• Reference
  • Title
    Depositions of James Scrivener, out of business of Steventon. George Mardlin, police constable of Turvey. In the case of William Brown accused of stealing pea sticks, the value of 6 pence.
  • Date free text
    23 July 1864
  • Production date
    From: 1864 To: 1864
  • Scope and Content
    James Scrivener: he was out of business. He had some pea sticks in his possession on 29 June and he missed them on 2 July. On 5 July he went to search the prisoners garden which was opposite his. When he got there he found some sticks in the ground he believed to be his and he took some of them away. He had bought the sticks from Mr Bolton and another bundle from Mr Wright, which were still in his garden. He had missed wood over the years. George Mardlin: he went with the accused and Mr Scrivener to the accused’s garden. He told the prisoner he wanted to look for pea sticks as Mr Scrivener had lost some. Srcivener took some pea sticks out of the garden and the accused said, in Scrivener’s presence, that he had not bought any wood for 3 years. Statement of the accused: he was innocent of the charge against him.
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