Mortgage by demise for 500 years
Date free text
1 Jun 1763
Production date
From: 1763 To: 1763
Scope and Content
i) [Sarah - crossed out] Frances Lansdell of Beford, widow
ii) William Parker of Bedford, baker
consideration: £20 paid by ii) to i), i) grants to ii) for 500 years at peppercorn rent.
- messuage, cottage or tenement in Well Street in the parish of St. Paul, Bedford, in the occupation of i), being severed on the south by a pale or fence from an orchard now or late in the possession of ...
:W. slip of ground late in the occupation of William Taylor
:E. messuage or tenement in the occupation of William Parker, cornering on Well Street and Angel Street
repayment: £21 on 1 June 1764
endorsed: receipt by i) to ii) for £20
witnesses: J. Cave
M Parker
signature: i)
Level of description