• Reference
  • Title
    Notes on Stewartby, Houghton Conquest, Haynes, and Clophill for the Open Air Meetings Campaign.
  • Date free text
    Notes for open air meetings on 23 July 1948.
  • Production date
    From: 1948 To: 1948
  • Scope and Content
    Notes read:- 'Stewartby. Stewartby is part of the Bedford Division at the moment and will only be absorbed into the Mid-Beds. Division under the Redistribution of Seats, when it takes place. It is entirely composed of personnel and employees of the London Brick Company, and the information received from the Bedford Division gives us to believe that the village is extremely Left-wing. We do know, however, that some of the workers from the London Brick Company live in our Division, and quietly vote for us, but may not ever say so amongst their friends at Stewartby. The Government's mismanagement of the housing situation is brought home very strongly to the people engaged in the Brick industry - and I think this will no doubt very definitely alter their views. Mr. Scott, the Eastern Area Organiser, is about to canvass Stewartby. Houghton Conquest. 477 Electors. The village is entirely agricultural - with the exception of those people who work for the London Brick Company at Stewartby. Mr. E. Juffs, at the Post Office, Houghton Conquest acts as the Chairman, and Mrs. Watts, 17, High Street, Houghton Conquest acts as Hon. Secretary. Both Mr. Juffs and Mrs. Watts are a tower of strength to us in Houghton Conquest. Again here please look out for any activtives on the part of the Agricultural workers' Union. We have, I think, a fair support in the village, but again people will not come out into the open. There is, I should say, a stronger Liberal contingent than Labour. Mr. Lennox-Boyd attended a very successful social and dance at Houghton Conquest on Saturday, 29th May. Haynes. 586 Electors. Haynes is practically entirely agricultural with the exception of a few people who work in Bedford and Cardington. The large Girls' School in Haynes Park is one of the land marks of the vollage. Miss Townshend, the Principal, is President of the Haynes Branch. Haynes felt very disgruntled about a year ago, because unfortunately through the visit of the French Air Mission, Mr. Lennox-Boyd had to cancel his visit to the village, and they did not particularly like it. We have, however, been up there since, but did not have a very good meeting. Please look out for any activities on the part of the Agricultural Workers' Union because I am told they are trying to get a hold in the village. There is a very prominent member of the Labour Party - Mr. Hicks, who has recently been elected on the Parish Council and who takes every opportunity to promote Socialism. Haynes is very scattered - having two completely separate districts - but do try and canvass both if you have time. The meeting is being held near the playing fields. Mr. G.W. Summerfield, 2 Northwood End, Haynes is Chairman of the Branch - Mr. T.H. Golder, Elm Tree Farm is the Hon. Secretary (about to retire and will be replaced by Mr. Stevens). Clophill. 662 Electors. About 70% agricultural. The rest work in either Luton or Bedford. Chairman - Captain G.O. Archer, Manor Farm, Beadlow. Hon. Secretary - Miss Chapman, 37, High Street, Clophill. We held an Open Air Meeting at Clophill the other day, which Mr. Lennox-Boyd should have addressed - but owing to a high temperature he was unable to come. Clophill have been fairly active - about 55% Conservative - but the Radical element is fairly strong.
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