• Reference
  • Title
    Farm diary of David Stanton, Church farm, keysoe. Exercise book. Photocopy at ref: FAC 43/4
  • Date free text
    16 August 1871 - 30 June 1873
  • Production date
    From: 1871 To: 1873
  • Scope and Content
    No records from 28th December 1870 to 16th August 1871. August 16th. Began harvest August 16th. We have not anything hardly ripe. 2 men a mowing tares by the day, they are green. I went a mowing winter beans & peas at Brookend which are a heavy crop and green. Give….. I went to hook Winter beans at Churchend, very green. 17th Began reaping wheat at Brookend which is a heavy crop and green. Give 12 s. and acre & ale. Began mowing barley which is not over heavy nor over ripe. Give 3s an acre & ale. 19th Finished mowing barley. Began mowing wheat at Churchend, which is not over ripe. 22nd Finished mowing tares & began barley cart. 23rd Finished carting barley. 25th We have only cut about 2 acres of wheat at present at Churchend, one man began in the other at 7 oclock tonight, there is 14 acres.. Father & 2 men are reaping at at Brookend. Churchend wheat was very backward. But it is in good order now. 29th. Carted the tares had 10 loads, put them in the barn. 30th Carted the Winter beans & peas at Brookend. Put the lambs in Church Close. 31st Carted the Brookend Wheat which was in very good order.. Finished harvest there. This was our first start at wheat cart this harvest. September 1st. 1871. I finished hooking winter beans. Began to mow spring beans. 2nd Began wheat cart at Churchend. Made 1 stack it being in good order. Today had 3 men mowing wheat & the rest of us went to cart, went to wheat until 11 oclock & then went to lobcart and loaded 3 at once. Had Woodward extra. Turned the horses in Church close. Sold S. Blackwell 2 steers for £22, his father had £19: 10 for August 5th them for. 4th Finished carting wheat, mowed all at Churchend this year. I have not cut a handful of wheat nor barley either. 6th Finished ploughing bean stubble at Brookend. Today finished cutting beans, so we are done cutting. Began wheat cart again after lunch but the rain came on that we stopt when we had got 7 loads. 7th Went to what cart again after lunch this was a nice day so that we finished the second stack & began the third. 8th Finished wheat cart. 9th Began thatching, finished wisping beans. This was a wet morning of I believe we should have finished harvest tonight. 11th This morning it was misty so that the beans were wet, so we did not go to cart until 7 oclock, got done the spring beans by 7 oclock at night. There was about 8 acres 2 roods, then went to the winter beans again. 12th Carted the remainder of the winter beans which was only 5 loads & so finished harvest. Now I will try and calculate what the harvest cost getting. Oats 1 acre & half at 6s:6d an acre. Amount 9s: 9d carting not included. Peas, about 5 acres at 2s :6d an acre. Amount 13s: 9d. These were carted before harvest Carting & ale not included. Barley cutting 7 acres at 3s an acre. Amount £1 : 1d Give 12s and acre & ale for reaping Give 8s :9d an acre & ale for mowing and tieing and dragging wheat. Give 2s : 6d for mowing beans. Robert Barnett earned £6 : 0 : 6 in a month. Richard Mays £4:14: in a month. J. Barnett £1. I, £4: 13.Woodward, 1 day, 4s. Eli earned about £2:14. Gleaners 3s: 6d. Total £20: 9s. 11th Harriet went to service at Bedford, at Mr Gunters, High Street, went for nursery maid, wages £3. (She was then 14 years old.) 1871. 14th Finished scuffling the Pea & Winter bean land at Brookend, the second time over. 16th Father hired a ram, a theeshear of Mr J. Hartop he is of the longwooled breed & a fair size, it is one that Mr Hartop uses, he is going to use him again but will not put him to yet. He is going to have him away just when he pleases & father is going to give him 1s a head for as many as he tups. Only have 21 ewes this year. 18th Thrashed the first wheat stack with Brightmans Machine. Thrashing till dinner ….hours, had 18 quarters 5 bushels of wheat. Charged £1: 2: 6d. Today we went to scuffle so that I did not have anything to do with the thrashing. 19th Finished scuffling the tare & pea land the second time over at Churchend we have been scuffling for a week. 20th Carted the manure on the new ground which is barley stubble with the intent of having it oats. Today weaned the Foal. 22nd Manured the 4 acre bit for wheat, it is bean stubble, it went on well. I went to a sale at Swineshead, the property of the late Mr James Lewin. The livestock made a great deal of money I thought. There were 2 pens of ewes that made £3: 4s each, 2 pens of theaves that made £3:10 each. If I mistake not, the highest price for lambs was £2: 8: 6 each. The highest for fat sheep £4. The highest price for a ram was £8: 15s. The highest for a cow I think was £25: 10s. There was 9 working horses which ranged from £31. To £54. Each not in very high condition. 2 two year old cart colts which made £41 each. 1 foal which made £17. 1 thoroughbred horse which made £71. 1 do. 4 years old £66. I heard say that young Lewin said the sale made £2005. I cannot say whether it is true. Today began to plough the tilthe for wheat. 28th Finished ploughing the greens before 12 oclock. Ploughed 3 acrs of barley stubble & thie was the third day, with 3 horses, was very dirty on the wheels. 28th This morning I made a mistake. The men had been thrashing up to this morning, have part of 1 bean stack & a straw stack to thatch. It came a quantity of wet last night which made them very wet on the outside. I told the men I would leave then until tomorrow as I thought they would be drier. I said they would not be any wetter. 29th Finished thatching the corn & began the straw, it came on rain very fast about dinner time. I don’t know whether it rained all night or not but it came a great deal of wet so that it made the straw stack very wet. Today began to plough for tares in Row Field. Tonight let the cows lie in for the first time. 30th I went to Bedford Market & sold 91/2 quarters of wheat to Mr Hipwell, 62 qtrs at 50s a qtr. The natural weight was 16 stone 5 lbs. I find that some people have not begun thatching yet & and a great many have not finished. The Farmers seem to think that the stacks have got very wet, some thinbk that it has gone right though them. October 1st. Began to give the milking cow chaff & corn. 7th Finished ploughing for tares & winter beans. 9th Ploughed 1 days work on tilthe for wheat. I think that we shall not plough any more for wheat, as there is not anything to plough it for. Its my opinion that it would be better for the wheat without ploughing. 10th I sowed about 3 acres of tares, put on from 10 1/2 to 11 bushels, it was dry, where it was ploughed wet it was unkind. This was in the middle of Row Field. I began to sow next to the great land. I sowed with one hane, went 2 hours. The second and third I sowed with 2 hands, went about 1 hour. The fourth anf fifth I sowed with 1 hand went 2 bouts again & the rest with 2 hands. If I should live until they come up, I wish to see which are sowed the best. Its my opinion that I sow the thickest with 1 hand. Began to set winter beans with double dibs. For my own part I prefer single dibs as I think they would get them in deeper. It would have set better directly atter it was ploughed as it is got so dry at this time. October 10th Put the lambs in the Rabbis. Mr Hartop had his tup away but we have his lamb to put with our ewes. They have all been tupped. Began to plough the bottom field which is bean stubble except the 2 acre bit. 13th Finished setting winter beans set 3 acres this side of Row field. Put on about 8 bushels. Gave 4s an acre. 14th Father (Now aged 47 years.) went to Bedford market and bought a mare pony out of the Drove 1 ½ years old. He also bought one of Pages drag harrows. Dug the Potatoes. 17th Carted the wurtzels which done very nicely. 18th Harrowed the pea land at Brook end with the new harrows which worked 3 horses hard. 20th Ploughed the wurtzel land which we intend Spring rivetts, ploughed very nicely. 21st I went to Bedford Market & sold 4 quarters of wheat to Mr Topham of Eaton at 47 a qtr. I also took a sample of tares but did not sell them. The most that I was bid for them was 5s : 6d a bushel 25th Began Winter seeding. Drilled Rivets on the wurtzel land & tare land which done well, had 24 cog. Drilled nearly 4 acres. 26th I took the wheat to Mr Eatron then went to St Neots to Mr Elgoods & bought 1 qtr of oats, 11 stone, at £1. 7s. I sold him 2 qts 3 bushels of tares at 44s a quarter. 28th Drilled about 6 acres of Essex red Wheat in the 4 acre bit & long lands adjoining hich went in well, had the 28 cog. November 2nd Finished ploughing for wheat. Was only about 12 days ploughing the bottom field. 3rd Harrowed the little field at Brookend & carted the haulms out of top field. 4th Drilled ½ of top field with Bromwich Wheat, had the 26 cog. It was almost to dry. 5th Left of folding. 6th Took the tup away from the ewes. Let tem lie in the yard and give them tare straw. This morning it was a sharp frost. I went to try to harrow at 10 oclock but had to go home again. 8th Finished wheat seeding. Drilled about 6 acres of Bromwich the other side of bottom field, 26 cog. This was bean stubble part of it seemed very dry. The other done well. 11th Used the last old beans. 12th Let the cows lie in all day for the first time this season. 17th Finished ploughing barley tilthe & began the the new ground which is barley stubble, its been manured with the intent of planting Rabbi, I believe. 20th We have had two or three sharp frosts. This morning it was so hard we could hardly plough, in fact we had to leave one field at the hedge side. 21st & 22nd. Did not go to plough in consequence of the frost. 23rd Began to plough again. 24th Finished ploughing the new ground. 25th Parted the lambs with the intent of feeding the withers. I shall increase their corn to a pint each a day. I shall keep on giving the ewe lambs a pint & ½ a day as usual. 27th Finished ploughing the 2 acre bit which was wheat stubble. 28th Took a ….full of barley in with the intent of thrshing it by hand. Give 3s. 4d a quarter. Tom (He was then 13 years old.) went to Ravensden to fetch 9 large tiles, a foot bore, give 1s 3p each. They are to put under the arch at the bottom field gate. 30th Finished ploughing the little field which was wheat stubble it has been manured. This has been a very sharp month to my thinking. We have had a great deal of frost & sometimes very sharp. 5th December. Began to plough Church field for beans 11th Give the ewes bean straw twice a day. They have been having pea straw for a week or two. I find that they will eat the pea straw better than any of the other stock, far better than the stirks in the straw yard. Began to give them hay once a day about this time. This has been a very late seeding, some people have not finished yet nor finished ploughing for wheat either. Several people say they have not seen any up yet. We have not got any up yet. We have one piece just peeping but not sufficient to see the rows. 22nd Began to plough the roots in Church field, the long side, it is quite dirty at this time. Father has altered his mind from having roots on the new ground. For my own part I cannot think Church Field very suitable for roots. I do not thrash the bean straw clean which the sheep have. 25th Being Christmas day, I drove Rebekkah (She was then aged 21.) to Mr Whitmores at Perry. I enjoyed the day very much got home at 10 minutes before two oclock in the morning. 28th Finished ploughing for roots. 30th Father went to Bedford Market & sold 6 quarters of barley at 31s, to Mr Church. 1st January 1872. Began to increase the feeding lambs corn, 1 pottle a day. Went to Mr Witmores of Perry in the evening. 2nd Went to plough in Berry field Hill for John Woods. 3rd Tom & I wnet to Bedford to take some barley. Took it to Mr Church’s first. Then to the Midland Station, & then to Lovells yard where we got emptied. Then Tom went to the coal Station & I to the Midland Station again for some oats. Got home 20 minutes before 5 oclock. 9th Finished banking in Church Close. Finished thrashing winter beans at Church End. Have not kept the account of how many we have thrashed.. Finished taking beans to Brookend. These are Winter beans & peas. 10th Began to pit the Rabbis, made two pits Father don’t seem to care so much about pitting them. For my own part I should like half of them pitted. Father says he shall not have any more pitted but will run hazard of getting them spoilt. When we put the lambs on first we let the Tupbanch (?) bay out of the pen for fear he should hurt some of the lambs. I believe now that he done the Rabbis harm in eating of the tops. I think it has caused some of them to sprout and a great many about the top end don’t appear to have hardly any top. I think if the weather was to come very severe they would be liable to get frozen I proposed having one cwt of linseed cake, as as to give those lambs that are fatting, a little Father did not second it. He said he did not see any necessity for it when the lambs are doing as well as could be. I thought I should like to give them half of a pint of cake & a pint of beans each a day then I believe we should have some mutton. 12th father seems to think he should buy some more tegs soon & if there is any ewes among them useful, he should keep them in & fat the best up, ours I shall begin to give them 1 pottle of beans a day when they are ground between the 11 so that they may be getting a little stronger. I think they are rather to small to keep them for breeding. 13th Finished getting the manure out of the barn. 15th Began to cart the manure on the beans at Brookend. Had it out of the yard. The frost was not sharp enough to bear a load so we done the bottom end about half way up. 16 & 17th Robert Barnett was thrashing wheat, thrashed about 10 bushels but did not dress it until the following morning. Give …… a load. 18th Began to fodder the ewes with beans. 16th We have 8 nice pigs in one litter 11 weeks old. This morning I went to give themm their peas and found one of the best lie in the trough quite dead. I am afraid that I am been giving them to many peas as they are 3 or 3 of them a little tender on the feet. 18th Emma (She was then 17 years old.) went to Mr Odeys of St Neots to pay them a visit for a week or two. 24th Took the lambs off the Rabbi as it is very wet at this time. Penned them in the close, just opposite I have a ladder set in the ditch so carry the Rabbis over the hedge to them. Our land is so dirty to eat tem off in wet weather although we have kept them on until now. They had one pen about 3 weeks ago that was wonderful dirty the worst that ever I saw, wen they was down they could hardly get up & when they left the troughs they most of them fell down. I found 2 ot 3 of them one day that could not get up, so at night I put it out of the pen for fear I should find it dead in the morning. Thought it was a sin to keep them in there Day & Night si I believe it was. It has been very dirty most of the time since. I find the lambs have not done so well since it has been wet weather. 30th Put the lambs on the rabbis again as its getting cleaner at this time. February 1st Took a piece more barley in. 2nd Ploughed 1 acre of land for John Page with 3 horses. 3rd. Father went to Bedford Market & sold 8 loads of wheat to Mr Topham of Eaton, 18 st. nett at 31s 6d a load. It only weighed 17 stone gross, some of the sacks wanted making up, 5th Tom & I went to take the wheat to Mr Topham at Eaton then went to St Neots Station to fetch 2 loads of coal. Mr Crawley of Melchbourne and his son came to look at a yearling colt today. Father told him at Bedford on Saturday that he ahd a good one to sell, asked him £45. The som said that they had one at home that cost £37. Better than ours. Mr crawley said it was not. Mr Crawley said he liked him £10 better when he saw him out of the yard. Father offered him at £42. He said he thought Mr Crawley would have bought him if his som had not been with him, as his son did not bid anything for him. Mr Samuel Hartop has been to look at him twice of his own accord. Father asked him £42 he asked father the first time if he would take £37 the second time, wanted to know if he would give a £1 out of £40. Father gave him the understanding that he should not take under £40 at present. 6th Began to give the ewes a few Rabbis, cut them & gave them them in the troughs on the swade. I don’t know if it is a good plan to begin to give them roots when they are so near lambing. I have heard it said that it causes the lambs to grow fast so that the ewes have a bad time when lambing. 9th Finished ploughing the beans at Churchend. Only had 2 days work now left it with the intent of manuring it but don’t come any frost so got tired of waiting. Have 2 ecres 3 roods at Brookend which we shall leave a little longer to see if it does come any frost or not. 12th Ploughed one days work on the Rabi land its my opinion it would have been better drier. Killed 6 of those pigs out of the 7 fellow to the 1 that died a month ago to send to London as they got so that they could hatdly walk, 15 weeks old weighed ? I raher blame myself as I think I gave them to many peas, thay have not had any barley meal. I let them out every day thought they would not hurt if they had a run every day. We have had pigs before I thought then that it was through keeping them in the dry to much. 17th I went to Bedford market and sold 71/2 quarters of barley to Mr W. White of Kempston at 36s a qtr. I also bought 4 quarters of oats at 24s 6d a qtr 11 stone of Mr Church of Bolnhurst. I also bought 3 quarters of beans for seed of Mr Harrison of Bolnhurst at 44s a quarter. He told me that they were grown on the gravel by Mr J. Walker of Goldington, that is where we shall have to fetch them from. I thought it would be a beautiful change for our land or I should not have given the price for them. I think it was to much although they tell me some hagve made as much as 29s a load off of the gravel. I must confess that I have a very great dislike of giving more than I think a bargain is worth. When selling I don’t like taking less than I think it is worth. Began lambing, two ewes lambed one has twins and the other a single one. A little about Rabis. They are grown very much, some people are pitting them at this time. I am very sorry that ours are not pitted as I am afrain they will be spoilt they look as if they would most of them flower. I think that from what little experience I have had in roots it is a very wise plan to pit them early in the winter. Last year most of the Rabbis that stood were spoilt by the frost. This year is the contrary I think they will be spoilt by the mildness of the season. 21st Began bean seeding in the little field at Brookend, with single dib. Robert Barnett set it 12 inches with the small tick beans, it was not dry enough to do well I don’t think there are many people begun yet, (24th Finished it, put on about 3 nushels. Give 6s) 21st Father sold a yearling gart cob at £40. To young Fuller of Thorncut, a horse dealer. This was a grey colt by by Mr Markins grey horse ouit of Bonney. He told father he had a commission to buy a mare in foal said he should not mind £50. If he could suit himself wanted to look at Bonney as she is in foal by the same horse again. Father did not give consent for him to look at her. 23rd Tom & I went to Bedford to take the barley, had 2 carts when we got to the White Lion at Ravensden I said I would go through Goldington & him by the high road to see how much longer it would take to go by Goldington as I was coming that way back. It was 22 minutes the longest so I should think it about a mile further. 24th Begun bean seeding at Churchend with single dib, 16 inches wide. 26th Father bought a foal at Thomas Houghtons of Colmworth for £… it is a colt was a very late colt one opf his own breed by Jordans horse it is a small plain thing I believe it has been kept bad. 27th Mother’s sheep lambed 3 lambs all alive. 1st March. 1872. I took a piece of the peas in, have not thrshed any yet that we growed at Churchend. 4th Finished manuring for beans this was at Brookend at the top end of top field, it was not any frost so it cut a good eal in some places. Mr.J. Hartop has a few acres left to manure but he has begun to plough it and set it. Mr J. Hartop carted some manure on for beans, at it two days, not a fortnight ago. Two more of our neighbours carted some on & cut the land a great deal.. It has not been any frost worth mentioning since 15th January and then it was not sharp enough to bear a load. J. Woodward began to help set beans in Church field that’s where we ploughed a month ago, does very bad. 6th Finished setting beans at Church end, only have 4 ½ acres 33 ploes of Spring beans up here put on 3 loads. Give 5s 6d and acre. I believe we began to set the wrong side of the field first, set that first which was ploughed first but it was not dry enough, set that last where it was ploughed about a month ago which got too dry & hard so that they could not kick them it well. Ploughed one ridging bit at Brookend in top field ready for the men to begin to set tomorrow. 6th Finished lambing. Had 21 ewes when we put the tup to which have all brought lambs. There was 1 brought 3 lambs which are all alive at this time. We put 1 of them to a ewe that has a lamb died. 10 brought twins which suckle them now with the exception of 1 lamb which was dead when it was lambed, & 10 brought single ones, we have 31 lambs at this time. I think we have had a very good lambing and the ewes seem to have plenty of milk, so that I don’t give them any cows milk. I mean to help the ewes well. 7th Went to plough at Brookend again & began to set, did not harrow it before they set it, but had the heavy harrows & 3 horses & harrowed it twice after it was set. 11th Finished ploughing the beans & setting too. This was the place where we carted the manure up & the top endland. Father & I and the men all gave in that we never saw such a queer piece to set beans on before, harrowed it 2 or 3 times upright after it was set then harrowed the other after it was set then harrowed the other across & turned on this which I think needed it so much. I don’t know whether the beans can ever come through or not as it looks so sad. They are gone in pretty well better than anyone would have thought for that land. Give 5s 6d an acre for setting, did not kick them in 12th Began to harrow the barley tilthe with the drag harrow which does well. 13th Began to drill barley, does very nicely. 14th Finished drilling barley in the old tilthe which is about 6 acres. Had the 18 cog. Drilled about 18 ½ bushels which I think is very near 3 bushels to the acre. 15th Harrowed the new ground & the 2 acre bit with the drag harrows which done very nicely only had 3 horses. Father & Robert washed 13 lanblings in the horse pond, think of sending them to market next week. I cut the lambs tails this evening, have 31. 16th Harowed the new ground & 2 acre bit over again with the drag harrow. Began hoeing the winter beans. Father went to Bedford market & bought 3 quarters of black fen oats for seed at 33s. He also bought 8 cwt of blood manure at 8s.a cwt with the intent of sowing it in the 2 acre bit which is going to be oats after wheat. He also bought 8 cwt of Thorpes Manure at 8s a cwt this is for the roots. 19th Frill;ed the new ground with black fen oats had the 14 cog put on 4 bushels to the acre went in well. 20th Began stirring for roots in Church Field which is not hardly dry enough. Elio shorn 6 of the fat tegs the best which are nice & fat but very small. 21st I took them to St Neots Market to have them sold by auction. The 2 least made 39s each, the other 4 - 41s each. Eli shorn the other 7 ready for Bedford market which are much better. 23rd I took them to Bedford to be sold by auction in Staffords sale. The first 4 made 50s 6d each, the 3, 51s 6d each. Took them in the iron armed cart they rode very uncomfortable as they kept slipping back. I thought I would never take any more in it nor pigs either. The average price wass £2.6.10d each. Used the last rabbis. I thought when I was using them that were standing that it was a nice plan to pit them. I think now, they were the bect that were standing they appear to rot very much in the pits this year. Let the sheep go in barn close with the intent of mowing barn close. When we pitted them I covered them over hops as some of our neighbours did so. If we pit any more I hope they will be covered over with straw as the hops make them so nasty when we come to use them. 25th Let the ewe lamblings go with the ewes on the swade & give them wurtzels. Thrashed the last piece of barley & part of a wheat stack with Brightmans machine. 26th Finished it & 4 loads from Brookand. Thrashing about 11 hours, had 10 qtrs 5 bushels of barley 21 qtrs 1 bushel of wheat. Charged………. Burnt about 13 cwt of coal. 27th Finished ploughing for barley after rabbis. 28th Dressed part of the wheat & the barley. The wheat weighs very light it takes 4 bushels & 3 pottles to weigh 17 stone. Our barley averaged just about 5 quarters to the acre last harvest. 30th I went to Bedford Market and sold 9 ½ quarters of wheat, 62 stone, to Mr Hipwell. I also sold 8 quarters of barley at 36s a qtr. I bought 6 dozen of hurdles with shackles & stakes at 10s a dozen of Mr Gudgion of Hannes. I bought 5 qtrs of oats 11 stone at 23s.6d of Mays of Wilden & paid gor some oats & artificial manure & went to the Bank to get a cheque cashed. 2nd April. I went to woodcart at Bushmead Wood for Eli. 5th. Turnd the sheep on the ryegrass there is fair keep for them. 6th Sent 10 store pigs to Staffords sale which made 29s. 6d each. 8th Drilled the 2 acre bit barley with the 18 cog sowed 8 cwt of Adams corn manure on it. 10th Drilled nearly 2 acres of barley behind the house this is after rabbis, had the 18 cog. Have harrowed it twice over with the drag harrow but it is rather too rough & dry to my thinking. This is the finishing of seeding. Began wheat hoeing at Brookend. Finished hoeing the winter beans first time over. 11th Began wheat hoeing at Churchend. 16th Finished stirring for roots. 17th Began stitching for wurtzels which is very rough. 19th Finished manuring for wurtzels & sowed about 3 cwt of Thorpes manure to the acre. 20th Finished stitching it back. This morning it was a very sharp frost & very white ryme. 22nd Bonney foaled as colt foal by Harkins grey horse. I went to woodcart at Swineshead Wood to fetch a ringe(?) for Woodcraft. Todat set the potatoes done the land the same as for wurtzels, and dibbed them on the stitches too. 23rd Set the wurtzels. 24th Rolled them in. 25th Father & I sowed seeds on the 4 acre bit. Had 2 bushels of Pacey grass & 30 lbs or trefoil. Did not sow it quite all. We harrowed them in. 26th Stitched the land for rabbis which is very rough. 27th Father went to Bedford Market on the young nag for the first time. Turned Bonney & foal in Church Close. 29th Turned the 3 young horses too. Began to hoe Spring beans at Church end. 30th Sowed the New Ground which is 3 acres, with seeds with the intent of laying it down. Sowed over 2 bushels of Pacey Bents, over 9 lbs of Trefoil, 8 lbs of Dutch Clover & 1 peck of hay seeds. May 1st. Finishes hoeing them in did not like to harrow them in for fear of damaging the oats. I expect we shall roll it. I proposed sowing 3 bushels of Pacey Bents but Father thought 2 would be sufficient. He did not seem to care to sow any hatseed but I mixed the seed and & put them in & did not tell him until we had sowed part of it. I have not had any experience in sowing land for grass, but its my opinion it wants sowing rather thick. May 1st. I went to Harrold to fetch Greens Engine which has been to be repairfed. When I got there he had sent it to another man who had one broke, it was gone to Colmworth so I returned home without it. The man that repaired it promised to send it home tomorrow. I started at 8 oclock and got back 20 minutes before 4. 2nd. Carted the manure on for Rabbis, put on about 19 loads to the acre. 4th Finished stitching for Rabbis. 7th Drilled the Rabbis and rolled them in. 6th Finished Wheat hoeing with the exception of 4 acres which we do not intend hoeing. Give 4s. 8th Today was the opening of the Union Chapel at Great Staughton. I went on the pony in the evening. 9th I sowed some barley where the wurtzel pit was & a piece on the endland where it was rabbis, it was to dry. 10th Mr Green & I went to Harrold to fetch his engine with his horse & 2 of ours. I bought 4 quarters of oats of John Whitmore at 24s. 11 stone net. 11th I went to Bedford to buy a cow thought they were very dear & did not see one to suit me so did not buy one. Finished hoeing Spring beans the first time over. Give 4s 3d for part & 4s 6d for the rest. Began barley mowing. 15th Mr Warren was settled at Great Staghton Meeting. I went in the evening there was a good congregation. Blackwell looked at the steer about 16 months old, bid £12.10s. Father wanted £13. Blackwell wanted to but 2 steers about 10 months old bid £18 for them. 18th Father sold Blackwell the steer for £12.10s. & bought a cow & calf for £21.15s. Blackwell bid £3 for the calf to take it back again. 21st Began to hoe barley again it has not been dry enough since the day we began. 22nd Began to sow seeds on the 2 acre bit & hoe them in. 24th Fimished it. Let the colts lie out. 27th Finished hoeing winter beans the second time over. Give….. Today I took the sheep to Riseley to be washed. Have 31 this year. Charges 1s. 28th Left off giving Bonney corn. The cows have not eat hardly any corn since they have been out to grass as they have a fair lot of grass. 29th Finished barley hoeing all but that on the Rabbi land. Give….. 30th Began to mow tares for the pigs. June 1st. (1872) I weighed the wool that came off the fat tegs. 13 fleeces weighed 8 st. 27 lb averaged weight 8 lbs each. 4th Finished cleaning the yards out. 5th I clipped 10 ewe lambhogs which cut 3 St. 2 lbs average weight 8 lbs. Each, so it appears there wool weighed just about the same as the fat ones which were clipped in March.. The 23 cut 7st. & 1 lb. 7th Finished shearing the ewes the average weigjht of their wool was 71/4 each. It appears we have 12 st. 13 lbs of wool according to my weighing, but don’t know the buyer will make of it. Today drilled the Rabbis over agin where we drilled a month ago. They appeard to come up but somehings eat them so they don’t look like growing. 10th Began to mow tares for the horses & sheep they are not a very heavy crop.. 11th Mr George Dickins of Riseley was passing in his cart had a large brown dog withn him that picked up 1 of our hens. He took the hen and gave Rebeckah 2 shillings. 12th Robert Barrett has been thrashing beans today had 71/2 bushels they are not very dry. Began wurtzels, they are rather then in some places & not very large. Stopt giving the ewes corn & begun to give the lambs some split beans & oats. 15th Finished hoeing potatoes & wurtzels the first time over. 17th Begun to set Rabbis where the wurtzels ar missed, I was afraid the land was almost tgo dry, so I watered them in the eveing.. Began to hoe Brookend beans the third time over. 18th Finished thinning the wurtzels. They are growing very nicely now. Began to hoe Churchend Beans the third time over. 17th Father sold 44 fleeces of wool to Mr Green of Greensbury at 51s 6d a hod. There was 23 tegs and 21 ewes. Weighed 12 tod 18 lbs. 19th Began haytime at Brookend have a very nice crop. 24th Finished at Brookend had 6 loads. 25th Began to mow Barn Close wjich is a light crop. Give 3s 6d and acre for mowing. Man are having 12s a week. Began to hoe the Rabis which are bit middling. Began fallow ehich is a bit chubby. July 2nd (1872) Finished haytime had 13 loads our of Barn Close and got it in good order I believe. 4th Finished hoeing the Rabbis the first time over by the day. Mr Walker has the foot & mouth complaint amongst his sheep. I am afraid we have it amongst our sheep but don’t know, as I have never see any that had it. One lamb seems as if it hardly knows how to walk it goes with its back up and its feet nearly together. It goes a few steps and then lies down and eats. Onew ewe seems dull but not lame. O saw her yesterday froth was hanging out of her mouth. I think when I look at the two that it must be the foot & mouth disease. 8th Moulded the potatoes up. 9th Thatched the hay stack. Father measured the Barn Close. Made it 6 acres and 5 roods. Gave 3s 6d an acre for mowing it. Amount £1. 3s 7p and ale. 10th Finished Fallow which got hard lately. Finished hoeing Wurtzels the second time over. Father and Eli put the pony in the cart for the first time, it went well. Mr Nash of Stow looked at the downcalving cow and bid £21 for her. I valued her at 320 without the calf. Mr Wadsworth of Riseley bid me £50 for Brink which is five years old. 8th I sent Tom to Mr Walkers to pay for a pair of black trousers. Walker did not take the money , I think he will not have the chance any more yet. 12th Transplanter rabis on the end lands and on the land where they was missing although we have drilled it twice they are very thin in some places. It appears to me to be rather late but the weather has not been suitable since the plants have been large enough. I think this has been a very suitable time. 13th I took 12 opigs 10 weeks old to Staffords sale, made 13 shillings each. Today took the lambs from the ewes and put them in Barn Close in eddish have 28. 16th Carted the manure out of the yard at Brookend this is for beans. 17th Began stirring. Began hoeing rabis the second time over. 18th Red cow calved with a steer calf which we intend weaning. 19th Rebekah & I went to Mr Claridges for tea. 24th The Beds Agricultural show was held at Luton. I went, rode to Bedford with Mr Emerton & then went by excursion. The fare was only 1s 6d there and back. Father sold the yearling colt that he bought on the 28th February. He gave £? For it and sold it for £22. 10s. To Wm. Smith of Colmworth. Sent the cow to the sale at St Neots. This is the one that Mark looked at, made £10.15 without the calf. 29th Finished hoeing the rabis the second time over. Did not finish thinning until today. Began to hoe wurtzels the third time over. 30th Finished thrashing beans, only had 6 loads. The expense of cutting the Church Close quick was about 4s 6d. Robert was 2 Days at 2s a day. I finished the second morning about 9 oclock. August 1st. (1872) Had three men begin to mow the winter beans they are so that they tie up pretty well.n Left off giving the horses tares. I began to mow them for seed. 2nd This morning was a wet morning so I cut some chaff. We only have 25 shipp which I think is a poor lot at the commencement of harvest. 5th Finished cutting winter beans, mowed and tied them all that side where it was rabbis 2 years ago, it is a very heavy crop & that side where it was Spring tares is a light srop. Give 9s. Today finished mowing seed tares which are a good crop. Began reaping wheat at Broockend, 5 of us only went about two hours & then it rained. 6th Began mowing oats on the new ground that side where it was Rabi’s 2 years ago, are a very heavy crop. That side where it was tares 2 years ago are very light although it had a good dressing of manure last winter & the other had some. Thrashed the last Wheat stack with Brigtmans machine & a small piece of old peas. Thrashed 7 hours had 20 loads of wheat & 6 loads of peas. Charges ? I am of the opinion to think it a wise plan to thrasj out earlier in the Summer although I was quite agreeable to let this stand. (1st) I find that the mice have destroyed a great deal although it has been dressed. (2nd) The thought struck me that several of the mice have escaped so I expect as soon as we get some new stacks these mice will take the liberty of entering into them. (3rd) Fdon’t think it right to be thrashing old corn when the new is fit to cut, although the weather is very unfavourable for cutting at this time. Then there is dressing, weighing & carting or having it standing in the way. Our wheat averaged just 5 loads to the acre. Weighed very bad, there was only 2 sacks that weighed 17 stone. Peas averaged 4 loads 2 bushel to the acre 9th We have found out this morning that that our ewes have the foot disease, I don’t see that they have anything the matter with their mouths although some of them look very thin. Father went to fetch the Police he says they have it. We have 6 culling ewes lie in Church Close which are alright. The lambs are not lame either. 10th Sent the lambs to Staffords sale, they made £3 each. They have been laying in Church Close about 2 months, but have not had any corn. There was 1 that had a lamb died. 1 was aged & 4 we put out on account of being so small. I think they sold well. Father went to Bedford Market & sold 9 quarters of the wheat 18 gross to Mr Elgin of Eaton at 59s a quarter. 11th The ewes appear to be nearly all ot them lame when we frighten them up several of them will drop down quickly. Today the foal died, I believe it was inflamation the cause of it. Mr Sprugue attended it on the 9th but did not say what was the matter with it. 10th Began to cut wheat at Churchend. 13th Robert finished the oats on the new ground. 15th Carted the teares had six great loads. 16th Began to plough the tilthe the third time. 17th Finished cutting the wheat except part of the rivets. 19th Carted 3 acres of Winter beans & 3 acres of oats, & 2 acres 3 roods of wheat which was a heavy crop. The wheat was at Brookend. Began mowing barley which was a light crop. Robert mowed about 7 acres 20 poles in about 3 days & half. Give 3s an acre & ale. 20th Began Wheat cart at Churchend, made 2 stacks it was in very good order. 22nd Finished cutting white straw. 23rd Began barley cart. 24th Carted the Rivetts, finished wheat cart. 26th Began cutting spring beans at Churchend, have cut part at Brookend. I began to mow about 6 oclock in the morning, got done at 12 had 1 acre 17 poles good crop. 28th Finished cutting and weighing beans at Churchend. Give 2s 6d and acre for mowing, have a small piece to cut at Brookend what the postman is hooking. September 5th (1872) Finished Harvest. Give 9s an acre for mowing and tieing winter beans. 9s an acre for oats mowing & tieing and dragging. Give 9s an acre for mowing & tieing and dragging wheat. Give 3s and acre for mowing barley. Give --- an acre for reaping a heavy crop not any ale. Give 2s 6d an acre for mowing spring beans, for mowing and wisping. Give -- for bean hooking, not ale. Give 4s 6d a day for carting. Robert Barnett mowed 3 acres of oats £1 . 7s. 7 acres, 20 poles of barley, £1 . 1. 9, 4 acres & ½ of wheat £2..0..6 & 3 ½ acres of beans 8s..9d & 9 days work. £2..0..6. Total ---- Cost 9s..6d extra thatching. Joseph Woodward 6s..9d at Winter beans & £4 for a month, Total £4..6..9d. Eli earned------ I earned £5 for a month. Brocket earned -- Had about 43 acres, Total --- Had -- Gallons of ale. 7th Finished thatching. 9th Began to hoe the roots again by the day. Finished ploughing winter bean stubble & began to scuffle the fallow. 12th & 13th Carted manure on for beans. 14th I went to Bedford market to see Mt James Brown of Souldrop to speak to him about Mr Taylors farm as Taylor told me he should not have but 1 more harvest. Mr Bown was not at Bedford so I went by rail to Sharnbrook then walked to Souldrop. I did not get much encouragement. Mr Brown put my name down& said he would bear it in mind that I made the first application. 18th Thrashed the first wheat stack & the tares with Brightman’s machine. Thrashed about 6 ½ hours had 25 loads 3 bushel of wheat & 4 loads 3 bushels of tares. Charged ----. 18th Let the horses lay in. 19th Put the ram with the ewes, one that Eli bought of Mr Lovell of Swineshead. Gave £5 for him. He is a threeshear, good fair size of the Leicestershire breed. I should have liked him better if he had a better skin. We have 25 ewes this year. 20th Finished ploughing bean stubble at Brookend. Began to use ---- at plough. 21st I went to Bedford Market & sold 10 qtrs of wheat to Mr Rogers man at Castle Mills at 60s a qtr. 24th Finished digging the potatoes, the early ones were nearly all rotten, the backward ones are not so bad although some of them are rotten. 30th Finished ploughing tilthe wheat. 1st October (1872) Scuffled the bean stubble at Brookend. 2nd Scuffled 5 acres of bean stubble for Mr Green, had the big scuffle with 3 horses. 3rd Went to plough for winter beans, the other side of the field behind the house which is barley stubble which has been manured. Put the pony in for the first time, she went well. 4th Father has been cutting chaff and has cut the last of the old hay up. 5th Father taken 10 store ligs to Mr Stafford’s sale which made 19s each. They were 16 weeks old. 8th Finished ploughing for winter beans.9th I went to Mr Tingey’s dale at Pertenhall, bought a useful horse hoe for 21s. The horses made very high prices. The workers were over 10 years old. The first made £35 . 10s. Second, £54. Third £45. Fourth £42, do. Foal £26. The mare and foal fetched £78. 1 yearling cart foal £39. Do. £23. These were all the horses. The 7 together made £275. There were 32 head of cow stock which made £454 if I mistake not. Mr Battle of Pertenhall bought the mare & foal, he also bought one of the tup lanbs at £5. There was only 55 sheep, I don’t know exactly how much they made. The ewes made between 69s and 70s each. The lambs about 54s each. 14th Finished ploughing bean stubble. 15th Began to plough for roots and tares. 16th Used the lastb old beans. Began to pull the wurtzels up. October 12th. Father went to Bedford Marlet and sold 5 qtrs of wheat 18 stone nett. To Mr Rogers man at castle Mills at 59s a quarter. We had 4 quarters 2 bushels of head & 3 bushels of head from Brookend & 1 bushel of old, and the rest was tail to Make up the quarter. Father said he did not think it worth a while to take samples as the quantity was so small and made it the same weight. 18th Tom taken it to the Mills, there was 5 quarters, had Depper to take it. The mad found out there was 2 sacks not like the others & sent them back again. I think he was very wise in so doing as I am and advocate of sending the bulk like the sample. 18th I sowed 6 bushels of tares. This was on the top end of the 8 acre bit in the bottom field on the first side we intend leaving the bottom end for roots. 17th Began to cart the wurtzels & began to fold the ewes on the land. 19th Put the lambs in the rabbi’s for the first time. 23rd I useed the last old peas if I mistake not. 25th & 26th Went to plough on barley stubble for spring beans. This was on account of the wet weather as it was too wet to plough for roots, or barley tilthe either. I don’t know whether we are doing right or wring ploughing it so early. ( December 22nd. This was one of the best crops.) For my own part I do not exactly hold with ploughing it so early for spring beans. There is one reason why we done it & that is we have not drilled the winter beans yet. Nor any wheat either. Not yet put all the tares in. We have not yet ploughed any of the barley tilthe yet. There are but very few people put their winter beans in yet. I don’t know but 2 or 3 in the parish that have put any wheat in yet & they buit very little. 29th Finished carting the wurtzels. 30th Finished haulm picking, did it by the day. Ive been to plougimng the ‘lotments the last 3 days. 31st Began to cut the Rabbi’s for the lambs. November 1872. 1st Began wheat seeding. I sowed the little field at Brookend, Rivetts is is 1 acre. Sowed a little over 2 bushels. This was the first time that ever I sowed any wheat, I don’t feel hardly satisfied for I fear I have missed some. The field has been ploughed in pieces for some years. It has been scuffled since it was ploughed. I had sticks every 5 yards so wlked straight for the sticks and back in the same place. Only sowed with one hand. Began to drill the Winter beans, it dome bad, it came ion rain so we had to stop only dome about 1 acre. Had the rows 14 inches and 14 cog. 7th Finished drilling the Winter beans it did not do well by a long way. The spouts stopt a great many times so that I expect5 they wuill come very gappy. I feel vewry sorry we did not have them set sooner as I think they would have been much better. 6th I found 1 of the lambs cast when I went to the pen in the morning, it got cast again soon afterwards. I found that it got worse instead of better so I killed it, had Eli to dress it & sent it to London. It weighed 5 stone 3lbs, made £1. 3s. Its skin made 8s it was one of the worst lambs. It was the one that used to holler about in the Summer time. I believe it had something of the bowel complaint at last. I am giving them 3 half pecks of split beans a day. There is 26 of them now. 8th Began wheat seeding at Churchend. Drilled about 41/2 acres in Church field towards the church which was bean stubble. Drilled Bromwich wheat 28 cog. It done well dod not have 1 spout stop. 9th Drilled 2 acres 3 roods of wheat at Brookend, this was bean stubble. Drilled Bromwich wheat which was grown by Mr Hartop, had the 28 cog. It done very nicely. 11th Began to drill Bromwcih wheat in Row field with the 28 cog. The first 3 acres was Winter bean stubble. It was ploughed early and dry. The first 2 acres had nor been scuffled which drilled very nicely. The 3 acres had been scuffled which did not go quite so well. Then came the tare land which went rather heavy. I am of the opinion to think that bean stubble is the best ploughed early and dry & not to be in too much hurry in putting the wheat in as I think November is a good time to put wheat in. Land that is ploughed very dry & early will work at almost any time. 12th Ploughed the wurtzel land for wheat which is very unkind, we carted it rather too much getting the wurtzels off as the weather was very unfavourable. Then folded the ewes on it as there was a few rabbis about it where the wurtzels were missed. We thought it would do the land good but the weather has not been suitable for folding as it has been very wet. 13th Went to drill wheat in the tilthe which was most of it tare land. It did not do well, the wheels picked up very much as we have not killed all the twitch & the land was not dry to do well. Drilled Bromwich wheat, 28 cog, This is the last piece after roots. 14th Let the cows lie in all day for the first time. Let the ewes lei in at night & give them tare straw. 15th Parked the lambs with the intent of fatting the wethers, I think of giving the wethers a pint of beans a day each & the she’s half a pint. 16th Went to Bedford market on the Pony for the first time. I bid G. Clarridge 22s for 22stone of oats for 5 quarters. He offered me them at 22s 6d by measure. 19th Took the ram from the ewes & put him on rabbis with the wethers lambs with the intent of fattening him. 20th Finished dung carting out of the yard at Churchend, laid it in a heap, this is for beans have been three days getting it out. 21st We went to drill 4 1/2 acres of Rivett wheat for Nathan George. It was heavy work, the water was standing in several of the furrows some places it was nearly up to my shoe tops behind the drill all wet slush. We had 9 bushels of wheat. I put the 26 cog on kept that on the first 2 acres put the 28 cog on for the 2 acres, did not have quite enough wheat to finish. I waqs very much surprised as I thought that I should not get 2 bushels to the acre on with the 26 cog on. There was only three of us went, we laid the whip down before we began & never had it any more after we finished. 22nd. I found one of the best ewe lambs dead when I went to them in the morning. I took my knife out of my pocket and stuck it as I thought perhaps it might do for London, but it did not bleed very much. Then sent it to Eli for him to dress it but he said it was not fit for anything but dogs. Father made 11s of the skin at Bedford. Something Wonderful. November 24th we had dinner at fathers as it was Sunday, had mutton, Emma asked for her second piece, I promised to book it. December 1st. Began to give the ewes chaff and corn. I shall give them half a pint of beans each a day. 2nd I went to Mr Claridges to see George. Stayed to supper got home about 11 oclock. 4th Took a horn full of barley in with the intent of thrashing it by hand. This has been a beautiful drying day, hope we shall be favoured with some more lioke it has we have had a great deal of wet in November, it has been very catching for the seeding. There are a great many people not finished yet, and some not half done. It has been a bad time for ploughing & almost everything else, we have not been to plough only 1 1/2 days at home since the 26th October. Tomorrow if nothing prevents we expect to go to drill for J. Wise with our horses, after this I wish to go to plough again for a few days if the weather permits & nothing else prevents. I think it should set in frosty for a time, the land would be the best ploughed. I put 1 old ewe & 2 of the best thrives on Rabbis with the ewe lambs on the 29th November, on account of being poor. Hope to get them stronger before they lamb. 5th This morning it was a sharp frost so that we could not go to drill. Went to haulm cart which done very nicely, finished at Churchend. 6th I began to give the feeding lambs 1 Pottle more beans a day when they are ground. 7th J Wise sowed his wheat as the weather is not suitable for drilling. I felt inclined to sow the wurtzel land today as it was a beautiful drying day, but did not as I thought it was not dry enough to take horses on it. We ploughed a piece of barley stubble behind the house for beans, next to that we ploughed on the 26th October. The land was all rabbis last year I wish to see which will grow the best beans. 12th & 13th Carted the manure on for beans at Churchend. This was in the middle of the field behind the house, it being a nice frost went on well.. 21st Finished spreading the manure for beans at Churchend. 23rd Finished ploughing the 8 acre bit in the bottom field. There is part of it tares & part of ir roots, I think the rest of it is for oats. 23rd Used the last of the winter beans. Had 18 loads, 3 bushels, 1 peck off 3 acres as near as I could keep the account. 24th Began to plough the manure in for the Spring beans at Churchend. 28th I went to Bedford Market, took 1 fat sow and 1 fat pig. The saw made £7. 16s, the fat pig £5. 1s. I sold 8 quarters of barley to Mr Jabez paine at 41s a quarter. 29th I began to give the feeding lambs 1 pottle of barley a day which brings their corn to a pint and half each a day. 30th Robert Barnett has been thrashing Spring beans by the day, they are very rare. Thrashed between 10 & 11 bushels. 31st This being the last day of the year I want to finish this copy, so I will put a little about the weather. We have had a deal of wet this winter which made it bad for seeding & ploughing to, it has been very mild to take it on the average. Had but very little frost at present. 4th January. [1873] I went to Bedford Market took 3 fat pigs to Staffords sale, made £12 . 3s. These were fellow to the one which made £5. 1s last week but not quite so good. Today there was a great many there & trade was not quite so good. 8th Finished ploughing the beans at Church end. 9th I am now giving the feeding lambs 11/2 pint of corn a day each. 1 pottle of barley between them, the rest beans. Robert Barnett has been thrashing oats by the day, today thrashed 12 bushels. I am now giving the 22 ewes 1 peck of beans when they are ground & 1 pottle of tares. 10th Took a new pull of Barley in to thrash by hand, did not begin until after dinner, had 2 carts, 5 of us got done a little before 6 oclock. Began about half past 1 oclock, we are giving 2s 6d a quarter for thrashing. Men are now having 12 s a week for labour. 10th Stopt putting the sheep in Church Close with the intent of mowing it. 16th I put 4 of the least ewe lambs with the feeding ones with the intent of feeding them. Have 10 left for breeding. I give the stores ½ pint of beans a day each. The feeding ones I give 1 ½ pints a day each. I have not had much experience in feeding lambs, this is my third year. Father has not had the management of any when feeding. I think I am very liberal with corn when feeding. I proposed giving them part linseed cake but father did not hold with it. He don’t know what corn I do give them. Its my desire to have some good ones to send to market, but don’t know whether I shall be fortunate enough to make them so. There is one thing about our flock makes me feel rather dis-satisfied that is we can’t get them so large as I could wish for. 21st Began to cart the manure on for beans at Brookend, did not do very well as the frost was not sharp enough to bear well, done nearly 5 lands out of the 6. We had a heap that was carted out of the yard on the 16th July, I think I am rather to be blamed for nopt getting this on before this, although this has been a very bad year for dung carting as we have had so little frost. I recollect father saying that we ought to get that on when we have a chance. I said theres sure to be a frost to get that little on, it was my desire to be getting on with the ploughing when the land was dry. I thought today that it would be a wise plan when we have a heap out there before harvest to cart it on the top end of the field when it is quite dry soon after harvest, as it is very hard work for the horses to cart it up that hill when it cuts. 24th Began to plough for beans at Brooknd. 25th I went to Bedford Market & sold 9 quarters of barley to Mr Paine at 44s a quarter. This was out of the same stack & thrashed by hand the same as that I sold a month ago for 41s. 27th Finiched manuring for beans at Brookend & manured the lays too. I think it was the sharpest frost this morning that we have had this winter. Took a wheat stack in at Brookend this afternoon with the intent of thrashing it by hand. February 1st. Father took the fat Ram to Mr Staffords sale, he only made £4. 10s. It was my wish to have him clipped but father did not consent. I valued him at £5. Fathr said he might have made £4. 10 out of his wool. Mr Lovell had one there last week made £4. 14s he said he thought it would have made quite as much out of the wool in a week from now. I began to give the ewes a peck of oats a day so they are having 3 half pecks of split beans a day & one of oats. 10th Began to give them a wheelbarrow full of Wurtzel a day. I took one of the best ewe lambs to Eli’s for him to kill and send to London, only weighed ----- Made -----. This was one of the 3, the least that we had, made 15s of the skin. Began to plough the Rabbi land for barley which does not plough well as we have had so much wet & not much frost. 12th Finished ploughing the beans this was at Brookend, ploughed very bad. 15th Sent 4 of the least ewe tegs to to Rogerses sale at Bedford. They are very small. 3 of them have been feeding about a month the other 1 had not been feeding. Today washed 6 of the best of the fat ones, it was a beautiful day although there was some ice on the pond & snow under the hedges in some places. I don’t like the thought of washing sheep when there is ice as I think it looks cruel. They did not appear top feel the cold after they gor out, but a very little, let them have some liberty in the Close with the ewes so they kept walking about and the sun shone beautifully. 18th &19th . Carted the manure out of the yard for roots. 20th Took the last piece of barley in to thrash by hand. 19th Began lambing the first ewe, has twins. Eli had one of the fat tegs, clipped its fleece wighed about 11lbs , sheep weighed 10 stoen, gave £2. 9s. 21st Drilled about 4 bushels of Winter tares, this was on the hill on the bottom field, had the 20 cog, it was not hardly dry enough. This afternoon Eli shorn 4 of the best tegs and I one, ready for Market tomorrow. They are nice and fat but not very large. 22nd I went to Bedford market to take the 5 to Rogers & Harris’s sale. The two best made £2.12.6d each. The other three made £2.6.6d each. Today they drilled some of the wheat ove again in the top field. Drilled Bromwich, 28 cog. It done pretty well except the hedge side. 24th Today I increased the ewes corn to 1 ½ pints a day each, give them all beans we only have 5 lambs at this time. March 1st. Began bean seeding, 2 men began to set with single dib at Brookend. It came on rain so that they had to stop, so I expect they did not do much. 3rd. Monday. Rained again so that they did not go near it. Today used the last of the rabbis, penned the tegs on the seeds & began to give them wurtzels, I cut them. 6th I took 4 of the best wether tegs to St Neots, to be sold by auction by Brown. These were in wool, the first 2 made 59s each and the other two 63s each. 6th I sold black mare Brisk, 5 years old, to Mr Edward Brown of Grafham for £50. She has been at work the same as the others & lived the same, she is rough and bare. Don’e know whether I did right or wrong in selling her as we have only 2 working horses left, beside the Pony, rising 3 years old and a cart filly risng 2 years which is unbroken. When we was loading the sheep Father says you may sell the mare too if you can get £50 for her. Wheh I told him tonight, that I had sold her he seemed very serious, he said he did not think I should get it, aid he had not thought about it all day. If in case the filly does not work right we shall be rather put about. I quite thought that father had made up his mind to sell her as Mr Brown had wanted him to set a price on her before. I took a sample of wheat to sell which was very much grown, but did not sell it as I only got bid 53s a Quarter. I also took a sample of Barleyfor Mr Green which was very fowl, wished me to sell it to Mr Murphin but he would not give me a bid for it. I wanted to buy 5 or 6 quarters of Oats but did not find any to suit. 8th Finished Bean seeding at Brookend. Give ---- and acre The men began setting at Churchend. 10th Drilled the peas, had the rows 8 inches wide, had the 16 cog. Drilled about 2 load, done fairly well. This was in the middle of the field, behind the house, well manured, part Wheat and part Barley stubble. 5th Finished ploughing the Rabo land for Barley which is very unkind. 15th Finished Bean seeding. Today had 2 men setting Spring Wheat in the little field, it was sown Rivet but is very bare in some places. 15th. Eli bought 4 fat tegs in wool at the sale at Bedford at £4. 7s. 6d each 17th I bid him £3.10s for the wool when he clips them as he has washed them, he wanted £4. Tonight I cut 26 lambs tails. 19th I have been to Swinesgead Wood to woodcart the last 3 days. The road is very bad. Today we had a mare got stuck in the dirt & fell down so that we had to empty all the load. 20th Finished lambing, we have had a very good lambing, I have not had the trouble to put one lamb to another ewe. We have 25 ewes, have not lost one, have 2 guest ones, 11 bought single lambs & 12 bought couples. Have 1 lamb died & 2 come dead. Have 9 couples at this time. 21st I went to Sharnbrook Station to fetch a ton of manure with Bonny, I got there before the manure. We received a paper yesterday to sat that it left the works 2 days so we thought it was in the way at Sharnbook. The Station Master told me that we need not trouble ourselves until we received a note from him, as they could not make us pay for the truck until he sent ud word it was there. Then if we did not get it away in the time he allowed us we should have to pay. 27th Drag harrowed the root land for Barley which is not hardly dry enough. 28th Drilled it wioth the 18 cog put an about 6 bushels to the acre, most of it went in well except the piece where we ploughed last which is unkind I proposed doing this bit first but don’t know whether I am right or not. I think the last piece would have been better if we had left it & scuffled it about more. Today had a little heifer calved with a steer calf, we intend letting it lay with her as she is only 1 ½ years old. March 31st (1873) Finished Barley seeding. This was tilthe the other side of barn Field, it lay in ruff clods all Winter, we intended ploughing it again but it came so much wet we thought it best left as it was, I believe it was too. Had the 20 cog, well went in. Dragharrowed it before we drilled it. April 1st. Drag harrowed a piece I bottom field for oats. 3rd Finished thrashing wheat, had Desborough’s Machine. Thrashing 13 hours. Charged £2. 5s. 6d. Burnt abouit 14 cwt of coal. £19. 6s for the men ---- had ---- quarters of wheat. 4th Began stirring for roots which is very sad. 8th Finished it. Began hoeing Winter beans. 9th Began wheat hoeing. Give 3s 9d an acre. 5th I went to Bedford market and sold 8 qtrs of rivets, 62 lbs at 52s to Mr Hipwell. I showed a sample of barley wanted 42s but copuld not get only 40s. So I did not sell. I am afraid I done wrong in not sellin as the malting season will soon be over. I bid money for some oats but did not buy them. 12th Father went to Bedford market ans sold 5 ½ quarters of Barley to Mr Piggott at 39s a qtr. 14th Finished seeding, this was about 3 acrs of oats. Drilled whate short oats 30s a quarter, had the 16 cog, sowed 10 cwt of artificial manure on it which cost £4. 5s.. This was the other side of the bottom field after wheat the 4th crop after fallow. 15th Finished hoeing Winter beans the first time over. Give 3s. 9d an acre. Today the sheep went on the road for te first time this Pring, its my desire to keep them out of Barn Close from this time. 16th Began to plough the root land the third time over, it ploughs better this time. Father made an exchange with the little scuffle far another nearly new, with Thomas Matthews of Gt Staughton. Fathr gave £2.10s. 19th I went to Bedford Market & sold 8 qtrs of Wheat 62lbs to Mr Newberry at 54s 6s quarter. I also bid George Clarridge 53s 6d a quarter for 6 quarters 62lbs, this was in the morning, he told me he sold it to Mr Newberry at 54s a quarter. April 19th Finished ploughing the root land for the third time. 21st Began to hoe peas. I let the sheep lie out. 18th Turned the sheep on the seeds have a fair crop. 21st I took part of the corn off so that I only give them 1 pint. 22nd Began to hoe Spring beans at Brookend. 24th Broke the blue grey filly in which is 2 years old seems to be very quiet. Today finished hoeing peas the first time over. Give 3s 9d an acre. Man are now having 12s a week. 25th Finished ploughing the root land the 4th time. 26th Roan heifer calved roan cow calf. 26th Dragharrowed it, it is very rough. I am of that opinion to think that land intended for mangle wurtzels & kohl rabbi. Ought to be ploughed directly after harvest when quite dry. 29th Finished clotting it. Dragharrowed it again, then harrowed it with the 3 heavy harrows where we intend setting mangle wurtzels & twitched it. It seems very dry and rough. Began to sow clover & hoe it in, this is in the Barley after wurtzels. 30th Stitched nearly 3 roods for wurtzels & carted the manure on, put 16 good loads in. May 1st. Sowed 2 ½ cwt of artificial manure on it and stitched it back again. Sowed the seeds, sowed about 6 acres, sowed ¾ cwt of clover seed & ½ of trefoil separate. 2nd Richard Mays and I was one day clotting the land over again where we intend setting Potatoes & Rabbis, it is very dry, I don’t know whether the weather will come suitable for putting Rabis in as I think it would be useless putting anything in until it comes wet. Tuirned the Filleys out to grass in Brookend Lays. Began to hoe Spring beans at Churchend. Finished taking beans in only had 4 cart loads. 3rd I went to Bedford Market & sold 2 ½ quarters of rivett wheat 62 lbs at 53s a Qtr. I also sold him 5 ½ qtrs of Red, 62 lbs at 55s 6d a Qtr. To Mr Elgood. I bought 2 qtrs of oats, 11st. 6lbs at 22s. 6d a qrt & 3 qtrs of maize at 32s a qtr of Mr Church. I bid John Hawkins 52s 6d for 10 qtrs of rivels, he offered me it the next Monday at 52s. 5th This was a wet morning when it began to clear up again about nine oclock we went to dunf cart, put it on the rabis on the flat, it was a little dirty on the wheels. 6th Had another nice shower in the night, went to dung cart again & finished it. Then ploughed one piece for Rabis. Borrowed a roll and rolled the stitches then set the wurtzels. Rolled the piece that we ploughed for Rabis. Its my opinion that it would have been better to have drilled it today. 7th Turned the cows out to grass in Barn Close. 8th Finished ploughimng for Rabis, rolled it each day after we ploughed it. Set the potatoes, set about 4 bushels. They are foreign ones, ploughed them in. This was manured, then I sowed 2 ½ cwt of artificial manure on 3 chain for Rabis & Potatoes, don’t know whether it will do any good or not. 9th Drilled ythe Rabis, had the rows 20 inches, am of the opinion to think they are too near, although some people have then 18 inches. I sowed about 3 cwt of artificial manure to the acre on part of it, broadcast and ploughed it in. Today I dropped 2 ½ cwt in the rows in the other 3 roods, I missed a row second from the top wurtzels the third I dropped twice over by way of experiment. Then rolled it, I left the row next to the bottom wirtzels, I had droped manure in. this I left this by way of experiment as some people say that it will do any good when exposed to the sum. We put as good dressing of farm yard on all of it. The weather has been very suitable the last week, they are gone in much better than any one would have expected after seeing it so rough and dry. 9th Finished hoeing Spring beans the first time over at Churchend. Give 4s. 6d and acre. Began to hoe the winter beans the second time over. Began to hoe barley in Barn Field. 12th Began to hoe peas the second time over. 14th Today I set a pen for the sheep & lambs to have their corn in, I think the lambs will take to it better when penned especially after going on the road as theyu always want to graze about the seeds while the sheep are eating the corn. We have 65 together. I give them ½ a bushel of coen when ground. I left off giving one heifer and one steer corn tonight. I shall keep one giving the 2 calves and 2 young steers it once a day for a time. 15th Father seems to think that the milking heifer might do without corn now, its my opinion that it would be better to give it to her once a day for a while as she milks well, give about 15 quarts a day. I shall leave the corn off with all of them except 1 downcalving cow which we intend selling. I shall gice her ½ a peck once a day. I shall give the heifer a small piece of hay once a day. I went to Mr Olivers to look at a twoshear Ram just clipped he wanted £5. 10s for it. It was a big sheep of the longwooled breed, I did not like it so I did not buy it. 16th Father bought a Tup lamb hog off Eli for £3. 19s . I believe this to be a Cotswold Breed it’s a large Teg by it has a light skin. I proposed having this but I have been sorry today I did not but Olivers as I am a great advocate of heavy skin sheep. Today finished hoeing peas the second time over, hoed them ourselves. Asfter a careful examination of our Ram I have come to the conclusion that he is a crossbreed sheep, between a Hampshire Down & Leicester or Lincoln. I allow him to cut 8lbs of wool. Father says 9, Eli says over 10. Its my desire to find out how he was bred & to weigh he wool when clipped & then I shall know whether my judgement is good ot not. 17th Rose the men to 13 shillings. 19th Finished Barley Hoeing, give 3s 9d. Began to hoe Brookend Beans the second time over to clean the runs out ready for horse hoeing. Began to hoe Oats. 20th Finished hoeing the Winter beans the second time over. Give 5s an acre. Began to hoe Church field Wheat the second time over or rather to cut the thistles out. 26th Finished hoeing the Oats, give 3s 9d. Today sent a ewe for Eli to kill as she has shot her wether again. This is the one that shot it before she lambed. I think its not a very common thing for them to be so at this time of the year. She has left 2 lambs. 27th Washed the sheep in a tub at the Brook, 33 in number. Weighed the wool which came off the fat tegs, 6 fleeces weighed 59 lbs. 29th Sheared the Tup cut 10lbs of wool, so I did not junge right. I believe him to be halfbred Hampshire Down. Fimished hoeing Brookend beans the second time over by the day. Father measured the Oats on that bit the other side of Bottom field which is 2 ½ acres all but 2 poles. The Barley in Row Field measured 4 ½ acres and 25 poles. 31st Finished thrashing beans only ave about 13 bushels left at this time. Now we have finished thrashing and dressing the corn I can give a little account of what the Harvet of 1872 produced. Barley 9 acres 20 poles- 38 Qtrs 3 Bushels 1 peck. Winter Beans 3 acres, 18 loads, 6 bushels 1 peck. Spring beans, 4 acres. 3 roods. 28 loads. Had 3 acres of Oats, 16 Qtrs, but did not thrash them clean as we cut the straw into chaff. Had about 3 acres of tares, but don’t know how much ground there was. 2nd June 1873. Began hoeing Churchend beans the second time over. 4th Shorn the Tegs & part of the ewes, the ewe tegs wool averaged just 10 lbs each. Beagn to hoe the Winter beans the third time over. 7th Finished Shearing. 10th Dipped the Lambs only have 29 at this time. 15th Finished hoeing Winter Beans the third time overhoed them ourselves. Began Fallow. 18th Left off giving the ewes corn & began to give the lambs a few split beans & bran. 19th Finished hoeing Churchend Spring Beans the second time over, by the day. 20th Horse hoed the Wurtzels the first time over, they are very small. Began to hand hoe the Rabbis the first time over by the day they are small and foul 21st Had the blue grey Filly covered by Englands Glory. I don’t know whether we are wise in so doing or not as she is opnly 2 years old. I am not an advocate for putting 2 years old so but have not had any experience in the matter. There is one thing I fear that we shall work her to hard has we have only two more workers & one of them has been covered. Bonny was covered by him last year 3 times and 3 times this year, last week was the last time, so we are afraid she will not stand. The man offered to take one of the others for 2s 6d. I feel very anxious to have one foal. Father thinks it would be useless to have Depper covered, has she has been put to 2 different horses and has not had a foal, so therefore he thought he would have the filly covered. We have been rather unfortuneate in breeding the last 2 years as we tried 2 mares the last 2 years and have no increase, had 1 good foal last year that died. 22nd Red cow calved with a road calf which we intend keeping. 23rd Began to mow tares for the horses they are very light where we began. Ythis was tares 4 years ago on his side. I believe that is the cause of their being so light. Tonight I shall let the sows lie out I have had them in the yard up to this. Time on te account of making manure as we have plenty of straw left. I am of the opinion tp hink they are the best out now as it begins to get hot in the middle of the day. 25th Finished hoing the roots the first time over. This was a very bad bit of hoeing so rough and dry & solid too, I said it was like flat hoeing potatoes. We have about 2 ½ acres of roots Robert & I have been 4 ½ days hoeing them by the day. Men are having 13 s a week. That would bring it to about 8 shillings an acre. 27th Finished hoeing Brookend Beans the third time over by the day. 27th Began haytime, 1 mower. Today carted 5 loads of manure on the new grass laid it thin. 28th Sent a cow fresh calved to Mr Rogers sale did not sell the calf. The cow traps were very windy. Mr Hartop said 50 against her, the trade is bad in London too. She had ½ peck of corn a day all the time. I valued the corn at £21 thought she might nake 25. She made £21. Sent 7 store pigs to Staffords sale 17 weeks old made 28s each which is not much money. Today I began to give the sheep tares, set them a pen. 30th Transplanted Rabis in the garden amongst the wurtzels. This was very suitable day. Mr Green bid Father £48s 6d for the wool but Father did not sell it.
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