• Reference
  • Title
    Farm diary of David Stanton, Church End Farm, Keysoe.Hard cover with label of Swinnocks Fancy Warehouse, 101, High Street, Bedford, pasted inside front cover. Photocopy at ref: FAC 43/5
  • Date free text
    1 July 1873 - 13 June 1876
  • Production date
    From: 1873 To: 1876
  • Scope and Content
    1st July 1873. Finished transplanting Rabbis. 2nd Finished thinning the Wurtzels have thinned part of the Rabbis. Began hay cart, carted 7 loads. I don’t think it was in quite so good order as it would have been if the sun had been our more today. 3rd. Finished mowing grass. Robert mowed 7 acres in 5 days & finished this morning at 9 oclock., have a very good crop. Give --- an acre & ale. 6th Joseph Woodward and I went to Bedford to Bunyan Meeting in the evening, I went to the Baptist Chapel, this was the first time I had been to Bedford on a Sunday. We walked there and back got home at 11 oclock. I was very tired and foot sore. 7th Finished haytime except the round abouts. We had 27 loads off 7 acres. I think what we carried first will have almost as much heat. This has been a beautiful day. That which we carried today was in very good order. 10th Began to plough across. 15th Father sold a Pony to William Beall of Bletsoe Park, for £42. She is 3 years old, stands 15 hands high, one that Father bought out of a drove when she was a year & half old, only gave £12 odd for her. 16th I took her to Mr Bealls and brought a cheque back. Finished cleaning the yards out at Churchend. 17th Cleaned the Brookend yards out. 14th Began to fold the sheep on the tares which we drilled in the Spring. 16th Finished mowing the Tares that we sowed in the Autumn. 17th Began to mow the young tares for the horses. They are rather light but I think they will grow more yet. 18th Moulded the potatoes up. Finished ploughing the seed land except a cartroad to the tares. I don’t feel satisfied that the potatoes were not moulded up before this. They have been hoed and & wanted again as there is some garlick in them which appears to be seeded. I set a man to hoe them and mould them up about a fortnight ago. He had to leave and go among the hay. Father turned him away that night so they was left. Once more I might say I don’t feel satisfied for I feel very dissatisfied on account of neglecting to horsehoe the Wurtzels the second time over when the weather was good & the horses at rest, I might or ought to have done it some morning before the hay was dry it has been sunny the last week so that it is not dry enough. Again I might say that I am nor satisfied respecting the hay stack. Father pulled some a few days ago then we put it on the top but did not finish pulling it so we put 2 forkfulls of wheat straw on. Father said he would not put more on as he should finish pulling it & if it looked like coming much rain I could put some more on. Saturday last we was at plough when it came on a thundershower rather unexpectedly. In the afternoon I looked at the hay and found it a little wet. Thought it looked as if it would not be much wet so I thought is would be better without any more straw on. Sunday morning as we was in meeting it commenced raining again when a great many people have left their umbrellas at home, I myself for one. I go to Fathers for dinner on Sunday or I should have put straw on when I got home, it rained very fast until about 8 or 9 o’clock. So I am afraid we shall find the hay wet when we go to top it up. 19th Horsehoed the Wurtzels the second time over.. 1st Weaned the lambs put them on eddish in Church Close, only have 26 at this time as we have lost one today. Our lambs are not the best this year, they are not very fresh and not over large. I hope they will improve now. The lamb that we sent to London only made 4s when the expenses were paid. 22nd Began to plough tare land. 25th ? 29th Began to scuffle the Fallow. 31st Finished scuffling the 4 acre bit, that is all we have scuffled at present. I expect we shall finish stirring tomorrow if nothing prevents. August 2nd. Left off giving the horses tares & turned them out to grass. I shall allow them 1 peck of corn a day each which I think will be a fair lot. 3rd. The sheep finished the tares up. 4th Began to fold them in Barn Close after going in the road all day. 3rd Finished fallow. 4th. Had three young ladies come to see us unexpectedly. They walked from Bedford, got here about 3 oclock, Miss Ainsworth from Ipswich, her sister and Miss Holmes from Bedford. They started to walk back a little before 8 oclock. Tom and I went with them , went to St Loyes, then returned back without going in anywhere, we got home 20 minutes after 2 oclock. We had been to plough in the morning & going again that morning. 7th Began mowing Winter beans. 5th Finished hoeing the Roots the third time over by the day. 6th It was my desire to have the chaff house filled with chaff at the commencement of harvest. It happened they filled it tonight. I felt very pleased as I don’t hold with chaff cutting in harvest. 8th Finished cutting Winter beans and begun to cut the Oats. Give 4 pints of beer. 8th Finished mowing peas. They are a very good crop, about 2 ½ acres. Had about 4 acres 1 ½ rood of Winter beans, fair crop not over heavy. Give 3s an acre for mowing the 6 acre 3 ½ roods. 9th Began mowing Wheat at Churchend which is not hardly ripe. 11th Sold 39 fleeces of wool to Mr Green at 51s a stone, 16 Teg fleeces and 23 ewe, Weight 11 stone 15 lbs. 12th Finished wisping Winter beans, done them ourselves. Then we began reaping at Brookend. 13th Began hooking Spring Beans at Brookend which are a very good crop. 15th Finished carting the Peas. Began reaping Rivet Wheat which is not hardly ripe.. 18th Finished cutting Wheat at Churchend , mowed and tied it all. 19th Began hooking Spring beans at Churchend, they are a very good crop. 21st Finished hooking beans at Brookend, Give 11s an acre. 22nd Began to cut Barley. 23rd Carted the Oats put them in the Barn. They was not in so good order as I should have liked them to have had them as they had been swathed. Carted 6 loads of Winter Beans which were in very good order as regards being straw, dry but should have liked to have had the corn a little drier as we put them in the barn for using. 25th Finished cutting Rivet Wheat. Eli reaped it. Give 11s an acre. 26th Finished mowing Barley. 27th Began Wheat cart which was not in first rate order. Had the bottom 8 years long and over 4 yards wide. We are not in the habit of making ricks so made the bottom too large, had about -- acres of mowed wheat. Began Barley cart which was not in good order. Went to Barley cart again, got 2 loads, then it rained. 29th Finished cutting, began thatching. Began to plough pea land which ploughs very nicely. 30th This being a nice day, we was anxious to get a little more carting done, carted 4 loads of Winter Beans laid them on a piece of peas to get a little more thatching done. The weather is not suitable for carting. They was not in good order. I am of the opinion to think that Winter Beans are the best hooked, especially when we have lately. Turned some of the Barley & loaded 2 loads tonight which was in fair order. Today weaned the Heifers calf which is about 5 months old. Began to milk her, I think she gives about 3 pints a time. She is about 2 years old. 1st September. Began to cart Spring Beans, but had to stop on account of the rain. When we had loaded 4 loads I went home as I thought they was so wet but before they had emptied it we went back again & began to load again, when we had got out a few more loads it came on faster so we had to stop. I am afraid when we take the stack in we shall find the straw mouldy. Finished ploughing the pea land. 2nd Began to plough Oat stubble for oats which ploughs pretty well but is not so dry as I should like to have ploughed it for roots. This is the other side of Bottom field. Today finished thatching what we have carted so the men have to leave harvest work until it comes finer. 3rd. Turned the Barley, some of it has been turned before. I find it has begun to grow, we expected it to rain before we was done. I think this has been a very peculiar harvest, a great many people get the corn cut before they carried much, it was thought it would soon be got in, but the weather set in showery, so there is a great deal of corn out at this time although some people seem to be at cart most days. I believe some of it has been carted in bad order. I don’t think we have carted any in first rate order. The oats was -- was in better a few days sooner. The Barley was in good order last Saturday for being straw dry but the corn was very soft. Father would like to have it in good order but it appears to get worse than better. Its my opinion it is a wise plan to cart the corn as soon as it is in fair order & get it thatched as soon as convenient, as I think the straw is better before it is wetted, it is easier for the horses and makes employment for the men so that we get finished sooner. 4th Carted some more beans and topped the stack up. Then went to barley cart again but had not got many loads before it came on rain & stopped us again. 5th Thatched the bean stack so we have finished up again. Today finished ploughing for roots and begun to lay tilthe up for Wheat. 6th This was a beautiful day so we finished barley cart except a few draggings. It is our wish to cart the corn in good order. I find it is not so well to be too particular. Today if we had begun one hour sooner in the morning we should have had some of it drier as it came on to rain when we had two loads to get up which made it rather wet. I did not mind so much as we had topped the rick up & begun a small stack where we shall put the draggings on. 8th Finished carting barley draggings. 9th I find that we are wrong again in being too backward in going to cart. I asked Father yesterday if it would be better not to go to plough this morning if it was fine as I thought we had better go to cart. He said he did not care to if its like to be fine as he should like it drier. After we had got to plough he sent the boy to tell us to fetch some bushes for the stack bottom. Then we carted the rivets out of the little field, brought it up Churchend. Then carted some of the Brookend beans and put them in the barn. Then filled the barn up with wheat out of the top field, brought the rest up home so finished wheat cart at Brookend. Then went back to cart the remainder of the beans, when they had got 2 loads it came on to rain and stopped them. I believe if we had begun the first thing in the morning we should have finished at Brookend. I believe we done wrong not carting that before as there appears to be hundreds and sparrows and the fowls have been in the little field so there is a great deal wasted and it is grown too. 10th Finished bean cart at Brookend. 11th Used the last old beans. Began to use Winter Beans for the horses. Put the Tup to the ewes. I am not perfectly satisfied with him as he is not so good skin as I like. I have heard that he is of the Oxford Down breed, bred by the late Captain Newland at Kempston.. We have 31 ewes. 12th Began to plough bean stubble at Brookend. 12th Finished Harvest this has been a beautiful day. Robert Barrett & Benjamin Page went together by the acre. They mowed & tied & dragged 11 acres, 1 rood 29 pole of wheat, at 9s an acre. £5. 2. 9d. They mowed 8 acres 1 rood 3 pole of Barley at 3s an acre, £1. 4. 9d. They mowed & tied & dragged 2acres 2 rood of Oats at 9s an acre, £1. 2. 6d. They hooked 2 acres 2 rood, 15 pole of beans at 11s an acres, £1. 8s.0d. Robert had 6 ¾ days at 4s 6d a day, £1. 10. 6d. Ben had 7 days at 4s. 6d a day, £1. 11. 6d. Total amount £12 about a month. Found them ale too. Eli hooked 1 acre of beans at 11s. He also reaped the little field rivet Wheat at 11s & 3 ½ days at 4s. 6d. a day, 15s. 9d. Total £1. 17. 9d. Joseph Woodward part of a day at cart, boy for a month 12s. Myself for a month £4. Tom and Father not paid. ? Gallon of ale at 1s a gallon. I should like to have a clear account of what the harvest cost, thatching included. The weather has been so showery that I have not kept a clear account as we have not had thatching ready to go on with sometimes. Had about 2 ½ aces of peas. About 4 acres 1 ½ roods of Winter Beans. About 15 acres 1 rood of Wheat. 8 acres 1 rood of barley. 2 ½ acres of Oats. About 6 acres 3 roods of Spring Beans. Row field measures 11 acres 2 roods 35 pole. 17th Finished thatching. 18th Finished ploughing ban stubble at Brookend. 18th I went to St Neots with the intention of going to Potton, after a Farm which is at Gt. Gransden, Hunts. When I got to the Station I had to wait ½ an hour. Have to change train at Sandy for Potton. I asked the Porter whether one ticket would do, he said yes, so I paid my fare to Potton. When I arrived at Sandy I crossed the line and asked what time the next train was due for Potton. He said it would be 1 hour and ¾ . I asked what time I could get back from Potton, he said 20 minutes to 8. I began to think I should lose my ride from St Neots & have to walk home. I then enquired how far it was to Potton, they said 3 miles. I started off to walk hoping to get back to St Neots sooner than if I had waited for the train. When I got to Potton I had to wait for more than ½ hour. When I got back to Sandy I found to my surprise that the train for St Neots was not due until 2 minutes to 10. I did not enquire about that until I got back to Sandy, got there about 6 o’clock. Then I began to enquire on the other line what time I could start for Bedford, they said a few minutes before 8 so I waited for that, then rode to Bedford, then walked home, got home a few minutes before 12. When I got to Potton, the gentleman said it was let, they had it put in the Cambridge and Bedford papers. The man ran it in the Cambridge paper first morning, went to see about it and looked over it & taken it the same day. I saw it in the Bedford paper that night so I was a day behind the Fair. 20th Manured about 2 acres of wheat stubble next to the church for tares & wurtzels, went on well. 23rd I went to Mr Gambols sale at Basmead. It was a very good sale as the implements were most of them new 2 years ago. The stock were pretty good. The first 4 horses averaged over £60 each. I did not but anything. 26th Began to manure for Winter beans. 27th Finished and started caring some on for Spring beans at Brookend, took it up to the tope end of the top field. I think we went right way to work, as it done well. The heap lay at the top of the lays. I expect when we cart the other on if we live till winter, we shall have it out of the yard and then it would be a long way for 2 carts. 29th Scuffled the land intended for Kohl Rabbi. Turned the lambs in the bottom field which is fallow so they can go on the roots as they please. There is a ditch in the middle of the field & a cart road at the bottom so they can get a little grass to begin with. I am afraid the Rabbi tops will make them scour. I should prefer cutting the Rabbis up 2 or 3 days beforehand then pan the lambs in at night & cat them a scuttle full or tow. Then let them out in the close in the mornings for about a week. We have 28 lambs at this time. I am giving them half a pint of corn a day each, I think that quite sufficient until after Christmas. Last year I only gave the ewe lambs half a pint & the wethers a pint or more each. Father said in the Spring he liked the look at the ewes best, some of them were quite fat enough. I believe I have been extravagant in the past. I find that there appetite is not so good when they have much corn. 30th Drag harrowed the pea land. October 1st. Thrashed the first wheat stack with William Ruff’s machine. Thrashed 6 ½ hours, charged -- . Had - Quarters - Bushels of wheat. This morning I fetched the machine from Thomas Freeman’s and taking it to John Wise tonight. 2nd Today we find that it will not do to let the lambs run over the roots as they eat the wurtzels & several of them scour and do not eat the corn, let them run inn the close for a few hours & then pen them on a small piece of Rabbis. Scuffled the bean stubble at Brookend, made it very ruff. 3rd. Scuffled it again. 4th I went to Bedford market and sold 10 qtrs of wheat, 62 lbs, at 57s to Mr Church. I bought 4 qtrs of maize at 36s. I also bought a cow calf of Mr White with the intention of weaning it. 27th Finished setting winter beans, set them by the day as the men said they could not set them by the acre. At first it was too dry & some of it was too wet so that they could not kick them in quick. Today harrowed it over with the 2 horse harrows. They set about 9 bushels. 28th Began to harrow the field behind the house. Begun hedge cutting ready for draining at Brookend. 31st Finished drilling the field behind the house except the end lands which we did not plough until today. Drilled Bromwich wheat own growing had the 28 cog. Drilled 19 bushels. We harrowed it twice over before the drill where we did not drag harrow it, went in well. Its my opinion that its quite fine enough. (October 17th 1874. This was a very good crop.) 1st November 1873. Ploughed furrows in the little field ready for draining had them 6 yards apart. Carted some bushed there ready too. Began thrashing barley, Richard Barnett thrashed about 6 ½ bushels. 4th Began draining, Robert & Richard Barnett. 6th I went to St Neots Market and bought 4 qtrs of maize at 37s a qtr, of Mr Church. 8th Began to give the steers corn. I only give the ½ a pottle a day each when they are ground, beans & maize mixed. 10th Ploughed furrows in the top filed ready for draining had them 6 yards. We have been ploughing it flat for years. I think it would have been better it it had been ridged once or twice before it was drained. We intend draining it straight up as far as the hill with wood and straw. Above the hill across with tiles. 13th Finished wheat seeding. Father sowed 2 acres and 2 roods At Brookend, sowed 6 bushels at Brookend own grown. 17th Took the Ram from the ewes & put him on the Rabbis with the intent of feeding him. Parted the lambs with the intent of feeding the mothers. There are 14 of them & the Ram, I shall give them 1 peck of corn when ground. Have 10 ewe lambs drawn out. I shall give them ½ of corn when ground which is ½ pint each. Today finished drilling Mr Greens wheat which was rivets, had the 26 cog, done well. 18th Finished ploughing barley tilthe. 19th Began stitching for roots. 17th Richard Barnett thrashed barley. Thrashed 7 bushels & 3 pecks & ½. 20th Finished stitching 2 ½ acres in bottom field for roots. 25th I began to give the feeding lambs 1 pint of beans a day. I do not intend giving them any more as I think beans are the most fattening. Father thinks we dome wrong in ploughing so many furrows out at once for draining as the dirt crumbles in when putting the wood in after the frosts. Father also says the mind he is in he will not have any more draining dome with the tools they are now using, if he should live until another year to drain at Churchend, he will have them use Chads. (?) 26th Began to plough the beans at Churchend which seems to draw hard, it does not plough very well. 28th Let the cows lie in all day for the first time. 29th Let the sheep lie in at night & give them chaff & corn. I shall give them about ½ a pint of corn a day each. I shall give them beans as I think they are the best for them. December 2nd. 1873. Began to plough rabbi land for barley, it ploughed well as we have a nice time lately. 3rd. Began to plough for beans at Brookend. 5th Levi came home from America quite unexpected. Today began to manure for Beans at Churchend. 6th Finished cleaning the yard out, laid a little of the longest in a heap, put the rest on the land, went on well not being any frost. Sent a down calving heifer to Rogers & Harris sale at Bedford. She was about 2 ½ years old, made £21. 15s. 9th Began to plough the manure in, ploughs stiff very hard. 18th I drove Levi to St Neots Market. 19th Finished draining, done 3 acres and 3 roods, 130 chain. Give 1s 3d a chain, £8. 2s. 6d. 30th Finished manuring for beans at Church end. End of 1873. January 1st 1874. Began to give the feeding lambs cake. The cake is £13 a ton. I shall give them ½ a pint each when they get a little used to it. I am giving them 1 pint of beans a day each. Today increased the ewes corn to a pint a day each, I give them all beans. 2nd Levi went to tea at Mr Brownings. I went to spend the evening with them. 8th Mr Browning, Mr John Hartop & Mr James Green went to spend the evening at fathers. Today finished ploughing for beans at Churchend. 13th Levi left Keysoe for America, he has been at home between five and six weeks. 15th Today we have been dressing barley. Robert has been 8 days & today until 3 o’clock. Thrashing & dressing 8 quarters and 5 bushels Men are now 13s a week for labour. Give 2s. 4d a quarter for thrashing. 17th Turned Richard Barnet away because we had not got work for him. 17th Went to Bedford market & sold 6 qtrs of barley at 46s a quarter top Mr J. Paine. I also sold 4 quarters of wheat at 60s a qtr. To Mr Newbury of Milton. 19th Today dressed beans. Robert has been thrashing nearly 2 ½ days, had about 5 loads. Thrashed them by the day, part Spring and part Winter beans. 23rd Took a piece more Barley in to thrash by hand. 24th I went to Bedford Market to take the money for the Wheat and barley. I also paid Mr Days bill. I heard a man bid 54s for one sample of barley which was very good. I saw one sample of beans sold at 44s a qyr. I saw fat tegs sold at 65s & 58s each, these were clipped. 28th Ploughed a piece of the land after rabbis. 29th Began to stir a piece of land for Green, this was Wheat stubble, ploughed very bad. 1st February 1874. I increased the lambs cake to ¾ of a pint each, this was linseed cake. I am giving them a pint of Beans a day each. I only give it to them once a day but its my opinion that it is best to give them it twice. 4th Carted some manure on for Beans at Brookend it was not any frost but it did do amiss. 5th Began to plough in top field for beans, it ploughs pretty well but will require a frost before it will set. 7th I went to Bedford Market and sold 9 qtrs of Barley to Mr White at 47s. 6d.a qtr. I also bought 2 loads 3 bushels of beans at 28s a load, of Mr Church for seed. I bought 2 bushels of Oats of Mr Church, 11 stone at 29s. 6d a qtr. I bid William Hartop Jun. 48s. 6d. A qtr for 7 or 8 qtrs of Barley. 9th Finished ploughing for beans at Brookend. 8th Began lambing the first ewe, brought 1 lamb, we had 31 this year. 13th Began seeding. Drilled nearly 3 acres of peas, 8 inches wide, 16 cog, done well. 14th I went to Bedford Market & some of the best tegs in wool to Rogers sale. The five least made 50s each, next 3, 54s. 6d.. Today I bought 3 fleeces of wool on speculation, not knowing what they are worth. They7 came off of fat tegs, gave Eli £2. 2s for the 3, he says they weigh over 8lbs each. 16th Began Bean seeding at Brookend, 2 men single dib. Today washed 1 ram and 6 of the best tegs with the intent of shearing them, 17th Began to give the ewe tegs wurtzels. 19th Tom began to thrash Winter beans a little after 8 oclock, riddled them up before dinner when we dressed. Had 9 ½ bushels. Today we increased the ewes corn to a pint & ½ each. 20th Finished Bean seeding at Brookend. Eli clipped a shearling Ram which cut about 6 ½ lb. of wool. We also clipped 6 of the best tegs which cut 55 lbs. 21st Took the Ram and 6 tegs to Mr Stafford’s sale. Ram made 33. 13s. 3 best tegs 56s each, the other 3, 52s each. 23rd Used the last rabbis. 25th Father bought a cow & calf of Mr James Green for £25. 10s. The cow is a light roan and the a red heifer calf by Mr Hartops bull. Today finished ploughing Rabi land for barley. February 24th the cow calved that he bought of Mr Green. I believe the cow is by a pedigree Bull. The calf is --- Bull, Mr Hartop. I give the calf 4 quarts of milk a day at 2 meals, Name Duchess. I have commenced giving it 5 quarts of milk a day at 2 meals at a week old. March 2nd. I bought 5 fleeces of wool of Eli, at 1s 8d a pound all tegs. 2nd Had to kill ewe after it lambed, sent it to London weighed ----- 3rd Today we have had 3 sheep lambed with 5 good lambs. Had 16 ewes lambed up to this time, have 24 lambs alive. Increased their corn today to a bushel all beans. 30 ewes & 1 Teg. Finished Bean seeding today, Have set them all this year with single dib. #Have 2 acres 3 roods at Brookend & 5 acres - poles at Churchend, give 6s an acre. Put on about 3 bushels. Robert Barnett and Richard Barnett sowed them. Men are now having 12s a week. 3rd. Began to give the ewes a few wurtzels those that have not lambed. Its my opinion that Ewes are the best without many wurtzels until after they have lambed. 5th Today had a good theave lamb and shot its mother afterwards. This makes the second this week. The other one we had hilled which I think was a very wise plan. Father thought he would try to cure this so he put it in and sowed the wool over. He said if this did not get over it he thought he would never try again, but have them killed at once. Its my opinion that its quite useless to try to cure them after they have lambed, and much wiser to kill them at once. In the first place the meat looks much better if killed directly so that if the ewe is quite in good condition and properly dressed and sent to London will make a fair price so that the loss will not be near so heavy. 5th Took the last piece of barley in to thrash by hand. 6th Had the ewe killed to send to London.. 7th Began to drag harrow the tilthe for barley on the 4 acre bit. It was not quite so dry as I should have liked it to have been. 9tyh Finished drag harrowing the root land for barley, it came on to rain and made it rather too wet. The weather has been beautiful since this month came in but we have a change now. 10th & 11th. It was quite cold and windy. 12th Snowed again but is somewhat milder so that the snow washed a great deal. Today finished cleaning the yard out put it in the dung heap for roots. 13th A nice frost again this morning which I think will do good after the melting of the snow. Today Tom and I cut 20 skips of chaff riddled it and carried in before dinner. I believe the skip hold 6 bushels (David Stanton March 13th 1874.) 17th Began barley seeding. Tonight cut 31 lambs tails. 18th Finished lambing, have 38 lambs when we commence had 31 ewes, lost 2 ewes & 5 lambs, had 10 couples which are all living. Finished Barley seeding. Drilled about 6 acres our own seed with the 20 cog. Drilled it across for the sake of having fewer turns. I am of the opinion to think it would have been better drilled the same way as the lands as it went over the furrows one wheel at once and gave a jerk. 21st Drilled the little field oats with the 16 cog. These were white short oats. Finished seeding. I went to Bedford market & sold 8 qtrs of Barley at 51s to Mr Paine. I ordered 10 cwt of mangle Manure for roots of Mr Beall. 23rd. Began hoeing Winter beans. 24th I bid Eli money for the wool on 10 tegs. I bid him £6 but he did not seem willing to take it. I them bid him 1s 6d a pound for it which I think would be about the same thing but he would not take that. 28th Finished hoeing the Winter beans the first time over. Give 4s. 31st Began wheat hoeing, give 3s 9d. April 1st. Bought Eli’s wool, weighed at my place. 80 lbs 14 ounces so that come to just £6. 2nd Left off giving the ewes wurtzels on account of being very short for which I am sorry. 7th Drag harrowed a small piece in Church field for Rabis. 9th Finished carting the manure on the rabbis. Put 19 very large loads on to the acre. Every one of them very much more than ordinary ones. Then sowed 4 cwt of Lawes Artificial manure to the acre. 11th Finished stitching the root land 2 ½ acres other side of bottom field. Today turned the sheep on the seeds. There are 28 ewes & 38 lambs. I shall reduce their corn to ½ bushel a day. I have been giving the ewes 1 quart a day each up to this time. Used the last wurtzels. 15th Turned the milking cow out to grass in Brookend Lays. Took the last bit of beans in. Drilled a piece of rabis behind the church. Drilled them on the flat 24 inches wide. The end lands had been stirred. The land had only been drag harrowed since it was ploughed in the Autumn. Went in well it was matured in the Autumn. I sowed some super phosphate down side of the tares before it was drag narrowed. After I drilled it I dropped a bag of Guano along the rows but never done anything more to it. 16th April. I sowed the seeds ½ cwt of clover seed & ½ cwt of trefoil. Had been mixed. Sowed about 6 acres, harrowed them in. I think there was almost too much wind to sow them well. 17th Ploughed about 2 ½ bushels of potatoes in. This was on the endland where the roots and tares are. I think I was very foolish tonight as Mr Taylors 2 horses brought the engine tonight. I wanted the drum in the rickyard & the engine in the close so that the strap would work over the dead hedge. The drum wanted drawing back to the hedge, we hadn’t got a horse that would do it neither Taylors nor ours so we turned it round again and set it at one corner of the stack. It being a long stack will make it awkward to put the sheaves up. If we had broke a gap in the fence we have drawn straight up the side at once18th Tom took 3 fat pigs to Mr Stafford’s sale. The Winter beans in Row field measure 3 ½ acres and 11 poles. Give 4s an acre for hoeing the first time. Wheat on the hill in bottom field measures 3 ½ acres 6 poles, give 3s 9d an acre for hoeing it. 20th Thrashed the last wheat stack with Ruffs machine. Thrashing 7 hours, charged £1. 4s. Burnt about 7 cwt of coal cost about 12s. For labour beside ourselves & beer had. 21st Rolled the root land with Mr Hartop’s iron roll. Then rolled the Barley with it where the roots was lat year. I set the wurtzels, its my opinion it was too dry for setting them 22nd Drilled the rabis ion bottom field they went in very nicely. Finished wheat hoeing except a bit that was sowed. Began to hoe the Spring beans. Began to hoe the Spring peas which are very foul. There are 3 acres 9 poles. 24th Left off giving the ewes corn as they have plenty of keep at this time & we are short of beans. I set a pen for the lambs to give them a little. 23rd Turned the steers and in calf cow out to grass. Turned the filly out which is in foal. 25th Finished hoeing the peas the first time over, give ----- Began to hoe the Brookend Spring beans. I went to Bedford Market & sold 10 qtrs of wheat 62 lbs to Mr Newberry at 60s a qtr. Tom took 2 fat pigs to Mr Stafford’s sale which made £10. 15s, about 8s a stone for them. 27th Began to horsehoe beans at Brookend. Today I wrote to Mr Jefferies at Felmersham to make an application for the farm at Thurleigh in the occupation of Mr Robbins. I have heard that he has notice to leave but don’t know what size it is. I am afraid it is not so large as I should like. I received a note from Abel Walker on 30th of March to say that Mr William Brightman of Lt. Staughton thought of taking his family to America this summer if he could get away, he thought perhaps I should like the farm. I went over in the evening & found that it only contained 22 acres, a small cottage included, besides a house to live in. Rent £60. I told Mr Brightman I should want a larger place. 27th Begun folding the sheep. 29th Finished hoeing the Brookend beans the first time over, give 5s an acre. Began the Winter beans the second time over. Began to hoe the Peas the second time over. Give 4s an acre. We have about 2acres 1 rood of spring beans not touched yet. 30th Roaned cow calved second calf sheer calf. May 2nd. I took the cow and calf to Mr Stafford’s sale. The calf scours very much, some people say that it will die. Mr J. Hartop told me a remedy for it after I got to Bedford. That was to give a wine glass full of gin with as much grated ginger in it as would lay on a shilling. He said he had heard if it was given in time it would prove a cure in 99 cases out of 100. The cow is a little lame rather bare in condition but she has a very good bag. They made £26. took a fat steer too this was 2 years and 4 months old, made £24. I bought 3 qtrs of oats, 38 lbs a bus. At 29s a qtr. Of Mr Church of Bolnhurst. I saw Mr Jefferies and asked him about his farm he said he did not know how he should go on whether he should sell it this Summer. Its nearly 50 acres at £100. May 4th Finished hoeing the Winter beans the second time over. 5th Finished hoeing the Peas the second time over done them ourselves. 6th Finished hoeing the spring beans the first time. I went to tea at Mr. J Hawkins then went to Lt Staughton meeting. May 1874. 4th Stopt giving the steers corn. 6th Began Barley hoeing. 7th Put the sheep that had a lamb died & the teg that we took off the rabbis into Barn Close for the purpose of fattening them. We have lost 6 ewes within the last 12 months. I think that is something remarkable for us. 9th Finished Barley hoeing. Give 3s. 9d an acre. Paid Thomas Hardwick away because we had not got anything for him to do. 10th Henry Manning & wife & Emanuels wife & daughter drove over from Woodford for the day. Henry preached at Brookend Meeting in the afternoon. Samuel Hawkins & Charles & Elizabeth from Bolnhurst came to our house to tea. 12th Finished potato setting, this was the endland at the top of the little field. Began to hoe the Brookend beans the second time over. 13th Father bought a yearling colt of John Green of Ravensden, he is out of the cart mare by Touchstone. Give £23. 15s. In looking over the rabis that I drilled on the 15th April, I find that there is but a very few, at the top end there appears to be enough. I don’t know how to account for this as it was only ploughed once and went in very moist, Father blamed it to the Guoano that I dropped but I tell him there is plenty just at the top end. I examined that row where I did not sow any Guaono but could not find any near the bottom 25th Finished hoeing the beans the second time over. Give 5s and acres. 26th Began to hoe the Winter beans the third time over by the day. Began to hoe the rabis in Church field. They are bur very middling. 30th Horsehoed the Roots in Bottom Filed, began to hand hoe them too by the day, they are but very middling on the first side. 30th Finished hoeing the Winter beans. June 2nd. I took 37 sheep to Risely to be washed. Charged 1s 8d. Tom went to Mr Coles of Pertenhall with Eli to help him shear. 1st Left off giving the milking cow corn. 4th Finished hoeing the Roots the first time over by the day. Its my opinion the Roots will be light this year in general. Began to hoe Brookend beans the third time by the day. Let Diamond and foal lay out at night. 6th Tom took a fat sow to Mr Stafford’s sale, made £6. 10d. I sent a note by Tom to Mr Stafford to ask him if he would make an application for the Park Lane Farm at Cardington for me, as he is going to sell it by auction next week, it contains 70 acres 10 poles. 8th Clipped 10 Ewe lambhogs which cut 97 lbs of wool. 9th Horsehoed the roots the second time. Began to mow tares which are a very good crop but not so good all over. 10th I began to dig where I mowed tares with the intent of transplanting Rabbis. Began to hoe Church end Beans the third time over. 13th Went to Bedford market to see the Cardington Park Lane farm sold. But it was not sold, the highest bidding was £3000. I took a sample of wheat but did not sell it as I could only get 56s a qtr for it. That being 4s a qtr less than I made of the fellow wheat about 2 months ago. I saw Mr Jefferies, he said that Robinson and him had not come to terms. He said I might look over the farm if I pleased as early as possible as he wishes to have the fallow done soon. He said they was ploughing in the winter but wanted ploughing again very badly. I agreed to meet him there on Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock. 15th Monday. Father & I went to Thurleigh met Mr Jefferies at the field gate. As soon as we enter the field there are 2 acres of allotments let in ½ acres. I think this a nuisance in a Farmers field without a fence. I should think its something like 12 chain long. It appears to me to be very ill convenient to turn stock in after harvest. When we had looked over the farm we came up the lane to the homestead, out came Robinson & wife in a great rap. Robinson declared he had taken it on again & should have it another year. He said I might take it and if I went to plough tomorrow he should order me off. I thought I should not go unless I was put off. We found the farm in a very good wild state. There was a great deal of mint in most places. Mint is a weed that I am not much acquainted with but I expect it would be troublesome to get land free from it. I think there are more sow thistles than ever I see before and they are very bad things. There are other thistles in abundance and a great deal of twitch. Now as regards the crops, the wheat looks good although the thistles ion some places are as high. Beans middling. A small piece of Barley not over heavy & tares & potatoes but very middling. The grass land is rough not as good as I should wish for. When we enquires upon what conditions he let it on he said he was taking £100 for it. The agreement states that white straw is not to be grown two years in succession, to have a fourth fallow, hay and straw to be taken, six months notice to quit. I said I should prefer 12 months to quit. Mr Jefferies said he would agree to it. I said I though a tenant ought not to be bound in regard to cropping the land. He said I might crop it as I pleased he should not interfere. I proposes to receive half of the outlay for cake consumed upon the last premises, the last year of tenancy. Also the whole of the outlay for artificially manure applied to the root crops in the last year of tenancy. He would not consent to these, he said the root crop would be taken by valuation. I told him I thought the rent too much, I would give £80 a year. Mr Jefferies said he could not do so, he would throw me £10 the first year and let me have the allotments afterwards as the men required notice to leave. I might please myself about farming it or letting it to the men. I should prefer farming it as it lies in the filed, although the men are giving £5 a year for it. Mr Jefferies wanted me to settle it then and go to plough the next day. Father thought we had better have a little time to consider it. I expect to meet Mr Jefferies at Bedford on Saturday to decide one way or the other. I don’t know whether he will let another man look over it before then or not as he seems very anxious about the ploughing 15th Transplanted Rabbis in Church field, the weather is still dry Had Tom to fetch water them we put in the holes before we put the plant in so I think they will grow. We should not have set them now only the plants are very large at the top and we though it would damage the top to let them stand and at the bottom end there was very few. 16th Thinned the wurtzels. 17th Finished hoeing them the second time over. Went a chopping Rabbis out in the bottom field. Dipped 37 lambs and washed one ewe that had a bad bag. I only saw one tick all the time I was dipping. 20th I went to Bedford market to meet Mr Jefferies about the farm, he said he should not settle it that day, he should go over to Thurleigh the next week, so I think Robinson’s will keep it on. 22nd Mr Green of Greensbury looked at Father’s wool. Bid £2, Father wanted £2. 2s. There are 45 fleeces, 18 tegs and 27 ewes. I bid Father 41s for it, I would have but I have no where to store it if I should keep it 12 months. 24th Had a threave lambed the tup got with them when they was on the rabbis. 23rd Finished shearing. Finished hoeing beans the third time over. Began hay time 25th Horse hoed the roots the third time over. 25th Began haymaking.. 27th Began hay cart. 29th I bought 33 fleeces of wool of Mt Taylor. 1 fourth tegs at 38s weight 8 stone 11 lbs -----. July 1st. Began fallow. This was tareland. Ploughed well. 2nd. Began to plough the seedland which is very hard. Today finished haytime. Robert mowed 7 acres in 5 days. Give 3s 3d an acre and ale. This was a Fair crop for the year. Only had 9 loads off 7 acres. When we began, the weather was somewhat unsettled and the crop rather light. Father thought he would not be in too much hurry haymaking some we did not throw out, but we found them which was thrown out to be in the best order in a shorter time. 3rd Finished thinning the rabbis in bottom field. 4th I went to Bedford Market and sold 101 fleeces of wool at £2 2s 6d a stone to Mr green. Weight 27stone 15 lbs. I sold 9 qtrs of wheat to Mr Hipwell, 62lbs at 56s a qtr. I bought 3 qtrs of maize of Mr Hipwell at 39s 6d a qtr. I bought 3 qtrs of oats of Mr Church at 30s a qtr. 8th Weaned the lambs. 9th Went to St Neots Market with the intent of buying wool but did not buy any. 10th Finished mowing tares. Began to give the milking cow chaff & corn as we are very short of keep at this time, we are very short of water too. I don’t think we have a pail full in the pond. U take the stock to Churchend pond & fetch it from Mr Airys pump for the house. 15th 7 16th. I went to the Royal Agricultural Show at Bedford. 20th Began to mow peas which are a very fair crop. Give 3s 6d an acre & 3 pints of beer a day. 23rd Began to cut the new stack for chaff cutting it is but a small one. 24th Finished hoeing the roots. Finished mowing the peas. Began hooking Winter beans. 26th Began to give the steers linseed cake. 3lbs each a day. 29th Finished cutting Winter beans. I was hooking 4 days had Tom to help me sometimes from 10 o’clock to half past 4. Robert was at it 4 ½ days with the assistance of his wife, he hooked a day and a half then mowed and tied.. Had 1 acre 3 roods 55 pole. Give 9s an acre. 30th I went and turned the peas, 5 hours there about. 31st Carted the pats which was in very good order, put them in the barn. August 1st. Carted the manure out of the yard at Brookend put it on the oat stubble in the little field for beans. Began mowing at Brookend. Mowed round the field behind the house yesterday with the intent of cutting it with a machine. 3rd Cut the field behind the house. Wheat with James Greens machine, it’s a one horse machine, the field measured -- acres. Give 5s an acre and ale for tieing. I think reaping machines are first rate things. 6th Finished cutting wheat all but rivetts. Give 9s 6d an acre for mowing, tieing and dragging. 7tyh Began mowing & tieing Barley. Finished pea cart which were in very good order, put them in barn. Began cutting rivett wheat. 14th Began Wheat cart. Finished cutting barley. Give 9s an acre and ale for mowing & tieing & dragging. 15th Began to cart the Winter beans which were in very good order, put them in the barn. 17th Carted the Barley. Began at 9 O’clock and finished at 8 O’clock. There was 5 acres 3 roods, a good crop. 19th Finished cutting Rivett wheat. 20th Finished cutting, this was mowing beans, give 2s 6d an acre. 21st Finished Wheat cart in was in first rate order. 24th Finished thatching when the beans got to dry for wisping. Have to fetch the water from the spring. 26th Finished Harvest. 28th Finished ploughing barley tilthe which is very dry. 29th Scuffled the pea land. Sent 7 ewes to Stafford’s sale, only made £1. 2. 6d each. Sent 2 cuckoo lambs 9 weeks old, made 11s each. 31st Began to plough for roots. Began to give the lambs rabis, cut a scuttle and thrown them in the grass. September 2nd. Thrashed the Brookend Wheat, there was 2 acres 3 roods and a cart load from Churchend. Had Ruffs Machine had 17 qtrs 2 bushels. 5th Finished thatching. Began to plough the bean stubble at Brookend. 8th Finished. Harvest 1874. Have about 3 acres of peas in good crop, give 3s. 6d an acre for mowing. About 3 ½ acres of Winter beans, a very good crop. Give 9s an acre for hooking and mowing and tieing. About 19 acres of Wheat, give 2s 6d an acre for cutting with a machine and 5s an acre for tieing. Give 9s. 6d an acre for mowing and tieing and dragging. About 5 acres 3 roods of Barley. Give 9s an acre for mowing and tieing and dragging. About 1 acre of Oats, not over heavy. Give -- an acre for mowing and tieing and dragging. Give 5s for day work. About 7 acres of Spring Beans a light crop, give 2s 6d an acre for mowing. Robert Barnet and wife earned £7. 7s 9d. John Stapleton and wife £6. 6s 10 ½ p Eli 5 days £1. 5s. Tieing 11s 5d. Joseph George. 16s 0d. Alfred Baker. 8s. 0d. Sunday help. 1s. Machine. £1. 1s. 0d. Ale. 12th September. Went to Bedford market and bought a shearling Ram, bred by Mr J. Lily of Knotting. He is of the Cotswold breed, give 5 Guineas. Began to plough bean stubble at Churchend. 14th Began to cart the manure on for winter beans which went on well. I put the ram with the ewes on the 13th. We have 30 ewes. I have rather regretted since as the ewes don’t take him at present. I think if I had put him with the lambs for a week or two It would have been better for the Ram. I see one fault more particularly in the Ram, since I got him home, that is to little wool under his belly. I looked 5 out that I thought bidding for as I thought those that I liked best would make to much money for me. 2 of them did, this was the 4th best in my eye it was sold before the 3rd best. I thought that would make more money so I bought this that was sold next at the same price. 14th Began to manure fro Winter beans. This was on the hill in bottom field. 22nd Finished the 2 acre bit, Part of it manure and part mud. 23rd I went to Mr Whitmees Sale at Bolnhurst but did not buy anything. I bid £3. 15s for an iron roll a very good one, it made £5. 15s. I bid £1. 1s for a horse crib a very useful crib it made £1. 15s. I thought it was too dear. 25th Dug the potatoes, did not find any bad ones. 26th Put lambs on Rabbis, have 37 lambs this year. The rabbis are a very fair crop. I give the lambs ½ a pint of corn each a day, Beans, Maize and Peas in equal quantities & a little wheat. 29th Thrashed the first Wheat stack at Churchend. With Ruff’s machine. Thrashing 9 ½ hours. Charged 31s 6d. Burnt about 7 cwt of coal. Labour 15s, besides ourselves. Ale about 5 gallons. Had about 36 qtrs. Cost altogether ---- October 2nd. Finished ploughing the wheat except one endland. Let the milking cow lie in tonight for the first time, give them a bit of peas straw. I should like to have them all in but they will not agree together. 5th Went to Bedford Market & sold 14 qtrs of wheat to Mr Hipwell at 41s 6 a qtr. I bought 12 bushel of Winter Beans for seed of Cope at 29s a load. I bought a roan cow calf for weaning of ------ at £2. 5th Tom, Joe George & I went to Stoke Mills, had 3 horse and 3 carts, took 14 qtrs of wheat. 6th Began to plough for Winter Beans & I set them too. Robert setting with single dib set up every other furrow. I am afraid they will be to wide as they are 18 inches harrow them in done well today. I find the Wheat yields well this year, at Brookend had between 9 & 10 loads to the acre. On the hill in bottom field which was rivetts had about 6 qtrs to the acre. 11th Turned the ewes in Church Close. I think this is the first time going on the grass since they went on the seeds. 16th Finished ploughing for Winter beans. Finished setting too unless it was one or two rows on the headland. Its my opinion Robert has not put the, on thick enough. Put 12 bushels 1 peck and half on. Measures 5 acres 1 rood. 17th Dragharrowed the clover land in Church field for Wheat. I am sorry I sent them today as it is not hardly dry enough & rained a little most of the day. 19th Began wheat seeding. Drilled about 4 acres of rivetts in Church Field. I think we did not get enough seed on although we had the 26 cog on. Did not dress the wheat, I think that was the cause, only put about 1 bushel and ½ to the acre. Done well drilling. 20th Began to pull the mangols up and cart them home to. 21st Finished & finished carting to, had 17 good loads. 24th Went to Bedford market & sold 10 qtrs of rivett wheat at 39s to Mr Ward of Stanford a farmer. I bought a red and shire cow calf of Mr E. Smith for £1. 17. 6d. We intend weaning it. We have 12 cow kind at this time. 26th Tom and I and Joe took 10 qtrs of wheat to Sharnbrook Station, had to shoot it ourselves. Brought a ton of coal back, £1. 2. 6. 27th Dragharrowed the bean stubble at Brookend twice over. 28th Drilled it with Bromwick Wheat grown at Churchend, 26 cog. 29th Began to Harrow in Row field part bean and part pea stubble. Harrowed part of it downright and begun to harrow it across. Thought we might begin to drill when it was harrowed it across where it had been harrowed twice. Father and I are both of that opinion to think it best well harrowed before drilling wheat, it came on to rain in the afternoon. 30th I began to give 2 weaning calves some beans in their milk. I give them 10 each at first. I am giving them 5 quarts of new milk a day each at 2 meals. I give them a little hay chaff with bran in it and a little hay besides. One is about 5 weeks old and the other about 3 weeks. I must give the oldest a little more drink. Father sold a steer to Blackwell 1 ½ years old at £12. 5s. November 3rd. Went to harrow again in Row Field. Began to drill it with Bromwich Wheat grown at Brookend. Had the 28 cog in. 2nd. Had a pig run under the scuffle which stood in the rickyard. The dog was after the pig, it run against the scuffle leg and let its belly out. 3rd. Let the starks lie in at night. I am of the opinion to think they had ought to be in a month before this but they would not agree together and we had not hurdles to part them 5th Finished wheat seeding with the exception of one headland this was in Row Field, had the 28 cog. Drilled 21 ½ bushels. Went in very nicely. I had a desire to drill this in November but don’t know whether it will be any the better for it. 10th Robert Barrett has been thrashing winter beans today. Thrashed nearly 11 bushels. 11th Finished ploughing the 2 acre bit with the exception of a cart road to the 4 acre it & headland. This is wheat stubble well manured pretty fair for being dry. 12th Finished ploughing the little field. This is well manured oat stubble. Sharp frost this morning, ice over ½ inch thick. 13th I went a stitching the other side of the field behind the house. This is for mangolds I believe. Had a single plough ½ a bout for a stitch. This had only been ploughed. Done very well. I am of the opinion to think for roots it should be ploughed as early as convenient and as dry as possible and the deeper the better, after this well scuffled and dragharrowed, then stitched over and sometime in November stitched up for my own part I prefer a stitching plough. At the latter end of March I should propose about 20 loads of farm yard manure and about 4 or 5 cwt of artificial manure to the acre. Then stitched back again. I should like to put mangolds and Kohl Rabi in about the middle of April. We have not any more work for our horses at present. Took a bit of Barley in to thrash by hand had 6 cart loads. 18th Began to thrash it. 19th Had 2 new sheep cribs of J. Fisher with hardened bottoms. Let the sheep lie in at night and give them barley straw. 22nd I found one lamb in the ditch hung in the briars. We set a pen yesterday afternoon let the lambs run down the field so I expect this one was in the ditch all night. 24th Began to give the ewes pea straw and let them go in Barn Close. 22nd Let the lambs lie in all day & give them barley straw. I think they are the best in, this cold frosty weather, but ought to have hay if we had any to spare. 27th I find that the cows fall off with their milk. I don’t think they could do much good out & especially now there’s snow. December 1st 1874. On Keeping Stock. Lambs. We have 37 in number today. I increased their corn to 1 pint per head about half beans and half dun peas. I have given them one peck of beans after they was ground, half peck of peas & half peck of Rivett wheat. Ewes. I am giving them pea and bean straw. I give them peas straw when we have any, no corn or hay. Horses. They are at rest. Give them 3 half pecks of beans after they are ground and half peck of beans a day.. Cows. One cow that has milked the longest I give half a peck of corn a day. The other milch cow I give 3 pottles, fodder them with barley straw. 3 Heifers about 1 ½ years old I give half a peck of corn a day and barley straw. 2 calves about ½ year old I give them a peck of corn a day & hay. They all split beans & rivett wheat flour mixed in regular quantities. Have 2 weaning calves, one 9 weeks old the other 6. I have been giving them new milk with whole beans in it. At first I gave them 10 each a day, now I give them a tea cup full each in the morning and a few at night & a single handful of wheat flour in heir chaff at night and morning. I give them 5 quarts of milk each when we had it but the cows have fell off very much so that I don’t give them only about 3 quarts a day each. December 12th. I took 2 fat beasts to Mr Stafford’s sale, one made £31. 10, the other £29.5. They was about 2 ½ years old. 5th I went o Bedford Market and sold 2 ½ qtrs of barley to Mr J. Paine at 46s. 6d a qtr. This was thrashed by hand. Give --- a qtr. Men are now 12s a week. Robert Barnett finished laying the hedge the other side of field behind the house which is about 13 chain long it was a bad hedge to cut. There was a good deal of wood in the ditch, but did not shovel the ditch out. The hedge was cut off for az quick last time and trimmed a few years so it was bad for cutting this time. Give ---- He was 9 ¼ days cutting it. 16th Finished manuring for beans at Brookend. 18th Finished cleaning the yards out at Churchend, layed a little of the longest in a heap. Carted the rest on the 4 acre bit which is barley stubble for beans. 21st Began to give the ewes ½ pint of beans a day each, give them chaff with flour in it. I have been giving them pea straw of late, not thrashed clean. I shall continue to give them peas straw once a day but have it thrashed clean. 22nd Father paid Mr Hemming £23.00 for a doctors bill 26th Took the second piece of Barley in to thrash it by hand. 30th Tom went to Blunham Mills to fetch ½ ton of oil cake, £6.15. 1875. January 1st. I began to give the lambs linseed cake. I give them 1 pottle the first day, the second ½ a peck. 4th Today I had the pleasure of looking at the wheat in Row Field that I finished drilling November 5th, have not had the chance to see it before, to see if there was any missed, it appeared to be a long time before it showed itself as the weather has been very cold. The ground has been covered with snow since the middle of December, the weather has been very severe lately, but we have quite a change now. 5th Began to plough for Spring beans at Churchend, this was on the 4 acre bit, barley stubble been manured. 10th Increased the ewes corn ½ a peck a day. 12th Went to look at the house at the Vicarage, looked all over it. 13th Had an auction sale at the Vicarage the property of the late Rev. W. Airy. I bid £11.10 for a hay rick, it was sold at £11.15. 14th The Rev, Banham came to live at Keysoe he being Vicar at the present time. 14th Finished ploughing for beans at Brookend. 16th I began to give the lambs chaff and corn twice a day, I shall give them ¾ of half peck of cake more a day instead of peas. 20th Set the lambs a fresh pen today. They was in a very miserable state, it was one of the worst pens that ever I saw, it was so that the lambs could not get up when they was down, some of them, without help. 21st I went quick cutting, I cut the outside of the quick of the quick top of Row field between lunch and dinner. Tom was thrashing winter beans. Began about 8 oclock, left off at 3, had 8 ½ bushels. Mother sold 8 fowls to Mr William Gillett at 2s. 9d each. 22nd. Finished manuring for beans, about 1 acre, this was on the 4 acre bit. Have manured all bottom field this year with the exception of about 2 acres where it was roots 12 months ago. 22nd. Father and John Woodward planted 10 evergreens in Brookend Garden. Cost £1. 4s. 23rd I went to Bedford Market & sold 11 qtrs of Barley to Mr White at 45s a qtr. 26th Finished ploughing for beans & peas, this was on the 2 and 4 acre bit. Both pieces manured 27 & 28th Tom went to Bedford to take the barley Robert Barnett has not been to work these last 2 days on account of being ill. 29th Put a few loads of manure on the leys at Brookend. Put 5 loads on the bottom part of Barn Close, I spreaded it this afternoon. 30th I went to Bedford market took 2 fat pigs to Mr Stafford’s sale which sold well. I entered a downcalving cow for nest week. I took the money for the Barley. I paid a bill at Mr Pages. I paid a bill at Mr Dags. I bought 6 qtrs of barley of Mr G. Claridge at 43s a qtr. I sold it to Mr White at 43s. 6d. Mr Hartop had 20 clipped tegs in Mr Rogers sale, which made from 52s. 6d to 57s. 6d each. I think that’s good for January. Mr Taylor brought the engine with three horses, but could not set it, had 2 of our horses to help then left it after trying about 2 hours. February 1st. I went to Mr W Hartops before they went to plough in the morning to ask them to let us have 2 or 3 horses, they brought 3 good horses moved the engine the tome we were getting ready to help them. Thrashed the second wheat stack. Thrashing about 6 hours, charged £1. Had 5 extra men at 2s. 3d each, one boy at ---- Had --- qtrs of wheat, had ---- of rivett which growed on the 2 acre bit. This was tilthe wheat after seeds, no manure put on. 3rd Began to plough Rabi land in other field. Ploughs very unkind. Have 2 ½ acres of this bit but the rabis are not all off yet. Thomas Stapleton sent me a sample of Barley to look at. I went up to look at it he had only 4 quarters of it to sell. He offered me that and 6 qtrs of wheat at 44s each. I did not bid anything for the wheat which was rather raw. The Barley was but very middling quality it was put in very ate and grown on poor land. I think it would do for seed. I bid him 41s a qtr for it. I shall give the 37 lambs 48 lbs of cake and corn, 1 peck of cake, 1 of beans, 1 of peas. 5th. Finished thrashing winter beans which yielded well. About 8 ½ loads to the acre. 8th Began to harrow ready for setting beans. 9th Began bean setting with single dib. Robert Barnett and Thomas Whitlock on the 4 acre bit, 16 inches wide. I think it was rather too sharp a frost this morning although the beans appear to be all killed after it was harrowed. Finished thrashing the peas had about 4 qtrs 7 bus. To the acre. 10th Took the last piece of Barley in. 16th Finished Barley seeding at Churchend only have the 4 acre bit Spring Beans at Churchend, put a little over 12 bushels on. I don’t feel thoroughly satisfied about being so early. The first part it was almost too hard with frost. The latter part it was to wet so that the horses treaded it too much when at Harrow. Began to set at Brookend. 20th I went to Bedford Market & took a sample of wheat but did not sell it. I was bid 38s 6d a qtr. I offered it at 39s a qtr. I offered it at £2 got bid 39s a fortnight ago. Thought when it was under £2 a qtr there was not much fear of getting lower, but the price is on the decline and there are many people think it will get lower still. I am not an advocate for holding corn after it is dressed but think it a wise plan to well at Market price. I blame myself for not selling it at first. Some people have been holding Barley when it made a high price but they begin to find the secret out. 20th Began lambing. 21st Began to use wurtzels 23rd I sent one of the lamb hogs to Eli for him to kill it. It did not appear to be very bad but I thought it would be wise to kill it and send it to London as the Rabis are very near gone. Weighed about 7 ½ stone, made £1. 14. 9d. 27th Finished thrashing barley. Thrashed it all by hand this year had 5 acres 3 roods. Had 35 qtrs 5 bushels. Took the tegs off the land and penned them in Barn Close. Carted the few Rabis that was left. I went to Bedford Market and sold 12 qtrs of wheat to Mr Newbury at 38s 6d a qtr. I was bid 6 a qtr for it 3 weeks ago. March 1st. Finished ploughing Rabi land for Barley. I began to give the tegs a few wurtzels today. Today commenced teaching in the new public elementary school at the Row. 2nd Used the last rabi’s. 3rd Finished clearing the manure out of the yards and put it in a heap for roots. 4th. Finished bean seeding. 6th I took 45 of the worst tegs to Mr Stafford’s sale in wool. Made 44s each. Took a sample of barley but did not sell it. I offered it at 44s got bid 42s for it. 8th Washed 20 of the tegs in the horse pond as it was a nice mild day. We have wanted to wash then for a fortnight, but thought the weather was too severe. I bid father 33 each for the 20 don’t know how I should have got on if he had sold me them. They made $47. 6 out of the wool. 12th Dragharrowed the Rabi lad in bottom field for Barley. 13th I went to Bedford market to take 12 clipped sheep in Mr Walker’s wagon. They made from 47s to 50s 6d. 15th Washed the other 11 tegs in the horse pond. Scuffled the tilthe in Church Filed for barley 16th Drilled over 4 aces of Barley in Church Field with our own seed, 20 cog done well. This was tilthe. 17th Drilled 2 ½ acres the other side of Bottom field with the same wheel, own seed. Went in well this was after roots. 18th Dragharrowed the little field then drilled it Barley with the 20 cog went in well. This was oats last harvest & wheat the year before. It was well manured in the Autumn and ploughed dry. This was after finishing off seeding. 20th I went to Bedford market and drove 11 sheep which made from 44s to 45s.6d each. Sold 37 which made £82. 14. 6. All tegs have 32 fleeces of wool left. I showed sample of barley, was bid 43s for it. 22nd Carted some manure on for Spring tares. Manured 14 stitches for rabis. 18 loads to the acre, very large ones. 23rd Ploughed the manure in for tares. I believe we finished lambing last night, had 30 ewes when we began have 30 now, have 38 lambs and 4 skins. 2 Sheep have not lambed. 14 brought twins, have 10 now. 24th Ploughed the manure in on 14 stitches for roots after the rate of - loads to the Acre, no artificial. This was stitched in the Autumn. 25th Stitched the piece where it had only been ploughed once. This seems raw inside. I went to horsehoe where it was stitched in the Autumn it is very foul that pulled some of the twitch out. After I had horsehoed it we began potato setting. M Layed them where the horsehoe went than forked the stitches over them which seemed to do very nicely, these were early potatoes. 26th Friday being Good Friday, I Robert Barnett and Joe George, went to Church in the morning. Thought it would please Mr Banham. 29th Today being the Easter meeting Father was appointed Overseer for this year. 30th Tom and I went to Sharnbrook Station to fetch 1 ton of Laws mangold Manure & a load of coal. 31st Finished potato setting. I quite approve of the plan this year, it was stitched in the Autumn, today sowed some mangold manure on, them & missed the middle row by way of experiment. 29th Began hoeing Winter Beans it does very nicely. Give 4s an acre. April 3rd. Finished stitching the manure for rabis and wurtzels. 9th Set the wurtzels, this was in the filed behind the house, the other side. The land is very wet & it rained part so that we got wet through. Set 6 stitches next to the hedge wurtzels, left the 8 next for rabis. These had after the rate of 19 cart loads of farmyard manure to the acre, not any artificial manure. The next 6 stitches are potatoes without farmyard manure, without artificial too at the top end. The next 6 are for wurtzels, put about a cart load of manure to the acre., should think about 5 cwt of artificial. The next 8 left for rabis Manured the same with the exception of the last which did not have any yard manure. The next 2 are wurtzels without yard manure. This piece was stitched in the Autumn. The next 4 are wuirtzels, had yard manure and artificial too. The next 8 left for Rabis, manured the same. The next 11 left for Rabis, first 3 manure3d the same, the last 8 had not any farmyard manure. I should think they had after, up to 9 cwt of artificial manure to the acre This was Lawes manure This was not stitched until Spring. We have not rolled any of it yet but hope to do so as soon as it is dry enough. Some people tell me that it is best without farmyard manure put on in the Spring. If I should live in good health until the Autumn, I shall have plenty of experiments. I omitted to say that where we used both manures we did not cart the yard manure to the bottom, but spread the artificial thicker. So that it did not get 5 cwt to the acre where the yard manure went. 15th I went to a sale at Riseley, the property of the late Mr Job Campion. The sheep sold bad, tegs from about 33s to about 50s each, coupled from about 42s to about 50s each. 36 doubles average 54s each. The corn stack sold bad some people said I thought the horses sold well, they were rather small. The first horse, 4 years old £64. The second 4 years, a mare, £68. The third 6 years old horse £70. The fourth horse £69. Three year old filly £50, two year old filly £45. Today Bonny foaled a very large colt foal by Mr Smith’s Honest Tom. 16th Rolled the wurtzels which were set a week ago. Rolled the Rabi land too with Mr Hartops iron roll. 19th Drilled the Rabis this was old seed what we had left. Rolled them in with the iron roll. 16th Drilled 2 bushels of Spring Tares with the 22 cog in the filed behind the house. Took the last piece of beans in the barn. 17th Thrashed the last wheat stack with Mr Ruff’s machine. Thrashing 6 ½ hours charged -- hour. Turned Bonny and foal in Church Close. 19th Turned the colts in Brookend lays. 20th Turned the sheep on the seed. 24th I went to Bedford Market & sold 8 qtrs of Wheat to Mr Newberry of Milton Mills at 45s. 23rd I went to a sale at Yeilden the property of the late Mr G. Shelton it was two days dead stock & horses today. Horsed varied from 47s 6d to £70. There was a large number of them but they was a rough lot. The dead stock was a very bad lot. Today sowed the seeds ¾ cwt of foreign clover seed & 3 bus. Of Ital. Ryegrass English. 26th Sowed 3 bushel of Ital do imported. Give 1s 9d more for this bushel. 26th Finished ploughing the turnip land the third time over. 28th Began hoeing Spring Beans at Church End. 29th Finished Wheat hoeing, give 3s 9d. Used the last Wurtzels today. 30th Scuffled the turnip land, began pea hoeing. Let the sheep lie out. I am of that opinion to think they would have been better out before this as the lambs jump up the straw and knock them on the sheep so that I think it will spoil the wool. May 5th Set off giving the sheep corn 7th Father sold Henry Skempton 12 pigs at 22s each. I sold George day 8 pigs at 23s 6d, they were…. 11th Han an ewe lambed. 12th Turned the sturks out to grass. 7th Finished hoeing Spring beans the first time over. Give 4s 6d and acre. 8th Began the Winter Beans the second time. 11th I began to collect the rates it took me 3 afternoons go round, £162.10s. 11 ¾ d the first time. 14th Finished barley hoeing did it ourselves Began pea hoeing the second time over.. 15th Drilled the Rabis over again as there does not appear to be hardly any. 17th Manured the Turnip land and sowed some mangol manure about 4 cwt to the acre. I don’t know if it will do any good or not. Ploughed part of the manure in and rolled it. 18th Finished ploughing Turnip land’ 20th Finished hoeing peas the second time over. 21st Drilled over an acre of Swedes on the flat 20 inches apart, 20 cog, let thee holes run. Did not take the rabi seed out of the drill. 21st May. Horsehoed the wurtzels and the land where we had drilled rabis. 22nd Finished hoeing Winter beans the second time over. Give ---- 4th Began to hoe the Churchend Spring Beans the second time over. I went to Riseley to have the sheep washed, have 30, charged 1s 3d. June 1st. Finished shearing the Cotswold Ram cut 11 lbs. May 31st.. Applied tom Messrs Chandler & Son of Biggleswade for a farm that was advertised in the Bedfordshire Times containing 80 acres, by letter. June 3rd. Left off giving Bonney corn as the foal scours. Had Sprague to it on Monday he said there was not anything the matter with it. Father gave it a drink last night cam from Cauldwells a year or two ago on that we had for Bonney. Gave the foal 2 drinks them the scouring stopt. June 5th Turned the horses to grass. 4th. Finished hoeing the Churchend beans the second time over. Give-- 5th. I went to see Mr Congers of Biggleswade to see him about the farm that was advertised. It was not let but a gentleman has the offer of it. It was at Roxton, 80 acres, Rent £320 a year. I did not want it at that rent as I do not intend gardening. 7th I weighed the wool, have 29 ewes fleeces, weighed 6 stone 20 lbs. I have 30 teg fleeces weigh 7 tod 15 lbs. My 2 not included. Father has 2 fleeces at Brookend. I bought Mr George James’s 14 fleeces of ewes wool at 39s. 6d a Tod. 7th Finished hoeing the roots the first time over by the day. Have a very poor prospect for the crop of roots this year. The Rabis are but middling & very thin although we have drilled twice. 9th Finished cleaning Brookend Yard out. 10th Thinned the wurtzels 11th Bought 5 fleeces of ewes wool of William Wilkinson at £2 a Tod. Weight 1 Tod 15 lbs. I made a mistake in weighing it, he brought them all 5 in a bag. He said would it not be as well to weigh them all at once & weigh the bag afterwards. I did not think of it just then but did as soon as he was gone thought it weighed at twice there would be 2 draughts, I went and weighed them & found 1 lb wanting. 12th I bought 23 fleeces of wool of Mr Sharman of Thurleigh at £2 a Tod, weighed 6 Tod 1 lb. 14th fetched some Rabi plants from Mr Hartop as ours are very thin and hardly any large enough to transplant. Began to transplant amongst the wurtzels which are very thin, set nearly 4 sack full among the wurtzels. 16th Fetched 3 more sack full of plants from Mr Hartops and set the bottom endland which has been fallowed, that was almost too dry although we have had some very nice showers. Set some amongst our Rabis where we do not see any. There are some just peeping through. We could see the turnips yesterday that were drilled nearly a month ago. Father went to Bedford market he was bid 42s 6d a qtr for the wheat but did not sell it. 21st Finished hoeing Brookend Beans the third time over by the day. 22nd. Began to hoe the rabis the second time over by the day. They are a very poor crop they have been drilled twice and now I don’t think there is enough to transplant. 24th Finished hoeing the roots the second time over by the day. Began to hoe the Churchend Spring Beans the third time over by the day. 28th Began Haytime. Cow calved with a --- steer calf which we intend weaning. 30th. Put some artificial manure on the rabbi’s where we transplanted on the end lands & hoed them which covered it in a little. I believe it will do them good as it is very showery. July 3rd. Father went to Bedford Market and sold 7 qtrs of Wheat at 44s 6d to Mr Newberry of Milton Mills 5th Robert finished mowing Church Close. Give -- an acre and ale. The weather was very showery all last week so that we did not do anything to the hay but turned that which Robert mowed on Monday. Today being Monday again and a very nice day to, we thrower the swathes all over the Close with the exception of a place or two where it was very light, turned that instead. Then hacked part of it, I hope we shall get it pretty fair now as the glass has gone up nicely. Began fallow this morning which ploughs very nicely, its my opinion that it would be better drier. Did not begin last week on account of the showery weather. 7th Finished haytime, had 10 loads, we have had 3 very favourable days this week but I think we have not got it any to dry 8th Weaned the lambs put them in Church Close on eddish. Have 39. 9th Began to give them corn. 10th Dipped them. 13th Finished chopping the turnips out. 23rd. Began to give the milking cow chaff & corn, horses have been having some a week or more Today finished singling the Turnips. Yesterday thatched the hay stack. Today set a few Rabi’s where I dug some potatoes in the field. 26th Finished hoeing the roots, mangols and rabbi’s, the third time over by the day. 27th Began hooking the Winter beans. August 4th. Finished hooking the Winter beans, Give --- an acre & 3 pints of ale a day. Today sent a two year old calf & yearling Filly to Swinehead to grass at Mr Balls. Give 5s 6d a week. Finished mowing the peas, give -- an acre & 3 pints of ale a day. 7th Bought 7 qtrs of Wheat at 51 s a qtr of Mr John Hartop. Got bid the same price for it so I did not sell it today. Sold it at 51s 9d. 13th Begun Harvest cut 4 acres of Spring Beans first which are ripening but not much good. 14th Begun mowing wheat at Brookend which is a good crop as regards straw. 16th Carted the peas which are in very fair order, put them in the barn. 17th Began to mow and tie barley. 18th Carted the Winter Beans put them in the barn in good order. 19th Began to cut Wheat at Churchend. First mowed round Row Field ready for the machine tomorrow. 20th Cut Row Field with Green’s machine, had two horses in, got done before 7 o’clock. 12 acres. Charged --- 21st Finished mowing barley. 23rd Carted the little field barley put it in the barn had 5 loads. 24th Carted Brookend Wheat & Churchend barley. 25th Carted 2 wheat stacks at Churchend. Carted 4 acres of Spring Beans which were a light crop. I think we began 10 minutes before 6 oclock, got done a little after 8, left 1 load unemptied. I wrote to Mr Serjeant of Sandy about Goodwich Farm. 27th I received an answer from Mr Serjeant with permission to look over the farm. 28th I walked over to Honeydon to look over the farm, before I got to the farm it came on a very heavy rain so that we could not look over it. 30th Eli drove Father & I over to look at the farm. It contains one hundred and 15 Acres. 14 Acres in grass the rest arable. There is but a very poor homestead, an old labourers cottage, useful stable if repaired. Do Barn & a good shelter hovel, not a pigsty of any description nor cow hovel except the shelter hovel. The land has been farmed very badly for years. One filed was part beans and peas but the majority of that was wild oats. The wheat stubble was very twitchy. The barley stubble not hurtful, the fallow had only been ploughed twice & was in a very rough state. Some of the men told me it all waned draining. I take it to be a kind of --land with a clay subsoil. There is a good deal of waste about the farm, a few pieces of grass and some very wide hedgerows in some places. Some large tree bulks in some places, it lies very compact. I take the grassland to be poor it grows a good may Finns and nose thistles. I would take it providing the rent was moderate. I believe it to be a useful farm if put into good condition which I think would be a great expense. I went to Sandy to see Mr Serjeant. He offered to put the present building in repair. He offered me the farm for £2 an acre & to build me a new house & sufficient building if I paid 5 per cent for the outlay. He offered to find the tiles for draining. I told him I thought the rent to much for the farm in that condition. I told him I should like the farm at a reasonable rent & if he would allow me a week I would have a neighbours opinion. I chose Mr J. Hartop to look over it. There was only one day in which he could go & that day he was ill, so he let William go with me. September 4th I went to see Mr Serjeant again & bid him 30s an acre & per centage on the building which he thought would bring it about another 5s an acre so that would be 35s an acre which I think quote enough for that, but he said he had bid more. I told him I would not give 45s for that if I never had a farm. I did not think it worth it. So I did not think it wise for me to give it. Now I expect I am done with it. There is one I wished that was he wrote to Mr Hartop for my charactering he gave him a very satisfactory answer. Mr Serjeant said he should like to let it to me. I told him I should like to take it at a reasonable rent. September 2nd. Finished Harvest. August 31st Began to plough bean stubble at Churchend. September 9th Thrashed 4 acres of rivett wheat & a little red wheat. 7 hours, charged £1. 3s. Had 3 men extra gave them 2s. 6d. Each 10th Finished Thatching. Began to plough bean stubble at Brookend, put a 2 year old colt in which went well. This is a halfbred colt. September 12th I walked to Spaldwick to Spaldwich Chapel with the intent of seeing Miss Jane Bletsoe. I happened of her at the door and sat with her. I did not have so much conversation with he as I should like to have had but I blame myself for it as I am to backward. Hope to have more another time. 14th I received a note from Mr Serjeant saying that he felt doposed to take less for Goodwick farm. Said he would take £2 and acre without per centages. 16th Mr W. Hartop and I went to look at Goodwich farm, had a spade & dug, found it with a very good staple. Mr Hartop said he thought 30s an acre a good rent for it from the condition it was in. I went to see Mr Serjeant again told him what Mr Hartop said & bid him 30s an acre without per centage. He offered it at £210 without per centage. He said he received a note from Mr Banham. He said Mr Banham spoke very respectful of me. Mr Serjeant said he had two men bid more than me but he gave preference to me. Said he wished he could see my way clear to take it. I stayed to tea with them again quite enjoyed myself. 20th I wrote to Mr Serjeant made him another offer for Goodwich Farm. I bid £175 the first 2 years & £200 afterwards if I should be spared, which I think plenty of money. 22nd Received an answer saying that my offer was lower than he was willing to take at present. 23rd I hear that it is let. 26th I waked to Spaldwick Chapel, then went to Eastam Weslyan Chapel in the afternoon, then returned to Spaldwick Chapel for the evening service. As Miss Bletsoe was not at Chapel this morning I expected to see her there in the evening. I waited for her going in but found that she did not come I returned home without seeing her, was 2 ½ hours walking home. Harvest Work. Mowing & Tieing and dragging wheat. Give 9s 6d an acre. Mowing & Tieing & dragging barley. Give 9s and acre. Tieing wheat, give 5s an acre. Hooking Winter beans give 9s an acre. Mowing Spring Beans, give 2s 6d an acre. Gibe 5s for day work. Found beer all Harvest. September 29th Finished ploughing bean stubble & began tilthe. Began to give the heifer corn, she has about 6 weeks to lie. October 2nd. I went to Bedford Market & sold 8 qtrs of Rivetts at 40s. To <Mr Newberry. I bought 1 load of tares of George Claridge at 33. 10s. I bought 1 ½ qtrs of Winter Beans for seed of Mr Hipwell at 48s a qtr. 4th Put the lambs on Swedes, the lambs are very weak have 35, lost 3. 3rd. Put the lambs in Barn Close for a change which I hope will do them good. They have been in Church Close for nearly 3 months & appear to be doing badly, we have lost 3. 5th Finished ploughing for wheat and begun for tares. 7th I can see some improvement in the lambs already. 8th Sowed some tares, 5 bushels and 5 pottles of Rye. Went in well it appears to me that I sow it rather to thick now we give 14s a bushel for them I think I might sow them a little thinner by taking less handfuls. I think I sowed something over 1 ½ acres. I don’t think that any to thick but some people say they get good crops by sowing thinner. 9th I went to Bedford Market & went to see Mr Bowick about getting me a place as bailiff he said he could not do anything for me as I had not been out before. Began to plough for Winter Beans. 6th I dressed 2 wheat stacks, used 1 pot of poison cost 2s 6d. I went to a sale at Riseley the property of the late Mr Job Campion. I did not buy anything. I believe we put the lambs on Swedes turnips about the 6th. Have 35 at this time which are very weak I am giving them 1 peck of corn a day. Beans & maize. 16th Began to set Winter Beans which does well. Set them between the furrows and harrowed them in. There is 4 acres 8 poles of this bit the first side of Church Field. Began to plough Barley stubble in bottom field, I believe this to be for Spring Beans. 18th Began to give 3 yearling sturks chaff & corn.. I give them half a peck of split beans & maize a day. 23rd. I went to Bedford Market and paid £113.10s. in the Bank as father is Oversear. I sold 6 qtrs of Rivett wheat at 39s a qtr to Mr Hipwell. I bought 5 qtrs of Maize at 36 s a qtr& 1 qtr of oats, 11 st. at 29s a qtr of Mr Hipwell. 25th There being a confirmation at Riseley today, 17 have gone from Keysoe to be confirmed. Charlotte & Harriet are gone to look. 27th Finished setting the Winter Beans, the weather has been very hard for it, set 4 acres 8 poles put on about 8 bushels. Give ----- 28th Finished ploughing in bottom field for Spring Beans. I went to Everton to look at a Farm. I went to St Neots, was instructed there to go by rail to Gamlingay. Cost 1s 1d. When I got there I found that I ought to have got out at Tempsford, as I had 3 ½ miles to walk back. Did not get to Mr Brashiers until after 4 o’clock, by me watch. Then he was not at home he was the man to show the Farm. I felt anxious to see the Farm as I thought it might be wet in the morning. The son went to show me it but it was dark before we got round. We went back to Mr Brashiers Public House where I had tea & a night lodging & breakfast. Charged 4s. I thought it a good price but they treated me like a gentleman. I was put into a very nice Parlour as soon as I got there had my tea brought in, there was a very nice fire. I did not have any company all the evening except Mr Brashier. I quite enjoyed the evening. Went to bed an half past 10 had a most beautiful bedroom. Got up soon after 6 o’clock. After I had a good breakfast Mr Brashier & I went to look over the farm which contains 116 acres. The agent offered me it at £1 an acre which I thought was a corn rent, offered to drain it if I would cart the pipes, they have a brickyard on the Estate. It would not be more than a mile to cart the tiles to the farthest field of the Farm. I was to have the shooting if I chose at 8 an acre. There is only 2 or 3 acres of grass& that is a bad lot. If I chose to lay 10 acres down to grass they would throw me the rent for a year. & pay for the seeds when it got good swards. So far it seemed very reasonable. The soil is clay, what we call gault, it is very poor in condition & very wet the water stands in most of the furrows & in the ridges where it is cast. There appears to be a very great many wild onions a good plant nearly all over. There is only 6 days work of ploughing done wit the exception of tilthe & they are a very great rough plight. Objections. First. It lies about a mile from the village and a bad road to it part of the way. Second. There being only one house & one farmstead for two tenants, these is 5 rooms in this part of the house, but I think that would be having neighbours to near I think. It would be very annoying with fowls and pigs. Third. I don’t like the nature of the soil. Fourth. There being a little grass. I think labour is not very plentiful by what I hear. Fifth. I think the season so far gone as there is so little ploughing done & I have horses to buy. Sixth. I am rather afraid that I should not have capital enough for a Farm in that condition although I should like to have had a try if it had been earlier in the season. But as it is, I have given it up. November 1st. Began Wheat seeding about 1 acre 3 roods, this was clover ley behind the house only ploughed once nothing more. I think I put over 2 bushels to the acre. Drilled a piece of tilthe next to it which was not dry enough to do well. 24 cog It was all Rivetts. 2nd I sowed the 4 acre bit drag harrowed it in went in well. I am afraid I did not sow it thick enough, did not put much over 6 bushels on. This was bean stubble ploughed once nothing more. Bromwich. Today finished pulling wurtzels up but have not carted them. 3rd Carted the wurtzels. 4th Dragharrowed over 5 acres of bean stubble in bottom field 5th Began to drill it wheat, Bromwich with the 26 cog, but had to stop as it came on to rain. 12th We have left the drilling one week, don’t know how much longer we shall have to leave it as we have had a great deal of wet weather.. Some of our neighbours have not put but a very little in at present. 15th Took a piece of Barley in to trash by hand. 16th Put the ewes in a pen on the Rabis at night, I think we are quite early enough but I should (like) them to have something. 20th Tom went to Sharnbrook Station with Bonney to fetch 5 qtrs of maize. I sowed the 2 acre bit with Bromwich wheat, sowed over 4 bushels, this was pea land only ploughed once nothing since. It was not hardly dry enough. 22nd. Drilled about 2 acres with Bromwich Wheal, 26 cog, this was bean stubble in bottom field. This was where we drag harrowed about 3 weeks ago and has not been dry enough since it done bad as it headed so much. 23rd. Finished Wheat seeding, I sowed 2 acres 3 roods at Brookend, put over 6 bushels on. This was mixed wheat grown by B. Sharman, Thurleigh. 25th Began to plough for roots. December 2nd. Robert Barnett left to go to Mr Walkers. He had worked for nearly nineteen years for father, but gave Father a fortnights notice. Finished manuring for beans at Church end. This was ion Church Field 4 acres towards the Church, had the manure out of the yard went on well. Manured most of the New Ground with a light coat out of the yard. 7th Richard Barnett began to work for us in Robert’s place. Father went to Bedford to meet the auditor. 8th Tom has been thrashing winter beans today, begun at 8 o’clock, had 8 bushels 3 pecks. 11th I wrote to Mr Dunkley, Pytchley Lodge, near Kettering. I saw an advertisement for a Farmer’s son to manage a Farm. I made application. 18th I went to Bedford Market & sold 7 qtrs of Barley at 33s a qtr to Mr Barton. 20th I bought a shearling Ram of George Claridge for £3. 3s. It was bred by Mr Hartop. I bought it with the intent of fattening it. 25th I gave the lambs half a peck of peas. There are 28 lambs, . give them a ½ bushel of corn a day, ½ peck of Maize, ½ peck of Barley, ½ peck of peas. 30th Thrashed a wheat stack with Ruff’s machine, thashing -- hours, charged -- had 20 Qtrs. 1876, January 1st. I went to Bedford market & sold 8 qtrs of wheat at 44s to Hipwells. 6th Carted the manure on in the top field for beans went on well. 8th I went to Bedford market & sold 3 qtrs of tail wheat & 7 qtrs of head at 44s to Mr Hipwell. 17th I applied for the situation as Foreman on a Farm of 700 acres. This was advertised in the Bedford Times. I wrote to Mr Newton, High Street, Bedford. Ewes in roots. This year we have had the ewes on Rabis at night & on the grass in the day. I have the cribs in the field & give them a piece of hay in the mornings. I begin to see now that it would be much better to have the cribs in the yard to give them the hay as they would not waste so much when in the field, they pull it out of the cribs & tread it in the dirt very much. 27th Finished ploughing for beans 28th I applied by letter to Captain Wilson, Raucby, Sleaford for working bailiff. 1st February. I wrote to Mr R. Grant, 6 Oxford Terrance, St Leonards on Sea, Sussex. In application for a farm situated at Great Barford containing 72 acres. I have written for 5 situations for bailiff but have not received an answer at present. 5th I took 21 tegs & 2 rams to Mr Stafford’s sale. They were not fat but are very near gone. I believe the tegs averaged about 24s 4d each. The Cotswold Ram that was bred by Mr Lily, made £4. 4s. The Ram that I bought of George Claridge about 6 weeks, made £1. 5s more than I gave for it. Father sold the brown cart mare named Depper rising 12 to Mr Fuller for £60 had to give £1 out. 7th Received a letter from Mr R. Grant with permission to look over the Church farm at Barford which he describes to be in a bad state. I think the rent quite enough which he says is about £260. I shall object to the rent. 9th Finished the Rabi’s, began to cut mangolds for the ewe tegs. Let the ewes lie in the yard at night & give them a small piece of beans out of the stack. 10th Began to give the ewes mangolds, one each a day whether small or large. Its my opinion they are the best not to have to many before lambing. 8th. Finished thrashing winter beans, have not kept any account but feel satisfied that they have yielded pretty fair 14th I went to S. Reynolds at Little Staughton for a rate. They refused to pay the full amount. I would not take part. About 5 o’clock 21st Begun lambing the first ewe, brought one lamb. 22nd Began seeding, Charles Barnett seeding single dib not dry enough to do well. 23rd Tom and I began dibbing for the first time. 24th Finished ploughing Rabi land for barley. 25th I wrote in reply to an advertisement in the Stamford Mercury for a foreman for a widow lady on a farm of 160 acres. Wanted a single man or widower to live in the house. Was to apply by letter. Stating age, salary & C to F. G. care of Mr Towne, Stationer, Melton Mowbray. I put 32 for may age, asked £1 a week for salary. March 6th I rode to Gt. Barford on the colt, went to Mr John Jefferies for a rate for land at the Row. He paid me & when I got home I found to my surprise that I was half a crown short.. I out the silver in my trouser pocket with more loose, the gold I put in my purse. I cannot make it out as I counted it after Mr Jefferies, there was 12s 6d in silver or should have been. 7th Thrashed a piece of Barley with Ruff’s machine had about-----. Thrashed wheat stack at Brookend in the afternoon had between 11 & 12 quarters. Had 4 of Mr Brownings horses to help move it to Brookend & 2 to help move it to his farm in the morning. It was a very windy day for the thrashing so that the straw is very bad. Father gave the men 2s. 6d each as we were at it very late. 7th Began to drill peas in Church Field. White peas 8 inches, 16 cog, done well. 8th Went to drill again a little while in the afternoon it came on a snowstorm and spoilt it. 9th Went to drill again in the afternoon and finished it. This made 3 times on 4 acres. Drilled Dun Peas this time the side of the others. 10th Harrowed them in. This makes the second time going to harrow on the 4 acres. 11th Finished bean seeding. Thomas Woolston set the little field. Give 6s. This has been a very bad seeding it has not been dry enough many hours at a time. 15th Today, Father, Tom and I have been Swineshead to woodcart found it very dirty. We do not get on with lambing very fast as we have only 18 at this time, have 3 couples, have not lost any at present. 20th We have not any more at present. Dragharrowd the first time over for Barley, done pretty well, none too dry. 22nd Drag harrowed it across. 23rd Drilled it with the 20 cog, put on about 18 ½ bushels. I believe there is over 7 acres. 29th Tom went to Stamford with Mary Ann to the fair. April 1st. Tom came home. March 31st I went to Mr Jacob Ayres to ask hi if he was going to leave his farm, as I heard he was. He said he not give notice at present. & if he did should until Lady day. He said I was quite at liberty to apply for it. 6th I went to Mr Nudges to ask him if Mr Ayres was under notice to quit. He said no. 5th Began hoeing Winter Beans, done very nicely. Tom and I. 12th Began Wheat hoeing. Thomas George. 6th Tried Diamond and Bonney with Mr Topham’s brown Emperor. Both were covered. I am of the opinion that if they both stand they will be full early enough although I am an advocate of early foals. 9th Turned the sheep on the seeds. Our seeds look promising this year. The weather has been beautiful the past week & very growing. 10th Dragharrowed the land intended for Kohn Rabi & Mangolds. It came on rain as soon as finished them, I was sorry I sent them. 13th This has been a very rough wintery sort of a day. It has snowed nearly all day. I think it has been one of the roughest days we have had this winter if not the roughest. The snow is as high as the hedge not far from my house it is an ordinary quick, it is snowing fast at this time ½ past 7 we have had a great deal of snow fell today. 14th This being Good Friday it appears to be right on snowing, some people say that it snowed for 24 hours. This morning we could hardly see out of the windows for snow. Tom and I actually had to go out of the kitchen on account of there being so much snow against the house door. I don’t remember ever doing that before. I believe Tom was throwing snow away from the house & yard gate with the barn shovel an hour before breakfast. Both of us had a grin after breakfast. I said after it ceased snowing I don’t think Father dare come this morning, but he came, he said he thought I never saw so much snow in my life before. The traffic is stoppd on some of the roads & railway too. 15th Mr Brownings team of three horses with an empty wagon were going to Sharnbrook Station. They left their wagon by the roadside & brought their horses home. Tom and Elijah Brown were going there too, with three horses & 2 empty carts, they turned back too. Mr J. Hartops teams were going to Stoke Mills. They left their loads at Mr Desboroughs & brought their horses back. Mr G. Walkers teams were going to Stoke Mills. They left their loads at Mr Desboroughs & brought their horses back. They were 17 horses went but none of them went to Sharnbrook. 16th This morning it was a sharp frost so that had to hit the ice with the pail to break it. 17th Tom and Elijah went to Sharnbrook Station to fetch some coal they got there today but there was almost to much snow in some places so that it made the horses sweat very much, Mr Walkers teams went too. Father gave Tom orders to go but I was afraid after they had started they would not get there. Mr Browning and Mr Hartops did not go today. 21st The snow has not all gone yet, though we have had it very showery it makes the land very wet so that it is very bad for farming operations. 20th Used the last beans we have not thrashed any Spring beans at Churchend this year, only had 4 acres. The ewes have had them all in the straw since 8th February. 21st Give the ewes 1 peck of maize. Had a ewe lambed in the field yesterday in the rain & dirt one lamb had its belly part out when I found it. I struck it. He other died today. We have one lamb bringing up by hand, put that to the sheep. 22nd I went to Bedford market, took a sample of Barley offered it at 33s a qtr, was bid 32s did not sell. I bought ¾ cwt of clover seed, came from Northern France at 90s a cwt. & 3 bushels of Italian Ryegrass, English, at 6s a bushel. Bought them off Mr Church. 24th Father sold 8 qtrs of barley at 33s a qtr & bought 4 qtrs of Maize at 31s 3d of James Green. Began hoeing Spring Beans at Churchend on account of the wheat not being dry enough. 25th Henry Skempton wanted to but the roan colt which is only 1 year and 10 days old. Father asked him £40, he bid £35. Father refused it. He is a very large colt. April 29th Finished hoeing Winter Beans the first time over, by the day. Finished hoeing Spring Beans at Churchend, give 4s 6d an acre on account of the weather being so bad and nothing else for the men to do. May 1st. Stopped giving the sheep corn. 2nd Began to hoe peas. Turned the cows out to grass about this time. 3rd. Began Wheat hoeing again by the day, the weather being so wet our man has only been 3 bits of days in 3 weeks. Then went in 3 different places & did not go right up after the first day. 5th Finished that bit which is over 5 acres in the middle of bottom field. Hoed it with the intent of sowing it seeds but found that we should not be able to kill them so would not saw it. I believe this to be the worst bit of wheat hoeing I ever remember on our farm. Father says he thinks he never saw our land so before. It is on account of having so much wet which made it so sad & by this time it is getting quite hard. 5th Sowed the seeds ¾ cwt of French clover seed & 3 bushels of Italian Rye grass, English, sowed al little over 6 acres, the 2 and 4 acres bits & a piece adjoining. This piece was roots & tares 4 years ago. The 2 & 4 acres bits were seeds at that time. I should think the last piece will be best. 6th We have been waiting for Brightman’s manure drill to put out roots in but as the season is getting on we tired of waiting. This morning sowed the manure broadcast and drag harrowed it in. Marked the rows out for wurtzels & drilled the Rabi with our drill. The rows are 26 or 27 inches. Tom George & I set the wurtzels. This was the other side of Row Field most of it was manured in the Autumn. Only been ploughed once & drag harrowed twice, have them in the flat this year. I think it would have been better if the manure had been drilled although I cannot speak from experience as we have not drilled any. Sowed about 3 cwt to the acre. Rolled it in the afternoon with Mr Hartop’s iron roll. 8th Turned the strurks out to grass have not much at this time. 9th Stopt giving the sheep wurtzels to my sorrow. As the seeds are getting very bare & the weather is very cold. Father went to Bedford yesterday to meet the auditors so he has finished being Overseer this time. 11th May. Finished hoeing the peas the first time over by the day. 14th Let the sturks and colts lie out at night for the first time. 15th Finished hoeing wheat except about 3 acres where it was sowed. Give ---- Today began to hoe Winter Beans the second time Give --- 8th Mr Browning had 9 acres of Barley drilled with Brightmans manure drill. I don’t know how much manure they put on although I went to them, this was after Swedes, it was very rough and dry. The next day they had the crusher with 5 horses & done it over as soon as they had finished they had 5 horses ion the drag harrows done it across. 17th ---- 18th Used the last wurtzels. Turned the working horses out to grass, not because we have so much grass as there is but very little keep about. The weather has been very cold & dry this month. The horses have been living on straw chaff & maize with ½ peck of bran a day. I think if we had a few tons of wirtzels now they would be very useful, the seeds are getting very bare at this time. I don’t think I ever remember being so short of keep this time of the year we have not any hay or straw but a few fork fulls of wheat straw. This is thrashed we have not had a bean for a long time. Father & I have been pecking twitch up with clotting hoes in the little filed which is beans & is so hard to hoe it out or dry it out. 20th I went to Mr William Picks, Tur Langton, Kibworth, Leicestershire. He advertised for a respectable farmer’s son to assist in the management of his farm. When I got there I found that he occupies 4 farms which are almost 700 acres. The greater part of which is grass. Mr Pick asked me if I could attend to a reaping machine. I told him I had not been with one but no doubt I could soon learn with a little assistance at first. He said that was the most particular thing that he wanted. He then asked me if I could clip. I told him ‘Yes’, he said how many a day. I said 20, he said if I could clip 40 that would encourage the men to do more, He said I had not been brought up in a business large enough. He said he should (want) one to pitch in at haytime and harvest. I told him I had been used to that, would want one to go to plough occasionally. I asked what wages he give, he said he should not give over £30. He asked me to take some lunch which I consented to & ale which I refused. He then bid me good morning as he was going to Leicester Market, was much behind his usual time. He asked me to leave my address which he put down in his book. When he set me down to lunch he said you would have to live in this room with me & be made as one of my own. I thought that would suit me well. He keeps a housekeeper and 2 servants to wait on him. He is over 70 years of age. It appears to be a grazing County very useful land. The ploughed land is heavy, his rent varies from 45s to 63s an acre. 20th Mr William Hartop has a piece of land about 6 acres it was peas last year. Ploughed once in the Autumn, stirred it the first week in April when it ploughed very unkind. Finished ploughing again today. 24th They have scuffled it over 3 times in the last 3 days & now it is very rough. June 6th Scuffled it again they have been breaking the clods with hoes. 24th They have sown over 3 tons of artificial manure on it & ploughed it in. Finished today with the intent of having it turnips. July 7th Drilled it red skinned turnips with a manure drill & harrowed them in. 24th Finished hoeing Winter Beans the second time over. Give 5s 6d. Began to hoe peas the second time over by the day. 30th Finished the peas. 31st Finished Barley hoeing. Give 4s. 26th Began to set potatoes in the Garden. 29th Horse hoed the Beans in top field which done very well. 31st Set the potatoes stitched 5 stitches in row filed then put four loads of manure on & forked the potatoes in, it is very dry I think they will not grow until it comes wet. Began to mow tares for the sheep where there is some Rye among them. The Rye is out on ear but the tares are very short. I am afraid I am begun to soon but the seeds are very bare & I don’t like the thought of starving any sort of stock. June 2nd I went to King’s sale at Wilden saw an aged mare with foal at side sold for £84 & a 2 year old Filly with blemished hock sold for £58. 3rd Finished hoeing Spring Beans at Churchend the second time. Give 5s. Began to hoe the roots which are a poor lot, we have the drill mark to go by for a guide. 5th I found maggots on a sheep today for the first time this year. It is my opinion it is time they was washed. 10th Washed the sheep at the brook in Mr Hartops Close. 12th Cut the Colt. Today began to hoe the Winter Beans the third time over. 13th Had the sheep shearing, 33 in number. 1 teg cut 2 ¾ lbs and the other tegs averaged 9lbs each. They were by the light skinned Cotswold Ram. Church Farm. Estimated extent 69 acres 1 rood 16 poles. Rateable value £18. 8. 0 Rate of 9d in the pound. 13s 9p. Parish of Keysoe estimated extent 3504 acres 13 poles. Gross estimated rental £4741. 7.10 Rateable value. £4319.1.1. Rate at 9d in the pound, £161.19.3 ¼. End of 5th Book. 13th June 1876. Seems to be a gap in the books as the next one starts on 12th October 1878. Rebecca died on 5th February 1879 and is not recorded. Is the Mary Ann mentioned, the first wife of Eli?
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