• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition of James Gilbert Straw Hat Manufacturer of 3 John Street, Luton; David Teale of Crescent Road, Luton – Chief constable of the Borough of Luton; George Tarelli of 11 Marlborough Crescent, Newcastle. In the case of George Tarelli (Tarrelli) accused of unlawfully and knowingly by certain false pretences did obtain of and from James Gilbert a quantity of Straw Hats of the value of £2.7.6 with intent to defraud contrary to the Statute
  • Date free text
    8th September 1900
  • Production date
    From: 1900 To: 1900
  • Scope and Content
    This Deponent James Gilbert on his Oath saith as follows I am a Straw Hat Manufacturer carrying on business at 3 John St. Luton – I have never seen prisoner before or had business with him. On the 8th August 1900 I received the memorandum produced marked “A” purporting to come from George Tarelli a Wholesale Draper etc 11 Marlborough Crescent Newcastle. I made some enquiries through my Bank. Believing the statement on the hearing of the memorandum I sent the goods on the 14th August. The statement marked “B” now put in by the Prisoners is the statement I sent to the Prisoner. The amount of the statement is £2.7.6 representing 163 hats - I received on the 22nd August the post cards produced marked “C” & “D” respectively. In reply to them I sent a letter in the envelope produced marked “E” which was returned to one through the Post Office marked “Gone no address” On the 31st August. I received another postcard which I produce marked “F”. On the following day Sept, 1st I received a postcard which I produce marked “G” I then communicated with the Police and obtained a warrant. This Deponent David Teale of Luton in the said Borough of Luton, saith as follow:- I am Chief Constable of the Borough of Luton. On Thursday the 6th September instant I received the Prisoner into my custody from the Newcastle Police I read the Warrant, produced, to him he replied “that is the amount I have the statement is my pocket. I made enquires at 11 Marlborough Crescent Newcastle on Tyne and found it to be a common Lodging house and that the prisoner had lodged there on and off for the past 6 months. I also visited the place described on postcard marked “F” and found No 2 the corner of Blenheim Street and Westgate Road Newcastle was occupied by a Butcher named Brumwell. I then visited a room over the shop let by Brumwell to the Prisoner. The room was quite empty and had not been taken possession of by the Prisoner. In the course of my enquires I found Prisoner had not business standing whatsoever in Newcastle and was possessed of nothing but what he now stands up in. The contents of his pockets were handed to me by the Newcastle police and I produce them they consist of a few coppers and 2 packets of cards similar to the one marked “F” Memorandum marked “A” From George Tarelli Wholesale Draper, Milliner, Feathers, Flowers & Importer of French and German Fancy Goods. 11 Marlborough Crescent, Newcastle. Dated August 7th To: James Gilbert, 3 Johns St, Luton Bedford. Sir, I am open for a good lines in Ladies Straws Blacks and Colds also a good clearing (line [of] Ladies Sailor Blacks Colds & White [to] thing to clear for cash) about 3/6 dozen you can send me sample case not exceeding £4.10.0 on receipt I will still send the account of cash also any orders I may send I will send the amount along with orders. Statement of Account marked “B” Dated September 1900 Mr G. Tarelli Dr to James Gilbert Date August 14 To Goods £2.7.6 Statement of Accused: I have nothing to say.
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    10 pages
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