Date free text
29 September 1491
Production date
From: 1491 To: 1491
Scope and Content
Counterpart Lease [in English]
(i) Robert Broughton, knight
(ii) Thomas Chambleyn and Robert Style
Operative Part:
- (i) leased (a) to (ii) for nine years at 12 shillings per annum
(a) “fedynge” and pasture lying together in closes at Chalgrave “wyth the logge and all the conyes belongying to the manor of Chalgrave except all the wodys and a close calleyd hardwyk”
- “And the seyd Thomas and Robert shall make and kepe all the hegges belongynge to the seyd grundys at ther cost and charge duryinge the seyd times except that the seyd Sir Robert or hys depute shall assign to the seyd Thomas and Robert wythyn the seid grounde of Chalgrave Computent heggeynge wode at all tymes nedefull and suffycent wode for the fensynge of the Borowe Waren lyke durynge the seyd times and also the seyd Thomas and Robert Style shall leve the seyd hegges suffycyently repaired in the ende of the seyd time”
- “provided alwey that yf the seid Sir Robert leve the place called Chalgrave Cury that thenne the seid Sir Robert shall have at his liberte therbage [the herbage?] of the pasture calleyd the Impey and Swyncroft from thensforth allowing to the seid Thomas and Robert Style yeerly therefor XX pence”
- “and the seid Thomas and Robert Style guarante to leve in the ende of the seid time about CCCC Conyes wythynne the seid grounde”
- “also the seyd Thomas and Robert Style shall have suche brokyn wode as the seyd Sir Robert shall assigne them ther to make fyre in the seid logge at all suche convenient seaseons as it shallbe nedfull to them to watche the seid Conyes ther”
Signed by “Thomas Cambleyn”
Level of description