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  • Title
    Depositions of Gertrude Chambers of Biggleswade; Walter Chambers of Langford; Albert Jacob Chambers of 77 Lennox Road Finsbury Park, London, London Solicitors Clerk; Arthur Chambers of Biggleswade, Labourer; Mary Ann Chapman of Langford wife of Thomas Chapman. Fanny Ashwell of Langford, wife of Charles Ashwell; James Wheatley of Langford, Labourer and Sarah Branch of Biggleswade. Richard Daybell of the Parish of Bedford in the county of Bedford Inspector of the N.S.P.C.C In the case of Jacob Chambers of the parish of Langford who was charged on divers dates between 15th September 1897 and the 15th January 1898. Then having custody of two children named Gertrude Chambers aged 13 years and Walter Chambers aged 11 years did unlawfully and wilfully ill treat the said Children then being respectively under the age of sixteen years in a manner likely to cause such children unnecessary suffering or injury to their health.
  • Date free text
    23rd February 1898
  • Production date
    From: 1898 To: 1898
  • Scope and Content
    This Deponent Gertrude Chambers on her Oath saith as follows:- I am 13 years old – Jacob Chambers is my father he lived at Langford Beds. I now live with my brother Arthur in Hitchin St. Biggleswade. My brother Albert lives in London. He came to Langford 15th January on that evening my father threw a jug at him – my brother Walter was there – my father said he would cut our throats. Walter and [] and went to the Cupboard where the knives are kept – I was afraid he was going to do it. My father was in a passion and swore at me. Walter and I ran out of the house because we was so frightened – this was about half past 8 at night – we went just outside – my brother Albert came out my father came and locked the door and said we should not go in any more. We then went to Mrs Ashwells at Langford. While we were there Mr James Wheatley came – he worked for father – he took me and Walter back to fathers’ house. He asked father to let us in – my father said he would not let us in – my father said to Wheatley – if we came back again he would cut our throats - We went back with Mr Wheatley to his house and stopped there until my brother Arthur came from Biggleswade – we came with him to Biggleswade and have lived there ever since. About a week before this happening father hit me with his hand – I had not done anything wrong - I was washing up the breakfast things and my father said I ought to have done and told me to go and help my brother Walter clean the grate I went to help Walter and then father told me I ought to finish washing up. On a Sunday about 3 weeks before Christmas when Mrs Branch, Walter and me came home from Biggleswade – my father began to swear at Mrs Branch – after she was gone my father swore at me and Walter this continued up to about 11 pm we left the house because father was swearing and we was frightened - We went to Mrs Ashwells and stopped there all night. About 3 months ago my brother Walter and I went to Mrs Chapman’s who keeps ‘The Steamer’ Langford – we stayed there all night – we went because my father swore at us very much – it was about 6 or 7 at night when we went to Mrs Chapmans. I am afraid to live at home with my father I am afraid he will kill us. [Cross Examined] When we went to Mrs Chapmans my father(‘Chandler’ in margin) had had a quarrel with Mrs Branch his house keeper who left him that day – we went after she had gone. I went to Langford Board School - have not attended every day - made a good attendance. On 15th January I was in the next room when father threw a jug – Albert stood against the door we were in the next room my brother Albert did not challenge my father to fight. Albert came a little after 6 and the Jug was thrown after 8 pm. Father wanted Albert to do his books and Albert wanted to wait till tomorrow and they had a row. We left by the Back door. Albert left by the Back door We were not out long before Albert came He asked us to go to Mrs. Ashwells. We told Mrs Ashwell my father had thrown a jug at Albert and threatened to cut our throats. We did not cross the line. Fathers house is 10 yards the other side (when Wheatley took us back) Wheatley went to the front window and called - I heard my father answer – Wheatley went into the house by the back door - I did not see my father then I had my slippers on – not walking shoes. I was a fine night. Walter had shoes on- When Arthur came Mrs Wheatleys daughter was getting us ready for bed. I did not go to school the day my father hit me when I was washing up. We got home with Mrs Branch ¼ after 8 and father had words with her for keeping us out late. My brother and I stopped with Mrs Branch 3 days I did not tell her I was afraid. We had a Christmas party at home and Christmas tree about a fortnight after Christmas 8 or 9 people were there. My father has ill treated me at other times. He pulled my hair once when my sister was there. I was ever so long before the last time that I felt it was dangerous to live with father Mrs Branch was house keeper for 9 months Mrs Ashwell has been to the house frequently to clean up - I have complained to them of my fathers treatment. [Re Examined] I have been living in dread of my father for some time. Deponent of Walter Chambers I am 11 years old. Son of Jacob Chambers – I now live at Mrs Chapmans my Aunt – (my mothers sister) she keeps ‘The Steamer’ Langford. I remember Albert coming from London January 15th my father threw a Jug at him. My father said he would cut our throats Gertrude and mine - I was afraid he would do it - we ran out of the house and went to Mrs Ashwells – Wheatley came and took us back – the door was locked – Wheatley went in after a time - we went to Mr Wheatleys and stopped till Arthur brought us to Biggleswade and stayed the night there. About 3 weeks before Christmas my father threatened us, and Gertrude and I went to Mrs Ashwells. About 3 months ago Gertrude and I went to Mrs Chapmans and stayed there all night because my father had been violent. I am afraid to live with my father. [Cross Examined] I have been near his house since on my way to school. On Sunday last I went in to see him. Father gave me an orange. I saw Wheatley try the back door – Mr Wheatley told us the door was locked - we were the other side the line. [Re examined] My father called me in and told me to tell the truth and gave me an orange. Deponent of Albert Jacob Chambers aged 19 son of Jacob Chambers – Clerk in Solicitors Office of Grt Northern Railway 77 Lennox Road Finsbury Park. On 15th January I came to Langford It was Saturday – I arrived in the evening. My father threw a jug across the table at me he was drunk – He swore at me and at Gertrude and Walter - I rebuked him. He called Walter and said Did I ever swear at you – he said yes – you boxed my ears last Saturday – Father said I’ll teach you you little B’s to tell your B brother that I swear or even hit you – he then said I’ll cut your throats – the children ran out and father got out of his chair and walked towards the cupboard where the knives are kept I stood in front of him and tried to get him to sit down – He raved and swore at me again and I followed the children outside. He locked the door and said I’ll see you don’t come in here any more tonight. I took the children to Mrs Ashwells I returned to London that night – I had come home with the intention of spending Sunday at home, but after this I went back to London - I am of opinion that it is not safe for my little brother and sister to stop at home with father. [Cross Examined] I had been home ten minutes when my father threw the jug at me – it was 7.30 to 7.45 when my brother and sister went to Mrs Ashwells – I had reproached my father and asked him to leave off swearing – He had been swearing the whole time. He got within 2 yards of the cupboard. When he saw the children run away – he did not trouble about the knife. I told Wheatley to take the children back in ¼ of an hour I thought he might have quieted down - I told Wheatley to stay with them – I told Mrs Ashwell. Deponent of Arthur Chambers live at Hitchin St. Biggleswade son of Jacob Chambers – On Saturday 15 January I went to Wheatley in consequence of what Albert told me – Gertrude and Walter were there. I brought them home with me – Gertrude has lived with me since. I am of opinion it is not safe for these children to live with father. [Cross Examined] Because of his threats – I have not lived at home for 2 years. Before that night I thought it not safe if I could have got possession of the children my sister Elizabeth lived with me I did not turn her out at 11 o’clock at night she gave me something for her keep. Deponent of Mary Ann Chapman wife of Thomas Chapman sister in law to Chambers Gertrude and Walter came to my house about 3 months ago or a little more. They made a complaint to me – they were in tears when I opened my door – they dare not go back home. I do not think it is safe for the children to live with their father – they need protection. When he is drunk he is not safe to have them. [Cross Examined] I have not seen him strike them. I have seen the children sometimes. I don’t think the children ought to be with him Deponent of Fanny Ashwell the wife of Charles Ashwell I live at Dark Lane Langford. I work at his house Charing or anything as he wanted me – I have bathed washed and dressed the children. On the 15th January Albert Chambers brought them to my home about 7.45 pm and left them there. He said “the man is rather “Off Hooks” He said don’t keep them longer than a quarter of an hour I cannot stay. Wheatley came for them. The children made no complaint to me at all. They never made a complaint to me. I was there at the Christmas tree. [Cross Examined] [‘Clare’ in margin] I expected there was something up – for me to take care of the children. They came to me once before. That was a few weeks before Christmas. I was in bed when they came that was between 11 and 12 at night – these two children – I was a tired – my husband let them in – they stopped the night with me – I don’t know why they came I did not ask them. Deponent of James Wheatley of Langford. I have worked for Jacob Chambers for 20 years – on the 15th January Albert Chambers came to me and asked me to take the children back from Mrs Ashwells. I took them to the Railway gate – I went to the house and saw Chambers. I have constantly seen the children inside and outside Chambers house – I have had no complaint from them. Deponent of Sarah Branch I lived at Jacob Chambers as housekeeper for 9 months – left the beginning of December – We had a dispute I was in Biggleswade at Christmas time. The two little children came over and stayed with me 3 or 4 days. They never complained to me while I was there I never saw him ill treated them – they always had plenty to eat and drink. [Cross Examined] I have never heard him swear direct at the children. They did not go to Mrs Ashwells for the night while I was there. After I left the same night they had to sleep at Mrs Ashwells. When I left they were gone to bed. Information or Complaint of Richard Daybell of the Parish of Bedford in the county of Bedford Inspector of the N.S.P.C.C who states that Jacob Chambers of the parish of Langford in the county of Bedford on divers dates between the 15th day of September 1897 and the 15th January 1898 at the parish of Langford in the said county of Bedford then having the custody of certain children named Gertrude Chambers and Walter Chambers did unlawfully and wilfully ill treat the said children they being under the age of sixteen years in a manner likely to cause such children unnecessary suffering or injury to their health. Statement of Accused: - I reserve my defence
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