Admission to Copyhold Premises of John Earl of Upper Ossory as heir of his father 1767
Date free text
20 Oct 1767
Production date
From: 1767 To: 1767
Scope and Content
Copy of Court Roll, Admission
Manor of Millbrook within the Honour of Ampthill
View of Frankpledge of the King with Court Baron of Most Noble John Duke of Bedford; steward: Samuel Davis, gentleman
At court of 24 October 1759 it was presented that Right Honourable John Earl of Upper Ossory who held copyhold premises at rents of 4s..10d; 2s..4½d; 1s; 4d; 4s; 2s; 4d..4d; 6s..6d;1s; 2s 10½d; 2s..9d; 4s..3d; 1s..9d; 2s..10d had died seised thereof; Right Honourable Earl of Upper Ossory was his eldest son and heir who is now admitted to the following premises:
at 4s..10d per annum
-messuage in Millbrook
-close of pasture adjoining, 5 acres late in occupation of Christopher Sinfield
to which John late Earl of Upper Ossory was admitted 25 April 1740 on surrender of Ann Norris, widow [see RO3]
at 2s..4½d per annum
-cottage in Millbrook
-close of pasture adjoining, 1 acres formerly in occupation of John Spufford
to which John late Earl of Upper Ossory was admitted 17 April 1741 on surrender of Jeremiah Grey [see RO7]
at 1s per annum
-cottage in Millbrook
-close of pasture adjoining, 1½ acres formerly in occupation of Ann Harrold
to which John late Earl of Upper Ossory was admitted 17 April 1741 on surrender of Ann Harrold and Ethel Selby [see RO8]
at 4d; 4s and 2s per annum
-messuage in Millbrook
-several parcels of ley, meadow and pasture belonging, 6 acres
-3 acres arable in Millbrook in occupation of George Mallerson
to which John late Earl of Upper Ossory was admitted16 October 1741 on surrender of Mary Parret and William Parret [see RO6]
at 4s..4d per annum
-cottage in Millbrook wherein John Woodercraft formerly dwelt with a little garden or yard before the same
-orchard or pightle formerly 2 backsides or pightles behind the same containing 3 roods
purchased by Lady Gowran of Lord Fitzwilliam who purchased the same of Sarah Webb [see RO1/106-111]
at 6s..3d per annum
-messuage and close of pasture adjoining 3 acres in Sandy End in Millbrook formerly in occupation of Robert Squire
-croft formerly a cottage and parcel of land belonging in Sandy End, 1 rood part of a copyhold messuage formerly in
occupation of Francis Hawkins
all which premises were formerly in occupation of Christopher Bennell and were purchased of the Chesters by Lord Ashburnham who sold the same to Lord Fitzwilliam of whom Lady Gowran purchased the same [see RO1/37-41]
at 1s per annum
-croft formerly a cottage in Millbrook formerly in occupation of Robert Webb now laid into the orchard of Christopher Bennell
purchased of the Dentons by Lord Ashburnham who sold to Lord Fitzwilliam of whom Lady Gowran purchased the same [see RO1/42-44]
at 2s..10½d per annum
-croft whereon cottage formerly stood but is now down, in Millbrook
-close of pasture adjoining formerly in occupation of John Huckle
:N. William Barnwell, clerk
:S. John Fisher
late the estate of the Circuits of whom Lord Ashburnham purchased the same and sold to Lord Fitzwilliam of whom Lady Gowran purchased the same now also laid into the orchard of said Christopher Bennell [see RO1/45-46]
at 2s..9d per annum
-½ acre ley ground at Foxborough Hill
:S. Thomas Brace
:N. Ann Goodman, widow
:W. Thomas Brace
:E. John Fisher
-3 buts being 5 acres in edge of Eslton
:W. land of Mr Holder in occupation of Joseph Pennyfather
:S. Richard Petts
-3 buts being 2 roods on Friday Furlong
:E. Thomas Brace
:S. John Fountain
:N. Richard Petts
formerly in occupation of Francis Circuit, late of William Ashby
to which premises late Webbs, Chesters, Dentons, Circuits and the last mentioned premises said John Earl of Upper Ossory deceased was admitted at court 10 May 1745 [RO1/123-4]
at 4s..3d per annum; late Taylors
-messuage in Millbrook formerly in occupation of George Dennis, then William Harborough, then Henry Faulkener, now --Pedder
-pightle of pasture adjoining, 1 acre
-17 acres 3 roods in common fields of Millbrook in occupation as above [see RO11]
at 1s..9d per annum; late Taylors
-cottage in Millbrook near said messuage in occupation of __Pedder
the highway from Marston to Ampthill between the two tenements, said cottage being late in occupation of Henry Sawyer and now of Henry Faulkener
to which John Earl of Upper Ossory was admitted at court 4 May 1751 on surrender of Henry Taylor [see RO11]
at 2s and at 10d per annum
-cottage at Sandy End in Millbrook
-orchard or pightle adjoining, 1 acre sometime in occupation of Thomas Sawyer and formerly of George Mallerson
-3 acres arable together in Longcroft in Millbrook between land of Judith Richards, widow deceased and common ley grounds there
-2 acres in Fordfeild in Millbrook between King's highway and land late of Judith Richards, widow deceased
-5 roods in Sandfeild in Millbrook
-1 acre in Islington Bottom in Millbrook land of Judith Richards, widow deceased on both sides
-½ acre in Tinkers Furlong in Millbrook
:W. Judith Richards, widow deceased
formerly in occupation of William Herbert and since of George Mallerson
-1 acre meadow in Thillands in Millbrook adjoining Lye Mead and in occupation of Robert Scarborough and then George Mallerson
to which premises John Earl of Upper Ossory deceased was admitted at court 13 October 1752 [see RO13]
Now: Thomas Butcher of Cople, gentleman admitted as attorney of said John Earl of Upper Ossory and surrenders said premises to use of will of said Earl
Total of fines: £6..1..9
Russell 'wallpaper books' Volume V. no.106 pg.163
Level of description