• Reference
  • Title
    Marriage Settlement (copy) and other Indentures
  • Date free text
    10 Nov 1768 - 18 Aug 1781; copy made 21 Oct 1802 [?]
  • Production date
    From: 1752 To: 1802
  • Scope and Content
    i) George Bowyer of St. George, Hanover Square, Middlesex, esquire ii) Dame Margaret Downing of Mount Prospect, Putney, Surrey, widow & executor of Sir Jacob Garrard Downing late of Mount Prospect, deceased iii) William Greaves Beaupre Bell of Falborn, Cambridgeshire, esquire Thomas Ryder of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, gentleman Henry Mountfort of the same, gentleman John Rose of Putney, surgeon marriage intended between i) & ii) whereas: ii) stands seised of property in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire & Suffolk & also of property in Putney, St. Margaret's Westminster, Middlesex & Swaffham Prior, Cambridgeshire; also is possessed of £93,000 in 3% bank annuities, also of large quantities of plate, jewels, watches, rings, household goods & furniture & money & other personal estate. recites agreement that after the marriage all the estate of ii) shall remain to use of ii) as if she were unmarried except as is to be mentioned ii) has transferred to iii) the £93,000 now: ii) releases to iii) - all real estate devised to her by will of Sir Jacob in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Suffolk on trust & ii) releases to iii) - messuage called Mount Prospect in Putney with lands & hereditaments belonging now in occupation of ii) which messuage, except for a small part is held under 2 leases, of 12 March 1755 made by Percival Lewis of Putney, esquire deceased to Sir Jacob for 61 years & 10 June 1761 made by Right Honourable John Spencer - several dwelling houses in parish of St. Margarets, Westminster, Middlesex in Downing Street & King Street in occupation of John Atkinson, David Lee, Mr. Barnard, Mrs. Huckerby, Reverend Doctor Francis, William Kelynge, John Richardson, Mr. Morris, Henry Hill esquire, Mrs. Stretchy, Mr Somers, Mr Waddington, William Greaves esquire, Thomas Maude esquire, Mrs Bodenham, Mr Russell, Mr Castledon, Mr Garret, the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, Mr Dyer, part of which premises are held by lease from the Dean & Chapter of Westminster to ii) of 27 March 1765 for 36½ years, part held by lease from said Dean & Chapter to ii) of 27 March 1765 for 31 years & part by lease from Crown to Sir Jacob of 5 February 25 George II [1752] for such term as would make up 50 years. - pieces of fen or marsh ground in Swaffham Prior held by Lease from Dean & Chapter of Ely to ii) for 21 years made 14 June 1765 - all other property to which ii) is entitled for a term of years. also: ii) has transferred to iii) - all jewels, rings, plate, pictures & linen & household goods & furniture at Mount Prospect aforesaid in Queen Ann Street, Cavendish Square, Middlesex & Dunwick, Suffolk & all money owing to ii) or to Sir Jacob & all ready money, rights, interests etc. to be held by iii) on trust for ii) before the marriage, then: £83,000 of the £93,000 & the freehold & leasehold properties to be disposed of by iii) as ii) alone without i) shall appoint & in the meantime iii) shall pay all yearly rent & profits to ii) for her own sole benefit, so that it may not be liable to the debts or engagements of i) if ii) die before giving directions for disposal, then iii) shall hold the property in trust for her heirs; iii) shall permit to ii) the use of the jewels, rings, plate, pictures, linen & household goods & furniture & freedom to give any away. Any monies coming to ii) shall be laid out by iii) on Government or Real Securities as ii) shall appoint without i) As to remaining £10,000 of annuities, iii) shall pay yearly interest & dividends to ii) during joint lives of i) & ii) If i) survives ii) then iii) shall transfer annuities to him; if ii) survives then to be transferred to her. also: i) agrees to execute a further conveyance to assure the estate to ii) & agrees not to meddle with any of her money witness: Thomas Ryder, junior, C. Gregory Wade 10 November 1768 copy made 21 October 1802[?] Indenture (endorsement on original) I. Dame Margaret Downing now wife of George Bowyer II. William Greaves Beaupre Bell Thomas Ryder John Rose III. William Sandby of St. Clement Danes, Middlesex, Banker recites: marriage of I. with George Bowyer; subsequently George III has granted the trustees some property in St. Margarets Westminster on 9 May last (which were demised to Sir Jacob by George II for reversionary term of 17 years) recites: death of Henry Mountfort whereas: William Maseres, esquire has agreed with Dame M. to purchase the above Westminster property for £10,500 & they have been sold & trustees have paid £3000 of it to Dame M & have laid out the rest in bank annuities together with the £93,000 & also £14,094.2.3 of annuities purchased by Dame M. since her marriage have been transferred to trustees (William Sandby having replaced Henry Mountfort) all of which sums make together £115,700 of annuities William Sandby is appointed trustee witness: John Bennet, John Talbot 27 November 1772 Further Endorsement on Original whereas: James Christie has agreed with Dame Margaret to purchase piece of ground & messuages in King Street & on South side of Downing Street being part of premises lately held by lease of 27 March 1765 from Dean & Chapter of Westminster which has been surrendered & new lease granted 3 February 1772 & the property assigned to James Christie for £4020 to her. witness: George Bowyer, Thomas Ryder, junior 25 March 1774 Indenture (Further Endorsement on Original) 1. Dame Margaret Downing wife of George Bowyer 2. William Greaves Beaupre Bell John Rose William Sandby 3. Cornelius Denne of St Clement Danes, banker recites: death of Thomas Ryder; appointment of Cornelius Denne as trustee in his place witness: Thomas Ryder, Anne Townley, Ronulet Lyon 31 January 1778 Indenture (further endorsement on original) i) Wm Greaves Beaupre Bell John Rose William Sandby Cornelius Denne ii) George Bowyer Jacob John Whittington of the Hay, Hemel Hamstead, Hertfordshire, esquire iii) Thomas Ryder of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, gentleman. recites will of Dame Margaret of 28 December 1772 giving to George Bowyer all her property in Suffolk & after several specific & pecuniary legacies, gave the remainder of her personal estate to her nephew Jacob John Whittington & also her landed estates in Bedfordshire & Cambridgeshire recites: death of Dame Margaret on 16 September 1778 now: i) release to iii) the real property on trust i.e: the property in Suffolk to George Bowyer that in Bedfordshire & Cambridgeshire to Jacob John Whittington witness: Thomas Combe, E. Thresher, Anne Townley, John Leigh 18 August 1781 [From Victoria County History it appears that the Bedfordshire property was in Wrestlingworth.]
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