• Reference
  • Title
    Office Copy. Will of Richard Lee of Potton
  • Date free text
    Will made 14 February 1707/8; codicil 13 April 1708
  • Production date
    From: 1707 To: 1708
  • Scope and Content
    - To son Matthew, all freehold and copyhold estate in Potton and Biggleswade except dwelling house in Potton: rent charge of £1.3.4. issuing out of Monks Mead in Caldecott, Northill. - To son Robert, dweling house in Potton, household goods, ladders and planks in barn, floor of boards over stable, with bins and partitions in my granaries and outhouses: saddles, horse gear, ploughs, harrows, dragrake, skreen bushels, farm skreen, garden implements: farm at Honeydon, Eaton Socon and arable land, meadow and close below in occupation of John Bruce and cottage let with farm. - To John Harvey of Ickwell Bury, Northill, esq, farm and arable land, meadow and close at Chawson in parish of Roxton and Eaton Socon, in the occupation of John Lovell, in trust. Rents to be paid to son Robert, then farm to his children: if he die childless, to testator’s grandson Richard. - To daughter Termaria Luke, monetary bequest on trust: interest to be paid her until her father in law settles land on her to bring in annuity. Then cpaital to be paid to testator’s son in law Samuel Luke. - To John Harvey, farmhouse, arable, meadow and pasture land in Roxton, in the occupation of George Child, in trust to pay rents to daughter Termaria, and after her death, to her heirs until age 21 when farm to be conveyed to them. - To grandson Richard Lee, messuage called Dixies in Eaton Socon in occupation of William Rose: close of pasture at Eaton Townsend, next Wyboston, late occupation of Robert Sibly, three closes at Hoindon or Overstaplie in Easton Socon, late occupied by Thomas Luffe, now let to Thomas Willson Smith: messuage and 11 acres arable in Hoindon or Overstaplie in the occupation of Thomas Willison: close of pasture at Hoindon in the occupation of Joseph Saunders: cottage, close and land lying about Overstaple, Easton Socon, now in the occupation of Richard Darlow. Legatee to pay annuity to testator’s daughter, Ann Nodes. - To grandson Robert, should daughter Termaria die without issue or issue die before 21, George Child’s farm at Roxton. - To brothers Christopher and William, money to buy rings. Brother William forgiven debts. - To daughter, sisters, daughter in law and sisters in law money to buy mourning. - To Richard Cater for whom testator is trustee, £200. - To servant, Ann Clarke, messuage in Church Lane, Roxton, for life: after her death to grandson Robert Lee, monetary bequest: bed, bedding and bedstead in Little Chamber over parlour: pillion and cloth and silver porringer with letters ASML on handle and one silver spoon: money to buy mourning: if she predecease testator, monetary bequest to brother Thomas Clarke. May stay in house at Potton three months if she pleases. - To poor of Potton, monetary bequest to be distributed half in bread and half in money to 25 of poorest whom minister at Potton and Mr Thomas Halvehyde think fit. - To grandson Richard Lee, study and books, son Robert to have use of them till grandson reach 21 years. - To John Harvey money to buy ring. - To son Matthew (executor) and his daughter, Ann, residue. - To six gents who hold up pall, rings. - To minister of Potton, a guinea to preach funeral sermon. Witnesses: Alex Atkinson, Henry Odell, Robert Cremer Codicil: ‘by reason of my son Robert’s undutifulness to me I did cut him shorter in my Will than I designed and for his frequent repetitions of swearing, daming as soon as I am dead he will meake the Devil to doe’: revokes beqeuest of dwelling house in Potton, etc and study and contents, and leave them to grandson Richard. Witnesses: Richard Read, Robert Hoslett, Jasper Brydall
  • Level of description