• Reference
  • Title
    Draft Conveyance [not available audit January 2011]
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1885 To: 1898
  • Scope and Content
    1) William Pickering of Burton upon Trent Staffordshire, common brewer (deleted) 2) William Joseph Pickering of Baldock, common brewer 3) Alfred Harry Wilson of Castle Brewery, Southwark, gentleman Messuage or tenement, brewhouse, offices, yards, garden and outbuildings in Baldock, Hertfordshire formerly known as “Steeds Brewery” now known as “the Pale Ale Brewery” fronting Norton Street and Pond Lane with workman’s (sic) cottages forming part of such premises And beerhouse called “The Star” forming part of such premises And piece of land lying between Norton End or Norton Street E., Grove Road S., and the part of the Willian and Norton Road from Grove Road to Norton End W.. with cottage or blacksmith’s shop, wheelwright’ shop, stabling, cowhouses, barns and other outbuildings standing thereon abutting NW. property of Joshua Richmond Page W. in part by properties by Thomas Raban and Trustees of O I Steed deceased and in other part by property of Mrs Oliver SE. in part by the British School and ground and the Congregational Chapel Burial Ground and in other part by the Brewery and premises NE. in part by Brewery and in other part by properties of Trustees of John Pedley, Mr and Mrs Bloom and - . [7850 square yards] And shop and messuage with cottage adjoining and farm yard behind and a clubroom and kitchen and shed formerly known by the description of the Rose and Crown Tap with yard, and cottage adjoining and an enclosed farmyard beyond And piece of freehold land, Baldock, Hertfordshire, at end of garden of Hen and Chickens Public House on SW. side of and adjoining a road leading from Clothall and Biggleswade having a frontage to road of 66 ft 3 inches And messuage or beerhouse called “The Cricketers” with outbuildings and small piece of pasture land adjoining Stotfold, now in occupation of vendor and undertenants And messuage or public house with the yard and premises belonging And messuage, cottage or tenement with garden and outbuildings belonging Sawston, Cambridgeshire, with all subsisting rights of way over premises coloured yellow on plan (not with this document) right to fetch and carry water from pump also right to use outhouses and shed marked blue on plan; Liability to proportionate cost of repair of above (conveyed to O I Steed 24 November 1880) And messuage used as a public house called “The Fountain”, Barrington, Cambridgeshire, with 5 cottages adjoining formerly copyhold of Manor of Haslerton, Chatteris and Lancaster but which was enfranchised and conveyed to vendor 5 August 1893 [NB deleted in red pen] And messuage used as a public house known as the “White Horse” with cottage, orchards and close of pasture adjoining, Melbourn, Cambridgeshire (greater part of which premises were formerly copyhold) Manor of Melbourn cum Meldreth (copyhold admitted 11 October 1889 enfranchised 1 Mar 1898) 2nd Schedule Fountain Inn, Barrington, Cambridgeshire 3rd Schedule (leasehold) messuage or public house known as “The Admiral” with stable, yard, garden and outbuildings and premises, Clifton, held by Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1889 1) William Daniels (landlord) 2) Vendor (tenant) rent £25 per annum 23 Dec 1889 And Beerhouse, premises and stabling, Shillington at corner of Church Street and road leading to Stondon called The Engine, held by Lease for 7, 14 or 21 years from 11 October 1884 1) William Arnold (landlord) 2) O I Steed (tenant) rent £25 per annum 28 Jan 1885 Refers to Assignment 1) Margaret Steed Edward Lovell Squire 2) William Onslow Times 3) Charles Herbert Morley 4) Vendor (new tenant) 27 Jun 1889 And Beerhouse, premises and yard and garden in Shillington called “Commander in Chief” held by Tenancy Agreement for 7, 14 or 21 years from 29 September 1885 1) Arthur William Lines (landlord) 2) O I Steed rent £15 per annum 10 Feb 1885 Refers to above Assignment And Beerhouse, premises and garden, Shillington called “Noah’s Ark" held by Tenancy Agreement for 7, 14 or 21 years from 25 March 1885 rent £23 per annum 17 Feb 1885 Refers to Assignment above And public house, farm, premises, plot of land and pasture, Round Green, Luton, known as the “Jolly Toper”, held by Tenancy Agreement for 7, 14 or 21 years from 29 September 1885 1) Arthur William Lines (landlord) 2) O I Steed rent £27 per annum 10 Feb 1885 Refers to above Assignment And Beerhouse and land and buildings called “Jolly Cooper” at Ward Hedges, Ampthill, held by yearly Tenancy Agreement starting 11 October 1894 1) William Varney (landlord) 2) Vendor (tenant) rent £45 per annum 18 Dec 1894 And Messuage or public house called “White Horse” with stables, yard, barns, outbuildings belonging with pieces of land (6 acres) adjoining the said premises, Wilstead And piece of land (4½ acres) Wilstead held by Lease for 14 years from 25 March 1889 1) John Creasy 2) Vendor rent £50 1 Jun 1889 And messuage or public house called the “Boot”, Wells Street [Midland Road] with outbuildings and ground held with it And cottage adjoining held by Lease for 7 years from 29 September 1894 1) Samuel Palgrave (landlord) 2) Vendor (tenant) rent £70 1 Mar 1895 [deleted in pencil] And messuage in St John Street, Bedford called The Clarence Hotel with stable, yards, gardens, coach-houses, sheds, lofts, granaries and other buildings and premises And field of pasture land (2 acres) at back of and adjoining stable, yard and premises, held by Lease for 10 years from 25 March 1888 1) John Seabrook 2) William Pritzler Newland 12 Jun 1888 refers to Assignment 1) Charles Herbert Morley 2) Vendor 13 Sep 1889 [deleted in pencil] And messuage and public house, with yards, outbuildings and premises, Ampthill on east side of and adjoining road leading from Ampthill to Flitwick known as “Engine and Tender”, held by Lease for 25 years from 29 September 1889 1) Margaret Steed and Edward Lovell Squire William Onslow Times 2) Edward Bouness and Margaret his wife 3) Vendor rent £25 20 Dec 1889 And Beerhouse, premises and garden in village of Maulden known as the “Commander in Chief”, Tenancy Agreement for 7,14or 21 years from 11 October 1885 1) Joseph Crout Davies 2) O I Steed rent £2 per annum 2 Feb 1885 refers to above mentioned Assignment 27 June 1889 And beerhouse and premises known as “Commander in Chief” with yard, barns, outbuildings belonging and garden land adjoining (1 acre 2 roods) Sawston, Cambridgeshire, held by Yearly Tenancy Agreement from 6 Apr 1888 1) Alfred Thomas Wakefield (landlord) 2) O I Steed (tenant) rent £37 per annum 23 Mar 1888 And messuage or tenement on north side of St George’s Street formerly called Ratcliffe Highway, parish of St George’s, Middlesex, being a victualling or public house formerly called “Ship and Bells” now known as “Royal Crown”, refers to Assignment of 13 September 1889 And piece of land whereon a shop and rooms recently stood but which has for some time past been added to Royal Crown and forms an entire messuage or tenement and which premises together contain E.- W. on north side 24 ft 10 inches E. to W. on south side 26 ft 3 inches in depth N. to S. on east side 119 ft 7 inches N. to S. on west side 117ft 6 inches with yard and ground behind the same held by Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1886 1) Ann Pemberton Barnes (landlord) 2) Atkin Smith rent £90 originally then reduced to £50 per annum 13 Jul 1885 And messuage, tenement or public house No.122 (formerly 154) Tooley Street, Borough of Southwark, Surrey, called “The Hop Pole”, held by Lease for 21 years from 25 March 1892 1) President and Scholars of Magdalene College, Oxford (landlord) 2) Vendors rent £55 per annum for first 6 years £60 per annum thereafter 2 Jan 1893 And messuage, shop (141a) Battersea Park Road, Surrey with fixtures And piece of ground in part behind and adjoining above and in other part in the rear of 141b and 141c Battersea Park Road with right of way in common with Clacton on Sea and General Investment Building Society along a strip of land 5 ft wide, held by Underlease for 15 years from 25 December 1889 1) Clacton on Sea and General Investment Building Society 2) Charles Herbert Morley rent £45 per annum 25 Jan 1890 refers to Assignment 1) Charles Herbert Morley 2) Vendor 14 Oct 1891 4th Schedule: Copyholds Manor of Norton, Hertfordshire 2 cottages or tenements with buildings, garden and yard, Norton, Hertfordshire, formerly in occupation of James Hide and James Draker, now of abutting N. land of Morris Pryor E. public way to Gas House S. Norton road W. property of James Hankin to which admitted O I Steed 11 December 1867 admitted vendor 9 August 1889 enfranchised 16 March 1898 And copyhold of Manor of Shepreth, Cambridgeshire, SW. part of old inclosed ground, Shepreth, Cambridgeshire, separated from rest by a hedge or fence with the messuage or tenement and outbuildings belonging , called “The Green Man”, Shepreth, Cambridgeshire (1 acre 38 perches) abutting NE. by said messuage and rest of said land NW. by Newsell’s Close SW. highway to Shepreth SE. Cambridge Turnpike Road Copyhold of Manor of Melbourn cum Meldreth, Cambridgeshire messuage with orchard and close of pasture, Melbourn, Cambridgeshire called “White Horse” [deleted in pencil] altered by Vendor’s solicitors 22 Dec 1897 1898
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