Affairs at Turin is now a Welsh Judge. Encouragement for Fritz to return to Temple. Has still not been to part of town beyond Adelphi. Great improvements have been made within seven years. Description of Lady Pelham's house, paper, hangings, furniture etc. Still restained from writing on certain subjects for fear of mail interception in France. Old de la Pierre sends his duty. Saw Francois, passed on Grantham's satisfaction with brother. Siere makes slow progress with his English, but likes the country. May not keep the Swiss due to difference over board wages. Mrs. Medina Sidonia's death. What's to be done with her fans, Draper has them. What to do about Negrette's books. Perhaps make up a case for Kaunitz, Portugal & the Beneventi's and send to Masin. Not the handkerchiefs. Couldn't get any buckles for Grantham. Awaits his answer. Lord Hardwicke published two volumes in Quarto of miscellaneous state papers from 1501 to 1726. Concludes with three letters from Fritz's father to Under Secretary of State and one from Dr B Keen. Lord Hardwicke should have consulted Grantham. Subjects included anecdotes of marriage of late King of France, not as important as other subjects he had written on. Mr. Browne sends compliments. Concludes letter due to engagement in Covent Garden, "not of the nature you are suspecting, for I can assure that though it is more tempting to the ego, & more within reach of the hand than in Spain, I have not tasted of the fruit of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste bought...xxx...into the world & so much woe. I mean the cocoa nut...." P.S. North went last Post by way of Lisbon.
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