• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the title of William Thomas esq. and wife Frances to 2 freehold messuages and land in Well Street , St. Paul's, Bedford.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1759 To: 1852
  • Deposited by County Alderman Colonel F. Wilson, D.S.O., 11 Feb 1949
  • Scope and Content
    A messuage in occupation Thomas Munsey : Conveyance : £80 William Smith otherwise Lyon, butcher, eldest son of John Smith Richard Smith otherwise Lyon, butcher A cottage divided into 2 tenements, in Well Street, in occupation John Robinson & John Boston; 1/2 acre orchard in occupation John Wright; adjoining the ground of Martha Lamb widow West and South, the ground of Samuel Richardson cutler East, Well Street North. 2,3 April 1759 Will of Richard Smith To wife Frances all real estate, including 2 messuages in Well Street in occupation Thomas Breddsell & Thomas Bonham, and barn and orchard in own occupation. Remainder to sons Richard John and William. 24 Oct 1775, proved 1776. Will of Richard Smith the son To wife Sarah his 1/3 in 2 messuages and orchard in Well Street; Pilcroft closes (2). 23 July 1786, proved 1787. Conveyance (i) Richard and John Smith, butchers (ii) Catherine Smith widow (iii) Hannah Smith spinster (iv) Frances Smith widow (v) William Thomas junior of London, warehouseman (vi) John Day of Bedford esq. Two messuages in Well St. late in occupation Robert Eames & widow Layton, then Hannah Smith & Richard Smith; barn and orchard in occupation William Thomas; northwest part of Pilcroft closes; 7,8 April 1830 [Recites:- Death Frances Smith 1798; Marriage of Sarah Smith, widow of Richard, with Robert Bunting of Bedford butcher; died 1804; Children of Richard & Sarah: Richard; John; Sarah (died 1802); Ann (died 1802); Frances (died 1804); Division of property between William Smith (son of the 1st Richard) and nephews Richard & John, 1799. [The 2nd son of the 1st Richard was bought out, and thus the property was equally divided between William and his nephew Richard & John; but no deed was drawn up] Will of John Smith (2nd son of 1st Richard); To Brother William and wife Catherine 1817 Will William Smith (3rd son of 1st Richard) To wife Frances & daughter Frances Thomas. 1823, proved 1829 Fine: plaintiff John Day; defendants William Thomas and wife Frances] A messuage in occupation Joseph Ames, orchard & ground:- Feoffment: £200. (i) James Whittingstall late of Bedford, brewer, then of Shillington; brother and heir of Henry Whittingstall late of Bedford, brewer; William Long of Bedford, brewer; (ii) Jenny Jackson of Bedford, widow of Edward, surgeon, trustee for W. Long. (iii) William Smith of Bedford, butcher & grazier (iv) John Day Two messuages with gardens in Well Street, abutting West on orchard of William Smith, East on the old Nag's Head (then called the Shoulder of Mutton; orchard of William Smith schoolmaster and orchard of Sarah Theed; North on Well St. and on yard of the Shouder of Mutton; South on orchard or garden of the trustees of the Bedford Charity. The said messuages were then lately erected on ground lately part of a close or orchard adjoining the Shoulderof Mutton; and were lately in occupation Thomas Whitfield and Thomas Malpas Free use of the pump or well in the yard of the Shoulder of Mutton included; and ingress and egress for cattle and carriages from Well Street; with responsibility for half the cost of reoaring the gates and the pump. As to all said hereditaments:- Probate of will of Frances Smith, widow of William. To daughter Frances Thomas. 18 November 1834. Proved 1852. Conveyance: Frances Smith, widow, to William Thomas of Ramsgate & wife Frances (daughter of Frances Smith). 19 September 1843 Deed poll of William & Frances Thomas 2 September 1852.
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