Mortgage in Fee by Lease and Release [Lease wanting - see X274/24]
i) Benedict Conquest of Houghton Conquest and wife Hannah
ii) John Tuffnail of Elstow, gentleman, Mary Peale of Town of Bedford
Recites: 10 and 11 August 1703 Mortgage in Fee by Lease and Release
(i) John Birch, clerk, said Benedict Conquest
ii) Baldwin Conyers esquire
Date free text
24 Jun 1714
Production date
From: 1714 To: 1714
Scope and Content
Consideration: £100
-messuage or cottage late in occupation of William Young in Houghton Conquest and close of pasture belonging 3 acres
-cottage late in occupation of Samuel Cook in Houghton Conquest
repayment £106
Recites: Indenture 6 May 1712
i. Baldwin Conyers
ii. Adrian Metcalf esquire
reciting above recited Indenture and that sum was unpaid; assigns above premises
Recites: Deed Poll of Assignment on Dorse of last recited Indenture
I) Adrian Metcalf
II) John Birkhead
Consideration: £100 + interest due
(subject to equity of redemption)
Recites: Indenture 1 December last [1713]
(I) John Birkhead
(II) Adrian Metcalf, Benedict Conquest
(III) John Tuffnaile
Consideration: £100 paid by (III) to (I)
premises as above subject to equity of redemption
Recites: that Benedict Conquest is endebted to John Tuffnail in
£500 principal by a mortgage by a term of years of another part of the said premises which he has assigned to trustees to protect the estate hereinafter granted
Now: consideration: £400 paid by Tuffnail to i) (to make to £1,000 the £100 and £500 previously loaned)
£300 paid by Peale to i) [NB this £300 is paid off by RO5/348]
-premises as above
-manor of Houghton Conquest alias Conquest Bury
-manor house of the same
-the Parks and Bury Wood 73 acres
-the Frith alias Crouches Close 10 acres
-Hill Close 26 acres
-Sear Close 6 acres
-Twelve Acres Close 12 acres
-Little Brickhill Pasture, Middle Brickhill Pasture, Further Brickhill Pasture 80 acres
-Sallow alias Salloway Wood 36 acres
-Horse Close 50 acres
-Great Fatting Pasture 50 acres
-Little Fatting Pasture 35 acres with pightle and spinney
-Limbosses Wood alias Montague Wood
-the Horse Close Spinney
-close called Six Acres
-close called the Parsonage Piece
-Hawnes Lane Spinney alias Plowed Hill 20 acres
-Green Lane Close 4 acres
-44 acres arable, meadow and ley in Houghton Conquest
all in Houghton Conquest, Ampthill, Haynes and Maulden in occupations of Benedict Conquest, George Snagg*, Nathan Linford, William Boughton + , Joseph Barber, Joseph Crockett, Thomas Perrott, Thomas Woodcroft and William Bonner*
and all other premises of i) in Bedfordshire
repayment: to John Tuffnail £1,030 on 25 December next
to Mary Peale £390 on same date
Signatures: i) and Tuffnail
Witnesses: William Goodhall, G Arnald, William Turner, Jo. Hay, Ann Lesquire
* supplied from RO5/341, + Bowton in RO5/341
Level of description