• Reference
  • Title
    John Browning settles moiety of freehold premises on Timothy Edwards. Attested Copy of attested Copy of Marriage Settlement by Lease (wanting) and Release
  • Date free text
    22 Sep 1768; Copy attested 17 March 1812; This copy attested 19 December 1842
  • Production date
    From: 1768 To: 1842
  • Scope and Content
    i) Richard Edwards senior of Nanhoron, Carnarvon esquire ii) Timothy Edwards esquire, nephew of i) and Captain in Navy iii) John Browning esquire, one of the Masters in Chancery and wife Catherine, Catherine Browning, spinster, their daughter and only child iv) Richard Edwards junior of Eaton, Buckinghamshire, brother of ii) and nephew of i) v) Robert Harper of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex esquire, Roger Griffith of Milman Street in St Andrew, Middlesex, gentleman vi) John Parry of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex esquire vii) Reverend Richard Ellis of Gunfryn, Caernarvon, clerk, Samuel Dickinson of St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex esquire, Joseph Wakefield of Lad Lane, London, merchant Marriage intended between ii) and Catherine Browning, spinster Consideration: £2,000 paid ii) by John Browning ii) conveys to v) -premises in county of Caernarvon [described, with names of tenants and annual rents; see L12/116-117 for details] to hold to uses hereinafter declared further: i) conveys to v) -premises in county of Caernarvon [described, with names of tenants and annual rents; see L12/116-7 for details] to hold to uses hereinafter declared further: John Browning conveys to v) -Clears Farm or Moat Farm and lands in Much Hadham, Hertfordshire late in occupation of William Goodwin and now of John Izard -farm and lands at Kitchin End in Pulloxhill, Bedfordshire in occupation of William Fisher and now of John Best at £105 per annum -farm and lands in Kempston late in occupation of--Reynolds, then Richard Marriott and now John Burr at £41 per annum Moiety of: farm at Millbrook in the parish of Ampthill [sic] late in occupation of John Pedder senior and now of John Pedder junior his son and all lands belonging (except copyhold lands held of the manor of Ampthill) which freehold premises are valued at £70 per annum, and copyhold premises at £25 per annum and are all held by John Pedder junior at £95 per annum of which £35 per annum is payable to John Browning for his moiety of the said freehold premises and £25 for the copyhold premises belonging to the said farm which are entirely the premises of the said John Browning to hold said premises to uses hereinafter declared Copyhold premises to be surrendered to use of v) at next court of the manor of Much Hadham, Hertfordshire and of manor and Honour of Ampthill to be held buy v) on trusts as hereinafter declared viz: certain of the Welsh premises to use of ii) for life remaining Welsh premises to use of ii) for life and then to pay Catherine Browning £300 per annum and immediately after death of ii) (subject to above payment) to vii) for term of 500 years to use of 1st and subsequent sons of the marriage in tail male and in default to daughters in order of seniority Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire premises to use of John Browning and wife Catherine for life then to ii) and wife and the survivor for life to use of vi) and vii) for 600 years on trust to augment portions of younger children £7,500 to be equally divided amongst 4 or more such children or £5,000 if fewer than 4 such children [further details of trusts given] premises are free of incumbrances except mortgage of Cleers farm at Much Hadham, Hertfordshire to John Oldfield of Billiter Lane, London, Dr of Physics for 1,000 years from 7 October 1741 for securing £1,500 with interest at 4% per annum Witnesses: Timothy Edwards, collector of Rullheley; Thomas Jones; George Beck; John Dale Receipt by ii) from iii) for £2,000 part of portion of Catherine; 29 Sep 176? Copy attested 17 March 1812 This copy attested 19 December 1842 [for another copy of this settlement, made in 1812, see L12/116-117]
  • Russell 'wallpaper books' Volume V. no.121 pg.167
  • L12/116-117
  • Reference
  • Level of description