• Reference
  • Title
    Cardington Charity Trust Deed (Office Copy), including plan of four houses built for use of poor of Cardington.
  • Date free text
    18 June 1788
  • Production date
    From: 1788 To: 1788
  • Scope and Content
    Indenture between (i) Samuel Whitbread of Cardington; (ii) Samuel Whitbread the younger of Cardington, only son and heir apparent of Samuel Whitbread; John Howard of Cardington; John Wingate Jennings of Harlington; John Thompson of the Barns in Cardington [trustees] Property: (a) Four brick messuages lately built by (i) on land belonging to his Manor of Cardington situated on east side of the Green near the Church of Cardington, each with a garden and furnished with suitable furniture [plan included]; (b) £78 6s 2 3/4d p.a. annual sum or fee farm rent from Manor of Shillington and other property in Shillington [detailed list given], puchased by (i) from Thomas Borrett and his trustees & subject to payment of £10 p.a. given by the will of Roger Gillingham to the schoolmaster of Luton; net sum after payment of the £10 p.a. and deduction of Land Tax will be £52 14s 2 3/4d Provides that: - Dwellings and annual sum as above to be used for the benefit of poor persons of the parish of Cardington as described below, under the patronage, management and direction of (i) for life, and of the Lords, Ladies or Proprietors of the Manor of Cardington after his death; - 10s to be paid by (ii) to (i); - 4 properties (a) occupied by the 8 persons listed in Schedule and fee farm (b) sold by (i) to (ii) for the use of (ii) under trust as set out below; - trustees to allow between 4 and 8 qualified poor persons as nominated by (i) or after his decease the Lord of the Manor of Cardington, to live in the four houses rent free; - priority to be given to "poor decayed housekeepers, being widowers widows or single persons of of sober decent life and conversation, and regular attendants on Publick Worship", aged 60 or more, born in the parish of Cardington, and resident there for at least 20 years before their nomination, who have never received alms from any parish; - if not enough people meet these criteria, then nominations to be of those judged to come closest to the qualifications above; - no person suspected of coming to the parish in order to gain admission to these houses to be placed there, to avoid this an absolute minimum period of residence in the parish of 10 years imposed; - trustees to allow (i) and after his decease the Proprietor of the Manor of Cardington or their appointee to dispose of the net annual income after expenses: £16 p.a. to be used for coals or other fuel to be distributed to the residents of the houses; 40s p.a. to be used for clothing for each of the residents; funds as required for repair of houses and repair or replacement of furniture, and for payment of any taxes; any surplus to be distributed to the residents for relief in sickness or distress or for their support at Proprietor of the Manor's discretion; - Proprietor of the Manor may make Rules and Orders for regulation and conduct of the residents, and is to be Visitor of the houses with power to nominate, admit, expel and remove residents; - provisions made for minority or incapacity of Proprietor of the Manor, and for replacement and reimbursement of trustees. Schedule - Mary Bigrave, widow, age 80, resident in parish 50 years; - Ann Field, widow, age 52, resident 52 years; - Susannah Green, widow, age 47, resident 23 years; - Ann Stewart, widow, age 68, resident 37 years; - William Dunton, widower, age 65, resident 27 years; - Nathaniel Grant, widower, age 76, resident 52 years; - Jemima Ward, widow, age 52, resident 52 years; - Mary Beecles, widow, age 70, resident 70 years
  • Level of description