- ReferenceRH2/13-14
- TitleAttested Copy of Lease and Release i) Thomas Platt of Sherrington, Buckinghamshire farmer and wife Ann (etc. as in RH2/11) ii) Christopher Pryor of Stopsley, Luton, yeoman iii) William Bushby junior of Upper Shelton, Wootton, yeoman, eldest nephew and coheir of first named Thomas Ginn as being eldest son and heir of Elizabeth Bushby deceased née Ginn late wife of William Bushby senior, father of said William Bushby junior, which Elizabeth was the other of the 2 sisters of first named Thomas Ginn
- Date free text6 and 7 Jun 1791; Copy attested 13 June 1792
- Production dateFrom: 1791 To: 1792
- Scope and ContentRecites: RH2/11-12 whereas: principal remains due; interest paid to date whereas: iii) has contracted with i) for purchase of moiety of premises being parcel of said mortgaged premises for £197..10..0 of which £180 shall be paid to ii) to discharge mortgage now: consideration: £180 part of £197..10..0 paid to ii) by iii) at request of i) further £220 intended to be paid by iii) by direction of i) to ii) out of consideration for purchase of moiety of certain other premises purchased of them by iii). (being residue of premises comprised in said recited mortgage) to be conveyed to him by Lease and Release of same date as presents, making together £400 in full of principal due on said mortgage consideration: £17..10..0 (residue of £197..10..0 purchase money) paid to i) ii) at request of i) assign to iii) - moiety of premises A, B, C and J as in RH2/11 Viz: A – messuage in Cranfield called Manorhouse of the manor of Washing Leys formerly divided into 2 tenements and since converted into 3 tenements, formerly in occupation John Whitlock father of Richard Whitlock, deceased and Hannah Morris and afterwards William Swift and Martha Ward and late in occupation Samuel Bunyon, William Arms and William Webster B – pightle adjoining 3 roods in occupation Mr Fish, Officer of Excise and then of Mr Newton grocer and draper, now in occupation John Woodcroft C – cottage adjoining said messuage in occupation James Crick, then in occupation Richard Hall and now Thomas Lane, which premises are bounded as follows: : W. messuage and ground formerly Thomas Odell and now William Newson : E. cottage formerly Thomas London : S. common street J – 4 acres meadow in Steppingley and Millbrook late in occupation John Burridge and now of Thomas Elmer and Samuel Elmer ... 3 acres in Millbrook Great Mead : S. meadow formerly Charles Richards then Charles Farnell and John Crouch : N. and E. brook : W. Coulsdon Close, formerly William Emmerton ... 1 acre in Steppingley in East Mead : E. meadow of William Thickpenny :W. common highway : N. brook signed: i), ii) Witnesses: John Hooper, Edmund Chandless, his clerk 6 and 7 Jun 1791 Copy attested 13 June 1792 by John Smith and Edmund Chandless
- Russell Wallpaper Books (Vol. V. no.183 pg.188)
- Reference
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordPryor, Christopher,
Platt, Thomas,
Platt, Ann,
Bushby, William,
Ginn, Thomas,
Bushby, Elizabeth,
Ginn, Elizabeth,
Woodcroft, John,
Hooper, John,
Chandless, Edmund,
Smith, John,
Whitlock, John,
Whitlock, Richard,
Morris, Hannah,
Swift, William,
Ward, Martha,
Bunyon, Samuel,
Arms, William,
Webster, William,
Crick, James,
Hall, Richard,
Lane, Thomas,
Odell, Thomas,
Newsom, William,
London, Thomas,
Burridge, John,
Elmer, Thomas,
Elmer, Samuel,
Richards, Charles,
Farnell, Charles,
Crouch, John,
Emmerton, William,
Thickpenny, William - Keywords
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