• Reference
  • Title
    To his wife from Glamis Castle [Forfarshire]
  • Date free text
    16 December 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
  • Scope and Content
    To his wife from Glamis Castle [Forfarshire] “Parcel arrived at the Castle alright the other day was expecting a letter direct yesterday so waited to see if it came perhaps there’ll be one today when the boy goes to Forfar this afternoon for them thanks very much for apples the one you mention is a eating apple there are three trees I think. What price are you getting for Apples now. The common apple from France which I saw tons of and only fit for making Cyder are 6d per lb eating apples 1/4 per lb so please see what they are in Skegness, you can then judge what you can afford to sell yours at. I am sorry you did not feel well the other day I wish I had been at Home, you can bet I would have fulfilled your wishes. I am enjoying myself very much my chum and I go for walks every day the scenery is fine, the Grampian hills are just to the east of the Castle. Yesterday we went to see the Damm and crossed over it then climed a very high hill, which they call “Firery Pans” where they used to light fires at night. It is used now for burn fires when a feast is on at the Castle and Nov 5. We went to Church this morning starting early we found a new path among the trees which led along a running stream six of us are invited out for tea by the two ladies who came last night. Monday I am staying in this morning waiting for a letter tho’ it is a glorious morning the wind is rather high. I enjoyed myself immensely last night getting back at 9.30 there were three jolly young ladies and an housekeeper. Singing to both the piano & organ passed the evening tip-top. No letter, must close now with fondest love from your ever loving Husband”. [on dorse]: “Its quite alright sending Aunt Chick 10/- you have told me all about it”.
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