Scope and Content
February & March, May and June 1888.
February 23rd. Began lambing 18 ewes 4 tegs.
27th Black sheep lambed 3 lambs 1 died.
May 14th Finished wheat hoeing give 3s 3d an acre.
22nd Finished Barley hoeing me and the boy.
23rd Finished hoeing the oats, give 3s an acre.
28th Began to manure for Turnips. This was stitched had the manure out of the yard.
June 2nd. Drilled the Swedes with Paynes stitch drill, think we drilled them too thick only had 2 holes run but they was made larger I think it was on account the bristles being worn out. Think we drilled 11 lbs on less than 3 acres. I have a doubt as to whether I shall get a crop or not, think I made my stitches too wide and the muck was too long so did not cover so well as I wish for.
May 25th Sow pigged 11 pigs.
June 6th Finished hoeing Spring Beans first time which measures 4 acres 2 poles give 5s an acre.
9th Finished hoeing Winter Beans the second time over by the day which measures 2 acres 2 roods 19 poles.
June 13th White sow calved a white heifer calf which I hope to wean. I refused £1 for it.
August 8th Finished haytime had a good crop give 4s an acre for mowing Tares a heavy crop and 3s 6d for grass a good crop. No ale.
13ty Broke roan filly in Depper 2 years old went well.
27th Began Harvest hooking Winter Beans which are very green.
September 1st. I began to mow Oats but left off because they were not ripe enough.
10th Began to mow red Wheat one man he has some Winter Beans to tie and some Oats to, when they are dry enough.
8th Finished Mowing Barley which is not over ripe.
October 23rd. White legged calved a steer calf.
October 16th Finished Harvest.
November 10th Began Wheat seeding this as next to the cartroad Bean stubble. Had 26 cog. Drilled Golden Drop Wheat grown by Mr Harris of Risely.
16th Finished Wheat seeding had the same wheel Drilled all Golden drop. This was down the lane next to Sharmans a bastard Fallow.
November 22nd. Finished setting Winter Beans had the rows 18 inches wide, this was the New ground which is 3 acres, set 9 bushel put a pottle of tares in each bushel. Give 5s 6d.
26th Brown the Cutter bid me £18.0.0 for 2 steers one 1 ½ years old the other 13 months.
December 23rd. White Heifer calved a white Heifer calf which I hope to wean.
March 11th Brown the cutter bid me £22 for roan cow due to calve April 4th. 4th calf. I wanted £1 more. He then bid me £2 for the Calf if I keep her to calve. I promised him it if kept her to calve he should have it.
April 8th I offered Brown the cow at £24 he did not bid me anything.
10th The cow calved a road cow calf which I hope to rear.
13th Sent the cow to Stafford’s Sale which made £25.0.0 without the calf.
May 3rd Drilled about 2 acres of Oats, short white ones, 14 cog this was rough after Turnips next to Thompsons Close.
June 3rd. White Cow calved roan steer calf which I hope to wean this is by Thompsons bull was bid 50s for it at Bedford.
August 5th. Began Harvest one man Mowing oats which are a very heavy crop most of them flat on the ground.
67th Me and the boy began hooking Winter Beans which are a fair crop very green.
September 10th Finished harvest. Arthur Flute man.
He Mowed & tied & dragged 4 acres of Oats at 11s an acre. £2. 4. 00
Mowed & tied & dragged 5 acres 39 poles of Wheat at 9s an acre. £2. 7. 3d.
Tied1 acre of Wheat at -- 4s 6d.
6 days & 4 hours by the day. £1. 5. 4.
Wife helped him. Total £6. 1. 1d.
One thatching day. 2s 0d.
October 14th Sowed the tares across the Furlong next to the road about one acre from the bottom. James Whittington sowed 6 bushels these were grown by Mr Lewin of Swineshead. I gave £1. 8. 0.
15th Finished Ploughing for Wheat this was Oat stubble next to Thompsons Close.
16th Began to set inter Beans with single dib 18 inches wide, Robert James and William Brown, it rained & stopt them at ½ past 8. This was opposite the farthest gate down the Lane well manured.
18th Went to Plough for my neighbour Sharman, has a field of tilthe to plough for Wheat at this time we ploughed one land to start in it.
21st Red Heifer calved a red Heifer calf which I hope to wean.
29th Sowed nearly the red cart full of hen manure in about 1 acre of land next to the cart road which is intended for Mangolds has been ploughed.
30th Finished setting Winter Beans by the day as it was bad work. 1s 11d.
31st Finished carting the Mangolds. Have some very fair ones for the season.
November 1889.
6th Robert James dressed my sheep nineteen Ewes & eight Lambs finished about ½ past four.
7th Began Wheat seeding drilled the New ground with the 26 cog this was after Winter Beans very foul. Then began the 8 acre furlong behind the Cottages this was after Clover & Ryegrass the first side, the other side was after Oats Drilled 11 acres with 26 cog put on 22 bushels this was Golden Drop Wheat grown ion gravel at Biggleswade with the exception of 2 bushels which was grown by myself, went in well.
8th Finished.
December 31st. Finished manuring for Beans this was opposite Sharman’s have manured all that furlong.
January 1st. Little red heifer calved a heifer calf.
11th Sold them in Staffords sale made £19 The heifer was about 2 ¼ years old, she was pretty though small, but lie in a good frame.
14th Finished ploughing for Beans this was opposite Sharman’s all manured.
Finished ploughing root land for Oats.
27th Bought a spotted Yelt of Mr Beall about 15 weeks old, I think be what they tell me it is a crossbred, one its mother is Berkshire or nearly, its Father I believe to be Tamworth breed. £1. 6. 0.
26th White cow calved a road cow calf by Thompsons Bull which cost 45 Guineas, I think of weaning it. Died at 3 weeks old.
February 3rd. I went to Woburn to see Mr Norton, the Dukes Steward to apply for a farm at Woburn called the Hundreds. I found to my surprise that it only contains 76 ½ acres of which 57 are ploughed. Mr Norton gave me the Liberty to walk over it. I asked him what the rent was to be he said it was not quite decided. The present rent was 14 shillings. It was left for me to write. I wrote
and told him I should not take it unless at a very low price. Have not heard any more about it at present the 14th. Don’t think I should like it as it is very lonely and surrounded by woods. I like the ploughed land which is a sandy soil some of it. There is a vein of clay runs through it & some of the hills iron stone turns up. Looks in fair condition. Don’t like the grass so well yet the foreman don’t speak very bad of it. I don’t like the homestead it don’t seem very convenient to me.
February 25th Finished bean seeding this was opposite Sharman’s, 18 inches, give 5s an acre.
March 14th Drilled about 1 acre of Oats with Sharmans drill 16 cog this was after roots, short oats, in the middle of the field down the Lane.
Finished laying a hedge down the |Lane, give 1s 8d a chain.
29th Diamond foaled a filly Foal by Gibbin’s Horse.
April 11th. Finished setting Dun Peas in the Winter Beans.
8th Finished hoeing Winter Beans the first time, give 4s an acre.
Began Wheat hoeing, give 3s an acre for 4 acres, 3 & 3d for 4 acres & 3 & 9 pence for 3 acres.
June 7th Robert James shorn my sheep, 17 ewes & 9 Lambhogs, give 3s no ale.
13th Dipped my Lambs with Fathers have 33 this year.
August 4th Took between 12 & 13 acres of land of my neighbour Farrar, about 4 of it grass, 1 acre were dead fallow, 1 acre was Tares, have to pay him 33 for tillage & drawing manure out. The straw I am have for nothing & leave it on the ground at the expiration of my tenancy.
5th carted about 16 loads of manure on the Fallow.
6th Ploughed it in.
7th Sowed ½ a peck of mustard & ½ a peck of Coleseed on the acre. This is the third acre from Hartops field.
9th Scuffled the tare land this is the second acre from Hartops field.
September 15th Finished Harvest.
Wheat mowing & tieing & dragging 10s acre.
Do Tieing & dragging. 4s 3d.
Barley Mowing & Tieing & dragging . 8s 6d.
Bean hooking. No Ale. 10s 0d.
Day work, with Ale. 4s 0d.
Robert James my man.
September 17th Yelt pigged 6 pigs one of which was dead.
16th Put lambs on cabbages, find that I am quite late enough with them.
19th Finished carting manure on for Winter Beans this was behind the Cottages, 4 acres.
Tonight folded 21 sheep on Mustard that I sowed 6 weeks ago yesterday.
22nd. Hired Thomas Brown to live with me again next year for £4. 5s. 0d.
27th Finished ploughing Bean stubble in the field next to Sharman’s which is very dry.
October 9th Red cow calved a red steer calf by Thompsons Bull.
16th Sowed over 1 acre of tares in Farrars field next to the path.
24th Drilled about 5 ½ acres of Wheat on tilthe this was the top end of the furlong next to the cart road this Bromwich Wheat grown by Father had the 26 cog on a little bit the rest 28 cog.
30th Drilled about 4 acres of Winter Beans with Mr Hartops drill this was behind the cottages had the rows 18 inches wide but on about 2 bushels 1 peck to the acre. These were grown by Eli. This was well manured. 16 cog.
November 5th Drilled 5 ¾ roods of Wheat opposite Sharman’s this was Squarehead and White grown by Farrer. Had the 26 cog this was Bean stubble.
6th Drilled 1 acre of Golden Drop with the 28 cog this was opposite Oak Close this was after mustard & Coleseed went in well.
8TH I went to Bedford Market took the money for 10 qtrs of Wheat at 33s of W Mayes, I also paid him £8 for one ton of Linseed Cake.
Sold some more Wheat to Mr Pruden at 34s a qtr.
Drilled about 3 acres more Wheat in Farrers Field 28 cog, so finished seeding.
January 7th. Had a ewe lambed two good lambs.
23rd Finished carting manure out for Turnips.
29th Finished ploughing for Beans this was in Farrers Field next to my Close. This was manured.
February 13th Began Bean Seeding this was in Farrers Field about the middle next to the Close. Robert James single dib.
16th Began stirring on the New ground, I think for roots. Does well.
20th Drilled a piece of Peas in Farrers Field, these were white peas grown by Mr Harris of Riseley. Give 4s a bushel for them. Drilled them in the corner, had Sharmans drill 18 cog.
26th Drilled about 4 acres of barley next to the cartroad with Fathers drill, 18 cog, next to the cartroad, was after Mangolds, the other was after Tares, when we began the frost was not out I am afraid we did not get it in deep enough, when the frost was put it went in well.
27th Finished lambing with the Ewes, had 20 ewes brought 36 lambs, 30 living.
March 8th. Tegs began lambing the first one brought twins
7th red Heifer calved a cow calf.
15th Sow pigged 10 pigs one was dead.
31st & 1st April. Rolled the tilthe Wheat with Mr Hartops Cambridge rolls.
April 14th Depper foaled a Filly foal by Mr Tophams horse.
24th Set the Wurtzels.
28th Finished Lambing had 20 ewes & 8 Tegs, the ewes brought 36 lambs the Tegs 11. I have 38 Lambs now.
May 13th White Heifer calved a road caw calf.
September 4th Red cow calved a red cow calf by Mr Thompsons Bull.
September 12th Sow pigged 16 pigs three dead.
June 18th Drilled the Turnips with Mr Greens drill had the 25 cog put on about 1 ½ lbs to the acre.
October 21st. Began to set Winter Beans.
September 28th Finished Harvest. Give 3s 9d an acre for one piece of Wheat tieing & 4s 3d for the other. Give 10s for mowing & tieing & dragging Wheat. Give 10s for mowing & Tieing Barley. Give 3s for mowing Beans. Give 10s for hooking Winter Beans.
Give 4s a day for Day work & ale.
31st October. Finished ploughing for Wheat.
November 2nd. Finished setting Winter Beans. Benjamin Gammons set them 18 inches this was the first 2 acres on the furlong back of the wood. Give 5s 6d an acre.
November 2nd. Sold blue roan mare Diamond 20 years old to my neighbour Sharman for £6. 0. 0. Which I think is cheap.
7th Roan heifer calved a red steer calf.
6th Lent Tom my Ram for 2 or 3 weeks.
23rd Finished Wheat seeding this was on the furlong next to the New ground. Drilled Golden Drop Wheat. That side towards Thompsons Close was Clover Ley had the 24 cog on that, this side was
Bean stubble had the 26 cog. This is a very bad seeding there is a great deal cannot be got in at present.
November 28th Heifer calved a red steer calf.
December 24th Finished manuring for Beans this was on the furlong next to the cartroad at the top end.
January 2nd. Put yearling filly in the plough team, went quiet but did not seem to draw enough. She is red road called her Lightsome.
February 1st. Finished ploughing for Beans.
12th Drilled about 1 bushel of Wheat where the other came up thin. This was kind of white Wheat did not put any Vitriol on it, the land is wet in patches.
22nd Let the sheep lie in for the first time.
23rd When I got up this morning I found 3 lambs, 2 sheep lambed
February 29th Began bean seeding this was on the top end of the furlong next to the Cartroad, Wheat stubble well manure, 18 inches. Robert James set them single dib.
March 17th Depper foaled a colt foal by Robinsons horse, 11 days before it was due.
24th Finished Bean seeding give 5s 6d.
25th Began to give 13s a week for Labour.
April 6th Finished ploughing land for Oats.
7th Dragharrowed it twice.
8th Drilled over an acre for barley in Farrers Field this was Wheat stubble a very nice tilthe part of it manured had the 18 cog. Drilled the New Ground with Black Oats, part with the 14 cog part 16 next to the path it was rough the other done very nicely.
Today Robert shorn 11 Tegs ready for Market tomorrow big strong sheep hardly fat enough. Cut over 9lbs each. Eight of them made 52s each.
May 11th Drilled the first furlong in Farrers Field with Clover Had Mr Howkins drill, 22 cog, 11lbs to the acre.
May 12th Drilled about 6 bushels of oats in the tilthe Wheat had Sharmans drill, just hoed it went in well.
16th Rolled the Wheat & barley where we drilled Clover had Mr Thompsons Roll.
June 11th. Bought of Eli 8 fleecs of Wool at 21s a Tod, 2 Tods 11lbs. 7 Tegs 1 ewe.
Tom brought his over to go with mine, 27 fleeces, 6 Tods 17 lbs. 11 Tegs 16 ewes.Mine 42 Fleeces, 10 Tods 26 lbs. 21 Tegs 21 ewes. Total 77 Fleeces. Weight 19 Tods 26 lbs.
20th Began to Mow the Clover very light, Robert James, W. Brown. Give 3s 6d an acre for Clover & Grass too. No ale.
August 8th Sowed one land of Mustard after Tares next to Mr Hartops field.
1892 Harvest Work.
George Woolston. 1 Day. 4s. 0d.
Brother Tom. Do. 4s. 0d.
William Hills a Month. £2. 14. 0.
Robert James. 4 Days. 16s 0d.
Mowing & Tieing 2 ¼ acres Oats. £1. 1. 4 ½ .
Tieing 4 acres of Wheat. 4s 6d. 18s. 0d.
Tieing 2 acres Do. 4s. 0. 8s. 0.
Do. 3. 4s. 0 12s 0.
Mowing 1 ½ acres Beans & Peas. 3s 6d. 5s 3.
Tieing 2 acres of Beans. 4s. 0. 8s. 0d.
Harriet Farrer 5 ½ Tieing. £1. 2s. 0d.
Thomas Clayton. 17s 6d.
November 18th Began Wheat seeding. Ploughed 3 roods of seeds that laid 2 years, sowed it broadcast.
25th Finished seeding this is a very bad seeding.
December 1st. Began to plough tilthe for barley, rained the afternoon.
February 16th Began lambing two ewes brought single lambs, lat them lie in Last night.
6th May. Sowed 40 lbs of English Clover on the New Ground & a little old. Cost £1. 12. 0.
8th May. Finished lambing. This was ewe brought one lamb.June 10th Drilled about 3 ½ acres of Turnips with Mr Stockers Drill. Drilled ½ Ton of Bone Super with them. This was back of the Cottages. This was manured on the flat and ploughed up.
21st Finished Bean hoeing third time.
August 3rd. White cow calved a spotted heifer calf by Mr Hartops Bull.
16th Red cow calved a road steer calf by C. Kings bull.
19th Eli had a Cow calve a road Heifer calf by Banks’s Bull. I bought the calf for 17s 6d.
September 16th Sow pigged 11 pigs alive 3 dead by Mr Thompsons Hogg.
21st Put black Mare Diamond in the plough team which is 2 years old. Did not go very well did not draw much.
Harvest Work.
3 acres of beans & Peas mowing. - 3s 6d. 10s. 6d.
4 acres 3 roods 4 pole Wheat Mowing & dragging. £1. 18. 0d.
1 acre of Barley. Do. Do. 7s 6d.
4 days at 4s. 16s 0d.
1 acre 3 roods of Clover mowing. At 8s. 5s 3d.
Robert James. £3. 17. 3d.
Ditto 4 days at 2s. 6d. 10s. 0d.
4 ¾ Days at 4s. 19s 0d.
6 acres 0 rood 6 pole Wheat. M, T & D. £2. 8s. 0d.
2 acres 1 rood of Oats. Do. 18s 0.
1 acre 3 roods Clover Mowing. 5s 3d.
2 Days & afternoon. 2s. 6d. 8s 6d.
Thomas Asher. £4. 18. 9d.
William Hill 1 month . £ 2. 8s. 0d.
Instead of Ale. 11s. 0d.
Thomas & boy afternoon. 3s. 0d.
Total. £12. 8. 0.
September 1893.
28th Put Ram to the ewes 18.
October 7th Finished ploughing field down the Lane. Think of having it Wheat with the exception of 3 roods.
9yth Behan to Plough Clover Ley this is the first furlong in Farers Field which is 5 acres. Ploughs very nicely.
October 11th. Found one of the ewes with a great many maggots, I think more than any one this year. Was very troubled amongst the Lambs last week one the most bitten of any this year.
12th The Ewe that had the Maggots yesterday lie under the hedge again this morning got Maggots nearly all over it, took me over an hour to dress it.
13th Found another Ewe this morning with great Maggots all round it got a great many under its belly had to cut the wool a good deal to get them out.
15th Found another Ewe today with large maggots nearly right round her. There’s one thing I notice the sheep do not appear to show any signs until they get very bad. Mr Thompsons Shepherd said he was paring his sheep’s feet last week when he put his hand on ones back it turned up its head, he found it got it very bad. He says it appears that they are going to have Maggots all the year round as they had a lot in April21st Drilled about 3 acres of Wheat next to Mr Thompsons Close, drilled Squarehead which was grown by Mr Thompson had 26 cog on to start had the 28 cog afterwards. Done well.
23rd Drilled the first furlong down the lane part Squarehead & part Golden Drop had the 28 cog, done well.
26th Dragharrowed 5 ¾ acres of Oat Stubble next to Sharmans, a great many Oats.
October 27th Drilled the Oat stubble with Golden Drop, 26 cog.
November 1st. Finished seeding this was the first Furlong in Farrers field, Clover Ley, 5 acres harrowed it twice before the drill with 3 horse harrows. Drilled Golden Drop, 26 cog went in well.
28th Had a Shropshire ewe from Mr Thompsons which is 4 years old. Eli had bought some of Mr Thompsons I told him I would change for one in my Turnip Pen.
November 9th Took 18 Ewes & Ram to Stokes Close.
11th Finished ploughing for roots 4 acres next to the Cartroad.
13th Began to plough for beans 3 acres Barley stubble against Oak Close, not manured.
Today put Ram Lamb with 8 ewe Lambs.
30th Fetched the sheep from Stokes Close.
December 30th & 31st. Had 10 eggs laid each day. We think this a very unusual thing.
January 31st Has on ewe lambed a single ewe, this was a ewe which had been in the Turnips pen but got too forward so did not sell her.
February 13th Thrashed the last Wheat stack with W. Stapletons machine. Thrashing & Chaffcutting for hours, thrashing 1 ½ hours, give the men 2 shillings each which I think good pay, but as it was a very nice I thought some of them would have been setting, had about -------
14th Began Bean setting, Robert James and Thomas Freeman.
20th Had 24 eggs laid today for the first time this year.
27th Finished bean seeding give 5s 6d an acre.
March 12th Had 4 ewes lambed today brought 9 live lambs.
13th Had 2 ewes lambed 5 lambs all alive.
I have had 16 ewes Lambed which have brought 31 lambs alive one dead four brought 12 live lambs.
Today had a Yelt brought 13 pigs
27th Shropshire Ewe lambed 3 live lambs, this is last of the ewes have 19 ewes brought 38 lambs alive & 1 dead. Lost 1 lamb from cutting tail & 2 others, 3 I gave away, have 32 alive.
March 30th Had 5 Ewes brought 15 lambs alive. Four single ones the rest twins.
29th Driilled 3 roods of barley against the furthest gate down the lane had 20 cog done well this is after Wheat,.
April 17th Set the Mangolds on stitches. Manured it & sowed 4 cwt artificial manure, 1 acre.
11th May. Drilled 5 acres of Clover with Mr Howkin’s drill. The drill did not work well as the brushes did not turn one side at different times, this was Turnip Land the back of the Cottages, it came on to rain as we finished. Part of it was just hoed, part is rough, the Oats not up. Part of it hoed afterwards.
Monday & Tuesday. Don’t know whether we was too late as it came on a fair lot of rain on Friday night.
16th Sowed about 4 acres of seeds down against Sharman’s this was tail Clover seed with a little Rye Grass & a little Clover seed we had left from the other. Had W. Farrar’s horse drag done it twice over.
25th Little Duncombe Heifer calved a red steer Calf by William Hartop’s Bull.
8th June. Drilled over 3 acres of Turnips with Mr Stockers drill. Drilled 8 cwt of Bone Super with them. This was at the bottom of the furlong next to the road.
Mr E. King of London looked at my horses Lightsome 4 years old not old enough. He said that she was a nice Mare & that he should keep his eye on her.
I told him I have Depper, 8 years old, would sell her if the price was enough. He wanted to know what I should ask for her if he should like her as she was at Keysoe. I told him £60, did not see him after he looked at her. Tome said he examined her very particular, said would give £40. He said Diamond was the sort 3 years old.
20th Dipped the lambs have 37.
24th Had 10 chickens come off out of Mr Caves eggs. The fowl is pure bred Langsham.
September 15th Finished Harvest.
21st White Heifer calved a roan heifer calf.
24th Bought a Ram lamb of Mr Paynes of Bletsoe, halfbred Hampshire by one of Buxtons rams.
October 15th Red cow calved a red steer calf.
17th Took my Ewes to Toms.
24th Ben Brown gave me a months notice to leave.
26th Drilled about 3 acres of Winter Beans with Mr Hartops drill this afternoon went in well. It rained very hard to night so I am afraid we cannot harrow them in tomorrow. Put on about 7 ½ bushels.
29th Harrowed them in was not dry enough to do well.
9th November. Churned the red cows cream which she gave the last week, Made 13 lbs 7 ounces butter. Kept it separate and churned it separate.
Today began Wheat seeding this was bean stubble the back of the wood. Was not dry enough to do well. Drilled white chaff Bromwich grown by Mr H. W. Green of Cranfield. Had the 26 cog put on nearly 7 bushels.
27th Fetched my ewes home from Toms been there 5 weeks & 6 days.
28th Had 9 eggs laid today.
30th Had 10 laid today.
December 22nd. Gillet only gave 1s 6d a score for eggs today which is very unusual before Christmas.
January 11th. Yelt pigged 9 pigs all alive.
February 18th Began to thrash beans.
20th Began lambing with twins.
March 17th Finished lambing had 24 ewes, 7 brought 3 lambs each, 14 brought 2 each & 2 brought 1 each. One I believe barren.
22nd Cut the lambs tails have 44 gave 1 away yesterday.
November 11th . Mr Thompson lent me a Shropshire Ram, bred by Mr Cook who obtained the Gold medal from the best of any breed at the Royal Show at Windsor with the sire of this sheep.
Today borrowed Ross’s Ram Lamb to put with my lambs.
My Sheep have been with Toms, he has a Hampshire Ram bred by T Fowell Buxton, which has been very lame so my sheep are turning again. Should I have any lambs think they will be a variety.
November 18th Finished Wheat Seeding 6 ½ acres next to Sharman’s White Bromwich, 11 acres next to MR Thompsons Close, red chaff Squarehead. Drilled it all with the 26 cog went in well. This has been a very good time.
21st November. Red cow calved a light Steer Calf by Mr Howkins Bull.
December 21st. Bought a red & White cow Calf of Mrs Trapp for 25 this was calved on the 17th its mother is halfbred Alderney, this is by Mr Howkins Bull.
January 8th . Finished plough for Means
15th Arthur Safford went to London & North Western Station with Lightsome to fetch 1 ton Linseed Cake, started at 12 O’clock got home at half past 6 O’clock.
11th Little sow pigged 15 pigs
February 7th Began Bean seeding these are Winter Beans. John Clayton setting these 16 inches apart.
13th Roan cow calved a red steer Calf by Mr W. Hartops Bull.
14th began setting Spring Beans.
21st Finished Bean setting 6 acres, 1 rood. Give 5s 6d an acre.
March 2nd. Began lambing, the first ewe brought 2 dead lambs. Had one from Paynes to put to her which is very small gave 1 Shilling for it.
10th Began to use the Mangolds gave the ewes a few.
15th Fourth Sheep lambed with 1 lamb, have 6 lambs now. The others are not due till the 11th April.
19th Big sow pigged 17 pigs.
April 4th. Finished Barley seeding this was on the first furlong in Farrer’s field had the 20 cog, went in well. This was root Land
6th Began lambing the second time, the first ewe brought one lamb.
7th Finished seeding this was Oats black ones, had the 16 cog this was the top end of the furlong next to the cartroad, barley stubble manured towards the road.
2nd Diamond Foaled a filly Foal by Mr Bosworth’s horse.
23rd. Finished lambing, 23 ewes, 3 tegs lambed 50 Lambs live & dead. Four brought 3 each, 16 twins & 6 brought singles. Cut 38 tails
May 4th. Drilled 5 acres of Clover in Farrar’s field. Had Mr Hawkins drill, 2 holes, 12 lb to the acre.
6th Finished Wheat hoeing, Give 4s 6d. For 8 acres, 4s the rest.
Began bean hoeing give 5s an acre
May 20th Depper foaled a Chestnut colt foal by Mr Thompkins horse.
30th Robert James finished shearing my sheep have 23 ewes & 8 Tegs. The Tegs averaged 7 ½ lbs each. Give 4s 6d and ale.
June 9th Drilled about 3 acres of Swedes with Mr Stockers drill put 4 cwt of bone Super to the acres. Manured it this was on the first furlong down the Lane.
June 8th Dipped the lambs have 37.
15th Sowed about 5 ½ cwt of soda on about 3 ¾ roods of Oats.
5th Twelve chickens. Toms eggs.
17th Fourteen chickens two eggs of our own, 12 eggs from Haynes crossbred between etc. Orpington & Plymouth Rock.
20th 11 chickens from Mrs Warrens eggs.
July 2nd. 12 chickens, W Graves eggs.
6th Began Haytime. John Clayton mowed 5 ¾ of grass at 4s an acre.
13th Finished had a light crop. I think we carted it in good order the weather being good.
11th Sow pigged 15 pigs.
28th Began Harvest.
August 4th Finished cutting Wheat.
September 16th Finished Harvest.
25th Took 20 lambs to Toms Ram.
October 5th Took the other 7.
6th Two or more of mine tupped.
9th Drilled a piece of tares with the 18 cog went in well, harrowed it twice with heavy harrows before drill.
October 12th Finished setting Winter Beans, John Clayton & Robert James. Two acres 1 rood 1 chain I believe Give 6s an acre.
The Tares & beans are behind the Cottages, the Bean land manured.
15th Road heifer calved a roan heifer calf by my Bull.
Red Cow calved a red & white heifer Calf by Mr Howkins Bull.
24th Fetched my sheep home from Toms, & put 4 lambs with them have my Ram lamb with them.
October 30th Finished drilling the bit against the cartroad with Wheat. Has George James Drill, 26 cog, put on about 17 bushels, this was red chaff Squarehead, grown on the next bit went in well.
November 5th Drilled 3 acres of Rivetts against the wood, 24 cog drilled about 6 ½ bushels. 1 acre of this was dead fallow not ploughed since Harvest. Most of the other was seed Tares only ploughed once. This was the finish Wheat seeding.
December 31st Tom, Sarah & 7 children were all at our house.
January 10th Sow pigged 14 pigs one was dead.
27th Roan Cow calved roan Steer Calf.
February 17th Began Lambing the first ewe brought twins.
March 13th Diamond foaled a colt foal by Downham Ben.
30th Finished Lambing, 26 ewes brought 53 lambs live & dead, One 4, five 3,fourteen 2, & six 1. Have 46 live ones.
April 6th.Drilledabout 5 acres of barley with the 18 cog this was on the first part of the field down the Lane.
9th Drilled black Oats next to Sharmans had the 16 cog had a small piece to do on the 12th so finished seeding drilled about 20 bushels.
August 12th. Began to cut these Oats with a machine when the horses bolted, I got my leg broke in two places one bone pricked through the flesh. Had Dr Hallett to attend to me. He set the bone he
said I was hurt very much it was a severe shock to the system. The leg did not make but very little progress for a long time.
October 15th Had Dr Colby Sharpin to examine my leg he said it lay very nice. The Doctor prescribed a tonic & wished me to take a glass of stout every day thought that and the tonic together would cause the bone to unite. I had been taking Cod Liver Oil for some time and kept on with it until I got tired of it & then I had to take cream twice a day instead.
January 19th I was taken to Bedford Infirmary where I remained 5 weeks & 2 days. When I got home I could not get my shoes on, I wanted to go outside for a walk as I had not had my feet on the ground out of doors since August 12th This was the 25th February.
March 23rd I can now walk a little way without my stick.
October 23rd. I went to hold plough for the first time for one day to lend Tom my man. I got on fairly well we had one or two turns, I stepped on where it was ploughed which hurt me.
March 3rd. Finished Bean setting. Charles Brown set 4 a. 1r. 10 poles side of the road against the Cottages. Give 5s an acre.
Hedgecutting 17 ½ chains at 3s.
11th Drilled about 5 acres of barley with the 20 cog this was the first side of the field down the Lane, was Barley last year.
12th Drilled about 6 acres of Black Oats next to the Cartroad with the 16 cog. I am afraid they will not be thick enough, this was wheat stubble fallow turn part of it manured. The land works first class this year.
22nd Finished thrashing the Clover this was growed on the first furlong in Farrer’s field about 5 acres.
15th Diamond foaled a filly Foal by Eastoft Lad, Which was sold for 950 Guineas.
April 7th Drilled the New ground barley 20 cog, done well with the exception of a little bit where it was ploughed 2 days ago.
May 23rd. Washed my sheep at Toms. Have 20 ewes, 8 Tegs and 40 Lambs.
24th Finished Hoeing Beans the first time over by the day.
August 4th Traps heifer calved a red cow calf by Wilsons Bull.
12th Cut my Oats with Toms machine about 5 ½ acres.
September 17th Finished Harvest. Had a lot of work and a nice time to do it.
Give 5s an acre for tieing Wheat.
4s 6d an acre for tieing Barley
4s 6d an acre for tieing Oats.
10s an acre for mowing & tieing Barley.
4s 6d Day work.
13th October. Took my sheep to Toms.
17th Changed our Rams, put my lambs with Toms ewes & his Ram with mine. His is one of James’s breed.
18th Finished ploughing the New ground for Barley this is Barley stubble.
27th Began Wheat seeding. Drilled the furlong next to the cartroad with red chaff Squarehead, 26 cog my own growing, part Oats stubble & part Bean stubble went in well.
November 1st. Finished seeding this was Clover lay in Farrers field the far side, 26 cog, own growing, did not go in quite so well as the other.
Today red cow calved a steer calf by Mr Howkins Bull.
November 10th & 11th. Drilled 4 bushels of tares next to the path in Farrers field. 18 cog went in well.
12th Bought a roan steer Calf from Keeps of Cardington, 34s.
16th Fetched my sheep from Toms, left my Ram with his ewes.
17th Finished ploughing the 4 acres of Wheat stubble next to Mr Thompsons Close, which is manured, this was dead fallow, think of planting it Oats. The land is nice and dry at this time and work well. Began to plough for Beans today next to it.
December 1st. Finished ploughing the first furlong down the lane. Which is Barley stubble, think of planting it Beans.
21st Yelt pigged 11 pigs, killed 2.
January 13th Began to give the ewes one pint of s Oats a day each.
16th Began to use the last tone of cake.
January 30th Had 30 eggs laid.
February 10th Began lambing. Two ewes brought one lamb the other twins. Lat them lie in the yard last night the first time.
13th Mr Wilkingson of Wheathampstead Herts bid me £29. 0. 0 for Troler which is rising 3 years old.
18th Had one ewe brought two black lambs.
21st Sold the Colt to Robert Cunnington for £29.0.0d
26th One ewe brought 4 lambs all alive.
March 6th Drilled 5 bus. of Peas in Farrer’s field with George James Drill. 14 cog these were early winter grown by him.
7th Drilled the New ground Barley with Toms Drill, 20 cog, brought the seed of Hipwell, done well this was Barley last year.
8th Drilled about 4 acres next to Thompsons Close with Black Oats 16 cog, went in well this was Wheat stubble manured.
8th Finished lambing had 20 ewes which brought 38 lambs live & dead, have 32 living gave one away.
9th Hunt cut 26 of the lambs.
16th Finished Bean seeding 8 acres Arthur Flute set them 18 inches at 4s 6d an acre we harrowed them in.
May 11th Drilled the furlong next to the cartroad with Clover seed had Mr Howkins Drill, this was old seed that I had left.
November 9th Began Wheat seeding.
14th Finished.
December 31st Sow pigged 13 pigs eleven alive.
February 1st. Began lambing the first Ewe brought twins.
23rd Cut lambs tails 11 of them. Had 19 ewes Lambs brought 38 lambs, 32 alive.
February 23rd Began lambing the first ewe brought twins.
27th Began Bean seeding single dib, John Clayton & Robert Whittington set 4 acres next to Thompsons Close. Bought the Beans of Hipwells grown on gravel, 32s, set them 18 inches, weather very bad, give 6s an acre.
March 5th. Finished.
October 11th. Began to drill Winter Beans done well this was on the first furlong in Farrers field own drill 20 cog 18 inches put in about 2 ½ bushels to the acre, put a few Tares in.
14th Finished 5 acres. Manured.
October 31st. Finished Wheat seeding.
November 6th Finished ploughing Roots only have only about 1 acre to plough all through the Winter this is after Mangolds & Rabi.
23rd White cow calved a road heifer calf by Mr Hartops big Bull.
30th Took the Cow to Market made £20.
December 3rd. Stitched a piece for Mangolds which done well.
March 13th Had 60 eggs laid.
16th Ewes finished lambing.
18th Drilled the New ground barley had the 20 cog drilled nearly 8 bus. went in well this was after Wheat only ploughed once, harrowed with the big Harrows, sowed ½ ton of manure after we drilled it before harrowing it in. Good crop, fair quality made 31s a qtr.
19th Drilled the Oats this year down the Lane after mangolds & Rabi went in well 14 cog.
20th October. Roan cow calved a red steer calf by Mr Hartops Bull.
22nd Finished ploughing for Winter Beans this was the first furlong down the Lane well , manured.
November 11th. Finished the Wheat seeding this was in Farrer’s field first furlong most of it went in well did not do quite so well were it was ploughed last, 26 cog, had one quarter of Wheat from Mr Hartops. This field is all Wheat this year the first time I knew it the other side was drilled 28 cog. Don’t know Whether I have done right or wrong, I Have decided not to put any Beans in this side of Christmas.
22nd Had 13 eggs laid today.
24th Tom & Wilfred came to shoot killed 13 Rabbits.
29th Had 13 eggs.
30th 13 laid. Sold 39 fleeces of wool at 15s a tod.
5th December. Let the Horses lay in for the first time..
6th Had 11 eggs laid today.
February 14th Drilled 4 acres 3 roods of Beans with Toms drill this was the first furlong down the Lane. Put on about 13 bushels of Beans this was Ploughing the 22nd October for Winter Beans. Though I could not get them in time enough.
March 6th Had a ewe brought 4 lambs nice ones.
10th Yelt pigged 6 pigs. Had 52 eggs laid today
August 12th Sowed about 3 roods of Mustard & Rape this was manured it runs up to the Pigstyes at the Cottages.
8th Had a pullet laid today not 6 moths old.
September 10th Finished tieing Barley & began Wheat cart came on Rain when we got 5 loads & stopped us. I heard this morning that Ben Hartop has not carried anything on his 2 farms at Keysoe.
26th Finished Harvest carted 4 ¾ acres Spring Beans which were not in good order, it appears to be a very difficult thing to have the corn in order this year although I have carted my other in fair order, with the exception of two loads draggings. I think a great many people carted some very bad.
14th Roan Cow calved a red heifer Calf which I hope to wean. Sold the Cow at Bedford £19.15.0
28th The second Pullet laid today she is 5 months 2 weeks old.
October 6th Began to plough bean stubble had to leave b
efore Dinner as it came on rain.
October 10th Red Heifer calved a red steer calf.
22nd One of Ben Hardtops’ men told me that he had 6 acres of Spring Beans out. Tom finished Barley cart yesterday and finished Harvest.
23rd Took my Foal to Toms to lie with his.
November 16th Began Wheat seeding sow it with the drill & plough it in.
February 6th. Dragharrowed 5 acres of Barley stubble which was ploughed dry done well this is next to Thompsons Close think of having it Pease.
13th Dragharrowed 4 ¾ acres down the Lane think of having it Oats. Began to set Beans this in the corner in Farrers field. Arthur Flute set them 5s 6d an acre.
July 17th Finished Haytime. John Clayton mowed 4 acres at 3s 6d an acre with Ale. Cut 5 ¾ acres with Toms Machine.
December 2nd. Began to give the Ewes one Wurtzel a day each.
December 2nd 1905.
[It looks as if David got fed up with doing his diary and in the last few years there were not many entries. He moved from the Farm in 1910.
In the census of 1911, David and Charlotte are in Keysoe where she is described as a ‘shopkeeper’ and David as ‘without employment’. The premises are not known.
David went to live at Kempston with Charlotte his sister and he died on 18th March 1929]