• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title “... of Mr Ladds Title to his Estate at Staploe sold to Mr James Topham.”
  • Date free text
    22 Oct 1742
  • Production date
    From: 1654 To: 1742
  • Scope and Content
    X363/1/1 – X363/1/8 Feoffment i) John Topham senior ii) James Topham son of i) • 7 selions arable with appurtenances containing ½ acre in Duloe Field, Eaton Socon in Watland Furlong [As in X363/1/2] Signature of ii) Endorsement: livery of seisin 4 Jan 1654 X363/1/10 - X363/1/17 Mortgage (demise 500 years) i) James Topham ii) Ann Reynolds of St Neots, Huntingdonshire, spinster Consideration: £41 • 6 acres, 3 roods arable in fields of Eaton Socon, late Mary Smith [note in margin: Mary Smith’s Deed is wanting] • 4 sellions arable with balk on south side with appurtenances Containing 2 acres in Purcroft Field [As X363/1/15] Signature of i) 22 June 1722 X363/1/14- X363/1/21 Mortgage (demise 1,000 years) i) James Topham John Topham, his brother ii) Samuel Mee of St Neots, Huntingdonshire, cordwainer Consideration: £20 • Close of pasture with appurtenances called Croxe Close in Over Staploe [As in X363/1/4] Signature of i) 27 May 1731 i) James Topham and wife Katherine John Topham, brother of above ii) Thomas Mee, executor of will of Samuel Mee iii) Ann Pattison of St Neots, spinster (ii) assigns to iii)) above mortgage 25 May 1733 Marriage Settlement i) Susannah Caesar of Great Gransden, Huntingdonshire, spinster ii) Thomas Ladds of Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire, grocer iii) James Smyth of Middle Temple, London, esquire Henry Smyth of Lincolns Inn, gentleman Recites: Will of Mary Caesar, late of Great Gransden, widow, deceased, mother of i), dated 17 Jan 1728 To iii), mansion house with appurtenances, in Great Gransden, Huntingdonshire, upon trust to sell and divide money among her children: To Joan, Jane, Julia and i), £200 each To daughters, Julia and i), messuage in Trinity Lane, London Appoints Julia and i) executors Death of Julia Caesar i) therefore entitled to 1/3 part of messuage in Great Gransden, subject to mortgage of £800, which premises still unsold. Marriage intended between i) and ii) now: • 1/3 part of premises mentioned above upon trust to sell property and discharge mortgage and distribute legacies Another property to be bought with share due to i) to be held by iii) upon trusts ... Signatures of i) ii) Henry Smyth 27 Oct 1733 Assignment of Mortgage i) James Topham and wife Catherine ii) John Hooper of St Neots, Huntingdonshire, clerk and wife, Ann, late Ann Reynolds; iii) John Goodwyn recites: Mortgage 22 June 1722 (see above) X363/1/20 now: Consideration: £40 to ii) by iii) - As in Mortgage 22 June 1722 - As in X363/1/20 To iii) for remainder of terms of 500 and 1,000 years Covenant to levy fine Signed by i) and ii) 14 Feb 1734 Memorandum (endorsement on above Assignment of Mortgage) Receipt by John Goodwin of James Topham by hands of Richard Crow of £85. 7s. in part payment of principal and interest due. John Goodwin promises to stand possessed of premises in trust for Richard Crow on payment of £20 and interest. 15 Feb 1738 Final Concord i) Thomas Millard querent ii) James Topham ans wife Catherine deforciants • 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 40 acres land, 3 acres meadow, 3 acres pasture with appurtenances in Cardington, Eaton Socon and Little Staughton Easter Term 8 George II 1734/5] X363/1/20 Assignment of Mortgage with Term in Trust to Attend the Inheritance i) Ann Pattison ii) James Topham iii) Winifred Bourne of St Neots, Huntingdonshire, spinster iv) Charles Treeston of St Neots, Huntingdonshire recites: Mortgage 27 May 1731 i) possessed of Crox Close for term of years now: Consideration £20 to i) by iii) £100 to ii) by iii) Property assigned to iv) for residue of 1,000 year term in trust for iii) 7 Sep 1736 Conveyance (lease and release) i) Richard Crow of Eaton Socon yeoman ii) James Topham iii) Thomas Ladds and wife Susannah iv) Henry Smyth recites: Conveyance (lease and release 14/15 Feb 1738) i) James Topham Winifred Bourne ii) Richard Crow Consideration: £102.10s to Winifred Bourne by ii) £117.10s to James Topham by ii) • Cottage in Nether Staploe, occupied by James Topham (see X363/1/14) • 2 closes pasture, formerly 1 close, adjoining co9ttage called Longcroft, containing 3 acres • Close of pasture with appurtenances called Croxe Close in Over Staploe [As X363/1/4] • 2 sellions containing 1½ acres in Duloe Field on Aldwick Furlong; 1 sellion containing ½ acre in Longcroft Field; 1 sellion containing 1½ acres in Duloe Stocking [As X363/1/16] • 17 acres, ½ rood arable lying dispersedly in Eaton Socon Marriage Settlement 27 Oct 1733 Susannah’s share of money, after payment of £800 mortgage was £337; Death of James Smith, leaving iv) as only surviving trustee now: Consideration: £220 to i) by iv) £80 to ii) by iv) £20 to ii) by iii) • All premises as above, with appurtenances and all other means., land, etc of James Topham in Eaton Socon except 1 cottage in Staploe, occupied by Thomas Staughton to iv) in trust for iii) 20/21 Oct 1742 Assignment of Mortgage in Trust to Attend the Inheritance i) Ann Treeston of St Neots, Huntingdonshire, administratrix of Charles Treeston, deceased ii) James Topham iii) Thomas Ladds and wife Susannah iv) Henry Smyth v) Charles Caesar of Great Gransden, Huntingdonshire, gentleman recites: Mortgage 27 May 1731 now: • Close of pasture with appurtenances called Croxe Close in Over Staploe [As X363/1/4] To v) for residue of 500 year term in trust for iv) 22 Oct 1742 Assignment of Mortgage and Term in Trust to Attend the Inheritance i) Ann Goodwyn of Eaton, sister and executrix of John Goodwyn deceased ii) Richard Crow iii) James Topham iv) Thomas Ladds and wife Susannah v) Henry Smyth vi) Charles Caesar recites: Assignment of Mortgage 14 Feb 1734 now: • Property as in assignment To vi) for remainder of terms of 500 and 1,000 years in trust for v) 22 Oct 1742
  • Level of description