• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of Thomas Cook as mortgagee with power of sale to freehold estate at St Neots, Huntingdonshire [item not available - audit November 2010]
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1799 To: 1867
  • Scope and Content
    1) Ed Dobson and John Perkins, assignees of estate and effects of William Scarbrow of St Neots, baker, a bankrupt 2) William Scarbrow 3) Francis Hare of St Neots, baker 4) George Maule of Huntingdon, gentleman recites Lease and Release 1) John Perkins John Perkins the younger (vendor) 2) William Scarbrow (purchaser) 3) William Fowler 26 and 27 Nov 1799 Commission in Bankruptcy v. William Scarbrow 4 September 1801 Creditors of £10 and upwards in debts elect 1) assignees of estate 9 Oct 1801 Assignment by Bargain and Sale enrolled in Chancery 1) R Bovill, S Hardy and William Margetts 2) E Dobson and J Perkins Consideration 5s 10 Oct 1801 Auction at which Francis Hare was highest bidder with £522 3 Nov 1801 Messuages in or near Market Place, St Neots, Huntingdonshire, in width in front 21 ft and little chamber or lean to adjoining next to the yard and over the gateway between the messuage and another messuage then or late of John Waller and in breadth from the level of the top of the gateway into the yard 4½ ft, in length across the yard 10½ ft with room on garret next the street over the gateway and chamber formerly in occupation of Thomas Robinson then of William Scarbrow and then of said William Scarbrow (i.e. the bankrupt) And cottage or tenement adjoining the messuage above then late in occupation of William Nightingale, then of [-] And building across the end of the yard and then late used as a workshop then late in occupation of William Robinson then of [-] And garden lying between the workshop and the brook then late in occupation of William Robinson, then of [-] with free use of passage leading from yard under the workshop to the brook in common with proprietor of messuage then late of John Waller abutting E. yard then or late Thomas Squire S. brook W. garden and building used as a malting office and the above messuage, then lately belonging to John Waller N. street with outhouses, warehouses, stables, building and free use of gateway and gate of yard between messuage above and a messuage and building of John Waller extending from the gateway to the said workshop and buildings across the end of the said yard in common with the proprietor of the messuage above and of John Waller etc. And pew in parish church of St Neots And right of common of pasture for 1 cow or horse in and upon the islands, meadow and Hawksden Leys, St Neots Consideration £266..2s..6d (part of above purchase money) (sum of £255..17s..6d consideration of Deed of Assignment of same date of Lease for 1000 years) 1) John Perkins (vendor) 2) James Rust Owsley Rowley William Herbert John Perkins 3) Ed Dobson and John Perkins (assignees as above) 4) William Scarbrow 5) Francis Hare (purchaser) 6) Jacob Hunt) 4 and 5 May 1802 Mortgage in £300 by Lease for 1000 years 1) Francis Hare of St Neots, baker 2) William Wiles of St Neots, cornfactor 12 May 1804 Transfer of mortgage 1) William Wiles (as above) 2) George Hare of St Neots, schoolmaster 9 May 1832 Lease and Release 1) William Paxton of St Neots, watchmaker William Emery of St Neots, stationer (devisees in trust of Will of Francis Hare and vendors) 2) John Hare of St Neots, baker (as reversioner) 3) George Hare (as above) (as reversioner) 4) George Hare (as above) (as mortgagee) 5) James Hare of St Neots, baker (purchaser) 6) John Carrington of St Neots, ironmonger (trustee) recites: Will of Francis Hare: wife Ann (since deceased) all his messuages, cottages or tenements, rights of common and all other real estate, reversion to 1) as trustees for sale to firstly eldest son James, if he wishes to purchase, then to be offered to 2nd son John, then to be offered to 3rd son George then to be sold at best price made 3 Mar 1827 proved Archdeaconry of Bedford 22 Aug 1833 death of Ann Hare February 1832 offered to James who is desirous to buy but does not pay £800 in 6 months as required But John and George waive rights of purchase and James agrees to pay off George’s mortgage property as above £500 paid by 5) to 1) £300 paid by 5) to 4) 7 and 9 Sep 1833 mortgage by Lease and Release in £800 and 4% interest 1) James Hare (as above) 2) William Hare of Little Paxton, Huntingdonshire, yeoman Messuage in or near Market Place, St Neots, Huntingdonshire, in width in front 21 ft and little chamber or lean to adjoining next the yard over the gateway between messuage and another messuage then belonging to Thomas Newman and containing in breadth from the level on top of the gateway into the yard 4½ ft and in length across the yard 10½ ft with room or garret next the street over the gateway and chamber formerly in occupation of Thomas Robinson then since of William Scarbrow and then late of Francis Hare deceased And messuage, cottage or tenement adjoining messuage above theretofore in occupation of William Nightingale And building across the end of the yard then or then late in occupation of Thomas Robinson And garden lying between workshop and brook formerly in occupation of William Robinson with free use of passage leading from the yard under workshop to the brook in common with proprietor of messuage then belonging to Thomas Newman abutting E. land belonging to Francis Baker S. brook W. garden and building formerly used as a malting office and messuage of Thomas Newman N. street with all outhouses, warehouses, stables, shops, buildings and free use of gateway and gate of yard between messuage or tenement and premises above and buildings of Thomas Newman extending from gateway to the workshops and buildings across the end of the yard and free use of pump and well of water in same yard in common with proprietors of messuage belonging to Thomas Newman gates, pump, well and stones of yard to be kept in repair at joint expense of proprietor of above messuage and premises belonging to Thomas Newman And pew in parish church of St Neots And right of common of pasture for 1 cow or horse in and upon the Islands Meadow and Hawksden Leys 10 and 11 Sept 1833 recites Will of William Hare (died 16 October 1843) to wife Sarah all real and personal estate appoints wife and Thomas Cook of St Neots, saddler, executors made 11 Oct 1843 proved Archdeaconry of Huntingdon 5 Feb 1844 recites Will of Sarah Hare (died 12 September 1846) to brother Robert Papworth and Thomas Cook (see above) all real and personal estate on trust for sister Mary to receive rents and interest dividends for life then on trust for sale money to be divided equally between all her brothers and sisters made 5 Sep 1846 proved Prerogative Court of Canterbury 27 October 1846 additional item in a different hand 1) Thomas Cook of St Neots, Huntingdonshire, saddler 2) Charles Powers of Biggleswade, miller recites death of Robert Papworth reciting default in £800 and 1 year’s interest lot 2 in Particulars of Sale:- freehold front shop close to Market Place, St Neots, Huntingdonshire in occupation of Mr Flanders and for many years past of Mr Stead with dwelling house and use of yard and pump, large warehouses and a garden adjoining the brook And adjoining dwelling house and old established bakers in occupation of Mrs Hare both use of yard and pump subject to the rights of the property of Mr Payne and liable to moiety of expense of repairing the paving of the yard and repairs of the gates and repairing of the pump in the adjoining property on the west with all rights, easement etc. but not the common right (discharged from £800 mortgage) Consideration £730 6 Apr 1867 Note in margin “part of these premises have been sold off to George Flanders and part to William Payne” completed 1867 Note on Dorse “for perusal of Mr George Day on the part of Mr Charles Powers”
  • Level of description