• Reference
  • Title
    Family Deeds relating to Hugh Edward and George Walter Powers; Draft deeds regarding 1880 Settlement; Conveyance
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1863 To: 1880
  • Scope and Content
    1) Edmund Powers of Biggleswade, miller George Race of same esquire T J Hooper of same, gentleman (Trustees of Will of Charles Powers) 2) Hugh Edward Powers of Biggleswade, miller George Walter Powers of same esquire recites Will of Charles Powers recites entitled to South Mills and Tempsford and £1,086..1s..10 consolidated 3% annuities expectant on lives of Charlotte Catherine Smart and Frances Sally Cockerell credited at Bank of England to cause entitled “Ex parte the Midland Railway (new lines and additional powers) Act 1864 account of real estates devised by Lucy Monoux. recites testator ran business of linseed and cottonseed crusher and oil cake merchant at South Mills also miller at Tempsford recites Trustees carried on business recites 2) are both 25 and Trustees wish to be discharged of Trust towards them. recites 2) to pay annuity to Thomas Powers recites 2) to pay £4,295..14s..1d and secure total of £16,535..14s..1d due to be raised from “settled legacies” by mortgage, South Mills, Blunham:- messuage House and home close (5 acres 1 rood) Mill Close (5 acres 1 rood 17 perches) Mill and land (2 roods 35 perches) Island Meadow (3 roods 20 perches) Cow Meadow (32 acres 2 roods 20 perches) (exception of 4 acres sold to Bedford and Cambridge Railway Company) And piece of garden land (12 acres 1 rood 20 perches), Northill, part of Woodwards Great Field E. Great North Road S. land of James Dillamore W. land of Dalton And messuage and bakehouse, yard, garden etc. adjoining at Tempsford. fence E. side from N. corner of cart shed to be maintained by Samuel Hardwick, other by 2) And messuage Eaton Socon formerly in occupation of Mrs Newcomb, since Joseph Robinson, sometime since erected by Samuel Freshwater on piece of ground purchased by him from John Hall And slaughterhouse and garden and orchard straight line N. of slaughterhouse to premises of Mr Emery abutting part North. Road or Town Street part estate (late Luke Addington deleted) now Miss Medland part premises of Mr Emery part premises of Ebenezer Malden And close called “Pecks” alias “Warboys” (2 acres 36 perches) Steeple Morden, Cambridgeshire abutting N.(part) land of William Pain N.(part) cottage and gardens formerly Thomas Peck junior E. public road or lane S. land of Earl of Hardwicke And dwelling house and old established bakers in or near Market Place, St Neots, Huntingdonshire, formerly in occupation of James Hare now James Whittet abutting N. grocer’s shop in occupation of George Flanders S. and W. Paine and Company’s Brewery E. premises of William Pentelow (details of rooms) And Halingway at South Mills 2 roods 20 perches (covered by deed of 28 September 1877) And 2 acres in Chalton, Blunham + 6 cottages erected on them All above Freehold 2 cottages (formerly 1) and bakehouse with flour shop over stable, shed and loft over. in occupation of Jeremy Banks and John West, Shortmead Street, Biggleswade + piece of ground near Shortmead Street + 2 dwelling houses at back + piece of ground adjoining 2 cottages above on east end and barn sometime since erected on it, in occupation of John West, Edith Norton and Jeremy Banks (previous tenants deleted) + right of common pasture for 1 horse, 2 beasts and a breeder appertaining formerly to capital messuage Market Hill (built by Daniel Brooks and since sold) Biggleswade above: copyhold Little River from ford at end of Mill Lane leading over into Mill Green as far as Manor and parish of Blunham reaches. + foundation of an old mill and floodgates + little strip of land S. side of River adjoining old foundation 54 x 54ft permission to maintain a water corn mill there (little islands excepted from lease) (Leased 1 October 1742 by Henry Bendysh to Henry Blows for 199 years) And plot of land near water corn mills abutting part. River Ivel part. leasehold mill above part. lands of William Stuart (Lease of 25 October 1852 for 89 years by William Stuart to Charles Powers) And another piece of land near leasehold mills (2 roods 35 perches) abutting part. occupation Road from Great North Road to Mill all other parts. land of William Stuart And messuage standing on it And allotment of arable (13 acres 3 roods 35 perches) abutting W. land of Rector of Tempsford S. and W. land of Freshfield N. allotment next described And allotment of arable (8 acres 2 roods 28 perches) abutments above And close of pasture (4 acres 3 roods 35 perches) abutting E. above W. Turnpike Road, Biggleswade to Eaton (Socon) And former site of homestead 13 roods 13 perches + barn and hovels standing on it abutting E. Turnpike Road N. land of Sir Charles Payne S. land of William Stuart Above total 28 acres 1 rood 30 perches in Tempsford And 13 cottages and gardens abutting road to mill (formerly estate of Ann Keeton) S. estate of William Stuart and Ann Keeton and Rectory Farm (they stand on 3 acres 2 roods 23 perches) (Covered by Lease of 6 August 1863 for 20 years by President and scholars of Magdalen Cottage, Oxford to Robert Thomas Parker Gardner and Susannah Ashwood [Astwood] Robinson) And bakehouse, Russell Street, St Neots, Huntingdonshire in occupation of Alfred Andrews (covered by agreement for 10 year lease) 1) Jeremiah Moss 2) T J Hooper Edmund Powers to start from 20 October 1876 rent £20 per annum 2 March 1876 marked “No.1” - 1880
  • Level of description