• Reference
  • Title
    Printed Debenture Trust Deed in £100,000
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1792 To: 1897
  • Scope and Content
    1) Star Brewery, Cambridge, Limited 2) William Graham Nicholson of 195 St John Street, Clerkenwell, County of London esquire John Abdy Combe of Long Acre, County of London esquire (Trustees) property described in schedules 1st schedule 1st part: FREEHOLD 1) piece of ground, parish of St Andrews the Less, alias Barnwell, Borough of Cambridge, on S. side of Newmarket Road (under conveyance) 1) Peter Grain the younger 2) James Peter Twiss 3) Reverend William Christopher Twiss 4) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) freehold messuage or dwellinghouse with brewhouse, countinghouse, storeroom, stables, chaisehouse, yards, gardens and bathhouse adjoining [Star Brewery] And messuage or public house called “Burleigh Arms”, late in occupation of James Peterson Twiss or his undertenants abutting S. Turnpike Road from Cambridge to Newmarket N. Common called Midsummer Green premises now or late of Reverend John James W. b) below b) piece of freehold in parish of St Andrew the Less in front next Turnpike Road, Cambridge to Newmarket, 24 ft and in width at the back next Midsummer Common 40 ft (computed from corner of garden wall of a) and in depth 42 ft abutting E. brewhouse, public house etc. (a) above W. residue of allotment land late belonging to John James but heretofore sold by him in lots to Frederick Bailey and others N. ditch belonging to Common S. Newmarket Turnpike Road heretofore part of a larger close of 2 acres 37 perches awarded to James Burleigh by Enclosure Commissioners for St Andrew the Less otherwise Barnwell extend in front next Newmarket Road 121 ft and at the back next the Common 140 ft contains in depth 440 ft 29 Sep 1858 And Conveyance 1) Andrew Percival Reverend John Burleigh James Francis James (vendors) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) piece of land part of New England Close in Cambridge on W. side of new roadway called Star Roadway in front next roadway 443 ft and at back 433 ft, N. 112 ft + right of way 24 June 1869 Combined site contains dwelling house and premises known as Burleigh House now in occupation of Frederick Bailey and a brewhouse, storehouses, cellars, 2 malthouses and other erections adjoining Burleigh House And messuage or public house known as The Star Brewery Tap including the messuage lately used as a coachmaker’s shop with the cellar now forming part of Star Tap And 60 Quarter malthouse, stables, cooperage, lofts and coachhouse And 6 cottages now let to Pope and others above comprises Star Brewery 2) and piece of ground in parish of St Andrew the Less etc., Cambridge fronts on Parsonage Street at back of land now – SE. land described as freehold house, Parsonage Street (see below) NW. Midsummer Green or Common with messuage or dwelling house with garden attached now in occupation of William Aaron Skinner and brewhouse, malthouse, storeroom etc. in occupation of Company (NB Parsonage Street is near Newmarket Road) 3) messuage used as a public house called “The Dolphin” on piece of land in New Town in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge abutting N. Coronation Street on a 40 ft front S. other premises and 10 ft road on 50 ft front W. next the other premises – depth 101 ft E. next other premises of – Rullen 101 ft with right of way on roadway 10 ft wide leading from Russell Street to E. corner of hereditaments out for joint use and benefit of owners of these and adjoining premises Company to keep roadway in good repair in occupation of William Mason 4) Kings Arms, Princes Street and Union Road, Cambridge described as messuage or dwelling house in parish of St Andrew the Less in Cambridge in part of parish known as New Zealand or New Town abutting N. Union Road S. private way belonging to the premises E. premises W. Princes Street with pump on said premises (joint use with premises to E.) now in occupation of Samuel James Custance 5) messuage or tenement called “Nine Pins”, Thompson’s Lane, parish of St Clement, Cambridge, with yard and washhouse adjoining, now occupied by George Watts (Thompson’s Lane is near Bridge Street) 6) messuage or tenement called “Black Lion”, Newmarket Road, parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge with stables, yards, lofts, cart sheds, etc. adjoining and drains belonging, in occupation of Charles Pope 7) piece of ground in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge abutting NW. City Road NE. Burleigh Street under conveyance 1) Andrew Palmer (vendor) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) 25 Oct 1871 with messuage and buildings erected on piece of ground used as public house and called “Forester’s Arms” now in occupation of William Fuller 8) messuage or tenement used as a public house and called “Butcher’s Arms” and shop and premises adjoining in City Road and abutting John Street in St Andrew the Less, Cambridge (No.24) now in occupation of Fanny Newman [Not 2 plots of land in rear sold to Miss H Humphries and Baynard] 9) messuage or tenement or public house known as the “Earl Durham” with ground and outbuildings adjoining in Newmarket Road (formerly High Street) St Andrew the Less, Cambridge, now in occupation of A L Scott 10) Beerhouse (once 2 messuages or tenements) called “The Crown” with garden ground at the back, St Andrew the Less otherwise Barnwell, Cambridge, now in occupation of J Sparkman and formerly described as piece of freehold ground in parish of St A...., part of an allotment in City Angles abutting NE. allotment to Thomas Mott SE. allotment to Thomas Carter SW. Footpath No. 2 in Barnwell Enclosure Award NW. allotment to Bryan Coulton 11) Piece of land near Mill Road in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge E. side in width (next roadway from Mill Road) to Norfolk Street and known as Gwyder Street 40 ft W. 40 ft toward N. 147 ft in length S. 151 ft abutting E. Gwyder Street W. Church of England Cemetery with messuage or tenement standing on it used as a public house and called “The Dew Drop” with use of certain rights of way (described in deed of 4 April 1868) 1) Joseph Sturton (vendor) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) in occupation of Mrs Strange 12) “The Mill” (formerly “Hazard Arms”) with premises adjoining Mill Lane, Cambridge, described as 2 (once 3) messuages or dwellinghouses with 2 small yards (2 of which dwellinghouses front on S. side of Mill Lane, Cambridge, now occupied by Mason And the remaining dwellinghouse fronts on E. side of lane leading from Mill Lane to Coe Fen, now occupied by Sell (under conveyance) 1) Alfred Jones 2) Frederick Bailey 1 Jul 1874 13) piece of land NW. corner of street called Abbey Street in parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge, with messuage, tenement or public house on it now and for many years past called “Five Bells”, in occupation of Mrs Mary Ann Reader 14) Plot of land in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge, frontage on N. side on Sleaford Street of 67 ft 3 inches and another frontage on E. on Ainsworth Street of 76 ft, a depth on S. side 61 ft 9 inches and a width on the back of 50 ft 6 inches (under conveyance) 1) William Henry Holland (vendor) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) 22 Dec 1875 subject to maintenance of fences on south and east side and messuages and premises on plot used as a public house called “Geldart Arms” with stables and outbuildings , in occupation of A Vine 15) messuage or public house known as the “Old Nag’s Head”, formerly known as the “Nag’s Head”, Hobson Place, Sidney Street, Cambridge with a number in Hobson Street, now in occupation of John Edward Scott 16) piece of ground in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge, and messuage and tenement now used as a public house called “The Star” with outbuildings etc., in occupation of Samuel Brown, and 3 cottages adjoining New Street, now in occupation of Clarke 17) The messuage, tenement or dwellinghouse now used as a public house and called “Black Horse”, High Street in Barnwell now called Newmarket Road, Cambridge, with yards, stables and outbuildings now in occupation of Sarah Goodwin And messuage, tenement or dwellinghouse, High Street, Barnwell, adjoining above premises with yards and outbuildings which 2 messuages or tenements or dwellinghouses were formerly one messuage or tenement used as an Inn called “The George Inn” 18) piece of land in Mill Road, parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge abutting N. land belonging to Frederick Parker S. messuage or tenement in Devonshire Road, property of Frederick Parker W. land of Frederick Parker with messuage, tenement or public house and outbuildings now standing on S. portion called “Midland Tavern” now in occupation of George Day with right of way for the Company with or without horses, carts carriages along roadway on E. side of piece of land (Devonshire Road) 19) messuage or tenement used as a beerhouse called Red Bull (wrongly Red Lion in conveyance) 1) Henry James Blake 2) William Simmons 3) Frederick Bailey 6 April 1879 with brewery and premises adjoining New Street, parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge (no.53 in street) some time since built on piece of ground in depth on 2 sides N. to S. 60 ft, and in front at back 25 ft abutting E. premises – S. land – W. premises- N. New Street now in occupation of Robert Townsend 20) messuage or public house formerly called the “Glaziers Arms” now “Royal Arms” in King Street, Cambridge, with yard, coalcellar and premises and 3 cottages in King Street at side of and formerly adjoining but now part of Royal Arms 21) piece of land in front N. next Mill Road (71 ft) S. next property now or late of Frederick Parker in part and a back roadway leading to Cyprus Road in part 136 ft W. next Malta Road 116 ft under conveyance 1) Frederick Parker (vendor) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) 17 Apr 1880 with public house erected on it called “Royal Standard” now in occupation of Charles Watson, with right of way and right of user of drains and subject to liabilities as in above deed 22) messuage, tenement or public house called “Crown and Anchor”, 26 Sun Street, Newmarket Road, Cambridge, (parish of Holy Trinity) now in occupation of Frederick James Burton abutting E. premises now or late of Thomas Askham W. premises now or late of John Whybrow N. Sun Street S. back way leading to Gloucester Street with a right of way for Company and its successors etc. over road or backway leading to Gloucester Place 23) piece of ground, Castle Street, parish of St Giles, Cambridge, with messuage or tenement now used as a beerhouse called “Bentinck Arms” erected on piece of ground occupied by James Duckings 24) malting and garden adjoining with maltsters cottage and outbuildings adjoining on Newmarket Road, Cambridge (1 rood), frontage of 103 ft 10 inches to Newmarket Road on N. side depth of 95 ft 2 inches next “Black Lion” (see above) E. a width of 118 ft next public footpath leading from Coldham Lane to Hutchinson’s Court W. depth of 109 ft 3 inches next property now or late of Mrs Carter now in occupation of Company (under conveyance) 1) Charles Finch Foster (vendor) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) 3) Ebenezer Bird Foster 24 Jun 1884 25) messuage, tenement or public house called “The Bell”, Histon, Cambridgeshire, with yard, workshop, stable and other premises, occupied by Mrs Sarah Papworth 26) piece of land in the bounds of Impington, Cambridgeshire (3 roods) abutting N. land now or late of Ann Charles S. land (5 perches) belonging to Great Eastern Railway Company E. and W. Roads leading to Cambridge [part of allotment 458 in Histon and Impington Enclosure Act] with messuage and premises now built on land and used as a public house and called “Railway Vue”, now in occupation of Carter [NB called Railway Vue, Histon] 27) messuage or dwellinghouse now used as a public house called “Black Horse” with outbuildings and garden in parish of Impington, Cambridgeshire (34 perches) abutting close of land now or late of Stephen Chivers at back or E. side Impington Green on front or western side, S on premises now or late of Charles Marsh N. side on premises now or late of John Edlin in occupation of William Abbott 28) Brick built messuage, tenement or public house, Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, called “Red Lion” [High Street], now in occupation of I Smith 29) messuage or tenement, Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, “Chequers” with brewhouse and barns, stables and outbuildings, in occupation of N W Vialls 30) messuage or tenement now and for many years past used as a public house called the “Sun”, Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, with yards, stables, buildings, in occupation of H Cade And messuage, tenement or garden (3 roods 10 perches), Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, has for some time past been used as a public house called the “Dolphin”, in occupation of Thomas Burling 31) messuage or tenement and croft of old pasture land adjoining, Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire, now used as a public house and called “Prince of Wales” with cottages, stables etc. abutting N. and S. land late of W and T Kidman E. land of Reverend W Smith W. Cambridge Road And allotment of land in Stone Field, Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire (2 acres 1 rood) abutting NE. allotment to W Cross SE. allotment to Samuel Smith SW. allotment to William Fisk NW. public road called Cambridge Road now in occupation of Ball 32) messuage or tenement in High Street, Oakington, Cambridgeshire called “Lion and Lamb” public house with cottage, brewhouse, barn, outbuildings, yard, garden and premises adjoining, now in occupation of J Smith and James Laughton 33) messuage or tenement now and for many years past used as a beerhouse and called the “Hoops” with brewhouse, butcher’s shop (formerly a wheelwright’s) yard and premises adjoining in Long Stanton St Michael, Cambridgeshire, with shed, sawpit on roadway opposite butcher’s shop and brewery, in occupation of I Rignell 34) messuage or tenement now used as a public house formerly called ”Crown”, Willingham, Cambridgeshire (alias Wirelingham) abutting N. Meetinghouse Lane E. orchard belonging to George Inn W. Common Street N. premises now or late of William Asplen And yard, garden, stable and skittle alley, in occupation of Mrs Eliza Haddon And freehold messuage, cottage or tenement adjoining, now in occupation of – Haddow 35) messuage or public house called “White Hart” on site of premises formerly called “The Warriors” and 2 cottages in High Street, Willingham, Cambridgeshire, formerly for many years in occupation of Thomas Whittlesey now in occupation of G W Wetherall, with yards, large garden and orchard at side and all outbuildings belonging 36) messuage or tenement commonly called “King’s Head”, Fen Ditton, Cambridgeshire, with yard, garden, orchards, barns, stables, outhouses etc. with garden to said messuage adjoining now in occupation of Mrs Turner 37) messuage, tenement or public house called “Crown and Punchbowl”, Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, with stables, piggery, yard and garden adjoining (3 roods 6 perches) with2 cottages lately built adjoining public house, now in occupation of Henry Gibson and undertenants 38) messuage or tenement now used as a public house called the “Ship”, Reach in Burwell parish, Cambridgeshire abutting W. Queen’s highway E. Chapel Close S. yard called Chapel Road, premises formerly belonging to Matthew Dene N. premises formerly of Henry William Crisp with piece of land held with it now in occupation of --, and 2 cottages formerly one messuage called “The White Swan” and afterwards converted into 3 distinct tenements, East Reach, parish of Burwell, Cambridgeshire, now in occupation of George Harding and Thomas Adams 39) messuage, tenement or dwellinghouse with site with yard, malting, office, kiln, clubroom and other outbuildings to same adjoining, Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire No.186 on Map affixed to Enclosure Award for Fulbourn abutting NW. part premises No. 83 on plan; part premises No.184 on plan SE. public street or highway; premises No.85 SE. (sic) premises No.187 premises now and for some time past used as Inn or public house called “Coach and Horses”, now in occupation of J French and undertenant 40) messuage, tenement or dwellinghouse used as a beerhouse, “Cherry Tree” with stables, outbuildings in Exning Road, [Newmarket] Suffolk reserves hedge on W. side in occupation of James William Smith 41) so much as is freehold messuage or tenement called “Three Tuns” with shop, stable and yard , Cornhill, Newmarket, Suffolk abutting W. Queen’s highway E. land part of premises of Bull Inn S. head fronts Market Place N. head premises now or late of R Jeffery And piece of ground in length 15 ft and breadth 9 ft abutting S. above premise N. and E. land part of Bull Inn W. premises now or late of Messrs Brown and Colley in occupation of R Jeffery 42) messuage, tenement or public house called “Two Old Brewers” otherwise “Two Brewers” in Newmarket St Mary, Suffolk abutting N. Albion Street E. part premises now or late of Charles Bottom; part next described premises S. public lane or yard W. premises now or late of William Simpson, now in occupation of John Foreman And stables erected and built by Charles Phipps on wasteground (abutting E. end of above premises) abutting N. Albion Street S. premises now or late of Charles Bottom And cottage or tenement abutting N. and W. lane or yard E. next described premises S. premises now or late of William Simpson And cottage or tenement used and occupied with same, public house being opposite to the same abutting N. lane and yard E. next described premises S. premises now or late of Thomas Moody W. last described premises 43) messuage, tenement or dwellinghouse formerly a public house called “Railway Tavern”, afterwards converted into a shop but since and now licensed as an Inn called “Turf Tavern” with bakehouse, stables and other buildings in Newmarket All Saints, Suffolk, with bakehouse, stables etc. and other buildings adjoining in same parish fronts and abutting Granby Street, now in occupation of Mrs Bly 44) 2 messuages or tenements with bakehouse, outbuildings, yards, gardens, orchards, Sawston, Cambridgeshire, formerly one messuage now converted into two one now in occupation of Mrs Elizabeth Mason and now and or for some time past used as a beerhouse called “The Woolpack” and the other a cottage adjoining messuage is used as a private house now in the occupation of John Brown with slaughterhouse in the yard in the rear of the Woolpack now in occupation of Sarah Shieldrick abutting N. premises now or late of – E. High Road, Sawston to Cambridge S. premises of Sawston Industrial Co-operative Society W. premises – 45) messuage or tenement formerly 3 tenements now and for many years past used as a beerhouse called “Brand’s Beerhouse” with garden etc., Mill Lane, Sawston, Cambridgeshire, now in occupation of Arthur Brand And 2 messuages, cottages or tenements with yards, gardens, and premises, Mill Lane, Sawston, Cambridgeshire, at back or N. end of above, now in occupation of F North and C Matthews abutting N. footpath and premises, -- S. the parish road known as Mill Lane W. premises – 46) messuage or tenement used as a public house called “Coach and Horses” on W. side of Broad Street, Ely, Cambridgeshire, and yard and other buildings belonging, now in occupation of William Woods abutting E. Broad Street W. land – S. land – N. premises next described And site of cottage or tenement with piece of garden ground and lodge belonging now used in connection with public house and occupation abutting N. “Coach and Horses” E. Broad Street S. premises – W. a garden 47) messuage or tenement, Hadstock, Essex, now in occupation of George Swann And cottage adjoining – side of messuage and now thrown into same with barn, orchards and yard belonging (orchard on opposite side of road to beerhouse and cottage) And toft and piece or parcel of meadow or pasture land at Hadstock, Essex (2 acres 1 rood 14 perches) commonly called “Scalers” and “Burnt Yards” abutting N. road from Hadstock to Bartlow SW. lane leading from said road SE. land- in occupation of George Swann 48) Freehold part of messuage or tenement, St Ives, Huntingdonshire in Merryland called “Elephant and Castle” now in occupation of Charles Furness 49) piece of meadow or pasture land, Oakington, Cambridgeshire (1 acre 3 roods 20 perches) abutting NE. village street NW. land now or late of – SE. road leading to Drayton SW. public drain with beerhouse called “The Harvest Home” now erected on it, now in occupation of John Smith (under conveyance) 1) George Gayford the younger and George Gates 2) John Linton Wayman and Robert Tebbit Morris 3) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) 50) piece of land (1 acre 7 perches) abutting S. Town Street (part of close of arable land at back of Harrow public house [Fulbourn] (see 2nd Schedule)) now in occupation of William Mason 51) messuage or tenement used as a beerhouse and known as the “Mangle”, Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire, with barns, stables, orchards etc. And 1½ acres of land adjoining to messuage [save 32 perches which was formerly part of premises which was absolutely surrendered by William Oole Ambrose to use of Joseph Toller 9 April 1853] now in occupation of – Page formerly copyhold of Manor of Fulbourn Zouches in Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire. enfranchised 1) Charles Watson Tounley (lord of Manor) 2) Richard Greaves Tounley 3) Frederick Bailey (enfranchised) 9 Dec 1886 52) messuage, tenement or public house called King William the Fourth, Newmarket Road, in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge, with bowling green, yard, brewhouse, assembly rooms, stables and sheds adjoining, now in occupation of Thomas Worland (under conveyance) 1) Catherine Elizabeth Bishop George Salmon Charles John Clay (vendor) 2) Francis Evans (purchaser) 26 Jun 1886 except reserved free right of passage and footway for horses, carts, carriages and other vehicles to owners and occupiers of adjoining premises in present entrance and roadway 53) piece of ground in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge, on NW. side of Catherine Street abutting NE. plot of land described next hereafter NW. land now or late of Henry Pryor SW. Alfred Street SE. Catherine Street in width SW.- NE. 25 ft in depth NW. - SE. 87 ft 6 inches (under conveyance) 1) Alfred Jones (vendor) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) 7 Apr 1887 with public house and premises now erected on plot of land called the “Jubilee” now in occupation of Thomas Rolph subject to performance of covenant as to fencing And plot of land (now used as bowling green for the “Jubilee”) on NW. side of Catherine Street abutting NE. and NW. land now or late of Alfred Jones SW. premises above SW. Catherine Street width SW. - NE. 31 ft depth NW. - SE. 87 ft 6 inches (under conveyance) 1) Alfred Jones (vendor) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) subject to covenant regarding fencing 12 Oct 1887 54) piece of land on S. side of Mill Road, Borough of Cambridge fronts Argyle Street and in the rear Newmarket line of Great Eastern Railway 75 ft in depth on SE. side 168 ft (under conveyance) 1) Benjamin Jolly (vendor) 2) Frederick Bailey (purchaser) 31 Jul 1886 with beerhouse called “Duke of Argyle” and other buildings erected on piece of land, now in occupation of C Lundy with right of way over Argyle Street and covenant as to fencing 55) piece of fen or marsh ground, Bottisham Fen, Bottisham, Cambridgeshire (4 acres 2 roods 35 perches) but including public house site (5 acres 1 rood) abutting one side land belonging to Francis Cornwell on opposite side land formerly belonging to Robert Cook, now to Frederick Bailey at back by land belonging to – Barnell front by High Road And public house, messuage or tenement known as “The Cuckoo” now in occupation of Stubbin Cornwell 56) And messuage adjoining messuage or tenement at Fen Ditton, Cambridgeshire, now used as public house formerly called “Mason’s Arms”, now as “The Ancient Shepherds” with yards and a piece of land adjoining And buildings on it, in occupation of Thomas Plidgon (formerly copyhold of Manor of Fen Ditton with Horningsea, Cambridgeshire) (under Deed of Enfranchisement) 1) John Haviland (Lord of Manor above) 2) Hannah Sammons, widow (enfranchised copyholder) 12 May 1888 57) piece of land in parish of St Andrew the Less, alias Barnwell, Borough of Cambridge abutting W. Albert Street, on a frontage of 97 ft 4 inches N. premises known as – House, Newmarket Road E. partly premises called “Nelson House”, Newmarket Road, partly by right of way running between premises conveyed here and Mission Room S. premises now or late of – Hunt [Victoria Brewery] with 5 cottages on E. side of Albert Street, called 1-5 Albert Cottages, now in occupation of – And mineral water factory, malthouse, cart-sheds, stables and buildings, now standing on piece of land 58) messuage or tenement in Parsonage Street, parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge, front next street 16 ft and in depth from street to premises previously described as “Premises in Parsonage Street, Newmarket Road, Cambridge, now in occupation of the Company” SE. premises of – now in occupation of William West 59) piece of land in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge, with messuage or tenement on the N. side, being a beerhouse called “White Swan” with all those messuages and tenements formerly used as a lodging house and outbuildings also erected on part of piece of land N. next Gas Lane 108 ft E. land now or late of Archibald Douglas 54 ft S. land now or late of William Potts 107 ft W. Staffordshire Place 46 ft now in occupation of H Hammond 60) messuage, tenement or public house called “The Greyhound” in village of Milton [Melton in title] with outbuildings, gardens and premises now in occupation of – (formerly 2 messuages part of 11 messuages or tenements in occupation of William Plumb and William Coulson, under conveyance) 1) David Gunnell and Sarah his wife 2) James William Prior 3) William Freeman 11 Apr 1846 61) fully licensed public house known as “Marquis of Granby”, Bridge Street, parish of St Clement, Cambridge, with yard, chaisehouse, stables, lofts and workshops with garden adjoining, in breadth fronting Bridge Street 24 ft exclusive of gateway leading to premises late of E Foster esquire now forming part of gardens of St John’s College Lodge and which messuage extends over the gateway in front next Bridge Street and abuts on the back on messuage of Thomas Bond abutting N. messuage and premises of W Eaden Lilley S. messuage of Thomas Bond W. street E. garden of trustees of St John’s College 62) fully licensed public house known as “Marquis of Granby”, in Staffordshire Street, parish of St Andrew the Less, Borough of Cambridge, with garden at back 63) beerhouse known as the “Anchor” with yard and barn, stable, slaughterhouse and buildings And close of land (2 acres 10 perches) of arable at back, Bottisham, Cambridgeshire 64) fully licensed public house called “The Indian Chief” with washhouse, brewhouse, and other buildings And piece of ground and garden at back of and adjoining above, all in High Street, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire. 107 on Enclosure Map (1 rood) frontage to High Street 33 ft next Buck Lane 48 ft in depth 218 ft and 100 ft and on N. Buck Lane E. premises of – Beales S. High Street W. premises now or late of James Atkins and W Wragg 65) fully licensed public house and premises called “The Oak”, Hyde Park Corner, parish of St Benet, Borough of Cambridge, fronts Lensfield Road on 29 ft front (in depth one side 38 ft, the other 21 ft) 66) fully licensed public house and premises known as “Half Moon” in No.5, Little St Mary’s Lane, Borough of Cambridge 67) messuage and premises known as the “Anchor” Brewery at Quay Street, parish of St Clement, Borough of Cambridge N. River Cam S. Thomson’s Lane E. – W. Quay Side comprises Brewery, malting and storehouse, aerated water factory, stables, outhouses, yards etc. And dwelling house, No.5 Quay Side 68) public house called “Jolly Waterman”, Chesterton Road, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, with barn, stables, outbuildings, yard and ground adjoining N. side next to road above 76 ft 5 inches E. side next the road leading to River Cam 136 ft 10 inches S. side next property now or late belonging to George Bullock 65 ft W. side property belonging to John Maxwell Logan 117 ft 9 inches And fully licensed public house called “The Bell”, Cambridge, N. Northampton Street S. and E. property of Mrs Mason, Mrs Barton and Sidney Stanley W. property of Mrs Mason 69) messuage and public house called “Rose and Crown”, Baldock, Hertfordshire 70) And beerhouse and premises called “Ivy Green”, Swaffham, Cambridgeshire, in occupation of – 71) And fully licensed public house , Norfolk Street, Cambridge, called “Royal Engineers” And fully licensed public house called the “Victory”, Victory Lane, Newmarket, Suffolk And fully licensed public house and premises Rose and Crown, High Street, Hunstanton, Huntingdonshire (sic, only Hunstanton in Bartholomew’s Gazeteer is the seaside town in Norfolk) COPYHOLDS 1) messuage, tenement or public house, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, called “Red Bull” with yard and premises adjoining now in occupation of Juner Bailey And messuage or tenement divided into 2 described in Manor of Chesterton Admission of Frederick Bailey on absolute surrender of Charles Wagstaff as :- messuage or dwellinghouse divided into 3, Chesterton with yard, right of common etc. belonging same were then in occupation of Stephen Richardson, formerly in occupation of John Armstrong and Widow Chapman 25 May 1856 2) And messuage or tenement called the “Bowling Green” formerly “Sir Robert Peel” but previously the “Bowling Green” public house, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, with chaise house, and stables, summerhouse and outhouses, yard, garden, bowling green and premises now in occupation of John Waller And messuage recently divided from original messuage, now in occupation of John Gray (under Manor of Chesterton Admission of Frederick Bailey, on absolute surrender of John Eaden) 23 May 1877 3) And messuage or tenement at Green Fen, Fen Ditton, Cambridgeshire, sometimes Brady’s, afterwards Goodwins and Taylor’s held of Manor of Fen Ditton with Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, by annual rent of 10d and No 198 on Fen Ditton Enclosure Map, which messuage has been converted into 3 cottages, 2 of which are now converted into 1, and used as “Harvest Home” beerhouse, in occupation of – Newman remaining cottage in occupation of Warren Bailey under Manor of Fen Ditton (Admission of Frederick Bailey) 21 Jan 1879 4) messuage or tenement used as a public house now and for many years past called the “Harrow” And close of arable land at the back and adjoining abutting E. public road S. – W. – N. – in occupation of – Mason (under Manor of Fulbourn Zouches) Admission of Frederick Bailey on surrender of John Clark 21 Jan 1870 5) messuage or tenement formerly called “Fordhams” now a public house called “Red Lion” at Cherry Hinton, Cambridgeshire, with barns, stable, yard and garden belonging part of premises No 84 in Cherry Hinton Enclosure Map, now in occupation of Samuel Ling (under Manor of Hinton Rectory, Cambridgeshire Admission of Frederick Bailey, on surrender of Peter Grain and Richard Corney Grain, undated) 6) messuage or tenement, billiard room, stables, brewhouse, outhouses, yard and premises in Newmarket St Mary, commonly called Black Bear Inn abutting S. common street W. other copyhold of Charles Eaton Hammond now in occupation of Henry Lancaster under Manor of Newmarket Admission of Frederick Bailey on surrender of Charles Stebbing 28 Feb 1867 7) messuage or tenement in the Sheep Market, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, formerly called “Bishop Blaize” afterwards the “Macaw” and now of the “Parrot” And stable containing 50 ft in length and 14 ft in breadth next and adjoining messuage and next the “Cross Keys” on the other side in part. And piece of ground between E. White Hart Lane W. yard of Cross Keys Inn N. the back street S. “The Parrot” length 120 ft and in breadth next the Back Street15 ft 8 inches and next premises called “Parrot” 22 ft now in occupation of F Burbidge And piece of pasture land in St Ives (2 acres 3 roods 36 perches) part of close called the “Gores” abutting E. Somersham Turnpike Road S. other part of close called “Gores” N. land now or late of – now in occupation of – (under Manor of St Ives with Sleap and Burstellars Admission of Frederick Bailey) 1866 8) messuage or tenement now used as a beerhouse and called “Elephant and Castle”, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, in Crown Street, used with freehold part of Elephant and Castle described above, in occupation of Charles Furness under St Ives Manor with the Sleap and Burstellars, Huntingdonshire, Admission on surrender of Robert Earl and Thomas Knight 1866 9) beerhouse formerly consisting of 3 cottages or tenements on the Waits in St Ives, Huntingdonshire, called “Eight Bells” with yard at back in length on W. side 36 ft 4 inches E. side 47 ft 3 inches now in occupation of Richard Berry Vested in Frederick Bailey as tenant under above Manor as result of County Court Decree of 25 June 1869 enrolled in Manor Court 1871 10) Customary messuage called Three Tuns with outhouses, Cornhill, Newmarket, Suffolk with freehold premises under same description listed above, in occupation of R Jeffery Under Manor of Newmarket Admission of Frederick Bailey on surrender of Charles Deeks 27 Feb 1879 11) messuage or tenement used as a public house called “The Anchor” with stable and outbuildings and in Reach Lode End, parish of Swaffham Prior, Cambridgeshire, And piece of ground adjoining (1 rood 37 perches) on Wash at Reach Lode End abutting NW. River Cam E. bank of River SW. hereditaments now or late of John Raynor under Manor of Swaffham Priory Admission out of Court of Elizabeth Bailey 21 Sep 1882 LEASEHOLD 1) messuage or tenement called “The Fountain”, St Andrew Street, Cambridge, with yard adjoining under Lease of 999 years from 29 September 1790 1) Town of Cambridge (landlord) 2) Edward Ind (tenant) rent £2..2s per annum and 1s acquittance 29 Aug 1791 2) piece of land near or adjoining yard, heretofore a merchant’s yard with messuage, tenement or public house called “Britania” fronts East Road in parish of St Benedict, Cambridgeshire extends from East Road and abuts Britania Place And messuage or tenement, outbuildings and premises And cottage behind “Britania” erected on part of ground, held under Lease for 40 years (less a day) from 29 September 1881 1) Thomas William Warwicker (landlord) 2) Frederick Bailey (tenant) rent £12..12s per annum 30 May 1883 [beerhouse and part of yard and outbuildings let to James Brown as quarterly tenant at rent of £18 per annum, cottage and rest of yard etc. let to William Walton as quarterly tenant at rent of £14 per annum] 3) messuage lately used as a bakehouse now as public house called “The Star”, Castle Street, Cambridge And 3 messuages adjoining with garden at back in Castle Row, all in parish of St Giles, Cambridge, held under Lease for 40 years from 29 September 1880 1) Borough of Cambridge (landlord) 2) Frederick Bailey (tenant) rent 5s per annum 18 Mar 1882 [note: beerhouse let to Charles Clarke as monthly tenant at rent of £10 per annum. 2 cottages let to John Caldecott and David Smart at rents of 3s..9d and 3s..3d per week, remaining cottage and garden to Mrs Johnson at quarterly rent of £3..15s or £15 per annum] 4) messuage or public house formerly called the “Albion” but now “Cow and Calf”, Shelley Row, parish of St Giles, Cambridge, with yard, stable and shed adjoining, held under Lease for 40 years from 29 September 1880 1) Borough of Cambridge (landlord) 2) Frederick Bailey (tenant) rent £1..10s per annum and 2s..6d at Lady Day 18 Mar 1882 5) messuage or public house called the “Norwich Arms” with yard, stable and outbuildings in 13 Norwich Street, Cambridge (except part sold by Trustees and executors of John Lambert deceased) abutting S. Norwich Street on 58 ft frontage and extends in depth 60 ft held under Lease for 98 years from 25 December 1865 1) Robert Sayle (landlord) 2) John Lambert (tenant) rent £7..10s 17 May 1867 And assignment 1) Harriet wife of James Ansell Hugh Percy Lambert 2) James Ansell 3) Frederick Bailey (new tenant) 29 Jul 1876 [let to Mrs Mary Ann Roome as monthly tenant at rent of £30 per annum] 6) piece of land in parish of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge (605 square ft) abutting N. property of Mr Christian S. property of Mr Hunt part E. property of William Fowler part E. way or passage below part E. other property of Amelia King Apethorpe part E. property of Mr Christian with shed and outhouse erected and built And right of way on foot along path or passage leading from above premises formerly known as “Old Barnwell Theatre”, now used as a dissenting place of worship held under Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1880 1) Amelia King Apethorpe (landlord) 2) Edward Vicris Prior and Percy Charles Reid (tenants) rent £12 per annum 8) fully licensed public house called “The Maypole”, Portugal Place, Cambridge, held under 999 Lease from Michaelmas 1791 1) Borough of Cambridge (landlord) 2) Thomas Robinson (tenant) 3s per annum (apportioned part of rent) 17 Apr 1792 9) fully licensed public house now called “The George and Dragon” formerly described as the “Spade and Bucket” and tenement and adjoining ground in Thompson’s Lane, Cambridge held under 80 year Lease from 24 June 1888 1) St John’s College, Cambridge (landlord) 2) Elizabeth Potts rent £12..10s 27 Feb 1890 10) messuage or public house called “Three Horse Shoes” and a cottage with close adjoining And other closes of land a) Home Close (adjoining messuage) b) Home Allotment c) Gamlingay Allotment d) Cherry Tree Close e) Martin’s Close f) Cages Close g) Brick Kiln Close in Longstone [sic; probably Longstowe, the village 2 miles south of Caxton] Cambridgeshire and contains (including Homestead next to messuage 50 acres) held under Lease for 7 years from 29 September 1890 1) Richard Walker Henry Cooper Edmund Lawford Frederick Willis Henry Pettit Charles Claridge William Sharp Page Robert Richmond 2) Elizabeth Potts (tenant) rent £90 per annum 8 May 1893 11) messuage or tenement used as a public house called “Bird Bolt Inn” with malting, cottage, stable, garden, and yard adjoining in parishes of Holt Trinity and St Andrew the Less, called Barnwell, Cambridge (except right of way to property of lessors (landlords) and subject to Repair Clause, held under Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1891(terminable after 7 or 14 years) 1) Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 2) Charles Armstrong (tenant) rent £45 per annum 30 Oct 1891 [malting is used by the Company in its business, residue of premises let to William Park as quarterly tenant, rent of £17..4s] 12) land in Newmarket All saints, Cambridgeshire, with messuage, tenement or dwelling house used as public house called “Black Horse” held under Lease for 14 years from 27 August 1883 1) Charles Wood (landlord) 2) Frederick Bailey (tenant) rent £90 per annum 24 Sep 1888 13) Star and Garter, Petty Curry (sic), Cambridge, held under Lease for 30 years from 27 August 1883 £240 per annum 11 Dec 1896 (undertenant G Spencer) 14) Fully licensed messuage, public house premises, St John Street, Cambridge, called “Merry Boys”, held under Lease for 30 years, same date and rent 15) messuage known as “Priory Tap”, Newmarket Road, Cambridge, held under Lease for 30 years as above, same date and rent 16) messuage known as “Rhadgends, King Street, Cambridge, Lease as above 17) messuage called “Crown and Thistle”, Chesterford, Cambridgeshire, Lease as above 18) messuage or dwellinghouse with Wine Office in front and spirit shop and cellar underneath and yard and bottling office adjoining in Market Place in parish of Holt Trinity, Borough of Cambridge, known as 12 Market Hill. (leasehold for 14 years from 8 May 1895, rent £300 per annum) 19) Red Lion Swaffham, pubic house under agreement/or annual tenancy 1) Charles Armstrong 2) Mark Wadham rent £40 tenant Walter Wartnaby 1 Aug 1891 20) “The Bors Boy”, Northampton Street, Cambridge (Annual Tenancy – verbal) 21) The Nags Head, Castle End, Cambridge (Annual Tenancy – verbal) 22) The Jolly Miller, Newnham, public house Annual Tenancy – no written document rent £24 per annum, tenant Edward Must 23) “The Hat and Feathers” and cottages, Newnham Street, Cambridge Annual Tenancy – no written document rent £66 per annum, tenants Pynne and others 24) The Mason’s Arms, Castle End, Cambridge, beerhouse Lease for 14 years from 29 September 1892 rent £20 per annum, William Butler 25) “The Horse and Gate”, Victoria Road, Cambridge, beerhouse Annual Tenancy – no written agreement rent £15 per annum, tenant Henry Cornwell 26) “The Golden Ball”, Bottisham, beerhouse Annual Tenancy – no written document rent £14 per annum, tenant Thomas Rure 27) “The Rose and Crown”, Bottisham, public house and “The Swan”, Bottisham, public house Annual Tenancy – no written document rent £70 per annum, tenant H Fuller 28) “The Plough and Fleece”, Horningsea, Cambridgeshire Annual Tenancy – no written document rent £32 per annum 29) The Sun, Long Meadow, public house Annual Tenancy – no written agreement rent £19 per annum, tenant Thomas Reeve 30) “The Woodman”, Cambridge, public house Annual Tenancy – no written agreement rent £30 per annum, tenant Thomas Askham 31) The University Arms, Sawston, Cambridgeshire Annual tenancy, rent: a commission on beer supplied and paid tenant George Tickner 32) “The Bush Quy, public house (probably “The Bush”, Quy) Annual tenancy rent: commission on beer supplied and paid tenant Golding 12 Dec 1896 Second Schedule: Conditions as to issue of £110,000 Debenture Stock on or after 1 May 1916 can give Stockholders 6 calendar months notice of intention to redeem 4¼ % interest for Stock Third Schedule Share issue Notice, Star Brewery Cambridge Limited will pay William Graham Nicholson and John Abdy Combe or other Trustees £100,000 to be issued in two lots £60,000 and £50,000 all ranking equally Charge all property with above issued pursuant to conveyance 1) The Company 2) Nicholson and Combe as Trustees for Stockholders 12 Dec 1896 12 Dec 1897 Fourth Schedule of Meetings of Stockholders 12 Dec 1896 Certificate:- on dorse Unsigned True Copy of Trust Deed of Star Brewery, Cambridge Limited 1897
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