• Reference
  • Title
    Articles of Agreement.
  • Date free text
    19 Sep 1685
  • Production date
    From: 1685 To: 1685
  • Scope and Content
    1) Robert Montagu of Colworth, Sharnbrook, Esq. 2) John Wagstaffe of London, Mercer. Before Michaelmas Term next 1) to convey to 2) as the counsell of 2) or his heirs shall reasonably devise to be free of all incumbrances. Messuage of farmhouse, now or late in occ of William Chapman, his assigns or undertenants in Souldrop Parish (belonging or reputed to be belonging to the Manor of Colworth). AND close pasture of inclosed ground called 'South Ash-hill' (lately divided into 2 parts) /35Acres/. AND close of pasture or inclosed ground called 'Ramleys' /8Acres/. AND close of pasture, near adjoining called Gotsoe (24Acres). All above now in occupance of William Chapman or his assigns in Parish of Souldrop and reputed as part of Manor of Colworth and all over his lands in occupance of William Chapman. AND close or inclosed ground called North Ash Hill /35Acres/, Souldrop (abs North West South Ash Hills) now or late in the Holding of Robert Montagu or his tenants. AND Grove or Spinney of wood at North West end of same closes. AND close or pasture or inclosed ground, now divided into two parts called Windmill Hill /21Acres/, Souldrop. AND Close Lane or passageway leading from Windmill Hill to Gotsoe AND the Riding or Sward ground called 'The Riding' in the wood called Colworth Thick /2Acres/. AND Close or inclosed ground called 'Old Close' /7Acres/ now or late in occupation of Robert Hanger AND 2 spinneys or Coppice Groves called Gotsoe Spinneys /2Acres/ lying in or near Gotsoe Close, now in proper holding of Robert Montagu. AND wood and wood ground called 'Colworth Thick' and the soil of it /40Acres/ lying in Souldrop. AND tithes and tenths of all corn, grain, hay, wood, etc., as well as predial as mixed on above messuage etc. AND Messuage, tenement or farmhouse, in Sharnbrook now or late in tenure of Nicholas King, his assigns or undertenants AND close called 'Bushey Leys' and divided into several parts or closes (a Brook there running through the same) and all of them lying together contiguous to the messuage and extending themselves from the Highway from Sharnbrook to Colworth to and beyond the wood hereafter mentioned /42Acres/ occupance of Nicholas King and his assigns. AND close of inclosed ground called Twelve Shillings Close in Sharnbrook /6Acres/ AND a piece of leys or sward ground in Sharnbrook Field near the said close /4Acres/ now in occupance of James Illson. AND wood and wood ground called 'Round Wood', Sharnbrook /17Acres/ abs South and East Bushey Leys West Lane from Colworth and Sharnbrook to Souldrop. AND 30 acres of arable land in common fields of Sharnbrook now in occupance of Robert Montagu, Nicholas King and Robert Hanger. Agreement to value and survey wood above before 20 November (if under 69 acres) 'by Meete of Pole' within the hedges of respective woods etc. besides the piece of ground called the Rideing, which is not to be measured, Montagu to drop £12 from purchase price for every acre UNDER 59Acres but of more than Wagstaffe will pay £12per annum. Montagu to stay as Tenant of Wagstaffe till Lady Day next at rent of £75. Montagu lease North Ash Hill for one year from Lady Day at £30per annum. Rent. Covenant against hedge or tree cutting. Gotsoe, Ramleys, South and North Ash Hill are Tithe free except for Rate or composition of 5s 4d per annum payable to Vicar of Souldrop. Woods called Colworth thick and 2 Spinneys at Gotsoe are exempt from tithes EXCEPT 1/2Acre of woodland lying in Colworth Thick, distinct and known from the rest. Consideration purchase price of £3,698, 18s, 6d, paid by 2) to 1). Witnesses F. Brace, William Neighbour, William Tompkins and Henry Whitbread. Marked on dorse in ink No. '17'. In blue ink 'A20'.
  • Level of description