• Reference
  • Title
    The Examination of Hannah Tompkins of Yielden in the County of Bedford; John Albert Wickes of Yielden in the said County, Blacksmith; William M Freeman of Dean in the said County, Police Constable; John Nottingham of Sharnbrook in the said County, Inspector of Police taken on Oath this 29th day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Nine at The Court House at Sharnbrook. Owen Tompkins who is charged this day, before us for that he the said Owen Tompkins on the 17th day of October One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Nine at Yielden in the said County unlawfully did tab, cut and wound himself with a certain razor with intent thereby then feloniously wilfully and of his malice afore thought to kill and murder himself against the peace.
  • Date free text
    29 December 1899
  • Production date
    From: 1899 To: 1900
  • Scope and Content
    This Deponent Hannah Tompkins on his Oath saith as follows: - I am the wife of Owen Tompkins the Defendant and live with him at Yielden where he carries on the business of a Baker and I assist him in his work. On the 17th Oct last about 10am my husband called me to assist him in the Bake house. In less 5 minutes I went as I did not find him there I went upstairs to our Bedroom and saw Defendant first [reeling] from the looking glass with a gash in the throat from which blood was gushing – I took a rough towel from the stand and plugged the wound. I then fetched John Wickes a Blacksmith who lives in the same yard. He came at once and another young man fetched the Doctor. The Defendant has had a lot of trouble and at times he is not accountable for his actions – he has a diseased bone in his head. He has admitted to me that he cut his throat himself. This Deponent John Albert Wickes on his Oath Saith I am a Blacksmith and live at Yielden close to the Defendants house. On the 17th October last I was working in my shop about 11 am when the last witness came and asked me to go to there house and see the Defendant. I went with her and found him lying on the bed with his Throat Cut. I came down and left my Brother up there while I fetched William John Parker from Yielden who is an Ambulance man. He came with me and we bound up the wound until the Doctor got there. The wound was caused by a razor which has lying on the wash table in front of the glass with blood on it. The Defendant said to me “Good bye John I am going to see my son George” He had been greatly upset by the death of his child who died very suddenly. I had just lost a child and that had upset him very much. This Deponent William Freeman on his Oath saith I am a Police constable at Dean. On the 17th Oct’ last I was sent for to the Defendants house and went about 12 pm. I went upstairs and saw Defendant lying on the bed with his throat cut – first aid had been rendered and the bleeding had stopped and the Doctor had been sent for. In reply to questions put by me Defendant said “I did it myself you don’t know all” I don’t want to get better” On looking round the room I saw a razor covered with blood lying on the Dressing Table. The Doctor arrived about 12:30 and attended to the wound. I remained in the house until 4.30 when his father and brother came. This Deponent John Nottingham on his Oath said. I am an Inspector of Police stationed at Sharnbrook. This morning I went to Defendants House about 9am. I called Defendant on one side and read the warrant to him after I read the warrant I cautioned him that he need not say anything unless he desired to do so he then said “I am very sorry I done it my mind was bad at the time I did not know what I was doing. I have had a lot of trouble the last few months my head is very bad at times” I then brought him to Sharnbrook.
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