• Reference
  • Title
    Private Journal of John Hatfield Brooks. (Edited version published 'The Diary of an Indian Cavalry Officer' by R. Morgan. Book 180 BRO).
  • Date free text
    Jan 1856 - 30 Jul 1859
  • Production date
    From: 1856 To: 1859
  • Scope and Content
    Engagement of Sophie Cloete? (niece of Sophie Brooks) to Lieutenant C.L. Brown, 46 N.T. Pension Paymaster, Dinapore. (She was called by Brooks 'their adopted child'). 1 January 1856. Orders at Sunrise 'Regiment is ordered off immediately to Cawnpore consequent on the expected annexation of Oude'. 6 January 1856. (See B.H.R.S. Volume XL page 191) Gets leave so can stay for the return of the wedding party and rejoin at Cawnpore. Regiment set out. 10 January 1856. Rejoins Regiment. 26 January 1856. Details of March to Lucknow. February 1856. Photographs of wife taken at Lucknow by King's dangyah. 22 February 1856. Wife and children sent off to Northwood, Simla for Hot Season. March 1856. 'Letters also from dear R and Arthur, the former quits the service from the Ist next to carry out his Extraordinary scheme of accompanying home the deposed King and exerting his influence in procuring his reinstation". 23 March 1856. Wife announces unlikely to have a son - bitter disappointment to him. 4 April 1856. Heard King of Oude left Cawnpore for Calcutta. 8 April 1856. Robert let Brooks off debts of 18030 Rupees (£1830) 'best and most generous of brothers'. Wanting to leave India by end of 1857. 29 April 1856. Robert left India but not as the King's agent. 24 May 1856. Visit from George, son of Archdeacon Hale, last seen him in November 1842. 30 May 1856. Cholera at Agra and Lucknow. June- July 1856. Allowed on leave to Simla from Lucknow. 25 August 1856. Letter from home repudiating idea of John Hatfield Brooks retiring. 6 September 1856. Robert got hold of Queen of Oude again in England. 21 September 1856. Details of social life there; Brooks buying out Siddons for 35,000 Rupees; they leave Simla. 29 October 1856. Arrives back at Lucknow. 6 November 1856. Visit of Commander in Chief and Lady Anson to Lucknow. 20 November- 28 November 1856. Regiment relieved at Lucknow by 7th Carbineers. 31 December 1856. Heard of engagement of Willie to "little Harriette Brooks". 1 January 1857. Start move to Mhow. 2 January 1857. Cawnpore visit Beechey, just finished a portrait of Sophia Brown.8 January 1857. Hear of Siddons death from apoplexy at Calcutta on 8 January.17 January 1857. Cholera breaks out in Regiment when nearly at Mhow. 5 March 1857. Reach Mhow. 6 March 1857. Heard Tidings of disbandment of 19th Native Sepoys for Mutiny (Barrackpoor). 12 April 1857. Letter from Colonel Beeches mentioning that the Chief's M.S. had asked him if I would take the Majorship at Cawnpore "so likely" was his comment! 12 April 1857. (See B.H.R.S. Volume XL page 192). Wrote re- appointment to Governor General 'of course shall not get it'. Wheler's leave granted (to England) therefore John Hatfield Brooks is in Temporary Command. 15 April 1857. Date of Willie's marriage. 20 April 1857, (actually fixed for 16 April 1857). Did not get Majorship at Lucknow he had applied for. 27 April 1857. Harris now i/c. 30 April 1857. Read of the outbreak in the 3rd Cad(re) about the Cartridges. 2 May 1857. News from George Brooks (brother) that Gerrard Perryn is about to marry daughter of Admiral Wallace. 6 May 1857. Sung a hymn at each service in church- not bad for a commencement. 10 May 1857. Further reports from Meerut and murder of officers. 13 May 1857. 7 companies of 34th Native Sepoys disbanded. 14 May 1857 Reports of mutineers from Meerut seizing Delhi Magazine. 15 May 1857. Council of war at Meerut situation decide to go on as before and not show distrust. Chanting in church started. Delhi murders mentioned. 18 May 1857. Delhi Magazine blown up before insurgents got it. 19 May 1857. Proclamation from Governor General disavowing any intention of interfering with the religion of the Native Army. 30 May 1857. Further news of Mutiny e.g., Muttra. 4 June 1857. Death of Commander in Chief at Kurnel of cholera. 5 June 1857. Harris's harangue to native troops in attempt to keep them loyal at Mhow. 9 June 1857. News of mutiny at Lucknow on 30 May. 18 June 1857. J.H. Brooks godfather to Robert Bird's baby born 27 March (mother Elizabeth) to be called Arthur Hatfield Sumner. Indore near Mhow risen; J.H. Brooks in action. 1 July 1857. Harris killed but Fort defendable - got artillery get some treasure from Indore. Elliot decides to leave for England i.e., not beseiged. 19 July 1857. News of massacre of Cawnpore. J.H. Brooks applies for leave to Bombay to take wife and children home. Reinforcements appear. 2 August 1857. Ordered to take as many ladies home as possible. 3 August 1857. Sets off for Bombay. 10 August 1857. Lost "engaged" diamond ring at Joolwana. 14 August 1857. Reach railway line- take train to Bombay. 29 August 1857. Sat for my photograph to Mrs Hannay. 4 September 1857. Wife, Glencora & 2 children sail for Southampton from Bombay on the 'Bombay'. 17 September 1857. 2 day trip to Khandalla to see railway works 26- 27 September 1857. Sets out for Calcutta in 'Ganges' paddle steamer (William Cloete first mate). 30 September 1857. (Sophie etc going back via Suez) Changes ships at Point de Galle, carries on in "Bengal" to Calcutta arrive Calcutta 16 October 1857. (Married at Old Cathedral nearly 7 years before). Sees George Hale's wife and child killed at Lucknow. Brook s leaves Calcutta for Patera to join infantry regiment, reached there 8 November 1857. Starts again. 12 November 1857. Started drilling sailors as Cavalry. 8 December 1857. Details of battle at Sanepore. Officer Commanding: Rowcroft got in a muddle so Brooks and Weston took on the troop movements. 26 December 1857. "Oh Colonel R. Colonel R. what business have you here!" At Rodurepoor, punishing rebels by burning villages/houses. Much of January. Fleet attack Fort of Chandepoor. 17 February 1858. J.H. Brooks leads attack on opposite bank at Chippra. 19 February 1858. ? very nearly having command during the fight at Phoolpoor'. Battle at Amora. 5 March 1858. Letter from father altered his Will in favour of Katey "How kind of him!".14 April 1858. Long day of heavy fighting at Captaingunze much of early 1858. 17 April 1858. Moves against with 400 Gurkhas to Rudawlee. 9- 12 May 1858. Goes from Bustee to Captaingunze goes to missionary service run by natives 60-70 native christians there shipwrecked on the way to Patna. 25 May 1858. Staying at Dinapore. Early June 1858. Staying at Allahabad. June- December 1858. ?cannot stop the drinking; the sergeants are worse than useless'. 24 July 1858. On his wife's birthday "expended some 100 odd Rupees with Mr Beats, the Photographer and had my likeness taken" (see Z50/141/402) 4 September 1858. Sits next to Lady Canning at dinner 'found her agreeable and not so stiff as I expected. ' 17 September 1858. Parade before Sir Hope Grant. 21 September 1858. Received portraits (?photographs) of wife and children. 1 October 1858. Bad account of father's health, applies for 'furlo'. 6 October 1858. Leave refused. 19 October 1858. "Disgraceful failure" of review before Commander in Chiefand Lord and Lady Canning. 25 October 1858. Mention of cricket at Allahabad. November 1858. Mail of 17 November mentions John Hatfield Brooks Brevet Major. 19 December 1858. By rail to Cawnpore 122 miles - 51 hours' 22 December 1858, arrive Lucknow, staying with brother in law Arthur. 23 December - 30 December 1858. Allahabad . December 1858 - March 1859. Better accounts of father's health . 5 January 1859. Jenkins assumes command of the Regiment. 22 January 1859. John Hatfield Brooks first offers extempore prayer at a prayer meeting. 29 January 1859. Trip in early part of February to Lucknow John Hatfield Brooks hears of death of his father in December. 3 February 1859. Resolutions by John Hatfield Brooks "to more strictly observe the Sabbath and to keep my temper in better control so that I may not be so soon put out at trifles". 20 February 1859. Keep temper especially on Parade. 28 February 1859. "Had my last (I hope) Parade for years, perhaps for ever!" 25 March 1859. Arrive Calcutta. 8 April 1859. Buys a couple of parrots for his children. 29 April 1859. Sets out on 'Hindoostan' from Calcutta for home. 1 May 1859. Arrived at Suez. 12 May 1859. By rail to Cairo and then on by rail to Alexandria. Travels on 'the Panther' to Marseilles. 3 June 1859. Then by rail via Paris to, Calais arrived at Dover then by rail via London to Flitwick. 11 June 1859. John Hatfield Brooks gave Willie £10 for village poor to celebrate return. 12 June 1859. Visits to London including Opera, return to Flitwick. 28 June 1859. Quarrel with Harriette, Willie's wife. 30 June 1859. Buy new mare and dogcart. 8 July 1859. Visits father's grave at Maulden- roof off vault during repair Sermon in aid of Flitwick National Schools. 14 July 1859. Harvest just starting. 18 July 1859. Visit of Robert Bird and Cora. 28 July 1859.
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