• Reference
  • Title
    Envelope containing 3 letters from James William Kaye to his parents. Sent from 60th Siege Battery, B.E.F.
  • Date free text
    16, 19 & 23 Jan 1919
  • Production date
    From: 1919 To: 1919
  • Scope and Content
    First letter: Has been to Brussels. Auguste, the oldest son of the Gilberts, had to go back to school, and the major provided a car. The writer and Payne went in a lorry. Mr. Gilbert gave them a fine lunch, incuding oysters. The restaurant reminded the writer of his last lunch of that sort, at the Criterion. Describes the Grand Place and the Hotel de Ville, cathedral etc. On the return journey, passed a big Boche system of trenches and a lot of captured guns. Has to attend a court martial for instructional purposes. Has received a letter fom, Mrs Hughes. Second letter: Thanks for parcel containing fruit and stockings; also the soap. Has received a letter from Bessie [sister] Has played in a football match, in which his team won 2 - 1. Took Francois and Simone Gilbert [youngest boy and girl of the billeting family] and 4 of their friends round the garden on a motor bike. Writer and Payne attended another performance by the Crimson Ramblers, the brigade concert party. Has been to Mons to try and get large envelopes to send postcards, but the shop was shut. Postcards are not easy to get; 'I expect Jerry sent them all to Germany to show the places he had conquered, and of course, none were being printed.' Third letter: Has been having jobs offered for the last week, and 'though I should like to stay with the battery, I think it would be killing the goose to refuse their last offer.' Was asked to undertake the job of assistant adjutant of the brigade. This would mean living in a mess consisting of the colonel and adjutant 'which would be rather awful, as I'm not very fond of the adjutant.' Adjutant then informed writer of a job at Corps Heavy Artillery Headquarters. 'This seemed too good to refuse, so I am going there tomorrow.' Will be assistant to the staff captain. The Corps Heavy Artillery Headquarters is in one of the main boulevards in Mons. Will need to change billet, and will take batman. Will be sorry to leave present mess, but hopes to visit frequently. Played in a hockey match against 67th heavy Brigade. Lost 3 - 0, but enjoyed the game. Has also played football.
  • Exent
    3 sheets
  • Level of description